In the Blade

Chapter 216 The Real Ceremony

Songzhou, underground death row.

Few people know about this place. After all, in the public's perception, those criminals who kill people must be killed on the spot. This is exactly in line with the saying "killing people means paying with one's life", which is an iron rule that cannot be violated. Of course, in the eyes of a few people who know about it, this on-the-spot killing has another meaning, which is to kill these murderers by physical elimination, so as to prevent them from accumulating evil spirits and becoming giant bandits that bring disaster to one side.

But there are still a few real giant bandits who have not been executed.

On the surface, they died in the killing, but in fact, they were locked up in the underground death row. As for the reason for not killing them, it is naturally because they are more valuable alive.

Most of these death row prisoners have evil spirits in their bodies, and some have even touched the threshold of releasing evil spirits. They can cause disaster to one side wherever they are placed. If they are thrown behind the enemy, it will be refreshing to think about it. Even if they are not thrown behind the enemy, they are just organized into a death squad, which is also a combat-ready army.

Of course, all this was the imagination of Xu Yan, the former military governor of Songzhou. It does not mean that the prisoners in the underground death row are willing to obey such orders.

Qianren Tu was the most unruly one among these prisoners. His surname was Qian, and his given name was Ning. He was originally a peddler in Songzhou City. Because he had a dispute with a customer in the transaction, he picked up the scissors he used to sell cloth and stabbed the other party to death directly. After that, Qianren Tu fled all the way out of Songzhou and found a mountain outside the city to become a bandit.

When the capturers launched a manpower attack on the mountain stronghold, the former peddler had really become Qianren Tu, and he danced with a giant scissors that was five feet long in his hand, killing and wounding countless capturers.

But no matter how strong Qianren Tu was, his physical strength would eventually run out, and the siege of those capturers was endless. So, after paying a huge price, the exhausted Qianren Tu was finally disarmed and captured alive on the spot.

But even if he was captured alive and locked up in this death row, Qianren Tu still did not bow his head. In these dark days, he wanted to take back his weapon every moment, rush out again, and cut off the heads of everyone he saw with the huge scissors.

But it was obvious that this was impossible. Without his weapon, he had already lost most of his fighting power, and the rough and pitiful meals every day were constantly weakening his physical strength and physical fitness. No matter how angry he was, his useless body could no longer support any battle.

Until the sumptuous meal was placed in front of him.

"Why, are you finally going to kill me?"

Qianren Tu vaguely realized something, but he still chose to eat a big meal without hesitation - on the one hand, it was naturally because it was the last meal, and it would be a waste not to eat it, and on the other hand, it was also to accumulate some physical strength for a long time and look for an opportunity to kill.

But before he did it, he still had to know where his weapon was. After all, he could only be considered as a fighter if he had a weapon.

But what Qian Ren Tu did not expect was that after he finished his meal, the huge scissors that belonged to him were also placed in front of him.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Feeling the long-forgotten bloody murderous aura on the weapon, Qian Ren Tu could no longer suppress the urge to kill.

He was complete only when he picked up the weapon. He wanted to kill people everywhere!

"Don't worry, someone wants you to kill."

The jailers opened the cage cautiously and released Qian Ren Tu directly.

It was at this time that Qian Ren Tu saw that the cages around him had all been opened. It seemed that not only he was treated like this, but all the death row prisoners in the underground death row were released.

"Why, the grassland people broke in?"

Qian Ren Tu vaguely thought of something.

"Xu Yan, that idiot, can't defend anymore, so are we going to go up and kill people?"

"You'll know when you go there."

The jailer didn't say much nonsense, but walked to the front and began to lead the way.

Walking out with his weapon in hand, Qian Ren Tu had already heard some shouts and screams. It seemed that a fight had already started outside, so it was no wonder that he was released - but after listening for a while, Qian Ren Tu suddenly felt something was wrong.

Just because, although there were shouts and screams in the distance, there was not even the sound of a sharp weapon entering flesh.

