In the Blade

Chapter 20 This is how life is

Putting on the newly bought clothes, Du Chengfeng finally felt like going out shopping.

Buying what you want to buy and eating what you want to eat, this is how life should be lived. Thinking back to the past few days, those days were simply not for human beings. God knows why he had to go out with a big knife and fight desperately because of a sudden disaster. He even inexplicably made a deadly feud with a humanoid monster, and one of them had to die on both sides.

So in order to survive, he had to risk his life, just to accumulate a little more strength.

But is this kind of life really what he wants?

"Come on, brother, one for each."

Seeing a stall selling braised pork on the roadside, Du Chengfeng walked up and asked someone to cut two portions of the head and face, just enough for him and Li Mujiang to each have one pack.

The braised pork head meat was fat but not greasy. Du Chengfeng and Li Mujiang ate while walking, their mouths full of oil, which forced them to find another stall selling wine and each ordered two taels.

The cheap wine went into his mouth, and the greasiness in his mouth was swept away. After chewing a few bites of meat and taking a sip of wine, the feeling of alcohol quickly made Du Chengfeng relax.

Yes, this is what he wants.

Buy what you want to buy, eat what you want to eat, this is how to live. Anyway, Carpenter Li didn't know where the stall selling weapons was, so Du Chengfeng simply went around the big market with Carpenter Li. Occasionally, when he saw some interesting gadgets, he would buy them and give them to Carpenter Li's two children. They were also good toys.

In addition, Du Chengfeng also added some belongings to himself. Tables, chairs, benches, etc. could be made by Carpenter Li, but pots and pans had to be bought now. There were also some brooms, dustpans, quilts, mattresses, etc. If you want to arrange a residence from scratch, you need to buy a lot of things.

Just two turns, the originally empty cart was already full.

Even Carpenter Li lay on the cart.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng realized that his elder brother could only drink two taels of wine. After a few sips of cheap wine, he was unconscious.

Carpenter Li passed out drunk, so this trip to the market was over. Although it was a pity that he could not find the person who sold weapons mentioned by Carpenter Li, Du Chengfeng thought about it and thought that if he really wanted to do that kind of business, he probably would not come to the big market to set up a stall like an ordinary vendor.

After all, the buyers who are willing to buy those fierce weapons are definitely not ordinary people. Since they are not ordinary people, the prices will not be ordinary. Such large-scale transactions will definitely not appear in this kind of folk market selling daily necessities, just like there will be no heavy machine guns on the shelves of a small store.

Speaking of the canteen, he really wanted to do this. Originally, in his plan, he was going to settle down in Yangjiabao first, and then try to sell some things. Anyway, he had a lot of ideas in his mind, and he would definitely be able to surpass this era. Not to mention being rich, but being content with a small fortune would not be a problem.

But now, Du Chengfeng dared not guarantee it. One was that the life-and-death battle could come at any time, and he had no time to do these things. Another was that after learning about the story of the knife seller, he suddenly realized that his ideas might not really be able to surpass the times.

Snakes have their own ways, and mice have their own ways. Peaceful times have their own ways of life, and this chaotic world has its own way of life.

"You still need strength."

Du Chengfeng took out the silver cake from his clothes and put it back in his arms.

At this moment, he already understood the way to survive in this chaotic world.

But there is no use in rushing to improve strength.

"Go back."

After leading the draft horse, Du Chengfeng prepared to take Carpenter Li back to Yangjiabao.

It was more important to send the drunk old brother home first than to find some weapon dealer who was like a rural legend. Moreover, today was not without gains. Not only did he have more than a dozen knives on his body, but he also had one more piece of clothing.

Although this round-necked robe-like clothes looked old, it was still much better than his own. There were several layers of inner pockets sewn inside the clothes, and the kitchen knives he bought before were inserted there. Du Chengfeng tried to wrap the clothes, but the blades inside could not cut him. Instead, his chest and abdomen were covered by these steel blades, and for a moment it was like wearing a layer of breastplate.

Du Chengfeng patted his chest and could clearly feel the hard steel inside.

With such a layer of protection blocking his chest, I am afraid that ordinary swords and knives can't do anything to him.

But if it was replaced with a fierce blade stained with evil spirit, it would be another story.

For example, the axe of the armored Hu general He Xixuan could smash the gate of the fort with one blow. If hit head-on by such an attack, no matter what kind of armor it is, it will be useless. Of course, Du Chengfeng has done similar things before. Even though He Xixuan was wearing heavy armor and looked like a human chariot, he was still beheaded by him in the end.

Facing an opponent holding a fierce blade, armor protection is meaningless. After all, as long as the evil spirit enters the body, the holder of the weapon can master inhuman power in a moment.

Moreover, the operation of evil spirit is not limited to these. For example, he sharpened the unlucky scimitar from a certain unlucky blacksmith before, or the murderous kitchen knife that Carpenter Li talked about before, which almost scared his whole family to death. Although the effects of these two unlucky things act on the holders, it is enough to show that the evil spirit of swords and weapons is far more complicated than Du Chengfeng understands at the moment.

Fortunately, this protection is not completely useless. At least he is not afraid of the slashing and smashing of ordinary weapons. Moreover, a sturdy robe wrapped around his body can also give people a sufficient sense of security.

It can make him truly integrate into this desolate northern land.

Wrapped in an old robe and driving a cart full of goods, Du Chengfeng, who was walking on the road, finally looked like a real Jizhou person at this moment.

Before the sun completely set, Du Chengfeng had already rushed back to Yangjiabao, which also saved the drunken Li Carpenter from the trouble of being nagged by his wife. After taking toys for Li Carpenter's two children and saying something to Li Carpenter who had just woken up, Du Chengfeng borrowed Li Carpenter's cart and pulled all the belongings back to the courtyard.

But just when the cart arrived at the gate of the courtyard, Du Chengfeng suddenly frowned.

Just because there was a figure kneeling outside the gate of the courtyard.

With the moonlight, Du Chengfeng saw the face of the person who came clearly.

This is clearly the Yang Sanlang who was almost beaten to shit and piss by him before.

"Why, do you want to fight again?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help shaking his head.

"I don't have time to play with you today."

"Give me back my knife."

Hearing Du Chengfeng's voice, Yang Sanlang turned around and knocked his head on the ground on the spot.

"Please give me back my Yang family's ancestral sword, please."

Thank you for the recommendation and monthly votes from Passerby A, and thank you for the monthly votes from Guardian Tyrannosaurus Rex. Your support is my motivation to move forward. Thank you all.

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