In the Blade

Chapter 150 Pull up the tree roots and set off

"That's about it."

More than ten days later, Du Chengfeng, who rode back to Yizhou, talked to Liu Bolun about his previous experience.

"Anyway, there should be many masters coming to trouble me next time... I have to prepare for the battle first, and I have to be in a good state when I start."

"...Wait a minute?"

Liu Bolun, who was holding the wine jar, was dumbfounded.

Because the news was a bit too shocking, he even woke up from the wine.

It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense. Although he sighed all day long and said that Da Chen was going to end, he never thought that Da Chen would really end - especially when someone he knew told him seriously that he went out and beat the emperor to death a few days ago, which made him think that he was still asleep.

"Is it fake?"

Liu Bolun patted his head hard. He still couldn't believe that such a bullshit thing could become a reality.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't rebel? Weren't you still struggling before..."

"I've figured it out."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng's face was full of openness.

"As for the issue of rebellion... forget it, I'll tell you another story about a big tree."

After saying this, Du Chengfeng simply moved an empty jar and sat down, and began to tell the story.

It is said that a long time ago, there was also such a big tree standing by the road. Because the tree was tall, some people stopped under the tree to avoid rain. Over time, people came to live next to the tree. People built a settlement around the tree, ate the fruits that fell from the tree, picked up the branches and leaves that fell from the tree to make fire, and lived a good life with their backs against the tree.

Then one day, the tree fell.

It was not known whether it was because of felling, lightning, or just because it had reached the end of its life span, but the tree fell down anyway. At first, people thought it was nothing, after all, their lives had improved and they no longer needed the tree to survive. But soon, without the firewood and fruits provided by the tree, people returned to their original poverty.

So, in order to survive, these people left, and this road became desolate again.

"... So what do you want to say with this story?"

Liu Bolun was confused, and his eyes were full of confusion when he looked at Du Chengfeng.

If the story of the two trees he told before was at least somewhat logical, then the story Du Chengfeng told now made no sense at all. The beginning was not the beginning, and the end was not the end. He didn't even understand what this thing was talking about.

"If you ask me this, I don't know what to say."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head and tried to organize his words.

This kind of thing is not easy to summarize. After all, what he told is not the kind of fable that Liu Bolun told. It is just a very normal thing. The tree will always grow, and there will always be someone who can find this tree. The tree will fall one day, and people will always leave one day. In the long run, these are all things that are bound to happen.

Trees have their own way of living, and people have their own way of living. Maybe they have lived together for a short period of time, but they will only live their own days.

"Maybe it's the kind that life will always find its own way out."

After thinking for a long time, Du Chengfeng could only hold back this sentence.

"Just like I beat the emperor to death, this matter is just my own business from beginning to end."


Liu Bolun was stunned for a while.

He probably understood Du Chengfeng's thoughts.

Just like the inexplicable tree in the story, it appeared inexplicably on the side of the road and disappeared inexplicably - from beginning to end, the tree has been living its own life, never, and never needs to care about others.

On the contrary, those who gathered under the tree chose to gather under the tree because they were greedy for the benefits brought by the big tree.

And what does their life and death have to do with the big tree?

The big tree does not need to be responsible for the people under the tree, just as the people under the tree do not care about the big tree's own thoughts. As lives under the sky, they need to find their own way out.

"Is this the understanding you have gained in these days?"

Liu Bolun's eyes began to become blank.

"The way of heaven is constant?"

"... Who can understand what you say?"

This time it was Du Chengfeng's turn to not understand. He was really not used to Liu Bolun's way of telling stories and making jokes.

"Anyway, what I mean is that if the people in the city want to rebel, it is their own business. I am not familiar with them, and I am not their father, why should I care about their life and death?"

At this point, Du Chengfeng shook his head again.

"Of course, if the breakfast stall I often go to is smashed, I will also be angry. People have to be responsible for their own actions, so someone must be responsible for me not being able to eat breakfast."


After hearing Du Chengfeng say this, Liu Bolun, who had just been in a trance, has come back to his senses.

He was shocked. He thought Du Chengfeng had really realized some great truth, but after hearing these unfamiliar and familiar words, he realized that the Du Chengfeng in front of him was still the same unambitious person before.

Such a person may never have anything to do with enlightenment in his life.

But at this moment, Du Chengfeng suddenly raised his head.

"Someone is coming."


Liu Bolun turned his head suddenly, and then he found that an old man with white hair and beard appeared in the direction of the door.

The luxurious robe on the old man's body showed that he was from the palace. Just looking at the old man's calm temperament... This is probably a master sent from the palace!

"So you are here to kill me?"

Du Chengfeng was already excited, and he had already grabbed the weapon in his hand.

"Well, since you are here, let's take a look at my halberd!"

"Oh, look at what you said."

Facing Du Chengfeng who raised the halberd, the old man not only had no intention of fighting, but his old face was already smiling like a chrysanthemum.

"How can I fight with you?"


Du Chengfeng and Liu Bolun looked at each other, both of them were a little confused.

"I have already killed the emperor, shouldn't you..."

"Good kill!"

Before Du Chengfeng finished speaking, the old man in the palace clapped his hands.

"That treacherous minister has deceived your majesty and usurped the throne. Everyone has the right to kill him! Warrior, you killed the fake emperor, which is to restore order and rectify the government!"

As he said this, the old man in the palace came over and shook Du Chengfeng's hand affectionately.

"Your majesty has not yet rewarded you, how dare we fight you?"

The first update is here, and the second update will be around 12 o'clock.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thank you for the super sweet big watermelon's reward, it's really a waste of money.

I will continue to write, please wait.

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