"Is this a fake fight?"

Qian Ren Tu was quite confused. He couldn't figure out what was going on outside. Those fighting sounds were real, but why didn't they smell any blood after fighting for so long?

This aroused Qian Ren Tu's curiosity, and he was ready to go over and take a look.

But before he walked out, another death row prisoner flew towards him.


The tall and strong prisoner hit the wall with a muffled sound, but the prisoner holding the machete immediately climbed up and swung the knife.


The prisoner with bloodshot eyes rushed up again.

And Qianren Tu also saw the battle in the distance.

It was indeed a fight, but dozens of prisoners were besieging one person. The man with sharp patterns painted all over his body was facing the siege of dozens of prisoners, but he was still strolling leisurely, and there was not even a scratch on his body.

Except for the broken axe nailed to his chest, but it really didn't look like a wound.

"As long as you kill him, you can get out."

After saying these words, the jailers ran away in a hurry, not even daring to take another look.

Just because another death row prisoner was beaten over.

The death row inmates holding sharp knives still wanted to rush forward, but a new death row inmate came over. After a while, the dozens of death row inmates holding sharp knives all smashed against the wall.

Only the man with the dagger nailed to his chest stood there, shaking his head.

"Is this the only strength you have? Can't you bring me even a little surprise?"

Insult, this is an insult to all of them. You must know that these death row prisoners are all violent and will kill people if they disagree. How have they ever experienced such an insult?


These red-eyed death row prisoners struggled to stand up again. They were determined to kill this bold maniac who insulted them.

However, they were immersed in anger and did not realize that a huge pair of scissors was aimed at their necks.

Just from the moment of observation, Qian Rentu had already figured out that it was impossible for these wastes to defeat the monster with the yue knife nailed to its chest - so instead of letting these wastes waste time, it is better to turn these wastes into evil spirits. , becomes his own fighting power.

But just when the scissors were about to cut, Qian Rentu's hand froze.

Something caught his blade.

That's a hand.

"These people are my property, how can you do anything to my property?"


Seeing that the figure with the yue knife nailed to his chest was already close at hand, Qian Rentu suddenly waved the huge scissors in his hand.


The scissors slashed all the way and danced like a tiger, but none of them could touch the patterned monster. At this moment, Qianren Tu felt that he was not even fighting a human being, but facing something more sensitive. of large animals.

It was precisely because of this moment of distraction that the huge scissors in Thousand People Butcher's hand were slowed down by half a beat.

This directly caused his slash to be completely empty, exposing a huge gap in his entire body.


The monster with the dagger nailed to its chest flew up and kicked Qian Rentu in the chest and abdomen.

But Thousand People Massacre wanted this.

With a touch of his palm on the huge scissors, half a small pair of scissors fell into his hands. Then, the short blade was in the blind spot of his sight, and it stabbed fiercely into the person who was kicking him. on the soles of feet.

This was the murderous weapon he used when he killed the first person. He had always kept it hidden in his weapon, just to strike a blow at the critical moment.

Just like now, the hidden edge finally made the monster bleed for the first time.

Although, only one drop.


This time, Qianrentu didn't even see his shadow clearly, and his whole body was already smashed away.

It was at this time that Qianrentu realized what kind of monster they were fighting.

They can't be beaten, they can't be beaten at all. The reason why these death row prisoners can take action is purely because the other party gave them a chance - and once the other party doesn't give them a chance, they will be like now, with that surging and violent force, they will continue to attack. I couldn't even lift my head.

When did such a terrifying person appear in Songzhou City?

"It's not bad, at least someone can give me a surprise."

The monster made a move, and the blood droplets that were about to fall to the ground floated and flew in front of the monster.

"Since someone can make me see blood, then this ritual can be considered completed... Well, it's none of your business anymore, just do whatever you have to do."


Qian Rentu raised his head angrily.

