In the Blade

Chapter 146: Methods of Attacking the Heart

The method of attacking the heart, this is the secret technique Qian Yu used to kill Li Nanfeng.

Those who can control the evil spirit and use it for their own benefit are all strong men with firm wills, but it is this extremely firm will that has become the biggest weakness of these strong men.

As long as you know what these strong men are obsessed with, you can find a way to disintegrate this firm will. Once that firm will is disintegrated, no matter how fierce and domineering the strong men are, they can only be regarded as ordinary people who are slightly stronger.

Ordinary people will hesitate, be confused, be lost, and even hesitate to move forward.

When masters fight, even a moment of confusion is a huge flaw that is fatal.

"So what does Du Chengfeng of Yizhou want?"

At a tea stall in Yizhou City, Qian Yu, dressed as a rich man, was frowning.

The process of sneaking into Yizhou was easier than he imagined, even easier than sneaking into Yangzhou before - the whole Yizhou seemed to have no defense at all, or in other words, except for the rebellion, everything else in Yizhou was operating normally as before.

There were no soldiers on the street, and there was no sign of defending the city. The whole Yizhou was just like a rebellion, and the so-called uprising was just like a joke.

But Qian Yu couldn't laugh.

The Yizhou city in front of him was too outrageous. He couldn't infer any clues related to Du Chengfeng from the current situation. Facing a Yizhou city that raised the rebellion flag but had no signs of rebellion, he began to be confused.

"It shouldn't be..."

The old Qian Yu couldn't taste anything after drinking the good tea.

"Does he really not want to rebel? Then why did he do this?"

"Try to get close, maybe you can find out."

Next to Qian Yu, the short man dressed in Lao Pu didn't seem to care.

"Old Qian, if you just sit here, you won't be able to see anything."

"I know."

Qian Yu frowned even more.

Although he had tried it himself and knew how powerful the secret technique taught to him by Prime Minister Jia Wen was, and even used it to kill Li Nanfeng, who had mastered the Xuanpin technique, he knew that even with this technique, it would be impossible to kill the strong man by just sitting by the tea stall.

Just as the short man who was good at using a big shield said, he had to contact the man named Du Chengfeng first to find out his weakness.

But that was the problem.

How should he approach?

According to the local people, that man had been hiding in the old barracks in the northeast corner of Yizhou City, together with some refugees from the north. He had thought about trying to join, but those refugees from the north were extremely xenophobic - in the words of those refugees, there were already enough old men in the team, and no more old men were needed to cause trouble.

This was the first time Qian Yu heard such a ridiculous refusal. What did he mean by "too many old men"?

Faced with this group of people who were connected by their hometown, Qian Yu, as an outsider, had no chance to integrate. Even if he had the chance to join, it was still unclear whether he would be qualified to meet Du Chengfeng.

Of course, he could also choose a more direct method, such as letting the short man beside him directly raise his shield and attack, but in that case, they would probably have to fight head-on with two masters with murderous auras.

That was not what they wanted. A head-on confrontation was undoubtedly the most stupid behavior.

But if he didn't go head-on, how could he get in touch with Du Chengfeng?

There was really a way.

According to local residents, Du Chengfeng didn't stay in the old barracks every day. He would occasionally come out to have breakfast in the shop, or find a tea stall to drink a cup of tea - and the tea stall near the old barracks where they were sitting was said to be the one Du Chengfeng frequented most.

That was why Qian Yu chose to sit here.

Wait a minute, there should be some gains.

After all, it is not only Du Chengfeng who patronizes this tea stall, but also those refugees from the north. Before Du Chengfeng comes, they can try to see if they can get some opinions about Du Chengfeng from those refugees from the north.

"What? You ask me what I think of Brother Du?"

After hearing Qian Yu's question, a man dressed as a carpenter scratched his head.

"Ordinary people, about the same as us... I know there may be some sayings in Yizhou, but those are rumors. Brother Du is not that scary."

"Ordinary people..."

Qian Yu frowned.

Another confusing information. You must know that the strong who can release the evil spirit are more or less obsessed, which distinguishes them from ordinary people - to put it bluntly, the obsession is so strong that the brain is more or less abnormal. How can such a person be an ordinary person?

There must be something wrong, and he needs to collect more information.

"Oh, you asked me about Du Zhuangshi, I know this!"

