In the Blade

Chapter 180 Inhuman Monster

In the estimation of the Chu survivors, it is almost impossible for this immortal body to have its own consciousness.

As for why there is such a clear judgment, the reason is simple, just because it is sewn too much - if the other children sewed the flesh and blood of monsters on their bodies, then this immortal body, the only successful one, after hundreds of sewing, can only be said to be sewn with a person on the flesh and blood of monsters.

To be more precise, it is sewn with part of a person.

Because of the need to sew the flesh and blood of various monsters in, and to maintain the normal human form, the Chu survivors can only continue to reduce the flesh and blood of the original human part of this immortal body. At the beginning, there was no problem, just replaced a little more flesh and blood, and nothing was wrong. But as time went on, the flesh and blood belonging to the monsters became more and more sewn, and the flesh and blood belonging to the human also became less and less.

The good news is that no matter how it is sewn, there is no rejection reaction. This immortal body shows amazing adaptability. No matter how much is sewn in, it will not become a monster.

As for the bad news...

It is sewn too much.

When the man with a sinister face realized that something was wrong, at least 80% of the immortal body had been replaced with monster flesh and blood. After that, in order to test the limit of this immortal body, he simply sewed some more into it - the limit was indeed tested. The human flesh and blood on this immortal body was less than half, but it still maintained a human posture and even had stable vital signs.

In the end, these Chu survivors still broke the final taboo.

If all the flesh and bones on the body were replaced with monster flesh and blood, even if the body itself still maintained a human posture, could it really be considered human?

The Chu survivors didn't know. They only knew that they had finally made the most perfect immortal body. If there was any flaw, it was that the thinking of this immortal body was still a blank sheet of paper.

This was not a good thing. An immortal body with only a shell but no thinking could not be used for combat, but for the consciousness transfer that the Chu survivors were about to make, this blank thinking was not a bad thing.

As long as a suitable user can be found, this immortal body will surely shine on the battlefield.

As long as a suitable user can be found.

The right person cannot bear the risk in the middle, and the person who can bear the risk is not suitable, so the plans of these old Chu survivors have been stagnant for a time.

However, at this time, the so-called immortal body, that is, this nameless child, moved by itself.

"How... is it possible?"

The man with a gloomy face showed a look of astonishment for the first time.

"How did you do this?"

The Chu survivors were quite puzzled by this, and they were confused for a time.

Only Du Chengfeng, who was an observer, knew what happened.

He could feel the state of the weapon and even the emotion of the weapon, so he knew more clearly that these crazy Chu people had indeed done something extraordinary - after removing the last piece of human flesh and blood, this body was indeed in a state of near collapse. If you must describe it, it is like a crumbling building with the most important load-bearing column removed.

Without human consciousness to integrate everything in this body, can this body really survive?



Indeed, the consciousness of this body has lost its unity and has collapsed into a ruin, but the collapsed ruins are much more stable than the shaky building before.

Just like the saying goes, it is already at the bottom of the valley, and no matter how you go, it is upward.

Life will always find its own way out.

That is the consciousness born from the flesh and blood itself, the purest survival instinct. This new creature just wants to survive, nothing more.

It was at this time that it tasted sweetness.

The Chu survivors made some sugar water for it to drink, treating it like a real child - after all, it looks like a child now, and those ignorant eyes, anyone who sees it will say that it is a good child.

But it is not a child after all.

It is a humanoid weapon created by the Chu survivors.

How to transfer consciousness so that the Chu people can really use this immortal body is still being tried. After all, no matter from what angle, this is a more troublesome project than making humanoid weapons. Even if these Chu survivors have tried their best, there is still no clue about this matter.

However, the Yu people will not give them that long.

More and more Chu survivors were killed. Dayu really killed the Chu people. As the population gradually declined, the resources that the Chu people could mobilize became less and less.

The remaining Chu people no longer had time and resources to do any research on consciousness transfer.

Until one day, the last stronghold of the Chu survivors was also raided by the Yu people.

Facing the pursuit and interception of the Yu Dynasty masters, these old Chu survivors were even beaten without any power to fight back. They did not try to fight desperately, but there were too many masters on the opposite side.

They could only transfer at the fastest speed. As long as people could escape, there was still hope.

But some people did not escape.

