In the Blade

Chapter 184: The Overlord's Egg

Even though the top of the imperial mausoleum had been turned into ruins by the sword energy, the huge giant didn't care.

The sunlight sprinkled on his body, which even made the huge giant feel a long-lost feeling. Although he had compressed his body several times to go out to buy snacks, when was the last time he exposed his true body in broad daylight?

It seemed to be a long time ago, a long, long time ago.

However, the current situation is different from that time in the past. At that time, he was regarded as a monster by the people he trusted, but this time, it was him who was fighting the monster.

The monster named Du Chengfeng.

The excessive evil spirit had long destroyed the mortal body and turned it into the embodiment of evil spirit. The blood and weapons that were flowing all over the ground were filled with the resentment and wailing of the dead. Rather than saying that it was a monster, it was better to say that it was a moving natural disaster. Wherever it went, it would only leave killing and death everywhere.

The warm sunlight sprinkled on the huge giant, and he felt that he should do something.

Yes, this might be what he really wanted, not to be attacked by humans as a monster, but to defeat the monster as the strongest human.

But just when the huge giant swung his fist at the monster, an equally huge golden-armored god swung his magic sword and blocked the punch.

"Immortality is right in front of us!"

Half of the body of a Taoist holding a brass magic sword emerged from the blood and flesh on the ground.

"Don't disturb the Taoist's ascension!"


The familiar words flowed past his ears, which made the huge giant slightly startled.

He had heard the word "Immortality", or rather, it was too familiar to him - after all, the name that the Chu people used to call him was the so-called "immortal body", and when the Chu people chatted on weekdays, they never avoided him as a tool that was made.

Most mortals understand immortals as being free and unrestrained, but in the context of the Chu people, immortals mean the ultimate power that can do everything. Becoming an immortal and mastering that power is the common idea of ​​almost all Chu people, but it is obvious that mastering this power with a mortal body is almost impossible.

So it requires extraordinary, even extraordinary, and a transformation to transform a weak mortal into an omnipotent, true immortal.

And the Chu people call this process of transformation from mortal to immortal "metamorphosis".

Just like an ugly crawling caterpillar breaking out of its cocoon and becoming a colorful butterfly flying in the air, but the Chu people don't like the phosphorus powder on the butterfly. They prefer the colorful feathers on birds, just like the immortal phoenix they believe in. The Chu people believe that only a huge, even unbearable death catastrophe can make people reborn from the ashes and achieve true extraordinaryness.

"That is to say..."

At this moment, the huge giant keenly captured the key to everything.

All the swords, spears, swords and halberds in front of him are just illusions. This huge flesh and blood monster is just the outer shell, and its real core is nurturing a cocoon.

Or, an egg.


At this moment, the giant suddenly heard a heartbeat.

The sound was still very weak, but quite pure. Just a muffled sound made the giant feel the endless hegemony and ambition.

Obviously, during the hundreds of years when he lived in the imperial mausoleum, the last descendants of the Chu people did not do nothing.

Perhaps those brutal Chu people really did something.

"The hatching must not be completed no matter what!"

At this moment, the giant realized this clearly.

So, the giant took a deep breath.

Then he stretched out his hands and cut open his forearms.

The black blood spilled on the ground, which made the flesh and blood on the ground rush to grab food-but immediately, the bone blades that popped out of the wound tore the flesh and blood into pieces, and everything turned into dust under the sweep of the evil wind.

He himself is a weapon, so he can naturally use his body to make weapons.

But the pair of bone blades were finally stopped, stopped by something harder and sharper.

I saw that the various weapons held by the arms on the ground had turned into the same weapon without knowing when.

It was a strange halberd made of bones.

"Overlord Halberd..."

The huge giant's face darkened.

In the past, he only saw this weapon from afar. With his identity, he was not qualified to wield this weapon that symbolized the authority of the Chu royal family - but he didn't care much at the time. After all, whether as a weapon or as a person with combat power, he was much stronger than this old halberd.

But now it seems...

The real function of this Overlord Halberd is probably not in combat.

Thinking of this, the huge giant swung his two swords again and tore the golden armored god who was blocking the way in front of him to pieces.

But immediately, another huge monster blocked his way.

It was a two-headed monster with thirteen arms, one with an eagle's head and the other with a bear's head. This inhuman monster screamed and swung thirteen bone halberds at him.

"Hehehehe! We are going to fly to the sky!"

The two swords pierced through the monster's two heads, but the thirteen Overlord Halberds also pierced the giant's body, the sharp blades cut his skin and even pierced his bones.

This might be the first time in his life that he was injured in battle.

His thick skin that was impervious to swords and guns could not stop the pecking of the Overlord Halberds at this moment. Obviously, the Chu people who made him knew best how to deal with him - he could even feel the deep hatred of the Chu people who survived from generation to generation on the blades, which was a pure and firm killing intent.

And there were more than thirteen Overlord Halberds in front of him.

Every step he took, dozens of halberds hooked his body and tore his flesh and blood, but he still walked forward firmly, step by step. Obviously, the flesh and blood on his body were gradually peeling off, but he felt more and more relaxed, as if something that did not belong to him was finally far away from him.

But he was still a step late after all.

When he finally saw the flesh and blood egg hidden in the huge monster, the twisted egg that exuded infinite hegemony had already burst into light.

Something is about to be born from that egg.

This should have been the third update yesterday. I was so busy. I played the material for the Meow Meow Revelation yesterday and waited for food. As a result, I played it all the way to the morning. I can only say what the production team is thinking. Basic resources such as wood and stone are too abstract. I can't fix this even if I find a modifier. I played it all night and was angry all night. I might as well close the game early and write more words.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support. Thank you for the reward from the book friend 20230719165718869, the beast has been weakened. It's really a waste of money.

I will continue to write, and the next chapter will be before twelve o'clock. I won't collect materials tonight, so I'll write more words.

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