In the Blade

Chapter 201: Legacy of the Past

Looking at the sharpened hoe and shovel heads in his hands, and then at Yu Laoer beside him, Du Chengfeng sighed and patted the other party's shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

Yu Laoer was a little confused. He couldn't figure out what Du Chengfeng was causing.

But Du Chengfeng just shook his head.


Patting Yu Laoer's shoulder again, Du Chengfeng shook his head and sighed.

After thinking about it, he still did not say the real last words of Old Yutou. Although in theory, Yu Laoer did have the right to know the last words his father said before he died, but if he wants to treat his father as a hero, A man who knows that his old father is really crazy is still a little too cruel.

So Du Chengfeng was going to put this matter aside for a while and see what the so-called treasure was.

Of course, this does not mean that he should keep silent about the so-called treasure, but that the "treasure in the mountains" is really a bit too evil. Looking at the old man's lifelong obsession with digging mountains, the so-called treasure It should be buried inside the mountain, but what kind of thing can make people outside go crazy even through the thick mountain?

This is really outrageous. Du Chengfeng has never seen anything so evil.

No, he should have seen it before.

"I'll look for it and remember where I put it..."

With this thought in mind, Du Chengfeng pulled out the saddle bag he was carrying.

The war horse that has been with him for a long time has been buried in the Bone Emperor's Tomb, but at least the saddle bag is still there, and the equipment in it is still complete, including an old battle flag and a five-foot-long sword, which look very useful at first sight. The retractable short spear, the edgeless sword that he stuffed into his bag two days ago...

"Found it!"

Opening the compartment of the saddle bag, Du Chengfeng pulled out the brass magic sword that had fallen into the crack.

He still vaguely remembered that when he was polishing the brass magic sword, he also experienced a relatively special memory. One was the special way of making the magic sword, and the other was when the magic sword was found - The tomb robber who broke into the Taiyin Mountain Temple, later the ancestor of Taiyin Mountain Temple Zhu Zhang Qi, also shouted something like "Baby, baby" when he found the brass magic sword and the two volumes of scriptures. .

"I should remember correctly..."

With this in mind, Du Chengfeng simply sat back on the bench and took care of the brass magic sword again.

The unknown ugly man in green robes was forged in thirty-six days. The sword hilt was engraved with tortoise shell, and the sword was engraved with seven stars. A century-old turtle sacrificed its blood to the sword. Seventy-eight bandits took their lives to open the seal. Two volumes of scriptures narrated his experiences. Incense offering in Taiyin Temple... During another maintenance, Du Chengfeng once again experienced the memory in this magic sword.

It was obviously a magical sword that killed seventy-eight bandits, but according to the scriptures, it became a sword that subdued a hundred thousand evil spirits. And after the tomb robber named Zhang got this magical sword, he actually He really created the phantom of the golden-armored god based on those two volumes of scriptures.

This reminded Du Chengfeng of the Chu people's motto.

"A strong will can change everything."

The great Chu of the past had a perfect understanding of the evil spirit of weapons.

In order to understand this cruel power, the Chu people conducted a crazy test. In order to adapt to this ferocious power, the Chu people even developed a matching fighting method. The understanding of the evil spirit can even allow the Chu people to Even after turning into a monster, he could still maintain his sanity and even escape by feigning death through the art of corpse dismemberment. This is enough to show how deeply the Chu people understand the evil spirit of weapons.

So before Chu came to dominate the world, didn't there have any evil weapons?

"There are still some."

Under the midnight moonlight, the voice of the gray-black fire phoenix rang in the heart of the elder man of the Li family.

"Things like evil-spirited weapons existed long before the Great Chu conquered the world. The thing you are looking for..."

"You mean Da Chu? Even before Da Chu?"

The elder of the Li family frowned.

"Then when were you born?"

"Is this what I was talking about with you?"

The gray-black fire phoenix became more and more angry. It suddenly felt that maybe it should be possessed by someone else. No matter who it was, it would be good, at least not by this person who would make excuses when he opened his mouth.

But there are no other suitable people for him to possess at the moment. There are not even decent warriors in this barren place - obviously, after experiencing the legal order of the Yu and Chen dynasties, the people are no longer what they used to be. As in the heyday of the Chu people, there were warriors everywhere who dared to fight.

Just like the current Lijia Village, there are so many Dingkou in the village, but they are all ordinary people, and you can't even find anyone who has killed someone.

You can't really possess ordinary people, right? With a body that has no strength at all, what else can it do?

Of course, if it must be said, there is indeed a second warrior in the Li Family Village, and he is a much stronger warrior than the Li Family Dalang.

That is Du Chengfeng.

It was driven all the way here by the other party, so how could it be stupid enough to continue to look for discomfort.

