In the Blade

Chapter 238 Archaeology

"Ah... sneeze!"

On the road in the distance, Wu Zhao, a Yin man who possessed the Jianghu swordsman, sneezed, which made him frown slightly.

"Who is thinking about me?"

Wu Zhao, a man from Yin, paused in his steps.

It is said that sneezing is caused by someone talking. Of course, this is just a legend that is not even folklore. People occasionally talk about this, but no one will really take it seriously - but for Wu Zhao, who is from Yin, this is Completely different thing. You must know that with his current tyranny, colds and coughs are absolutely impossible to happen.

The body is weak and sick, and only the weak will be sick. It is a strong one, so how can it develop symptoms out of nowhere?

This is probably some kind of hidden warning, but this warning is too vague, and it is not yet clear what it means.

Fortunately, it just bought some live turtles not long ago.


With one swing of the knife, the palm-sized tortoise was burned to death, and under the burning of the gray-black flames, cracks appeared on the remaining tortoise shell.

Raising his hand to brush off the ashes on the tortoise shell, Yin Ren Wu Zhao carefully observed the shape and direction of the cracks.

Just like using the essence of grains to channel spirits, turtle divination is also a commonly used method among the Yin people. Similarly, this is not simply about trying your luck by burning turtle shells, but through understanding and summarizing those patterns to reversely perceive yourself. Current status.

"Good luck, everything goes well... I made this judgment because I feel I need good luck?"

Wu Zhao, a Yin man, frowned even more.

"Have I not been lucky recently? Why do you think so?"

After thinking for a moment, Wu Zhao from Yin still crushed the turtle shell and threw it aside.

Perhaps it is because it still feels that it is not strong enough. After all, the body it is using now is much worse than the previous one - if the old man of the Li family was still barely able to use it, then this one I don’t know. The famous Jianghu swordsman can barely even use it.

It's just that such a body has almost no strength at all, and I'm afraid it won't be able to withstand even 10% of its true power.

This is why it wants to find some weapons to defend itself first.

If it has some weapons in its hand, it can exchange for some stronger bodies. As for why it needs weapons, of course it is because those with high-strength bodies may not be able to defeat them at the moment.

For example, Du Chengfeng's physical body is something that he is extremely jealous of. If he can let it possess that physical body, he may be able to exert 100% or even 120% of his power. However, it is a pity that Du Chengfeng, who controls the body, is not a vegetarian, at least he will not sit back and watch it snatch the body away.

That's why it needs some weapons as auxiliary weapons. At least with these weapons, it can exert a few percent more strength.

But on the other hand, after using weapons to make up for its lack of strength, it is not in a hurry to cause trouble to Du Chengfeng - although fighting with powerful enemies is enjoyable in itself, it is still a little more worried at the moment. Important things to do.

That is, digging a grave.

"It should be here."

Wu Zhao, a native of Yin who returned to Songzhou, compared the nearby mountains, rivers and hydrology, and then swung his sword towards the overgrown wasteland not far away.

The heavy sword fell, and a huge gap was cut on the ground.

But Wu Zhao, a Yin man, frowned even more tightly.

"What...are you looking for?"

The voice of the gray-black fire phoenix came from the sword, intermittently, like a gossamer.

"There is nothing here..."

"No, there should be something here."

Wu Zhao from Yin shook his head.

There should indeed be something there. He had already compared it just now. This wasteland should have been the burial pits of the Yin people in the past. Although the Yin people often pushed the bones of warriors into furnaces, forged them into weapons, and continued to accompany their comrades in battle, some Yin people did not die in battle, but gradually died of old age, or died due to some sudden accidents On the couch.

And these Yin people who did not die in the battle will be buried in this wilderness of mountains and rivers, along with their favorite utensils and weapons.

Of course, this is an external statement.

For the Yin people themselves, some of the Yin people did not die in battle, nor did they have the opportunity to continue fighting side by side with their companions, so they chose the art of military relief and transferred their consciousness to the weapons or objects they loved most during their lives. , buried deep underground, waiting for the day to see the light of day again.

And the moment they see the light of day again, having successfully crossed the long river of time, they can fight new enemies and fight with new opponents.

Even if the other party is also from Yin, it is the same.

"So...where are the other Yin people?"

Wu Zhao, a Yin man, scanned the surrounding environment, but he could not see even the slightest trace of the past.

Well, even if it is a little far away from its past era, the problem is that it has woken up several times in the meantime. At that time, it was a little confused as to why it didn't see any other Yin people - it's just that At that time, it didn't pay much attention to this, but it just thought that maybe it was because of its bad luck that it didn't catch up with the awakening of its kind.

But now it seems... it's probably not that case.

"The destruction of the Yin people..."

Thinking of the rumors he heard in the tavern before, Wu Zhao, a Yin man, looked unhappy.

Obviously, after it turned into a Bingjiexian and fell asleep, something must have happened to the Yin people. Perhaps this is why other Yin people did not show up. As for the one named Du Chengfeng, although his behavior was indeed very similar to that of the Yin people, and even his Bingjiexian appearance was very similar to that of the Yin people, Wu Zhao was already sure that he was definitely not one of his people.

He was not a Yin person, but he had the Bingjiexian secret method that only the Yin people knew how to use...

"It seems that someone stole our things."

Yin people Wu Zhao vaguely thought of an answer.

Yes, it could roughly guess what happened to the Yin people in the past. Only another warrior could defeat a warrior. Similarly, the only thing that could destroy the Yin people would be the Yin people's technology.

Someone stole the Yin people's technology and studied it to a more advanced level, and then launched a counterattack against the Yin people...

At this moment, Wu Zhao's mind even had a picture.

"By the way, you seem to know a lot."

Thinking of this, Wu Zhao picked up the big knife with phoenix patterns in his hand.

"Since you know so much, then tell me, everything you know."

The second update is here, everyone should rest early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will rest early too, see you tomorrow night.

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