In the Blade

Chapter 173 Man and Blade

Flesh and blood are not weapons after all.

What the burly man said was actually right, and even Du Chengfeng agreed with this. Weapons can be replaced if they are gone, but life is only one. If you use your body as a weapon and take a knife, no matter how strong your body is, it may not be able to withstand a few knives.

Unless you can achieve true invulnerability.

But obviously, this thing is a bit too fantasy. Unless he has gone to the imperial mausoleum and pressed the ten-meter-tall giant to the ground to bleed, otherwise, if he only relies on his own training, even if he trains to the limit, he may only be able to withstand ordinary weapons like the golden bell and iron cloth shirt in martial arts novels.

Then, the question is.

If it is just to defend against ordinary weapons, why doesn't he wear a set of armor?

The real powerful ones are the fierce swords, especially those who have killed many people. They can quickly pull the user to a point close to the release of evil spirits. Once the strength reaches the release of evil spirits, the so-called armor can only be regarded as a unique fashion. The sword light of the evil spirits can cut through these armors as easily as piercing paper.

"So if I get a set of evil spirit armor..."

Du Chengfeng still didn't give up. He always felt that there was some other solution to this problem.

But the burly man still shook his head.

"What you said, in fact, someone has done it. In the old Yu, there was a madman who made a full body armor and killed people with armor. He was known as invincible in the world, but in the end, he just occupied a hilltop and was ready to dominate the world, and was stabbed to death by the local guard."

"Ah this..."

Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

Is the idea of ​​this evil spirit armor so unreliable?

After all, it was armor stained with evil spirits, how could it be killed by a single shot?

It really can.

Because the person who controls the weapon is the one who really determines the strength.

Even if a baby holds a sharp blade, it is difficult to hurt someone. Even if a veteran soldier is unarmed or even has both arms broken, he can still bite someone to death with his teeth. Powerful weapons may narrow the gap in combat power, but it can only do so. If the strength of the two sides is really different, then even if the weaker person gets the best weapon, it will probably be useless.

Top-of-the-line weapons, plus top-of-the-line holders, are truly powerful.

So this is the truth, but what does it have to do with the original topic?

"The strength of a weapon lies in its length, its distance, and its distance."

As he said this, the burly man pointed to the boring rake that Du Chengfeng hung on the bird wing ring.

"It's like this long weapon. If you pick it up, even if you don't have any protection, you can still keep yourself safe, because no one can get close to you."

No one can get close to you, so you can naturally keep yourself safe. The burly man actually brought the topic back to the topic in a few words.

But at this point, the two of them couldn't talk any more. Although Du Chengfeng also admitted that what the burly man said was reasonable, the two sides were obviously talking about two completely different things. The burly man was talking about the harm of using the body as a weapon, but he was studying the effect of evil spirits. The two people were talking about different things from the beginning, so how could they continue?

So after a moment of greeting, the two of them probably exchanged contact information and separated.

The burly man gave the address of the snack shop before, saying that he could be found by just saying something. This was obviously a casual remark, and Du Chengfeng naturally couldn't just say "I'm the Grand Master, come to the palace to find me", which would probably scare people to death, so he left the address of Yizhou.

If this burly man who is good at using fists and feet wants to communicate with him in the future, he can send a letter directly to the old barracks in Yizhou. If Du Chengfeng himself is not there, the villagers who followed him all the way from the north will help him receive the letter.

This is another place that Du Chengfeng is not used to. In the past, he was either fighting or running away, or practicing martial arts, so he didn't realize this too much. As for now, the cars and horses are slow these days, and if you want to say a few words, you have to wait for ten days or half a month.

"I don't know what's going on in Yizhou..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng actually wanted to go back quickly. After all, there is really nothing big in the capital of Jiankang.

The court that was so high and mighty for the people of the north before was just like this after a closer look. Among the civil and military officials in the court, Du Chengfeng didn't even see a single evil spirit. As for the so-called merit of rectifying the chaos, except for the empty title of Tai Shi, it seems that he didn't get any benefits. As for the national defense magic weapon that originally interested him, it didn't seem to appear. The only thing that was somewhat useful to him was this opportunity to be invulnerable.

"Hurry up and bleed and leave."

Du Chengfeng couldn't wait any longer. He was even ready to find the young emperor and urge him seriously.

Aren't you going to drag him to his death? He himself didn't have any objections, so who was he waiting for?

"Let's go!"

Riding on the reliable warhorse that had been following him since Jibei, Du Chengfeng went all the way towards the direction of the imperial city.

Leaving only ruins and corpses lying on the ground.

Of course, Du Chengfeng also dealt with the bodies of the assassins he killed before leaving. As a cautious person, he would not easily reveal how many means he had to deal with the enemy - and he did not touch the five people killed by the burly man. As I said, he helped others, so he should respect him.

As for the weapons nailed to the bodies, they have not been taken away. This is the freedom of the burly man. As for Du Chengfeng, he was too lazy to sweep the spoils that others did not want.

In the final analysis, he still had goods in his hands. He was rich. There were a lot of things in his saddle bag. The victory hook bird wing rings on both sides of the warhorse were already hung with boring rakes and halberds. With this set of things, why should he pick up what others did not want?

But he did not want it, which did not mean that others did not want it.

As soon as Du Chengfeng's figure disappeared in the distance, dozens of servants from various families rushed out. They carefully collected the bodies and weapons, and even sent people to use boxes to pack up the four weapons except the shield.

During the whole process, no one dared to touch the four weapons, as if they were some kind of monstrous beast.

It was not until the four weapons were sent back to the ancestral halls of each family that it was considered over.

It was just an end, not peace of mind.

"How... is it possible?"

At nightfall, the leaders of the aristocratic families looked at the dead body of the family general and were dumbfounded.

"Even the national defense divine weapon can't take him down?"

It's another extra chapter for yesterday, why do I say again.

Forget it, I'll write normally, as many chapters as I can, maybe this will help me add more chapters.

In addition: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write hard, and I won't read that book for now.

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