Theoretically speaking, it could have run away now, but Du Chengfeng seemed to have been ill these days and did not continue to chase it. This was a good time to escape from pursuit - but if it was really like this, he would go empty-handed. After escaping, it always felt like something was missing. What's more, he also saw the scene of the sword cutting through the mountain. If the magic weapon was taken away by Du Chengfeng, wouldn't it have no chance of making a comeback?

"So you know that magic weapon... very well?"

Just when the gray-black fire phoenix had just calmed down a bit, the elder man of the Li family spoke again.

"Could it be that you placed the magic weapons hidden in the mountains there?"

"Not really, but you can understand it that way."

The gray and black fire phoenix was too lazy to argue, and did not want to waste words with the eldest son of the Li family.

Strictly speaking, he did not release the magic soldiers. After all, it was the Chu people who suppressed these magic soldiers in the past.

It was the time when Chu conquered the world. At that time, Chu was still at its peak, and the Chu people of that era were also full of arrogance - unlike today's mortals who treat a ferocious weapon as a treasure, the Chu people of the past were playing tricks on them. After seeing those magical weapons, the first thing I thought about was not how to use them, but to see which one was stronger compared to their research results.

"We today may not be inferior to the ancients!"

This was the slogan shouted by those Chu people in the past.

Under the guidance of this crazy idea, a large number of surviving magical weapons and treasures were demolished. The Chu people used their hard power to prove that their understanding of evil spirits had indeed surpassed that of the ancients.

However, that’s not how things work out.

As the last descendant of the Chu people and the last seeker of the truth, Gray Black Fire Phoenix knew very well that the Chu people's way of treating those magical weapons and treasures in the past was a bit too rough - when the Chu people were judging the magical weapons and treasures, , often there is only one standard, and that is destructive power. Those with strong destructive power are good, and those with insufficient destructive power are useless garbage.

After all, weapons are meant to be used to kill people. If you can’t kill people easily, then why should they be called weapons?

The Gray-Black Fire Phoenix itself had been influenced by this idea, and felt that destructive power was absolute. It was under the guidance of this idea that it successfully created an unprecedented ultimate weapon - but unfortunately, The humanoid weapon it made with its own hands could not be defeated by the Chu people themselves, and it even turned against it and almost completely wiped out the remaining Chu people.

However, it was precisely because of this opportunity that it learned from the pain, developed the technology of consciousness transfer, and secretly hid its consciousness in the Overlord Halberd passed down from generation to generation by the Chu people, just waiting for the blade to fall into the humanoid weapon. In your hands, you can vacate the cage and change the bird, and embark on the road to heaven that will transform into an immortal.

It succeeded, but it also failed. When it failed, it even lost the Overlord Halberd, and was beaten by Du Chengfeng with his sword.

That's why it comes here specifically to pick up trash.

Of course, this garbage was only "not destructive enough" according to the Chu people's standards back then, but now it has long understood that destructive power is not the only criterion - just like the immortal body it built with its own hands , the most valuable thing about that humanoid weapon has never been its power to move mountains and seas, but its perfect adaptability to evil spirits.

"So I should be able to find something that can help..."

The gray-black fire phoenix felt a little uneasy. It only remembered that it had seen from the records that there was a bunker left over from the Chu Dynasty in the past. As for what was left in this bunker, it was not very clear.

After all, when it was still a human being, Chu had been overthrown by the Yu Dynasty for more than two hundred years. If the Chu people had not tried their best to maintain the ancient books, it would not even be able to find this bunker anywhere.

Of course, now I have found it, but there are even more troubles.

First of all, because the time gap is so long, the bunker has been buried in the ground for two or even three dynasties. Secondly, that lunatic named Du Chengfeng suddenly destroyed the mountain with a single blow, and the already buried bunker was piled with another layer of mountain ruins, and was completely buried - but if that was all, It is not a big obstacle to it. Whether you find someone to dig it out or rely on your own invisible advantage to get in, there is always a way.

But in recent days, the lunatic named Du Chengfeng has been lingering on the ruins.

Is this an illness? Or do you see its goal? Or maybe that lunatic named Du Chengfeng also felt the inspiration of the magic weapon?

"You can attract people to dig through a mountain. What kind of good stuff did our predecessors waste..."

The gray-black fire phoenix became even more distressed. If the predecessors could have kept these magical weapons and made good use of them, would the Chu people of the past have perished? If the predecessors could have left more things for their descendants, would it have been beaten like this?

You must know that it has become a living immortal, transformed into an immortal fire phoenix, but it is being chased as a chicken. This is simply...

"So, it's up to you."

The gray-black fire phoenix once again spoke in the heart of the Li family elder.

