In the Blade

Chapter 155 Bow and Arrow

"It turned out to be a monkey version..."

After sharpening the knife, Du Chengfeng looked at the telescopic short spear in his hand and couldn't help scratching his head.

Originally, he thought that this thing could be used against him, so it might be some kind of magic weapon - but the facts proved that he was only half right. This thing can only be regarded as a replica of a magic weapon, or even a very low-quality replica.

He saw the real magic weapon when he was sharpening the knife just now. The soft vine spear was extremely dangerous even for the level of evil spirit. For example, he chopped out a few blade lights, but the long spear on the opposite side twisted three bends and stabbed in. In that moment of surprise, it was enough for him to be stabbed through the throat.

Moreover, this was when the soft vine spear did not show other powers.

The weapons on his side can all produce blade flashes, and the soft vine spear naturally has some special means of its own - it's a pity that the monster transformed by the young killer is too weak, and the old man just stabbed it to death with a gun. It was convenient for the old man, but Du Chengfeng also lost an opportunity to peek at the magic weapon.

However, he at least saw what one of the fifteen national treasures looked like.

"It's really a good thing..."

Thinking of the soft vine spear, Du Chengfeng admitted that he was indeed a little tempted.

However, he quickly restrained this greed. After all, the spear was not his. As Liu Bolun said before leaving, if he really wanted to covet the treasure, he might step into an unknown trap.

As the old saying goes, ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand. Instead of coveting the national treasure of the Dachen royal family, it is better to see what he has gained this time.

First of all, this telescopic short spear. Although it can only be regarded as a toy at most compared to the soft rattan gun, toys also have their uses. At least with its small appearance, it can be stuffed into his old robe and mixed with the remaining knives. But when needed, just take it out and shake it, and it will be a short spear again.

And he also gained a set of uses for this short spear, which can be used to support the scene when necessary.

But the most important gain this time is the assassin's experience.

How to track, how to scout, how to assassinate secretly, how to evacuate at the fastest speed - of course, the most important thing is when to raise the price, when to outsource, and what kind of rhetoric can make the employer pay more deposits. These are the skills that killers can use to settle down, but at this moment, Du Chengfeng has learned them all.

After integrating some of his previous knowledge, such as the hunter's tracking skills, or the blackmail techniques of the ruffians, Du Chengfeng always felt that he seemed to be going further and further on a road of no return.

The gains in items and technology have made Du Chengfeng quite satisfied. It can only be said that not sleeping too deep at night is still good, and God favors everyone who stays up late.

What's more, in addition to this, he also gained information.

"Is there anyone who wants to buy my head?"

Recalling the time when he was sharpening the knife before, seeing that he was put on the bounty, Du Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

As for the reason for laughing, it was naturally because his worth was high enough. You know, Cui Yuan was only put on the price of ten gold by a group of people in Yanzhou before.

But in Jiankang, his head is worth a thousand gold.

Of course, for a rebel who had killed the emperor, this price seemed a little low, but for a killer, it was already an extremely exceptional top number - so Du Chengfeng could almost foresee that there would be a constant stream of killers looking for trouble with him on the way to Jiankang.

Just like now, as soon as he appeared at the window, a cold arrow was shot at him.

Du Chengfeng had practiced before, so he could naturally catch the arrow easily, and after a moment of thinking, he threw the arrow back.

This was also a classic question he had thought about for a while. Although in this ghost world, being able to have evil spirits enter the body already has the strength to block bows and arrows, and after the evil spirits are released, they have already regarded long-range arrows as nothing, but things like strong bows and crossbows can still kill people after all.

So here comes the question.

After a strong bow and crossbow kills someone, the evil spirit brought by it, should it be counted on the bow and crossbow, or on the arrow?

In the past, Du Chengfeng had never thought about this problem. After all, he didn't use a bow and crossbow, so this matter had nothing to do with him. But now, based on his research on evil spirits, he also needed to figure out what was going on.

Fortunately, this time, he remembered to give it a try.

But the result of the experiment was quite subtle. The assassin was obviously nailed to death by the arrow he threw back, but the evil spirit inexplicably fell on the bow. But the problem was that the bow had always been in the assassin's hand, and Du Chengfeng had never even touched it.

"Shouldn't this be killed by an arrow? How can it be counted on the bow?"

Du Chengfeng scratched his head.

It was just an example, and it was not easy to make a conclusion. So Du Chengfeng, who took the bow and arrow, returned to the inn and continued to squat and fish.

Although he also had some archery skills of the grassland people, he was a little inaccurate in this area. The root cause was that the grassland people themselves were not really accurate. However, being unfamiliar with the bow and arrow was not a big deal. He had always been accurate in throwing. Especially after Yang Sanlang sacrificed himself to offer the sword, his throwing level had reached a new level.

So after choosing to use himself to make a nest, Du Chengfeng gathered another ten in just the middle of the night.

The ten corpses were placed on the ground, and they stood out neatly. After ten comparisons, Du Chengfeng also confirmed that even if he threw arrows with his hands, the evil spirit would fall on the bow beside him.

Obviously, there is some unknown distribution mechanism in the middle. As for why it fell on the bow, he still needs to continue to study.

However, this research can't be carried out in Haizhou. There are more than a dozen dead people in one night, and they are all rushing to the imperial envoy. The governor of Haizhou was so scared that his beard turned white. At dawn, he sent Du Chengfeng and the old eunuch out of the country with courtesy, and didn't dare to let them stay for a day.

After leaving Haizhou and going south, you need to take a boat. There is a Huai River and a big river, which can only be crossed by boat. Unlike the old eunuch who was used to riding a boat, Du Chengfeng had rarely ridden a boat. The deck was inevitably bumpy, and just standing still required a lot of skill. Du Chengfeng suddenly found that most of his combat power could not be used.

However, at this time, more than a dozen assassins had already lurked underwater and pierced the bottom of the boat.

The second update is here. I will continue to write 4,000 words today and take a day off. I will have a healthy work and rest and live a healthy life.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Thank you for your support and love.

I'm going to take a rest and be a healthy person. Good night, everyone, and see you tomorrow night.

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