In the Blade

Chapter 140 General Wang Tong

So, after the three generals sent by the Jian'an court to suppress the rebellion arrived in Yizhou, the flag of rebellion was immediately raised on the top of the city wall of Yizhou.

This time, the people of Yizhou were no longer indifferent to the previous state. The bloody tragedy at the city gate had ignited their anger and made them understand that the court of Jian'an did not take them seriously at all - instead, the legendary rebel killed those evil thieves at this critical moment and kept the peace of the city.

So, which side to choose, is it still necessary to think about it?


People surrounded Du Chengfeng, lifted his sturdy body in the air, praised him all the way, and sent him back to the governor's office - then, some smart people took down the flags symbolizing Dachen on the top of the city wall.

However, they had not yet decided what to hang the new flag, so they just hung some cloth sheets and curtains on it. The colorful appearance made people who didn't know think it was a cover put up by a cloth shop.

Anyway, as long as they don't hang the flag of Dachen, the people of Yizhou are expressing their dissatisfaction in this way.

"So what is going on!"

In the court far away in the capital of Jian'an, the prime minister who was in front of all the officials was shouting angrily.

"How did Yizhou really rebel? What are you generals doing!"

"Prime Minister! What are you talking about!"

The generals led by General Wang Tong were dumbfounded. God knows how this black pot flew to them.

What a joke, it was because the prime minister said that Yizhou rebelled, and even two masters with evil spirits appeared, that they sent the masters in the army to suppress the rebellion. Now three fourth-rank generals died in Yizhou. They haven't asked the prime minister for an explanation yet, but the prime minister actually put the responsibility on them first?

It's just nonsense! Did they force Yizhou to rebel?

"What else?"

The prime minister did not give the generals a chance to perform and continued to approach.

"Fourth-rank General Cai Yi had previously attacked civilians during the rebellion. He was impeached countless times by the Censorate, but he was saved by your general Wang, who said that he would give the young man another chance... Now? This is the young man who knows his mistakes and can correct them!"

As he said this, the prime minister raised his hand and threw a document sent from Shannan Road.

Then, he bowed to the young man in the high position wearing a royal robe.

"Your Majesty, I think the general has gone too far this time."


On the high position, the young emperor just remained silent, and his eyes seemed a little confused.

This palace is so huge that even if the young emperor sits on the main seat, he looks so small.

"I think this matter..."

"Your Majesty, suppressing the rebellion is important."

The prime minister bowed again.

"Why not give the general a chance to make meritorious contributions while atonement for his crime?"

"Ah...Oh! The prime minister is right!"

The young emperor came to his senses and nodded repeatedly.

"Alright! Just as the prime minister said!"

So, with a few words from several people, the direction of the Southern Chen Dynasty was determined.

General Wang Tong was responsible for organizing manpower and leading troops to suppress the rebellion.

The civil officials were very satisfied with this. With the general's presence, the rebellion would definitely be resolved. Most military officials could also accept it. After all, General Cai Yi did cause trouble. It was a good thing to have a solution now.

Only a few generals, and General Wang Tong himself, frowned until the court meeting was over.

"The prime minister Jia Wen is really bullying!"

After returning to the general's mansion, the generals who followed Wang Tong cursed directly.

"He clearly agreed to save Cai Yi! He also said that it's not easy to have a ten thousand enemy these days, so it's better to stay and deal with the grassland people... Now he's doing this?"

"Okay, he is the prime minister after all."

Take a deep breath, and General Wang Tong didn't get angry after all.

No matter how angry he was, Wang Tong still maintained considerable restraint. After all, the prime minister Jia Wen is now powerful, and the emperor trusts him even more. It's not an exaggeration to say that he obeys his orders. If he tears his face with the prime minister at this time, even if he is a general, he will only cause trouble.

What's more, the grassland people have already gone south.

This is what he needs to face as a general. God knows why the grassland people suddenly want to go south, but at this time when Dachen needs to unite as one, Yizhou suddenly rebelled, and the prime minister Jia Wen also...

"General, be careful of Jia Wen."

The generals who came with Wang Tong came over.

"This prime minister is now so powerful that no one can stop him. If he has any ideas..."

"That's not the case."

Wang Tong shook his head decisively.

In the final analysis, this world still respects force. Even if the prime minister is powerful, what can he do? As long as Wang Tong still has this courage, no matter how aggressive the prime minister is, he can kill him.

On the contrary, if he, as a general, confronts the prime minister, this is a real taboo.

With his tyrannical strength and no one being able to make irresponsible remarks, even if the young emperor did not doubt him, his men would inevitably feel that the weather was cold and they should give him some extra clothes.