Beside the tea stall, an old man in a wheelchair was talking excitedly.

"I saw it when I was in Jibei! This man is a real dragon born to be an emperor!"

"Ah this..."

No matter how good Qian Yu was at chatting, he couldn't help sweating at this moment.

But the wheelchair old man had no intention of letting him go. He dragged him to the tea stall for half an hour until a young junior came to call him back to eat, and then he reluctantly left the tea stall.

Only Qian Yu, who was sprayed with spit, was left shaking his head.

Indeed, the Du Chengfeng mentioned by the old man surnamed Yang was closer to the image of a traitor, but Qian Yu always felt that compared with Du Chengfeng, the old man surnamed Yang might be a little more abnormal.

However, the facts proved that he still underestimated these refugees from the north.

Just because he encountered something more outrageous.

"What is your impression of Mr. Du? Maybe he knows more."

In front of the tea stall, a swordsman with a scar on his face was thinking carefully.

"Every time I encounter a bottleneck, Mr. Du can always help me solve my doubts... So I will definitely improve my skills, and one day I will be able to compete with him!"

After saying this, the swordsman threw down a small bag of copper coins and turned away.

On the tea table, the teacup that the swordsman had just used also slowly split into two halves, and the broken edge was as smooth as a mirror.

Qian Yu and the short man beside him looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Obviously, the swordsman was just under their noses, but neither of them noticed when the teacup was cut.

"The evil spirit is released!"

The pupils of the short man shrank.

"Old Qian, let me make it clear first, I can't deal with this person. If I fight head-on, I may die first."

"Fortunately... this is actually a good thing."

Qian Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought the two masters of Yizhou were working together, but now it seems that these two people are not a solid block. This is a point that can be used. Maybe we can try to provoke these two tigers to fight... Wait a minute."

Before he finished speaking, Qian Yu stood up, turned around and left.

This made the short man confused. Since it was said to be a good thing, why should he leave?

Shouldn't we ask the man with the wine jar in the distance...

"Don't ask him, he knows me."

Qian Yu's face was a little gloomy.

He knew Liu Bolun. To be honest, this drunkard was a former classmate of his poor child. However, according to the information he got, this drunkard had resigned from his official position long ago. God knows why he mixed with a group of refugees.

If this drunkard and Du Chengfeng were of the same mind, then the difficulty of his work this time would suddenly increase by more than ten times - although this drunkard usually spent his days idling, he was still a student from Jiankang after all, and he could be considered a scholar after rounding off.

As a scholar, Liu Bolun would definitely be able to discover some of his methods. At that time, it would be better to say that the two scholars used this matter as a battlefield rather than saying that he was trying to undermine Du Chengfeng's will.

Although Qian Yu believed that he was experienced and might not lose, Liu Bolun still had the advantage of location and people. As long as the other party can find a way to make them fight with Du Chengfeng, their action will inevitably fail.

This is not the result Qian Yu wants. What he wants is to avenge his poor child!

Fortunately, this time, the time, that is, luck, is on his side.

Not long after turning the street, Qian Yu found Du Chengfeng at the door of a restaurant. As for whether he would recognize the wrong person, Qian Yu was sure that he would not recognize the wrong person. After all, in Yizhou City, only Du Chengfeng was so tall and strong. His exaggerated height was close to seven feet. Just standing there, he seemed to be a head taller than others.

The process of approaching Du Chengfeng was also very smooth. Qian Yu didn't even use much preparation. He just used a poor excuse of losing his money bag to successfully talk to Du Chengfeng.

After talking, he would enter the field he was good at.

After years of ups and downs in the officialdom, as the chief secretary of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Qian Yu has already mastered the art of speaking in a roundabout way. Now he used it on Du Chengfeng. For a while, the two of them chatted happily about everything.

But in this happy chat, Qian Yu still felt that Du Chengfeng had something hidden in his heart.

He felt that he had found the key to the problem.

"If you have any doubts, you might as well speak directly."

Qian Yu stroked his beard and acted like an elder.

"I am also a bit old. I dare not say that I know everything, but it is good to help you answer your questions."

"Oh? Are you willing to listen? That's great!"

Hearing Qian Yu say this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but nod repeatedly.

"Have you heard a story about a big tree?"

The first update is here. I feel that my work and rest schedule has been maintained. I will quickly write the second update, estimated before twelve o'clock.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

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