"As promised before, cooperate. You are responsible for guarding the top. Don't let anyone, especially the kind of people who can fight at first sight, come and interfere with me. I will be responsible for going down to explore the path and get the magic weapon treasure." Bring the utensils and let us each take what we need, okay?"


The elder of the Li family pondered for a moment, he still didn't quite believe what this big gray and black bird said.

Inexplicably, he taught him a set of halberd skills, and even helped him seize the magic weapon, but the price was just to stand guard for a while to prevent others from approaching - no matter how it sounds, this is only for his own benefit, and this The big gray and black bird gained nothing at all.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

"Hey, kid."

The gray-black fire phoenix's anger rose again.

What do you mean by either a traitor or a thief? Isn't it enough to be nice to this kid? Of course, this kindness is not without a price. It needs this Li Jia Da Lang to block Du Chengfeng who may appear - so it is better for this Li Jia Da Lang to be stronger. Even if he just uses his neck to block Du Chengfeng's sword, he can buy him enough time to retreat.

"I said, we each take what we need."

Seeing that the collapsed mountain is getting closer and closer, the gray-black fire phoenix still chose to be patient for the last minute.

"You get what you want, I get what I want... If you must need a reason, it is that when you swing your halberd, you are very much like the Overlord."

"... Me?"

Li Jia Da Lang was slightly startled.

But the gray-black fire phoenix said nothing more.

If it had known that this was a donkey that went with the flow, it would not have spent so much time talking. Young people are easy to deceive. Just say a few nice words and think they are some extraordinary people - just like now, even without deliberately perceiving, it can sense the restlessness and uneasiness in the heart of this Li Jia Da Lang.

So, after pacifying this temporary host, the gray-black fire phoenix drilled out of Li Jiadalang's body, and then took advantage of the fact that there was no Du Chengfeng around, and plunged into the pile of rubble and ruins.

Its biggest advantage is that it is invisible and formless. It can penetrate these tangible things at will, even the piles of rocks and plants, or even the thick soil, which are like nothing to it.

"If I keep drilling down, how deep can I drill? Where will I drill to?"

At this moment, the gray-black fire phoenix inexplicably had an idea in his heart. After all, this is something that no one has ever done.

But immediately, it dispelled this unrealistic idea.

It is important to find the bunker first, and there is no time to care about these trivial things.

It is not an easy task to feel the specific location of the bunker in this thick soil layer. In addition, the bunker is buried so deep that it is unknown how deep it is, which makes the search even more difficult, like finding a needle in a haystack. But it is different. It is an immortal fire phoenix, a real immortal in the world. How could such a thing be difficult for it?

"Found you."

In just a moment, the gray-black fire phoenix has locked the bunker cavity buried deep underground.

Then, it plunged in.

The structure inside the bunker made it quite familiar. It was the architectural style inherited from the Chu people. So following this familiar feeling, it found the location of the warehouse in the first place.

However, the things in the warehouse had already decayed.

Those objects that should have been full of evil spirits have now become silent, just like ordinary objects. Just looking at the decayed and withered appearance, the gray-black fire phoenix felt that if he just touched them, these things would turn into ashes on the spot.

"Why... are they all rotten?"

The gray-black fire phoenix was dumbfounded. It couldn't believe what it saw.

Even these magic weapons and treasures could not withstand the ravages of time?

"There should be something left..."

Thinking of this, the gray-black fire phoenix simply started to search.

And this search really allowed it to find the only weapon that seemed to be usable.

"Finally found one."

The gray-black fire phoenix stretched out its bird claws and picked up the bronze axe with an ugly smiley face on the ground.

Although this axe didn't even have a handle and didn't look like a weapon, the gray-black fire phoenix couldn't help but sigh that this trip was not in vain after feeling the vigorous vitality coming from the bronze axe.

"Finally I waited for one."

The bronze axe also stretched out an illusory arm, twisted off the bird's leg hanging on the axe, and put it into the mouth of the ugly face.

While biting and chewing, the bronze axe sighed that it really didn't wait in vain.

"You... How is it possible!"

The gray-black fire phoenix, whose leg was suddenly broken, was horrified and quickly flew away.

"I am an immortal! A real immortal in the world! How could you, how could you..."

"I know you are an immortal, and I am also an immortal, a great immortal, so what's wrong with this great immortal eating you, a little immortal?"

As he said this, the bronze axe had already floated in the air and shoveled towards the gray-black fire phoenix.

"Young people are so easy to deceive. Just talk about a few cultivation methods and you can train yourself to be able to serve on the table."

A late update. I fell asleep in front of the computer in the middle. Fortunately, I finally finished it. I don't have to do the homework. I'll go to sleep for a while and continue when I wake up.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Good morning everyone, happy National Day

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