In the Blade

Chapter 210 The stronger, the weaker; the weaker, the stronger

Is knowing more a good thing?

Of course it is a good thing, no matter when it is, it is a good thing. The understanding of the world and the cognition of all things are extremely important. It is precisely because of this accumulation of knowledge and experience that people can better seek benefits and avoid harm, and the summary and application of laws and rules can make people do many things that they could not do before.

Even Du Chengfeng himself has enjoyed the benefits in this regard.

Or, in fact, everyone is enjoying the benefits in this regard, just like the Yin priest holding a bronze axe in the memory fragment he just saw, who also enjoys the convenience brought by "knowing a lot". It is because he knows a lot that he can easily forge weapons, use those strange secret methods, and clearly know how to become stronger.

But is knowing a lot really a good thing?

"... Not necessarily."

Du Chengfeng narrowed his eyes.

Whether a thing is a good thing or not depends on the environment. If it was the peaceful world he was in before, knowing a lot would definitely be a good thing - but now it is not necessarily the case, after all, there is another way of saying this world.

That is the law that the Chu people have summed up through continuous attempts.

"A firm will can change everything."

It is not to the extent of "I will do it unswervingly, and one day I will be able to do it", but to really change reality through one's own will - the best example is the gray-black fire phoenix nailed to the wall not far away. Its extreme persistence in feathering and ascending to heaven even allowed it to break free from the constraints of its body and become a pure consciousness aggregate. Similarly, the emperor of the Southern Chen Empire also relied on this extreme hatred for the gray-black fire phoenix, and after his death, he also turned into the appearance of the phantom sword, and even had the ability to hurt the gray-black fire phoenix.

Du Chengfeng used to think that there was nothing wrong with this, after all, he was used to the outrageous degree of this world, but now, he suddenly realized something.

That is, the so-called "firm will" and "knowing more" are actually in conflict.

If you want to know more, you will inevitably maintain a relatively humble attitude. After all, the more you know, the more you will find that you still know too little. In the process of seeking knowledge, you have to go through countless hardships before you can find something that can be called "right" among countless mistakes.

But this "right" is not really "absolute".

Du Chengfeng has personally experienced this. Whenever he thinks he knows enough about this world, this ghost world always gives him a little "surprise", which directly leads to him correcting his cognition again and again, so as to incorporate new understanding into his experience. This really makes him know a lot, and even makes his cognition of evil spirits more profound.

But it also makes him farther and farther away from the so-called "firmness".

There is no way. If you want to keep absorbing new knowledge, it is difficult to be completely firm. After all, everything around is constantly changing, and he naturally has to adapt to this change to understand and summarize experience. But if he is too firm, he will not be able to absorb any new knowledge. After all, he has power. He can completely ignore any rules and rely on pure power to work miracles.

The so-called "hegemony" of the Chu people is the ultimate explanation of this idea. In the understanding of the Chu people, the strong must use their own will to trample on everything in this world.

But this concept itself is a contradiction.

If you want to practice hegemony, you must have power and become stronger. If you want to become stronger, you need to learn various skills and understand the rules of this world. In the process of becoming stronger, the more you understand, the more difficult it is to remain firm in the complex information, which will make people farther and farther away from hegemony.

"In other words, the stronger, the weaker, and the weaker, the stronger?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

Anyway, the things he concluded were a bit too abstract, but such outrageous things actually existed in this ghost world.

I am afraid that even science fiction writers would not dare to adopt such an exaggerated setting. Even fantasy novels have normal upgrades and skill trees, and martial arts novels are also the same. The more you practice, the stronger you become. How can there be such a blockage?

Under this ghost mechanism, is it really possible to become stronger?

It seems that there is.

At least the Yin priest who originally held the bronze axe found a solution.

The memory fragments did not stop there, but continued. Under Du Chengfeng's observation, the Yin priest actually chose to lead the team to continue to destroy the city and capture the stronghold-just like the first time he broke through the enemy city, every place he went, the Yin priest would not leave any survivors, he would use his terrifying power to crush all the creatures in his sight.

And in this process, the Yin priest was indeed getting stronger.

When they reached the third city, one of the five soldiers could only choose to watch. When they reached the fourth city, the number of Yin soldiers who could only choose to watch became two. Then the fifth, the sixth, and so on until the eighth city counted by the Yin priest, this powerful priest had already flown into the air, and with just a wave of his axe, he had already destroyed half of the city.

"Is this...the power of evil spirit?"

Du Chengfeng could vaguely notice that this power seemed a bit familiar, but after thinking about it carefully, he always felt that there was something wrong - just because this power was not just wrapped around the weapon, but there was also a part of it. The Yin priest wielded it himself.

After this Yin priest performed seven so-called "sacrificial rituals", he actually gained power comparable to that of ghosts and gods.

And now, the eighth ritual has been completed.

Everything happened quietly, as if nothing had happened. At least in the eyes of the Yin warriors who were watching, the strong priest had not changed at all - but Du Chengfeng, who was looking at the bronze yue knife, could clearly see what happened. Feel the inexplicable power surging in the body of this Yin priest.

Obviously he did not feel the existence of any so-called ghosts and gods, but this Yin priest really gained power.

"In other words, you can gain power by completing your set goals?"

Although he had made a general summary, Du Chengfeng still felt that something was not quite right. This summary was still a bit too superficial, and he had not yet touched the real core of the method.

Similarly, like Du Chengfeng, the Yin priest also felt something was wrong after gaining this power.

