In the Blade

Chapter 243: Good points

A strange Jianghu swordsman wanted to be their leader. Not to mention the arrogant Zhao Jinfan who disagreed, even Qian Yu, who had already been frustrated, frowned.

However, they had no intention of getting angry. After all, if they really competed at such a distance, the two of them together might not be able to defeat this Jianghu swordsman - even if the opponent looked so ordinary, at least he had something like The sword is not fake.

As the saying goes, when a man is angry, blood will be splashed five steps away. The two of them are unarmed, how can they deal with such a vicious person?

But they don't need to deal with it head on, that's the stupidest thing to do.

"Since you want to be the leader, you have to show some convincing skills."

Saying this, Zhao Jinfan turned to look at the unfamiliar swordsman.

"Let's do this. You prove your strength first. If you really have this ability, then we are also willing to..."

"Prove strength?"

The martial arts swordsman, or Wu Zhao from Yin, immediately started laughing.

If an ordinary person were to come here, he might really have to show off his strength. After all, if he wants to be convinced, he has to show his true ability. This is also a matter of course - but Wu Zhao is not an ordinary person after all. The Yin people even received a complete priestly inheritance, so it could see at a glance the evil intentions hidden in these words.

Showing strength and proving oneself are just superficial reasons. Ultimately, the purpose of these two people is just to make it listen to them.

As long as you listen to it once, there will be a second time, as long as you listen to it twice, there will be a third time... It's a very interesting way, and it even makes it feel nostalgic for a long time.

In the past, when it was still a priest, it used a similar method to inquire the Yin warriors before divining them. After all, not every warrior could clearly grasp their own hearts. Most of the time, they still had to rely on divination. The priests came to help - if you think about it this way, the methods of these people seem to be very similar to the priests of the past.

But it's just a resemblance.

"If I don't want to prove it, what can you do?"

Looking at the two so-called Yu people in front of him, the smile on Wu Zhao's face became more obvious.

"I don't want to prove it, and I don't need you to convince me, but I still want to be your leader, and you still have to listen to me."

" are going a little too far."

Seeing how aggressive this martial arts swordsman was, Zhao Jinfan's face suddenly darkened.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Jinfan gave three high-fives.

Dozens of soldiers in armor and swords filed in, their halberds pointing directly at Wu Zhao, a man from Yin, who was sitting at the wine table.

"You asked for this!"

Just as the soldiers were filing in, Zhao Jinfan had already taken old man Qian Yu with him and hid behind the soldiers.

"Don't even look at whose place this is..."


Wu Zhao's face suddenly froze.

It was only a moment's hesitation, but it gave Zhao Jinfan infinite confidence. At this moment, Zhao Jinfan had returned to his high-spirited appearance, and the situation was finally back under his control.

How could a mere martial arts swordsman be able to defeat these wolf-like and tiger-like soldiers wearing armor and holding halberds?

Just a martial arts swordsman...

"Is that all?"

Just when Zhao Jinfan was about to say something more, the swordsman who was surrounded by people shook his head.

"You have disappointed me."

"What the hell are you! You don't deserve to talk nonsense!"

Zhao Jinfan spat on the ground.

"This is Dengzhou! This is my place! How dare you come here to act wild and don't look at what you are..."

"Your place?"

Before Zhao Jinfan could finish speaking, the Jianghu swordsman had already shaken his head.

"I'm here, this is my place."

Saying this, the martial arts swordsman reached out and grabbed Zhao Jinfan.

The two sides were separated by at least seven steps, with soldiers blocking the way. Zhao Jinfan just wanted to laugh at the fact that he still wanted to catch him despite such a distance.

Then he couldn't laugh anymore.

A strong force tore off Zhao Jinfan's head, and then the head, still dripping with blood, fell into the hands of the Yin man Wu Zhao.

"It's too far off."

Wu Zhao from Yin shook his head and threw the bloody head aside.

It is indeed very different, it can even be said to be very different from the priests of the Yin people in the past - you must know that every Yin people are warriors, and those who can become priests are warriors among warriors. On this basis, they will Only by exploring the human heart can we try to understand the ghosts in our hearts.

After all, "ghost" has been used to describe it, which is enough to show that this power actually has a violent side. Not every warrior will be honest when communicating with the ghost in his heart. Occasionally, some warriors will show extreme behavior. Violence.

At this time, the priests need to subdue these warriors so that they can continue to communicate.

And these so-called Yu people...just look at their performance just now and you will know that although they have good communication skills, they are far behind in strength. Faced with a person who does not want to communicate at all, their choice is actually , summon soldiers?

That's so disappointing, that's not what it wanted to see.

"So which one of you wants to continue?"

With a sigh, Wu Zhao from Yin stretched out his hand again.

"I can make him die faster."


After a moment of silence, those ferocious soldiers actually rushed up.

This surprised Yin Wu Zhao. He thought that these soldiers would turn around and run away under the pressure of death, but seeing how fearless these soldiers were, they were willing to risk their lives to take back the head that it had twisted off.

"This... is a bit interesting."

Until he killed the last soldier casually, Yin Wu Zhao felt a little incredible. He originally thought that these Yu people were only at this level, but he didn't expect that he would actually be surprised.

Although these soldiers had no power, their fearless will was almost the same as that of real warriors.

A sheep actually led a group of wolves?

"Okay, okay."

Yin Wu Zhao nodded repeatedly. He finally found something that satisfied him.

It is normal for a lion to lead a group of lions, but it is a bit abnormal for a weak sheep to lead a group of meat-eating wolves - and this abnormality may be the real power in the hands of the Yu people.

Perhaps these Yu people's things are not as bad as it thinks.

"Hey, come here."

Thinking like this, Wu Zhao called the only remaining Yu people in the distance, that is, the only old man who was still alive.

Elders often have more experience, and it feels that it may hear something it wants to hear.

The first update is here, and the second update will be before twelve o'clock.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, everyone wait.

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