In the Blade

Chapter 196 The all-powerful power

Shaqi, a very dangerous, yet very fierce power.

Those who have experienced that fierceness will be fascinated by this power, and those who have experienced that danger will be in awe of this power. But no matter it is dangerous or fierce, power is power, a way to become stronger, and something that can be held in your hands. As long as you hold the power in your hands, you can do anything.

So, who doesn't know about such a useful power?


There are too many.

For example, Yu Laoer from Lijia Village, he doesn't know about Shaqi. He grew up in Lijia Village since he was a child, let alone Shaqi. He has not even been outside Lijia Village a few times - just like most people these days, if he doesn't encounter any wars, he will stay in this small place all his life, working hard all his life, until he gets sick or suffers a disaster, and then he is buried in the ground.

As for the evil swords and weapons, he has never heard of them. He only knows that the weapons that have killed people are very evil, which is also the concept of most people these days. Of course, people only heard about it, and they had never seen any weapons that had actually killed people.

After all, killing is a serious crime, and the person will be beheaded. Most people want to live a good life, so how could they do such a cruel thing? However, it is not ruled out that some people are really cruel, so they were really beheaded by the government.

Killing someone means paying with your life, which is a simple truth that has existed since ancient times.

However, the government can't really catch everyone, just like the bandits that have been making trouble near Lijia Village recently. Seven or eight people blocked the road with weapons and robbed people, but no one came to deal with it. Li Taigong of Lijia Village also reported it to the government several times, but the government never had time to spare.

This also made the whole Lijia Village panic, fearing that they would encounter the robbers when they went out one day. It would be good if they lost their things, but if they were stabbed to death on the road, it would be really bad luck.

So after failing to report to the authorities, Li Taigong simply prepared to let the villagers organize their own people to do it, but most of the villagers were kind people, how could they fight against those vicious villains? The young and strong organized people to search nearby several times, but they didn't even see the faces of those bandits, and they were scared back.

So after thinking about it, Li Taigong could only write a letter to his son, asking his son to come back and help deal with the matter.

Speaking of this Li Jiadalang, it's amazing. He is one of the few people who stayed outside the village. He was quite brave when he was young, and was selected to be a soldier. It is said that he was even transferred to Jiankang Imperial City recently-you know, that is Jiankang Imperial City, where the dignitaries live. This Li Jiadalang was transferred there. How powerful is this?

"As long as Li Jiadalang comes back to suppress the bandits, everything will be fine!"

After hearing Li Taigong announce this, people's minds were slightly settled.

But it was only slightly settled.

It will take some time for Li's Dalang to receive the letter, and even more time to come back. In the free time, will everyone not go to the fields and work?

The land needs to be planted, and the work needs to be done. The Li family may have some savings, so it will not be affected too much, but if a refugee like Yu Laoer from another family really waits with them, I am afraid he will not even know what to eat next year.

Yu Laoer also works in the fields, but the land is rented from the Li family, and he has to pay a rent every year, which is not a small amount. If it is messed up by those seven or eight bandits this year, there will be nothing left after paying the rent next year. You can't live on hunger, right?

So no matter what, the land must be planted.

The land that Yu Laoer rented was at the bottom of the mountain. This area sounded dangerous. If something suddenly fell from the mountain, he would be dead. But there was nothing he could do. Yu Laoer could only afford to rent such a place. This land was rented by his father when he fled here to avoid the war. After his father passed away, the lease was passed to Yu Laoer.

"It would be great if there was no mountain."

Yu Laoer thought so while carrying a hoe.

Not only Yu Laoer, but his father also thought so. Old Yu, who had worked hard all his life, had the greatest wish in his life to get rid of the mountain in front of him. On the one hand, it would make working in the fields safer, and on the other hand, he might be able to cultivate more fields. Of course, the most important thing was that there was a river on the other side of the mountain. If there was no mountain, the land they rented could be directly irrigated with river water. How convenient would that be?

Under this unrealistic idea, Old Yu started a huge project that belonged to him alone.

As long as he dug a little bit every day, he could eventually hollow out the mountain. Old Yu thought so and had been doing so all the time. Although he had not been able to truly hollow out the mountain in his lifetime, he did reclaim some more wasteland at the foot of the mountain. Of course, these newly reclaimed lands still belonged to the Li family, but considering that Old Yu had worked hard all his life, he continued to rent this wasteland to the old man.