Yes, he has personally experienced that powerful power, but it does not mean that he can endure this insult. You must know that at the beginning, he just went into violence and killed people just because others said that he was a stinky salesman. How could it be possible now? Can you bear this insult?

"If you don't kill grandpa today, when grandpa gets the ability, he will definitely come back and kill you!"

This is not only the thought of Thousand People Massacre, but also the thought of all death row prisoners. Facing this person who insulted them, no matter how strong this person is, they will one day kill him.

They must kill this monster so that they can save their face. They must kill this monster so that they can get rid of the bad breath in their chests.

After all, this monster is not even willing to kill them, and even wants to let them go. Is this treating their illustrious reputation, their strength, and the people they have killed as child's play?

"Is that what you actually think?"

Hearing the angry roar coming from behind, the figure with the yue knife nailed to his chest stopped.

"Killing you is actually very easy, very easy. I only need to move my fingers to do it."

Saying this, the figure with the dagger nailed to his chest actually raised a brick next to him.

The solid brick exploded into pieces out of thin air under this light finger.

"But it's not necessary, you know? It's easy to kill people, and it's easy to crush your heads, but it's not necessary. You don't even need to die."

Saying this, the figure with the yue knife nailed to his chest turned back and glanced at these death row prisoners.

"On the contrary, only if you are alive can you witness my strength."

After saying that, the figure with the yue knife nailed to his chest turned and left.

Only a group of death row prisoners carrying weapons were left slumped in the prison cell, in a daze.

This is a way of thinking that they cannot understand at all, and it is something that they cannot figure out no matter how hard they think.

They only know that the monster who said this is far above them.

It is like a giant overlooking an ant.


A series of sharp weapons piercing flesh sounded, and in just a moment, more than a dozen death row prisoners committed suicide on the spot. They would rather die here than accept this insult, or in other words, this is the only way for them to control their own lives.

But there are more people who choose to survive.

Qianren Tu is one of the people who survived. He walked out of the underground death row in a daze. The long-lost warm sunshine shone on his body, which not only failed to bring him any warmth, but also made him feel cold.

Qianren Tu once thought that he was a strong man, after all, he really killed a thousand people with his own hands.

But it was not until today that he realized what true strength looks like.

Maybe that sentence is a heresy, something that makes no sense at all, but as long as it comes from that person's mouth, it is an irrefutable iron law.

This is strength, so strong that you don't care about revenge, or even rules.

Or, the words of the strong are the biggest rules.

"So I won't kill you."

Half a month later, Qianren Tu, who once again started sniping, picked up his huge scissors and said this to the pedestrians in front of him.

"I will cut off your limbs and let you live. After all, only if you live can you witness my strength."

Yes, this time he also realized that when such words were said, the unshakable solidity in his chest - this time, he even felt that he had found a way to become stronger without killing people, just because what made him stronger at the moment was not the evil spirit brought by killing, but himself, the strength born from his heart.

"Come on, pull out your knife and let me see your skills, and see if you can bring me some fun."

"...Are you serious?"

The pedestrian with the saddle bag scratched his head, and then pulled out the cheap two-handed sword.

This made Qianren Tu shake his head repeatedly. He even saw the shallow crack on the blade. What kind of ability can such a broken blade have as a weapon...


Accompanied by a buzzing sound, the five-meter-long blazing fire blade pierced the sky.

The second update is late. One is that the number of words is a bit too much, so it is late. Another is that I couldn't help watching TI in the morning, but I was afraid of something going wrong, so I won't say it. Watch the game well, watch the game well.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

In addition, I recommend a book, "Cao Cao Travels Through Wu Dalang". A few days ago, a senior reader introduced it to me. Originally, he wanted me to post a chapter recommendation, but I thought I had to read it myself before posting it. As a result, it turned out to be really good. After reading it for a few days, it was really cool. If you are interested, you can also go and take a look. It has more than two million words, and it is worth reading.

I'll eat something and take a nap. See you all in the evening.

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