In the Blade

Chapter 213: Do the things that cannot be done

Normal people will not drink a lot of alcohol. After all, anyone with a little common sense knows that this is an extremely dangerous thing.

But there are still many people who drink too much, just because after consuming a certain amount of alcohol, the brain will be paralyzed, rationality will gradually fade away, and people's judgment will also significantly decline - the most obvious example is "This little drink is nothing." , I can still drink." But once you have this idea, you are not far away from being completely drunk.

Just like how Du Chengfeng is now, with twenty-six bottles placed beside him, he continues to drink, feeling that he can still drink some more.

"After all, the alcohol content is too low. Drinking this thing is no different from drinking water."

This gave Du Chengfeng the confidence to continue drinking. He felt that it would be difficult to get him drunk with such cheap wine.

"By the way, why do I drink?"

After putting the thirty-two bottles at hand, Du Chengfeng finally remembered that he didn't seem to be drinking heavily just for the sake of drinking.

"It should be to become stronger...oh yes, to communicate with ghosts and gods."

After thinking of this, Du Chengfeng quickly put down the bottle of wine and imitated the appearance of the Yin priest in his memory, trying to communicate with ghosts and gods.

But unfortunately, he still couldn't communicate anything.

Maybe the misty ghosts and gods really didn't care for him, or maybe it was because he was not from Yin. In short, this drunken communication was still in vain.

This also made Du Chengfeng, who had drunk too much, extremely angry.

"What! Did it give you face?"

The angry Du Chengfeng caught the ghost closest to him and peed on the pheasant-like ghost's head.

After opening the floodgates and releasing the water, Du Chengfeng, who had vented some of his anger, finally lost some of his anger and recognized the reality he was facing - after all, not everyone in the Yin people could be a priest, and they must have been favored by ghosts and gods. Only people can get this position. As for his words, like those warriors, he was obviously not the kind to be favored by ghosts and gods.

However, he has become accustomed to this kind of thing. After all, he has never received much favor from others. Except for the kind-hearted Carpenter Li who is willing to lend him a hand, he still relies on himself to survive.

The mountains fall and the water dries up. After all, people still have to rely on themselves.

"What kind of ghosts are you looking for! I'm not looking for you anymore!"

After spitting on the ground, Du Chengfeng lifted up his pants.

Yes, why do we have to look for some ghost or god? Has he really reached the point where he can only rely on ghosts and gods? Yes, the Yin people did gain great power by relying on the so-called ghosts in their hearts, but he was not a Yin person. Why did he have to follow the Yin people's methods?

Can't he do it on his own? Can't you gain strength by relying only on yourself?

"Can't we be as strong as ghosts and gods by relying only on our bodies?"

At this moment, doubts arose in Du Chengfeng's mind.

No, not even that.

"Can't humans be stronger than ghosts and gods?"



You know, when humans were still monkeys, weren't those huge and ferocious beasts like ghosts and gods to these monkeys?

If those monkeys have always been afraid of ferocious beasts and feel that ferocious beasts are unrivaled in power, then these monkeys may never be able to get down from the trees in their entire lives, and naturally there will be no such thing as humans - but obviously, these monkeys They finally came down from the trees, and used stones to make spears and axes, and began to destroy the ferocious beasts in units.

In the past, monkeys defeated ferocious beasts, which was the reason for the emergence of human beings.

So now he can naturally surpass those so-called ghosts and gods.

After all, he is also human.

"So how to defeat ghosts and gods..."

Du Chengfeng, who had drunk too much, was thinking about the solution while shaking his head.

To defeat ghosts and gods, he does not necessarily need unrivaled power. After all, first of all, he has to find a ghost and god who can fight him - but obviously, it is impossible for those illusory ghosts and gods to manifest themselves and fight him. , which directly caused him to be unable to proofread his target even if he wanted to.

"Wait a minute, is there another ghost in the house?"

With this in mind, Du Chengfeng pushed the door open again and entered the house.

He only saw a gray-black pheasant nailed to the ground with a sword.

"Oh, it's you."

Du Chengfeng immediately lost interest. This kind of thing naturally cannot be called a ghost or god. The ghost and god must be stronger than this, much stronger than this...

So what are the strengths of ghosts and gods?

Du Chengfeng suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know much about the so-called "ghosts and gods" in the Yin people's context.

Since the scenes he saw on the bronze fragments were only fragmentary fragments, he really hadn't systematically studied the holder's experience as he had done before sharpening the knife. He had only watched a few rituals, and he was far from the real Yin people. The understanding of ghosts and gods is still too far behind.

The real Yin people obviously had rules and regulations when performing rituals, and they also had their own set of standards for judging ghosts and gods. As for his words...he only knows what Yin people say, that ghosts and gods are omnipotent.

But when it came to being omnipotent, he couldn't help but think of another problem.

If ghosts and gods are really omnipotent, can they create a stone that they cannot lift?

Du Chengfeng thought about it for a while, but decided on the idea, mainly because it was a bit of an argument and would be boring.

But just like the well-known saying "Don't think about the elephant", the more you say don't think about something, the more you will inevitably think about it - so Du Chengfeng simply changed his mind, or in other words, changed another way of arguing.

That is, can ghosts and gods do what they can't do?


Du Chengfeng fell silent again.

He didn't know whether ghosts and gods could do it, but he should be able to do it - after all, the reason why he stayed in this village was to challenge what he couldn't do.

So, can he do it now?

"Should... I can?"

Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng simply packed up his stuff and walked towards the ruins of the mountain.

There were some fields next to the ruins on the top of the mountain, which had been rented since Yu Laoer's father's generation. Even if Du Chengfeng didn't know how to open the fields, he could copy them roughly - he couldn't do such delicate operations before, and he could only swing a big knife to blow down the whole mountain.