Although the person who did not escape was not necessarily a human being, in the panic, the young immortal body was not taken away immediately - and after some killings, there was only one person in this huge bunker. The toddler was the only one left alive.

But even when facing young children, those Yu soldiers still raised their weapons.

All Chu people's remnants must die. No remnant of the previous dynasty is innocent. The order they received is to kill without mercy, even if the other party is just a child.

Under the pressure of death, the inhuman child suddenly moved.

It was at this time that the Yu soldiers realized that this was probably no ordinary Chu child.

Just by meeting each other, five Yu soldiers fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, more soldiers were torn into pieces. For ordinary people, the evil spirit was extremely dangerous, but this child could easily control it, killing it. It is as easy as eating and drinking.

And when the Chu people gritted their teeth and returned, preparing to take away this most important research product, all they saw were corpses scattered on the ground, and the child sitting in a pool of blood.

This was the first time that the Chu people's remnants knew the true power of the Immortal Human Body. Their previous imaginations were still too conservative.

After all, the Chu people took it away and gave it candy as a reward. After that, these Chu people began to train it, teaching it the skills of charging into battle, and building it into a Became a real killing machine.

And in the process, the child he once was quickly grew into a teenager.

This process was extremely fast, taking less than a year. This was not the growth rate of human beings at all, but more like those monsters swallowed by evil spirits.

"It will become the pioneer general of the Chu people and the sharpest spear of the Chu people!"

At that moment, these Chu people finally saw the dawn of restoration.

As for itself, no one cared what it thought.

It is a tool that was born. Its purpose is to fight the Yu Dynasty and restore the glory of the old Chu. The tool does not need to have its own ideas, it only needs to carry out the user's orders.

But does it really not have a mind of its own?


Du Chengfeng, who was watching from the sidelines, could clearly feel this.

Indeed, it is a human-shaped weapon made by the survivors of the Chu people, but it is not real steel after all. It will be tired from training, and will be distressed because it cannot complete the exam. If it can eat sweets, it will be happy. This is also one of the few joys in its life.

As for the remnants of the Chu people, they became its family. After all, it had never seen anyone else.

But the Chu people never thought about this. They really regarded it as a sharp weapon.

The remnants of the Chu people sent it out to kill the officials of the Yu Dynasty. Its best disguise was its bare hands. People felt that a person who didn't even have a weapon couldn't make any waves.

Until it burst out with evil spirit.

On that day, under the orders of the Chu people's survivors, the governor's mansion in Liangzhou in the northwest was razed to the ground.

This is an easy thing for it, as simple as eating and drinking.

But just as it was about to leave, someone knelt in front of it.

Those are the people of Liangzhou, and they are grateful for what it has done.

It turns out that the Yu Dynasty is not monolithic, and there are not no fights among the scholars who manipulate people's hearts - but the fight is a fight, but they are unwilling to end it personally. They are not those reckless Chu people, they are better at it. Use other people as vehicles and tools.

It is precisely because of this idea that they exploit the people. In the fish and meat village, they regard the people as milk-producing cattle and sheep.

"They want to kill you, why don't you do it?"

Facing the cries of the common people, it was quite puzzled. In its view, these people had hands and feet, so why didn't they fight them back themselves?

So, after noticing its doubts, people told it the story of the big tree.

The people in the story are obviously the officials of Dayu, but these useful common people have had their branches pruned and turned into useful big trees - facing the people holding swords and axes, they are used as tools. What can a big tree do?

There is nothing they can do, they can only sit and wait.

Until it appears.

People kept it and treated it warmly, just because it did what they couldn't do, and even overturned the governor's mansion that was pressing on them.

It was meant to leave, but people sent snacks.

That was the first time it tasted sweetness other than sugar.

It was softer and smoother, which made it eat a few more pieces. It was because of its greed at this moment that it already hesitated.

It was at that time that a few tall, muscular men squeezed their way out of the crowd.

"You are the stuff of great things! We are following you!"


It doesn't quite understand what this heel means. Those Chu people have never taught it this, and it itself has never learned it.

But soon it understood that this was probably a literal meaning. Wherever it went, these people would follow it. Even if it returned to the Chu bunker hidden in the mountains, these people would follow it. Behind him, unwavering.

Of course, when outsiders came to the bunker, the Chu people felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. However, after knowing the whole story, these Chu people became happy.

