In the Blade

Chapter 28 People can also be polished

After one night, Du Chengfeng felt that he had grown a lot.

In the past, due to the previous experience at Yang's Ancestral Hall, he had always been concerned about "sharpening", so when preparing to deal with those war hammer bones, he also habitually wanted to use a whetstone—— This is of course impossible to do. How can the hammer head be sharpened?

But now, he has already figured it out.

Rather than "sharpening the sword", it is more accurate to say "maintenance of the weapon". Knives have their own sharpening methods, swords have their own sharpening methods, and if they are replaced with whips, maces, and hammers, their maintenance methods are even more different.

But at its root, the essence of sharpening a sword is to understand the condition of the weapon, repair the hidden damage of the weapon, and detect every trace on the weapon.

It's just that this process is somewhat dangerous for most people.


After wiping the last bone, Du Chengfeng let out a long breath after coming back to his senses.

Contrary to his expectation, polishing the dozens of warhammer bones took more energy than polishing those scimitars - and the reason was because the original holders of these warhammer bones were generally more powerful than the curved swords. The wielder of the knife was stronger and killed more.

This surprised Du Chengfeng. He originally thought that the barbarians who used scimitars would kill more people, but the users of Guduo, a seemingly crude weapon, must be weaker soldiers.

But who would have thought that the algorithm of Mobei Grassland is completely different. Those who have some wealth will prepare a scimitar for themselves before going to the battlefield, but the scimitar may not see a few blood. The prairie warriors who couldn't even afford a scimitar were more willing to wave the bones in their hands crazily and smash the heads of their opponents one after another.

"People should not be judged by their appearance...the same goes for weapons."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

But rather than the weapons themselves, he cared more about what he just saw on the weapons.

Every time he polished a scimitar, he could hear a speech by He Xiqing, and every time he polished a warhammer, he could feel the fanaticism of a prairie warrior - these barbarians were not just some The stragglers who raided without any brains, their loyalty to He Xiqing can even be called crazy. However, any grassland warrior with some ambition will regard it as an honor to serve He Xiqing, and under He Xiqing's order, They are even willing to die.

This also gave Du Chengfeng a deeper understanding of the enemy he was about to face.

It was not only a demon-like humanoid monster, but also a leading general with a strong appeal.

"Why does it seem to be getting harder and harder to fight..."

Du Chengfeng's heart sank when he thought of those prairie warriors raising their arms and roaring in the camp.

It is by no means an easy task to fight against such a monster by oneself, not to mention that the news from Yangjiabao cannot be blocked for long. With He Xiqing's keenness, I am afraid that he will soon find out that his brother went out to train but has not returned yet.

Not enough, not powerful enough.

Even if he has mastered the method of polishing his body as a weapon and has a method that can fundamentally improve his combat power, the speed at which this method takes effect is still too slow after all.

Faster, even faster, he still needs some faster ways.

But now, there was a shortcut right in front of him.

Just pick up the big ax with a simple pattern and chop more...

"Be honest."

The broadsword hit the ax blade, and Du Chengfeng's original desire to kill and see blood disappeared immediately.

But this time, although the ax did calm down, Du Chengfeng's heart could not completely calm down.

He Xiqing's fierce figure weighed on his heart like a mountain. Facing such a powerful enemy with almost no weakness, no one could truly remain calm.

Could it be that He Xiqing is really as omnipotent and versatile as his brother said?

"It shouldn't happen. There must be a solution."

Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng decided to stop putting pressure on himself and think of something relaxing to have fun.

For example, take stock of the gains from this polishing.

Perhaps because he threw the unlucky scimitar out of the door, his harvest this time was much better than before. These bone war hammers not only brought him a wealth of skills in the use of strike weapons, but also There are also many weapons with the unique methods of strengthening the body of the men of Mobei.

Thinking about it, it's true that the Guduo war hammer has no point or edge, and it still wants to hurt people, it really requires enough strength.

If there is any problem, it is that these methods of training the body are too harsh.

Some carried logs and ran in the ice and snow, and some hit the big trees with their bodies in the cold wind. Some prairie warriors herding sheep would carry dozens of kilograms of sheep as exercise equipment, and some prairie warriors simply waved big sticks when they had nothing to do. From a wooden stick of about ten kilograms, to a heavy iron rod weighing hundreds of kilograms.

Of course, a heavy iron rod weighing hundreds of kilograms is definitely not suitable for use on the battlefield, but once the body gets used to the heavy weight, when it comes to switching back to the Guduo war hammer during combat, it will be extremely light, and a Guduo can be swung quickly. Like the wind, it can even be faster than a sword.

It is only after experiencing such rigorous training that those Mobei warriors can polish themselves as strong as iron.

But for Du Chengfeng, these are all okay. At least compared to the extreme training method of "swinging three thousand swords a day" that he learned before, the training methods of these grassland warriors seem more reliable and more feasible.

To fight against iron, you must polish yourself into fine steel.

At this moment, Du Chengfeng has decided that he will try all these training methods.

He wants to see where the limit of his will is.

"Come on! Continue"

But just when Du Chengfeng was about to temper his muscles and bones before taking a rest, someone pushed open the door and walked in.

Knowing that you can enter the small courtyard without knocking, it is naturally not a stranger. However, what Du Chengfeng did not expect was that the person who came was not Li the carpenter who was more familiar with him, but Yang Xuan, an old man who was not familiar with him.

"Brave man! Happy event! Happy event!"

Yang Xuan did not even bring anyone this time, and rushed over all the way.

"The warrior asked me to help collect weapons, and now I have received a good one!"


It was at this time that Du Chengfeng saw that Yang Xuan was holding a long sword with a sheath in his arms.

The old long sword had not been unsheathed and looked ordinary.

"What are you talking about?"

"Brave man, this sword just looks plain."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng looked uninterested, Yang Xuan quickly handed the sword over.

"This sword is indeed cheap, but it is the sword of the sharp sword Liu Qingyun. If Liu Qingyun had not been found by Cui Yuan and then killed by someone in a duel, this sword would probably not be available at any price..."

"Wait a minute?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned.

"You just said, who killed whom?"

Thanks to Xu Lin_ for the recommendation and monthly votes, thanks to Dream of Writing, it is so difficult to change a name, book friend 20220917030100584, book friend 20220903230735693, Passerby A real person, I am really not Anonymous, book friend 20200105195753972, Shabu and Grill, Huangliang Yike's recommendation votes, everyone's encouragement and support are my motivation to move forward, thank you all.

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