"not enough."

Obviously possessing powerful power, the Yin priest's brows furrowed.

"Totally not enough."

Yes, it's not enough at all. Although this powerful power can destroy half of the city in one blow, it is comparable to ghosts and gods, but it is only comparable to ghosts and gods. After all, the Yin priest is not like real ghosts and gods. Despite being omnipotent, he is still trapped in this mortal body.

"Is it because I don't believe it enough?"

The Yin priest clenched the yue blade in his hand.

Not convinced enough?

Du Chengfeng suddenly realized the problem.

Yes, he should have thought of it a long time ago. Whether it is the preset goal or these so-called sacrifices, it is not so much realizing a certain sacrifice, but rather using these methods to make himself believe that he can pass this kind of sacrifice. way to gain strength.

"How can you still do this?"

Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded. He had never thought that someone could actually find a solution to this problem.

And this plan seems to be very feasible.

After all, the remaining four Yin warriors have really become stronger. Although they have only experienced part of the sacrifice, they really have strong power and have become far more powerful than when they first set out.

The only one who failed to meet his own expectations was the Yin priest who took care of all this.

The priest who personally conducted this series of sacrifices knew all about this very well, and precisely because of this, some doubts arose in the heart of the priest.

It was this slight doubt that greatly reduced the effectiveness of the ritual on him.

This also made the Yin priest even more frustrated.

The war was over, and the soldiers naturally returned to the city. The rest of the soldiers were celebrating. Only the priest chose to drink. Although it looked like he was drinking to drown his sorrows, it was actually completely different. Just because in the context of the Yin people, wine is the essence of grains and a treasure that can communicate with ghosts and gods.

As for the way of communication, drinking is of course.

The more you drink, the more pious you become, and the more drunk you are, the more you can communicate with the ghosts and gods in the underworld.

In this way, the strong priest used a bronze wine vessel to scald the wine, and then filtered out the impurities, leaving only the pure wine pulp. Then he drank one cup after another, and soon he was drunk.

"In other words, using alcohol to anesthetize you to suppress your reason?"

Du Chengfeng's thinking became clearer and clearer.

No wonder the bronze yue saber immediately asked him for wine and meat after talking to him.

He has now seen the effect of wine, and as for meat, it probably does not refer to the meat eaten, but to the living sacrifices used as sacrifices.

Obviously, although the phrase "a firm will can change everything" was summed up by the Chu people, not everyone before the Chu people could realize this - and the Chu people's "Suppress everything with domineering" "This kind of relatively empty goal is different. These former Yin people not only discovered this, but also summarized a relatively effective improvement model.

Use "wine" and "meat" to make yourself believe, so that you can become firm, and then gain strength from this firmness.


Du Chengfeng couldn't help but admire.

This set of things is also very inspiring to him. After all, he is also troubled by the same problem now - or in other words, whether it is him or the unknown giant, those who inherited the Chu people's fighting methods in the past are actually all Have similar troubles.

When they can no longer find an opponent, when they can no longer see a stronger direction, how can they become stronger?

But now, this Yin priest gave the answer.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I can't just stop here, I can definitely go further!"

The drunken Yin priest pointed at the moon and roared loudly.

"I must become a ghost! I can definitely do it!"


Du Chengfeng listened attentively.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this is just an ordinary drunken madness, but in Du Chengfeng's eyes, this Yin priest is not just simply drunk - under the anesthesia of alcohol, the priest's reason was finally stripped away, and the strongest desire hidden in his heart was also revealed.

Perhaps, this is the ghost that the Yin people want to communicate with.

It is not a powerful creature that is high above, nor is it a secret existence in the dark, but the ghost in the heart hidden deep in the heart of this Yin priest.

The Yin priest is trying to induce the ghost in his heart, let himself believe, let himself insist, even if it is just blind belief.

After all, as long as you can get power, it is enough, as long as the power is strong enough, everything will surrender.

"... It seems to be right."

Du Chengfeng sighed.

It is indeed right, that is the "tyranny" in the Chu people's mouth. This thing that makes many Chu people spend their lives, for the former Yin people, it can only be regarded as scraps.

Blind belief requires hegemony, while non-blind belief naturally does not require it. Non-blind belief, but still believing, means that people are on the right path, so how can they need to suppress anything with hegemony?

No need to suppress anything with hegemony, this is the most ideal situation in the eyes of the Yin people.

Just this understanding of power, this Yin priest has surpassed the later Chu people.

"This is the Yin people..."

The more he understands his opponent, the more Du Chengfeng can feel that power.

Although theoretically, these ancient people in the past cannot be stronger than those who come later, but that is only relative. For these Yin people who are already top warriors, this kind of thinking is obviously not applicable - perhaps limited by the limitations of the times, their horizons may not be very broad, and their understanding of things will not be as deep as that of later generations, but as long as they are given a little time to broaden their horizons and give them a chance to learn new things, these former strong men will eventually burst out with shining brilliance again.

The Yin people in the past were already very powerful, but on top of this power, they would continue to evolve.


After reading the memories left on the bronze fragments, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh again.

"I guess in the end, this Yin priest should really become a ghost."

The second update is late. I should have posted it in the morning, but I took a nap in the middle of the night and read a book when I was preparing to eat. I read it for the whole morning. I was so tired. I'm sorry.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thank you to my book friends and my only reward. It's really a waste of money.

It's time to rest at this point. I hope I can get up on time in the evening. If I can't get up, I'll see you in the middle of the night. Sent.

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