"Have you learned to bring materials back by yourself?"

The man with a gloomy face laughed.

"It just so happens that I have something to try. Go over there and get a knife and kill them all. I want to see the difference between you using a weapon and using your bare hands."

But this time, it did not move.

The Chu people's order was absolute. It was just a tool, but at this moment, facing the order to kill, it had the idea of ​​not wanting to kill people.


It organized its words clumsily.

"They can live."


The man with a gloomy face frowned.

"What are you talking about?"

Not only him, but more Chu people surrounded him. The tool showed a tendency to disobey the holder. This was an extremely dangerous sign and was absolutely not allowed. Obviously, the safest way at the moment was to destroy this dangerous tool.

It was this trace of murderous intent that was keenly sensed by it.

Aren't the Chu people its family? Why did its family kill it?

It couldn't understand, and even its brain stopped thinking for a while.

But under the threat of death, its body took action before its mind.

Under the stimulation of killing intent, its survival instinct chose to strike first.

That day, the remaining Chu people suffered huge losses. Even though they had fled with the royal family as quickly as possible, half of them still died in the massacre.

And it was completely confused.

As a tool and a weapon, its purpose was to restore the glory of the Great Chu, but on this day, it personally interrupted the hope of the Great Chu's revival.

Where should it go after losing its direction?

"Sure enough! You are born to do great things!"

Those young and strong men he brought from Liangzhou were very happy, especially after seeing its invincible heroic figure.

"Even those Chu people can't beat you. You are born to be an emperor!"

Emperor? What is that?

It is not very clear, and the Chu people have never taught it this.

It only knows that it is not suitable to stay in this place full of corpses for a long time.

After packing some luggage, it left the place where it was raised. Without orders, it wandered around aimlessly - of course, it would kill people. After all, in Liangzhou, the Great Yu court had already known the existence of this Chu secret weapon, and ordered the governors' offices in various places to investigate, and sent out experts to eliminate this danger in the bud.

But it still made no sense. The oncoming dangers made him stronger and stronger.

Even those scholars who manipulated people's hearts could not do anything against it. It had no worries and had already achieved true invincibility.

As he walked along, more and more governors' offices were razed to the ground by him, and in the process, more and more people gathered around him, from the first few, to dozens, to hundreds and thousands, even tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands... In the process, it gradually learned more and more things, and even became more and more like a real person.

It has its own joys, sorrows, anger, and hobbies. Although it can't have parents and relatives like ordinary people, it has a group of friends from all over the world around it - although these friends always call it "Your Majesty", no matter how many times it says it, it still regards these people as friends.

"I should fight for them."

The weapon that lost its direction gradually had its own ideas.

Driven by this idea, his battle became more and more brave. He charged forward, raised the smoke of war all over the ground, destroyed the corrupt Dayu, defeated the army of the grassland people, and even the remnants of the Chu people were wiped out by him.

He successfully fulfilled everyone's expectations and conquered this huge world.

"As long as you do all this, it will be fine, right?"

It thought so for a while.

However, the good times did not last long.

After all the foreign enemies were suppressed, its friends actually began to fight each other. In its name, they attacked and killed each other. For fame and power, they killed each other and even pointed their spears at it.

"Are you really a human?"

Those people who were once regarded as partners and friends by it drew their weapons against it.

It knew the reason. The remaining Chu people spread rumors about its non-human identity in order to target it as a traitor, but it never thought that these former friends would go to such lengths just for a vague word of immortality.

In a trance, it felt that it had also become a big tree in the story, and these friends who were once regarded as wood by the Yu people had now picked up knives and axes and became tree cutters like those Yu people.

"Want the immortal method of immortality? Then come and kill me."

It is not a big tree.

That day, those friends who walked side by side with it in the past were buried with it in the imperial mausoleum.

Of course, it did not die. After burying its old friends, it locked itself in the imperial mausoleum, leaving only a so-called bloodline outside, just like those humans who could give birth to children - but it would not give this so-called throne to others for nothing. If you want to get benefits from it, you must pay the corresponding price.

Sadness is greater than the death of a heart, it will not do anything for other people.

