In the Blade

Chapter 157 Water Breaks

During the next few days of travel, Du Chengfeng even felt a little grateful to those assassins.

He wouldn't have cared about this in the past. After all, when he went to assassinate the emperor, he was just an ordinary passenger on the boat. No one would deliberately target a passenger, especially a passenger who looked like he had a big fist.

But this time, it was different.

Perhaps this is the price of being famous. With a bounty on his back, he is no longer an ordinary person. Therefore, even things that are common to ordinary people, such as crossing the river by boat, have become extremely important to him. A dangerous killing situation.

If there is such a group of people watching you all the time and preparing to kill you, then many behaviors in daily life will become dangerous.

But danger often also means opportunity.

Just like now, although that river crossing was extremely dangerous and almost even caused him to fall into it, the way of using the environment as a weapon also gave him considerable inspiration - although most of the time, killing requires the use of Swords and weapons are used, but this kind of bloodless killing is often more terrifying.

If you think about it this way, it's no wonder that the grassland people went south. The Southern Chen court never seemed to be in a hurry. With rivers and rivers as natural dangers, those grassland people on horseback in the north may not be easy to fight.

"It's a pity that the river water is not very good for sharpening. Otherwise, if we use that big river as a weapon..."

Although he said this, Du Chengfeng just thought about it. If the river water could be used as a blade to sharpen such a huge workload, God knows how long it would take.

"So, if the river drowns someone, what happens?"

So, after thinking more and more, more and more questions emerged - for example, after a knife was stabbed at someone, and the person drowned, then the evil spirit is more important than water. ? Or if you don't even use a knife, you just drag the person into the water and drown him. Does the evil spirit come from the water, or does it mean you kill him with your bare hands?

If you kill with bare hands, will the evil spirit be attributed to the person?

"I haven't tried this yet."

Du Chengfeng slapped his head and forgot about this incident again.

The process of seeking knowledge is always a bit bumpy. On the one hand, things may not go smoothly, and on the other hand, he may not remember it. Fortunately, the old eunuch has not disturbed him in the past few days. The old eunuch is busy. Weaving the removed silk threads back into the official uniform gave Du Chengfeng a few days to calm down and think.

But the time to think about it was only a few days.

Anyone who crosses a river will encounter assassins, and there will be even more assassins when crossing a river. Even though this time, the old eunuch had asked Yangzhou soldiers to escort him with warships, but the assassins who had sneaked into the river still came all the way in small boats.

The high bounty worth thousands of gold has driven these assassins completely crazy, and they don't even care if they will be swept away by the river.

"They can't make it."

Beside Du Chengfeng, the old eunuch narrowed his eyes.

"It's impossible for a small boat like this to get close to us. The soldiers' warships can crush them into..."

Before he finished speaking, the old eunuch choked on the spot.

Just because, from the small boat in the distance, dozens of sharp sword lights flew out.

The old eunuch subconsciously pulled out the thread to block, but the target of those sword lights was not the people on the boat - the sharp sword lights slashed into the water, tearing dozens of holes at the bottom of the boat. At this moment, not only those The warships of the government soldiers, and even the ferry boat Du Chengfeng was riding on, were already shaky and almost falling apart on the spot.

"Wang Wenyuan of the Wave-Breaking Sword! Did those assassins actually invite him here too!"

The old eunuch's face instantly turned pale.

Wang Wenyuan of the Wave-breaking Sword is also a famous master near Jiankang City. He is more than thirty years old and has already strengthened his determination to the point where he has unleashed his evil spirit. He was recruited several times by the army, but he was politely rejected every time. Frankly speaking, he is a country man and is more suitable for living a leisurely life among the people.

But now, Wang Wenyuan, who claimed to be a country man, stood in front of them.

He even raised his knife towards them.

Of course, if he were on the shore, the old eunuch would not be afraid of Wang Wenyuan. The opponent was a master, but he was also a master. If there was a life-and-death fight, silk thread vs. knife, who would die is still unknown.

But now, the old eunuch realized that this so-called breaking wave sword technique was not a land sword technique at all.

This is clearly a set of water fighting skills!

"This Wang Wenyuan actually dares to take action against the government and the army... I'm afraid the scum in Jiankang City have already lost their skin!"

Cursing on his lips, the old eunuch didn't stop his hands. After just a moment, the old eunuch was completely naked again.

And the silk threads that had been woven into official robes once again turned into a small boat.

"Strong man! Get on the boat first!"

The old eunuch greeted Du Chengfeng. Even he knew that the boat made of silk threads might not be able to last long when faced with Wang Wenyuan's wave-breaking knife.

But just when the old eunuch was anxious, he saw Du Chengfeng shake his head.

"You strong man..."

The old eunuch still wanted to speak, but he was already frozen in place.

Just because, in his sight, Du Chengfeng's eyes were glowing strangely.


Du Chengfeng raised his hand to make a silent gesture.

"I'm just thinking about something."


The old eunuch was about to say something when he saw that Du Chengfeng had already picked up the long cloth bag next to him.

The strips of cloth wrapped around the spurge fell apart.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that..."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng swung the big halberd.

"If you can do it, so can I."


The noisy battlefield fell silent.

The assassin and the wave-breaking knife have all disappeared at this moment.

Together with the river in front of him.

Once upon a time, when crossing the river, the old eunuch also thought about whether it would be much more convenient for pedestrians to build a bridge across the river - but obviously, this is extremely difficult. You must know that with the span of some large rivers, it is extremely difficult to build a bridge. What's more, how can a bridge be built here on this dangerous river?

But now, the old eunuch saw the bridge clearly.

Or in other words, the smooth passage exposed at the bottom of the river.

"It's not enough..."

Just when the old eunuch was so shocked that he couldn't speak, the big halberd swung down again.

This time, under the impact of the majestic evil energy, the soft mud deposited on the bottom of the river was completely tamped down.

"Let's go."

Following the current to the bottom of the river, Du Chengfeng turned over and mounted his horse.

Sure enough, the feeling of being down to earth made him feel more at ease.

The second update is here, good night everyone.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

The last day of rest is over. I will continue to try to increase the dosage tomorrow. See you all tomorrow night.

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