Anyway, no one else was willing to rent the land at the foot of the mountain except Old Yu.

And now, this job of digging the mountain, along with the lease, fell into the hands of Yu Laoer. This was his father's last wish and his father's lifelong hard work. How could Yu Laoer let it end here, in his own hands?

What's more, his father really dug out some fields.

This also gave Yu Laoer endless thoughts.

After Lao Yu digs some land, he will dig some more in his life, his son will dig more, and his grandson will dig some more... In this way, by the time of his great-grandson's generation, the land rented by Lao Yu's family will be doubled. If you have food in your hand, you will also have money. After you have some money in your hand, you can find a husband for your child. By then, the old Yu family may be able to produce a man who can read and write. He could still stay outside like the elder man of the Li family and see the world.

It was with the support of this thought that Yu Laoer walked towards the field with a hoe, just like his late father.

It was not yet dawn and it was still dark on the road. Yu Laoer was quite scared walking on the road. Although he has strong thoughts to support him, he is also afraid that something will suddenly pop up and kill him - you know that he has not married a wife yet, and naturally he will not have children. He is really so unclear. If he dies, do you want the two generations of the Yu family to have their thoughts cut off just like that?

So when he saw something dark coming from a distance, Yu Laoer immediately fell to the ground. He was so trembling that he even peeed out of fear.

He was really very timid, and he was terribly afraid of death.

Fortunately, the dark thing didn't seem to be a man-eating beast. At least when Yu Laoer got up, he could confirm that he was not dead and there was no blood on his body. As for the dark thing, it was no longer there. No matter where he ran, it seemed like nothing happened except his wet pants.

"Fortunately, fortunately."

Although he was so scared that he peed his pants, which was very embarrassing, Yu Laoer was only grateful that he was still alive.

But immediately, Yu Laoer felt that he might not survive.

Just because another black shadow had already rushed towards him, it was something bigger than the black shadow just now. Just looking at the ferocious momentum, Yu Laoer even thought he was facing a bear - but It is impossible for a bear to stand upright like that black shadow, let alone be as strong as that black shadow.

No, it's not even just strong, it's Yu Lao'er's strength that cannot be described in words. The tall running body is a full two heads taller than Yu Lao'er, and the strong and strong muscles almost cover him. The outer robe was torn to pieces, a pair of arms were as strong and strong as rafters, and the two big hands like cattail leaf fans were even bigger than Yu Laoer's head.

But the most eye-catching thing is the hilt of the knife exposed from the opponent's back.

This unusually tall shadow actually brought someone with him.

"Hero, spare your life!"

Thinking of the news about the bandits nearby, Yu Laoer was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

He knew he shouldn't come out. In the past, he thought that no matter how ferocious the robbers were, they would never be able to rob a poor person like him. But who would have thought that today this robber would come directly towards him!

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Yu Laoer ran all the way. He had never run so fast before.

But no matter how fast he ran, he couldn't run faster than those two long legs as strong as pillars.

Not even two steps after running out, the big hand like a cattail leaf fan was already pressed on Yu Laoer's shoulder. The big hand actually lifted Yu Laoer up, as easily as lifting a chicken - facing such a situation With the terrifying power, Yu Laoer's body completely gave up resistance, and there was no idea left in his mind, leaving only endless panic.

But to Yu Laoer's surprise, the strong man carrying the big knife did not kill him like the bandits he imagined, but turned him around and placed him on the ground.

Then she spoke to him quite kindly.

"Did you just see a phoenix flying over here?"


Both Yu and Lao were stunned.

Phoenix... He had heard of it. It was a very auspicious bird and very powerful. However, these patterns of dragons and phoenixes were only used by the nobles. Poor people like them had only heard of them. How could I have seen such auspiciousness with my own eyes?


"My, my, let me put it another way."

The strong man carrying a big knife scratched his head, and then spoke again.

"Then did you see a chicken passing here just now?"


Yu Laoer's expression suddenly became subtle.

"This... strong man, there are no chickens in the village, so we have to go to the town to find them."

"I'm not talking about the chicken."

The strong man carrying a big sword slapped his forehead.