On weekdays, it lives in this imperial mausoleum. Unable to die normally, it can only wait quietly for the passage of time. Occasionally, someone will bring some surprises and fun to it, but after seeing too much of this kind of thing, it will just be like that. The only thing that can make it happy may be sweets. Whenever it eats those desserts, it can recall the simple happiness it once had.

And in the passage of time, Du Chengfeng, who was a bystander, was once infected by this consciousness. He could be regarded as personally experiencing its long life, which was far beyond his own life memory. This was even He couldn't tell whether he was himself or it.

Until he saw his big face.

For this young man named Du Chengfeng, it was a little surprised. After all, the other party's ability to integrate different evil spirits was the same as it - and the most important thing was that, like it in the past, this person named Du Chengfeng's young man is about to turn his body into a weapon.

It doesn't really want to see this happen, just because it has experienced it. This so-called invincible road itself is a dead end.

If anyone could kill it, it hoped it would be a human being, not a monster like itself.

Yes, it had thought about dying for a long time. After completely losing its direction, it also completely lost the motivation to live - but it could not kill itself, just because the flesh and blood was not its own. When it wants to give up everything, its strong desire to survive will dominate everything it has.

So, it needs strong people.

No matter who it is, it needs a strong enough person. Only dying in a fight with all its strength is its final destination.

From beginning to end, it did not recognize the identity of this monster. It was a human being. It had worked very hard to be a human being. It looked more like a human being than anyone else. It had learned everything about human beings.

So even at the end of its life, it wants to die in battle in a human way.

This was its last vision. It was completely tired of this crazy world, and after seeing Du Chengfeng, it even thought that its wish could be realized.

However, the man named Du Chengfeng still chose to become a monster.

Indeed, as a person who has experienced it, it can understand the idea that turning into a monster can gain powerful power, and turning into a monster can have an immortal body - but this is what it doesn't want to see the most, and it doesn't want to see it anyway. The appearance of the second monster.

"Please, don't say it, don't say those words, just use human gestures to defeat me."

When he saw Du Chengfeng coming to the imperial mausoleum, his hands holding the snacks were trembling.

But what disappointed it was that the man named Du Chengfeng in front of him still said those words.

He wanted its blood just to be invulnerable.

"What's the difference between you and them?"

It inexplicably remembered the friends who had followed it in the past.

Does turning into a monster make you really powerful?

What a joke.

It itself is the strongest monster, how could it not know this?

"Since you all want something from me, then come and get it for yourselves."

So, it once again showed its monster-like appearance.

Since you want to challenge it, let's first fight against these friends who followed it in the past.

If he couldn't defeat these illusions caused by longing, then it wouldn't be worth his while.


Du Chengfeng couldn't help but be startled when he saw this.

Those powerful shadow generals were just illusions caused by longing?

It was difficult for Du Chengfeng to accept this fact, after all, these illusions were so real.

The two shadow spears had pierced his ribs, the shadow sword had slit his throat, and the two-handed war hammer had used the momentum of the horse to hit his chest. On the head.

This wasn't just dizziness anymore, he even felt like something was breaking, which made his vision go dark.

This is the consequence of being distracted during a battle. Even if it is just for a moment, it is enough to make people die on the spot and never die again.

However, at this moment of his death, there was a warm fire surrounding him.

"You can't die, you can't die here."

A familiar voice appeared in his ears, but he couldn't tell who it was for a moment.

"You can't die, you are still young."

The voice this time was somewhat familiar to Du Chengfeng. It was Old Ruan from Ziyang Academy, but it sounded like he was young.

"You can't die here... If you die, who will carry out my hegemony?"

Something cold and hard penetrated into Du Chengfeng's body, replacing the missing bones.

"Yeah, how could I die here?"

After shaking his stiff neck and both heads, Du Chengfeng opened his eyes again.

Then he lowered his head and hit it, and stabbed the sword on the chest and abdomen of the sword-wielding shadow general in front of him.


On top of the throne, a huge giant more than ten meters tall stared angrily.

"Have you given up your identity as a human?"

"Hey, you are such a person, why do you still open your mouth and curse?"

He raised his head and swung it. The sharp spear blade completely cut the shadow general in front of him. Then Du Chengfeng turned his head and looked at the direction of the huge giant with four eyes at the same time.

"I am a human being, can't you see it?"

Finally finished writing, 6,600 words, I am dizzy.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'm going to take a breath and eat something, and then see if I can continue to output.

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