In the Blade

Chapter 258 The world is unpredictable

Half a year later, Jiankang Imperial City.

In the court, a group of court officials were still arguing over whether to move south. Although the grassland people who went south did not seem to continue to attack in the past six months, no one dared to bet the safety of the country on whether the grassland people were kind.

Of course, more importantly, once the court decided to move south, it would mean a new round of power reshuffle. Some wealthy families in the south would be like fish in water, while those families with power in the north would not be so good - but in general, the court officials who support the move south are still in the majority. In their words, this is called regrouping and waiting for the coming time.

However, in the eyes of the young Tao Wuliu, this is just an excuse. To put it bluntly, no one wants to fight. Obviously, the grassland people have not continued to advance for half a year. I am afraid that something terrible has happened internally. At this time, it is probably not the best time to go north to recover the lost territory, but no one in the court wants to fight.

So the angry Tao Wuliu wrote a memorial and submitted it, hoping that the young emperor, or any minister, would realize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Then he waited for a document.

"You're sending me to Longzhou now?"

Looking at the content of the document, Tao Wuliu was dumbfounded.

Of course, nominally, this was a transfer order, asking him to fill the vacancy in Longzhou, but anyone with a little common sense could see that someone was tired of him and asked him to go to the northwest to drink the wind - from Jiankang to the northwest, it was more than a thousand miles away, and he was afraid that he would never come back in this life.

"I... OK."

Putting away the transfer order, Tao Wuliu took the old servant to pack his luggage and hitch a car. After all, in order to make him leave quickly, the order was still an urgent order, and there was no delay for a moment.

When he left, Tao Wuliu bowed to the direction of the imperial city for the last time, as a thank you for the grace of heaven.

If people didn't want to listen to him, what else could he do?

"Let's go."

Inviting the old servant to drive the car, Tao Wuliu went all the way west.

In the first half month, Tao Wuliu mainly cursed in the streets. After all, he grew up in Jiankang. Now a piece of paper actually forced him to leave his hometown. Such a cruel suppression would probably make anyone furious. However, after cursing for half a month, Tao Wuliu became numb. After all, no matter how much he cursed, he could not change any established facts.

So in the following journey, Tao Wuliu tried to stop thinking about these things, and instead focused on studying the scenery along the way.

"Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the southern mountains."

On the way, seeing those magnificent mountains and rivers, Tao Wuliu would occasionally get inspired to write a few lines of poetry.

Then he saw that on the southern mountain he sang about, dozens of bandits with weapons rushed towards him all the way.

Facing the bandits with murderous faces, Tao Wuliu finally paid the money for the passage. Although he wanted to try to defend himself, he could see the murderous look on the other side's face, and it was obvious that the murderous spirit could no longer be suppressed. So in order to avoid being beheaded by the murderous madman, he finally chose to cut off his wallet.

After losing the money, the journey did not seem to be very happy. Although the bandits also left a few days of food for Tao Wuliu and the old servant, this little food could not last for a few days after all.

"As long as we can survive these few days."

Three days later, Tao Wuliu encouraged his old servant.

"As long as we can survive these few days, we can rush to the nearest state capital. At that time, whether we sell some words or write some poems for others, we will always have food to eat."

Having said this, Tao Wuliu once again looked at the mountains in the distance.

"The mountain air is beautiful at dusk, and the birds fly back and forth... What do you think of this sentence? Will anyone be willing to pay for it?"

"Don't worry about the poem! Sir, run!"

The panicked old servant kicked Tao Wuliu to the side of the road.

Then, the old servant was taken away by the bird with a human face that was more than three feet long, leaving only half of his body falling from the sky and hitting Tao Wuliu in front of him.

The old servant who had served for many years was killed on the road by the evil monster, which made Tao Wuliu heartbroken.

After burying the old servant hastily, Tao Wuliu was the only one who set out on the journey this time. It was at this time that he realized that the journey of a thousand miles was so far away.

"Or I'd better not be an official."

Disheartened, Tao Wuliu took out the document again.

Originally, Tao Wuliu was still laughing at the robbers for not taking away the document and the official certificate, but now he realized that the robbers might be right. In this hellish world, the official certificate is probably the most useless thing. Indeed, with this document, he can go to Longzhou to be a county magistrate, but the question is, can he really live to Longzhou?

"This world... Alas!"

Tao Wuliu sighed and finally couldn't bear to burn the document.

With this official certificate, he at least has an identity. Just like he said, everything will be fine after he goes to the state capital.

Everything will be fine, it will definitely be fine.

"So have you finished the inspection?"

Facing the soldiers guarding the city at the door, Tao Wuliu's brows gradually frowned.

"I said, I'm going to Longzhou to take office... What's going on in your Dengzhou? Is it so inefficient to issue a customs clearance document?"

"Oh? Another court official?"

Several soldiers looked at each other and laughed on the spot.

"I caught you!"

The heavy spear hit Tao Wuliu on the head and he lost consciousness immediately.

When he regained consciousness, he was already in prison. After listening to the conversations of the prisoners around him, he realized that Dengzhou had already raised the banner of rebellion under the collusion of the Yu people - it turned out that he, an official appointed by the court, took the initiative to send himself to the enemy-occupied area and plunged into the nest of rebels.

But fortunately, his luck was not bad this time.

Just because the prisoners in the prison were originally planning to escape tonight.

So when the prisoners were in turmoil, Tao Wuliu also ran out, but he was unfamiliar with the place and didn't know where to go - it was at this time that the pursuers from Dengzhou City came over, facing the bright spears, he could only run away with a group of prisoners.

However, the Dengzhou defenders obviously had no intention of letting them go. Even though the prisoners had already escaped from the city, they continued to chase them. More and more prisoners were stabbed to death on the ground by the cavalrymen waving their halberds, and Tao Wuliu's physical strength was getting less and less under this frenzy.

In the final analysis, this was a dead end. How could two legs outrun four legs?

"You can run away!"

Seeing the cavalry getting closer and closer, some prisoners shouted.

"Take the water route! We can survive!"

Facing the approaching pursuers, Tao Wuliu could only pinch his nose and jump into the water with the prisoners.

Under the rush of the water, Tao Wuliu closed his eyes tightly. He didn't know where he would be taken, nor did he know if he could survive. In panic, he could only feel the water around him and pray that this nightmare would pass soon.

But immediately, Tao Wuliu suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Just because the surrounding river water did not flow eastward.

But in the opposite direction, all the way to the west.

"Get up, we're here."

Just when Tao Wuliu thought he had drifted to the underworld, the prisoner who had shouted before spoke again.

And Tao Wuliu also stood up.

In front of him was an extremely narrow passage, which could only accommodate one person, but on the opposite side of the passage, there was obviously some light.


Tao Wuliu, somewhat puzzled, followed the prisoner and went in along the water flow.

After a dozen steps, Tao Wuliu's eyes suddenly became clear.

The second update is here, everyone should rest early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I also rested early, good night everyone.

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