After all, this Da Chen built his country by force.

The Great Chen Taizu had made a good start. As long as he could kill all the enemies with extremely powerful force, no one could question the legitimacy of the royal family. Fortunately, the Great Chen Taizu himself was not a human being. So facing the giant who was already nearly two feet tall and even getting taller and taller, like a god coming to the world, people could only hold their noses and recognize him.

But the descendants of Taizu Chen...

It’s hard to describe in one word.

It is obvious that Taizu Chen had a body comparable to that of a god, but his descendants all behaved like ordinary people. Although there were one or two brave ones among them, they could only be regarded as ordinary people. That is to say, everyone has become accustomed to peace. The benefits of life, so no one is willing to rebel, otherwise, if there are some more brave than the royal family...

There is no need to worry about this, Wang Tong himself is the brave person.

At the age of twenty, the evil spirit entered the body, and at the age of twenty-five, the evil spirit was released. Now, Wang Tong is already over fifty, and his physical strength has not shown any signs of decline. Coupled with the experience and technology accumulated over the past few decades, it is precisely as a The peak period of a military commander.

But Wang Tong never thought of anything to replace it.

This is also why he became a general. His firm will to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country supported his courage. No matter who would rebel, he would never be able to rebel.

However, knowing loyalty is not enough. You still have to show it occasionally to avoid unreasonable suspicions.

After all, the Emperor of Dachen is still a little too young.

Of course, if it was just young, it would actually be okay. After all, Wang Tong himself was young, but the most important thing is that the strength of His Majesty the Emperor is really...

Having grown up in a deep palace, it is difficult for His Majesty the Emperor to strengthen his will through the training of evil spirits. But the problem is that His Majesty the Emperor is not a scholar. Even as a general, he has collected many magic weapons for His Majesty. Treasure weapons, and even miraculous recipes, but His Majesty the Emperor's combat power is still comparable to that of ordinary people.

Especially when entering the huge palace set up for Emperor Taizu and sitting on the throne set up for the huge body of two feet tall, this contrast became obvious to the extreme.

If you are not strong enough, you will inevitably feel unconfident, and after losing your self-confidence, people will also become suspicious.

Wang Tong didn't want his loyalty to the emperor and his country to be doubted, at least not now. After all, he had to face those prairie people, and even the mad king of the prairie people.

I heard that the grassland Khan enjoyed fighting, but he had a crazy temper. But it happened that such a madman was the easiest to master power.

"This world is crazy..."

Thinking of this, Wang Tong couldn't help but feel enlightened.

But immediately, he strengthened his will.

Even in this crazy world, there are always people who have to do something sensible.

"So, why is the treasury empty?"

Three days later, General Wang Tong angrily came to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Where is the money and food accumulated by the imperial court? Where is the salary collected before? Where is it? Why is there nothing in it?"

"General, please be patient."

Prime Minister Jia Wen just sighed.

"You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are. Now there are places in Dachen that are in need of money and food. To put it simply, is it necessary to stop the construction of the imperial mausoleum because of the Northern Expedition?"


When he heard that Jia Wen actually carried out the imperial mausoleum, Wang Tong suddenly lost his temper.

That was the mausoleum of the Da Chen royal family, and the former Da Chen Taizu was buried inside. If he dared to have an opinion on this matter, it would be disloyal.

"What's more, our Majesty wants to build a new garden for practicing alchemy..."

Arching his hands in the direction of the palace, Jia Wen sighed again.

"In short, there is not much money and food left. If the general is really in need, then I will raise more money."

"You better hurry up."

At this moment, although Wang Tong's face was calm, murderous intent was already rising in his heart.

No matter what excuses Prime Minister Jia Wen used, it is already a fact that the troops are without food and pay. That is to say, he still needs Jia Wen to raise money and food for the time being. When the money and food are raised in place, after the return of the Northern Expedition, he will be the one to kill these people. It’s time to be in disgrace!

It doesn't matter if the emperor is suspicious of him because of this, Jia Wen has gone too far. At worst, after killing Jia Wen, he will retire and return to his hometown, never to be interested in world affairs again.

But what Wang Tong didn't expect was that even the raising of money and food could go wrong.

This is the belated first update. I have rewritten this chapter over and over several times. The scraps add up to more than 5,000 words. It’s so annoying that I continue to type. There will be another update in the afternoon.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support. I feel even more ashamed that I belong.

Thanks to book friend 20220816135649143 for the reward, it’s really a waste of money.

I quickly continued to code. I didn’t want to eat lunch.

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