In the Blade

Chapter 203 Master

Du Chengfeng came here a quarter of an hour ago.

After sharpening the hoe, he realized that the things buried in the mountain might be very dangerous, and he had to dig out the things inside. When he didn't have the ability before, he would definitely not do anything, but now he has such a strong power in his hands, how can he sit back and watch such evil things wreak havoc on the place?

Of course, it was mainly because of the power. At present, he has successfully passed the stage of struggling to survive, and finally has the energy to do something else.

However, there were still some small episodes in the middle. For example, Li Jiadalang from Lijia Village blocked the land and refused to let him and Yu Laoer go to the ruins of the mountain. In the words of Li Jiadalang, "this mountain belongs to the village", which means his family's private property. Every blade of grass and every tree in it belongs to his Li family. No matter what they do, they must get the consent of the Li family.

If it were the former Du Chengfeng, a fight might have broken out. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see that this Li Jia Da Lang had come out to pick peaches. He had worked hard for several days to open up the mountain, but this Li Jia Da Lang said that he would not let him in. It was possible that he had set his eyes on something hidden in the mountain. Who could tolerate this?

But for the current Du Chengfeng, he just felt that this young man was a little naughty.

It was not that Du Chengfeng deliberately looked down on him, but that there was really nothing to say about Lijia Village - the previous Yangjiabao was at least a descendant of a real general, and this Lijia Village was really just Lijia Village. There was no outrageous background, no great figures, and the only one who looked like a decent person was this Li Jia Da Lang.

"Did you set your eyes on something inside?"

Du Chengfeng did not say anything nonsense, and directly pointed out Li Jia Da Lang's thoughts.

Li Jia Da Lang was stunned when he heard this.

"You... want to rob openly?"

Li Jia Da Lang raised his halberd and had already entered a combat readiness posture.

"Even if you can split the mountain, you may not be able to snatch it from me... I am a halberd bearer appointed by the court. Don't challenge my profession with your hobby."

"Ah, this..."

Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

Halberd bearer, is he very powerful?

Looking at the fierce-looking Li Jiadalang, Du Chengfeng even felt a hint of pity in his heart - perhaps in the eyes of others, this fierce and evil look of wanting to kill people is really scary, but for Du Chengfeng, this look of holding the weapon tightly and pretending to be so fierce, while repeating his achievements to encourage himself, is really a bit...

Maybe this is what young people are like, because they can subconsciously perceive that they have not yet mastered the power to make a living, so they have to make a fierce posture to protect themselves.


With a sigh, Du Chengfeng couldn't help shaking his head and casually pushed away the halberd blade in front of him.

What surprised Li Jiadalang was that his powerful halberd method of turning waves could not be used at all at this moment.

"How about this."

Just when Li Jiadalang was completely desperate and thought he was going to be killed by this master, Du Chengfeng spoke.

"My goal is to turn this mountain into farmland. This is part of my practice. As for who the farmland belongs to, I think you should be able to see that I don't need this stuff... Just like the things buried in the soil, do you think I need this?"


Li Jiadalang was stunned. He thought he had heard it wrong.

But Du Chengfeng still looked indifferent.

"So how about this, anyway, I can't take up your place for nothing, I just help you dig out the things, if the things are not dangerous, you can take them away, if they are dangerous, we can discuss how to deal with them, what do you think?"


Li Jiadalang was dumbfounded.

What does he think? What else can he think? Originally, the top master who cut the mountain with a knife was not someone he could deal with. Now the other party was showing a friendly attitude and was even willing to give him the magic weapon buried in the soil. What else could he do?

"Is this... a master?"

Walking all the way into the mountain, Li Jiadalang felt that his mind was a little confused.

It was different. The master in front of him was different from the masters in his impression. It shouldn't be like this. The masters in his impression shouldn't be like this. He had seen masters in the army, but those masters were often strong enough to be seen with the naked eye. The huge momentum made them look like they were killing people. Just sitting there was already intimidating without anger. They were already strong all over when they stood there.

But in the master in front of him... he couldn't see any strong manifestation.

It was just a strong body. This was actually not uncommon. After all, if you can get the evil spirit into your body, you will basically become strong. On this basis, the real verification of whether a person is a strong person is actually temperament, or momentum.

But Li Jiadalang could not feel any momentum, he could only feel that he did not care.

Yes, he did not care, this was very obvious, the master in front of him did not care about the treasures in the mountain, let alone his obstruction, even his halberd, even his attack, this master named Du Chengfeng never took it seriously.

It was as if all this did not matter to this master.

"Is this strong?"

Although there were still some doubts, Li Jiadalang had already agreed with something in his heart.

Or, a certain attitude.

Nothing can hurt him, so there is no sense of urgency, nothing is worth his full effort, so there is no need to show any strong attitude.

Because he is really strong enough, he will not care about everything around him.

Just like the large beasts walking in the mountains and forests, they are strong without natural enemies, so why do they need to show anything deliberately?

"So that's it..."

Until he saw the strong man named Du Chengfeng swinging a knife and blasting a vertical pit on the thick mountain ruins, Li Jiadalang was still thinking about these things.

Something in his mind was broken and reassembled, and his understanding and cognition had some strange changes at this moment.

Even when the gray-black phoenix appeared again, this feeling continued, and when he saw this big bird that he couldn't understand again, he didn't have the same feeling of doubt and confusion as before.

Maybe in his heart before, this big bird was strong, but now it seems... this big bird may not be that strong.

"Come up quickly, Brother Du said he doesn't want the stuff inside!"

Li Jiadalang called out like this, completely forgetting what the big bird told him.

However, at this moment, something flew up before the gray-black big bird.


Looking at the bronze axe that had been embedded in his chest at some point, Li Jiadalang was suddenly startled.

He didn't even feel any pain.

Instead, he felt that something was pouring into his body.

That was what he had just experienced, the real power.

The first update is here, and the second update will be in the morning. I have to eat in between, so everyone go to sleep first.

In addition: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you all for your encouragement and support.

Thank you Zhuge Sandan for the reward, it really cost me money.

I'm going to have a meal, good night everyone.

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