But now, he should be able to do it.

Do what the former self could not do.

"Get up!"

Du Chengfeng waved his hand, and the grass, trees, and rocks within a radius of more than ten feet floated into the air.


Du Chengfeng clenched his fist with one hand, and the grass, trees, and rocks flew to one place and gathered into a ball.

It was quite strenuous for him to support such a huge mass with evil spirits, even now - so the big ball was quickly thrown aside by him, which also announced the failure of his attempt this time.

However, Du Chengfeng did not get discouraged. After all, attempts always fail, and in the process of this journey, he experienced too many more failures than this kind of trivial matter.

What's more, this attempt brought not only failure.

There are also some new inspirations.

Using evil spirit to make the gravel and grass fly up may seem bluffing, but it only looks bluffing. In essence, it is no different from a monkey picking up a stone and throwing it out. But the reason why monkeys can defeat many beasts and evolve into humans is not because they simply throw stones, but because they grind stones into various tools, thus turning them into "weapons" that can be used in battle.

Using tools is the embodiment of human wisdom.

So, can the evil spirit itself be used as a tool?

"Yes, it can be used."

Not all weapons are only used to kill people. Many weapons also have the attributes of tools. For example, an axe can be used to chop wood and firewood, and a knife can be used to split grass and trees to make a way... But when it comes to this aspect, what impressed him most was the time when he just came out of Yizhou City.

The old eunuch sent by the Southern Chen royal family to meet him was best at using thin and tough silk threads. These expensive silk threads could be used to cut people's necks, or woven into clothes to wear, or even woven into cloth to stop water leakage when the hull was chiseled open. If someone really fell into the water, they could simply weave the entire thing into a small boat to escape.

This was just the use that the old eunuch had shown, and there would be more that he hadn't shown.

If you think along this line of thought, the evil spirit is far more flexible than silk threads. What silk threads can do, there is no reason that the evil spirit can't do - of course, it is quite difficult to weave this formless power into a tool, but why did he have to use the evil spirit itself as a tool like the old eunuch?

"If you tie a weight to one end of the silk thread, it will be a very powerful meteor hammer."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but look at the grass, trees and rocks that he had originally regarded as garbage.

Yes, wood and stone.

In the past, he only thought that these things were garbage and obstacles that hindered him from doing things, but now it seems... Didn't the monkeys use these things to defeat the beasts?

"Get up!"

With Du Chengfeng's wave, the grass, trees and rocks flew up again-but this time, when Du Chengfeng clenched his fist, these grass, trees and rocks did not simply roll into a ball.

Instead, under Du Chengfeng's conscious control, they were arranged and combined while connecting and tightening.

Until a huge bucket appeared in Du Chengfeng's sight.

"I should have done it a long time ago!"

Du Chengfeng's thoughts had never been so clear, and things finally returned to his familiar field-indeed, if he let the stones in the entire ruins fly, he might not be able to figure out how to do it. But if he just operated the excavator to clean up the entire ruins, wouldn't he be able to do it?

Of course he wouldn't, after all, he had never learned the technical work of driving an excavator, but the evil spirit he controlled at the moment was far more useful than machinery.

He didn't need to be familiar with the operating specifications or master any professional skills. The evil spirit was a force that he could use at will. Of course, now it was even more like a force that he could use at will. This force was no longer just for smashing things, but could actually pick things up.

"Perhaps this is the most appropriate use of the evil spirit?"

Du Chengfeng scratched his head while digging for the grass, trees, and rocks buried in the ground.

Although he always felt that something was wrong, from his personal experience, it seemed to be true - if the evil spirit was used to kill people, there was only so much use, just blast the evil spirit over, if it was not enough, then add more... This kind of thing did not require much technical skills, just like throwing a stone, any monkey could do it.

But now, it was completely different.

Combining the illusory evil spirit with various materials in reality, the most perfect tool can be created - no matter how ordinary the materials are, as long as the imagination is rich enough, everything impossible will become possible.

Just like now, he really couldn't make all the stones fly at the same time, but he could put together five buckets at the same time to dig the ruins, and as more and more grass, trees and rocks were dug out, the number of buckets also increased.

The biggest reason why those monkeys were able to defeat other beasts in the past was that they knew how to make and use tools.

Making and using tools are connected. If you only know how to use existing tools, then at best you can only be considered a smarter monkey.

Knowing how to make tools according to the situation is the embodiment of wisdom, the confidence that allows them to fight against those ferocious beasts, and allows them to do things that they could not do before.

And now, Du Chengfeng has finally embarked on this path.

He no longer wants to communicate with ghosts and gods, such things are no longer necessary.

After all, the real power has always been in his hands.

"So this is the feeling of being omnipotent."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng suddenly remembered the question he wanted to argue with before.

If it were him, could he make a stone that he could not lift no matter what?

Yes, this is too simple. Just pour a building with concrete, and he can't lift ten of them.

But if he wants to do it, he can also blow that building into ruins, and then use the evil machine to move it to another place.

Perhaps this is the real omnipotence.

Although his strength has not increased, Du Chengfeng clearly realized that at this moment, he might be able to kill ten of his previous selves.

This is not a difference in strength.

It is the difference between humans and monkeys.

So, what is the biggest difference between humans and monkeys?

That is, monkeys will never be stupid enough to drink more than 30 bottles of cheap wine.


Fifteen buckets made of gravel fell to the ground, and Du Chengfeng was already vomiting while holding his knees.

"No, I feel uncomfortable and need to sleep for a while..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng summoned some rocks and plants as a quilt and covered himself directly.

Four thousand words per update, the next update may be in the morning.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will eat something and sleep for a while, and try to be healthy.

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