In the Blade

Chapter 165 The Invincible Giant God

After passing through the long corridor and arriving inside the imperial mausoleum, the old emperor saw the giant who was more than ten meters tall. He straightened his clothes and drew his sword.

While swinging the sword, the old emperor practiced the moves he had learned before. This was not only a review of those techniques, but also a warm-up for the upcoming battle. Although this warm-up was a bit too sharp, at least in Du Chengfeng's opinion, if there was a team of people in front of the old emperor, just a few slashes and stabs would have killed them all.

There is no doubt that this is a sword technique that can really kill the enemy. Even if he doesn't use the evil spirit, relying on this exquisite sword technique, the old emperor might be able to fight one hundred.

"You fight really well."

Looking at the old emperor who had finished warming up, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

"You jump really well."

Looking at the old emperor who had finished warming up, the giant who was more than ten meters tall sighed.

"Is this the fun you want to bring me? A sword dance?"


No matter how calm the old emperor was, his face turned pale at this moment.

That was the crystallization of his lifelong skills, a powerful swordsmanship that was enough to fight against a hundred people. Even with this swordsmanship alone, he was enough to kill those so-called evil spirits.

But now, this lifelong effort was actually called a dance?

However, even so, the old emperor did not dare to say anything.

Not only because of the huge body of the giant in front of him.

Also, because of the other party's noble status.

"Emperor Taizu..."

The old emperor gritted his teeth and almost squeezed out a sound from his teeth.

"Are you well today?"

"Don't ask such nonsense. Do you think there is anything that can make me unwell?"

The huge giant shook his head.

"If there is such a thing, then show it to me quickly. I haven't encountered such an interesting thing for a long time."


Looking up at the huge giant, the old emperor clenched the long sword in his hand.

If you want to chop efficiently, you can't hold the sword too tightly. A stiff palm will prevent the force from being transmitted, which will greatly affect the efficiency of the chop. But even as an experienced swordsman, the old emperor can no longer suppress the fluctuations in his mentality.

That is extreme hatred.

Even, a deep killing intention.

"As promised in the past, I will kill you!"

Saying this, the old emperor thrust his sword.

But facing this assassination, the huge giant did not move at all.

After all, there is no need for any action. For a huge giant with a height of ten meters, this sharp long sword can only be regarded as the size of a toy. Just like now, even if the old emperor has tried his best to stab the long sword, it is still only a height that can't even touch the giant's knees.

However, just when the giant underestimated the enemy, the long sword in the old emperor's hand suddenly shone.

That was a dazzling sword light, a sword that was sure to kill. No one could have imagined that a long sword without any evil spirit could actually pierce out a sharp sword energy - and after the blessing of the sword energy, the long sword that was originally just a toy has become a real sharp blade that can take people's lives.

This was a fleeting opportunity, and the old emperor decisively seized this opportunity.

The majestic sword energy was like a real giant sword, fiercely slashing on the giant's head.

But it only slashed on the giant's head.

The huge giant still did not move, and did not even look up.

Facing this majestic sword, the huge giant just sighed.

"Is that all?"

The huge giant looked down at the old emperor on the ground.

"Is this the surprise you want to bring me?"


The old emperor was speechless for a long time.

The sword that was enough to cut gold and jade, and even enough to split mountains and rocks, did not leave any trace on the giant's face.

It was as if this fatal sword was just a tickle.

No, it might be worse than tickling, after all, tickling can still break the skin.

But there was nothing on the giant's face.

Not to mention scratching the skin, not even a mark was left. This fatal sword was just like a joke.

"Why don't you just forget it."

The huge giant just waved his hand, and the majestic sword energy shattered and disappeared on the spot.

"But this level of surprise is really meaningless... Or you can be like your ancestors, like your father, or like your grandfather, and fight a limited battle, and challenge me directly. You can't do this."


At this moment, the old emperor even forgot to call himself "Zhen".

Humiliation, no doubt, this is absolutely humiliating, but what the old emperor can't accept the most is that this is the fact in front of him.

He spent his entire life trying, but he couldn't even scratch the skin of this Taizu Gaohuangdi.

This is simply...

"What are you thinking about?"

The huge giant glanced at the old emperor.

"Of course, if you want to be afraid of fighting, I won't force you to stay..."


Before the giant finished speaking, the old emperor had already stiffened his neck.

"I never fear fighting!"

Although he said this, the old emperor's body was trembling more and more. Under the gaze of the giant's eyes, he instinctively wanted to escape all the way back.

But he still stood here, standing in front of the giant.

"It's good. At least you have some courage."

The huge giant nodded slightly.

"Since you said that you are here according to the agreement in the past, then as long as you can show something that can make me happy, your descendants can continue to be emperors outside... Don't be so nervous, you must hurt me if you want to It’s impossible, you just need to show your skills, you can do it.”


The old emperor took a deep breath.

Can it really be done? The old emperor didn't know. If he was still full of confidence before and even wanted to assassinate the giant with that sword, then after the sword was swung out, his confidence had been completely shattered.

But he still has to fight once and for the last time.

After all, this is the fate of the royal family, and it is also the fate of emperors of all generations.

"Come on!"

The old emperor raised his sword, his beard and hair spread out like an angry lion.

No matter who the opponent is, he will definitely let the opponent learn the lesson. His sword...


The sharp metal rubbed against the hastily raised sword blade.

Douda's head fell to the ground, with the lion-like anger still on his face.

"Uh, that's all?"

The huge giant couldn't help shaking his head.

Beside the headless corpse, the illusory figure holding a sword was slowly retracting the blade in his hand.

Then, it disappeared at the feet of the huge giant.


Du Chengfeng's eyes widened in shock.

It's not because of the giant's terrifying methods, nor because of the sharp blow of the illusory figure, but because of the appearance of the illusory figure... it's really too familiar.

Yes, how could he not remember this appearance?

This is clearly the Fatty Yang from Jibei in the past.

The second update is here. I'm going to rest. Good night everyone.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

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