"I'm talking about chickens for eating... No, I'm talking about roosters, the kind that crow, live chickens. One should have flown over just now. Did you see it?"

"Oh, this chicken."

Yu Laoer thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Didn't see it."

"Hey, this bitch..."

Not being able to ask for news seemed to make the strong man with the big knife a little disappointed, and he even got angry and cursed in the street.

"Do you have any water here?"

"I'll have it when I get back."

This time, Yu Laoer nodded.

He really needed to go back, at least to change a pair of trousers, and the strong man in front of him didn't sound like a bad guy, so there should be no problem in taking a bowl of water back with him.

On the way back, Yu Laoer also learned during the conversation that the name of this strong man was Du Chengfeng, and the reason why he came here was just to chase and kill a pheasant - Yu Laoer couldn't figure it out. , what is there to chase after a pheasant? After thinking about it, he could only attribute this matter to having nothing to do.

Yes, with such a strong body, he didn't work, and ran a long way just to chase a pheasant. Isn't this just idle?

"You don't understand, that pheasant... Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you this."

Shaking his head, the strong man named Du Chengfeng drank a bowl of water, and then he felt it was not enough, so he simply picked up the bucket and poured the whole bucket of water into his stomach.

This scene made Yu Laoer dumbfounded. You know, he almost drank that bucket a day, but the strong man drank it all in one breath.

"Don't worry, it's not in vain."

In the astonished eyes of Yu Laoer, the strong man named Du Chengfeng waved his hand.

"As for money... Sorry, I don't have it. How about I do you a favor, tell me what you want, and I'll do it for you."

"Is this... appropriate?"

Yu Laoer couldn't help but hesitate.

"Anything is fine?"

"Anything is fine."

Du Chengfeng nodded.

"Just tell me, there shouldn't be anything I can't do now."


Yu Laoer thought about it.

He originally wanted to ask if he could ask this warrior to help Lijia Village deal with those robbers who blocked the road. After all, those robbers have been bothering Lijia Village for some time. And the warrior in front of him also had a knife on his back. He thought he could fight with those robbers, and he might even kill them on the spot.

But when the words came to his mouth, it turned into another scene.

"Can you help me open that mountain?"

As soon as the words came out, Yu Laoer wanted to slap himself. Although he also felt that even if the warrior boasted, he could not really do everything, but it was a bit too outrageous to ask such a question directly.

But just when Yu Laoer was about to change the topic with an embarrassed look on his face, the strong man named Du Chengfeng nodded at him.

"It's just a small matter."

Speaking of this, the strong man named Du Chengfeng brought Yu Laoer all the way to the foot of the mountain.

Then he pulled out the big knife on his back towards the top of the mountain.

"Let's go!"


Under the whistling of the blade, the huge mountain actually collapsed and fell, and was completely flattened.

Is this really something a human can do?

Perhaps the impact in front of him was too huge, Yu Laoer felt a little dizzy, flattening a mountain with just a knife, which was simply too much against his common sense.

"Right, I said it was a small matter, right?"

The strong man named Du Chengfeng smiled.

"It's just that this kind of thing is too simple..."

"Uh, I mean to open up the mountain."

Yu Laoer, who was still a little dizzy, spoke subconsciously.

"Opening a field, these are all stones..."

"This is also simple."

The strong man named Du Chengfeng smiled and shook his head.

"Isn't it just opening a field... huh?"

The raised big knife froze in mid-air.

The sword was frozen for about a quarter of an hour, and even the dizzy Yu Laoer had come back to his senses - but in Yu Laoer's sight, the strong man who was still omnipotent and even split the mountain with one sword just now looked more and more ugly, and his brows were frowning more and more tightly.

"That, strong man."

Yu Laoer's face became more and more embarrassed.

"This is already very powerful, I was just talking nonsense..."

"Don't talk first, let me be quiet for a while."

As he said this, the man named Du Chengfeng frowned, his whole face was almost wrinkled together, and sweat even oozes out of his forehead.

Then he simply stuck the sword aside and squatted on the ground.

He kept scratching his head at the grass, trees and gravel on the ground.

I slept for more than ten hours in a row, which is a super long standby, so the belated first update is here, I will eat something and write the second update.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Everyone go to bed early and read the second chapter in the morning.

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