In the Blade

Chapter 307: Confluence

Just when Wu Zhao's disciples were about to go out and spread the pain, the neighbors of the Yellow Sand City also gathered together.

They also received the news brought by the messenger, and they all understood the general's meaning. The giant man was innocent, and they also agreed with this, so the general decided to only punish the main culprit and not ask about others...

They disagreed with this.

To punish only the main culprit, in simple terms, is to hand over the people who killed those nobles, but who killed those nobles, how could they not know?

So they were still coming for them, and these soldiers still wanted to massacre the city.

But this time, the other side chose to divide them and separate the most capable giant from them.

"So cruel, is this the strength of the empire?"

The people of the Yellow Sand City fell into despair for a time.

It seemed that there was no other way. If they did nothing, they would die. If they fought desperately, they would die. Facing the well-armed army, the people of the Yellow Sand City could not even gather enough arrows, let alone armor. They could only use sticks and simple spears to face the swords and axes. There was no possibility of winning this battle.

"Fight them!"

Someone shouted this slogan again.

However, unlike the last slogan with more anger, this time the shout was more despair and helplessness. Although they did gain some confidence by defeating those nobles and guards, they knew in their hearts that it was only because the nobles and guards were too weak.

But the army of the rebellion was different. If the giant holding the flaming sword did not take action, they actually had no chance.

"But it's better to die in battle than to wait for death, right?"

Another person sighed.

"Do we still expect them to have mercy on us?"

This is obviously impossible. After all, they have learned from the nobles in the Yellow Sand City that when they did nothing, they were exploited by these nobles and guards. Now that they have done everything, can they still expect these masters to give them a life?


At this moment, everyone's thoughts were unified.

So, people began to cut down trees, forge spears and bows, and the only smelting workshop in the city also started to work, continuously forging spearheads and arrows. The furs in the city were also gathered and made into hard leather armor. Although the defense of this thing is not as good as bronze armor, it still has a certain defense. The tough leather can block the blow of the stick. Even if the sword wants to pierce it, it will take some effort-they also prepared a large number of stones and tree trunks, ready to smash the enemy when they climb the city wall, and beat the enemy to a bloody head.

Although these preparations may not be useful for defending this low-rise town, this is the limit of what they can do.

Even if they fight desperately, it may not be of any use. The despair and sadness permeate the hearts of the people.

In this situation, it is better to say that they are waiting for death rather than waiting for the enemy to come. In fact, people know very well that they will never win. What they are doing is not so much trying to fight for a way out as dying madness - even if they die, they have to take a few enemies with them. This is the last dignity they can maintain.

So, why haven't the enemies come yet?

They have been waiting for seven days, but the enemy still hasn't come. After the rebellion army made a harsh statement, it seemed that they had no intention of moving. They stopped directly in place and have not attacked so far.

"Or... who will go over to take a look?"

On the top of the city, the people of the Yellow Sand City looked at each other.

For a moment, no one was willing to go out.

They really didn't want to go out. Waiting to die in battle was one thing, and going out to die was another. Going out alone would basically mean death, and there was no chance of bringing back any news. Since they already knew that this was impossible, why did they do it?

So they had no choice but to wait, waiting for the army to come and waiting for their own death.

It was at this time that some neighbors who had never shown up before suddenly appeared beside them.

Some of these people were old farmers nearby, and some were former city guards. They were indeed acquaintances of everyone, but they disappeared inexplicably some time ago. Strictly speaking, they couldn't be considered disappeared. After all, they still lived in this yellow sand city and didn't go anywhere else. However, the mysterious style of going out early and returning late, and not talking to others, was somewhat confusing.

But this time, these people finally spoke.

"We went there to learn skills before, and now we are here to help you. Do you feel the pain? Do you want to be saved?"


The neighbors in the yellow sand city fell silent for a while.

Want to.

It would be a lie to say that they don't want to. They definitely want to be saved. After all, they are almost at the critical moment of life and death. No one wants to die like this. No one wants to.

But relying on others to save them... Is there really anyone who can save them?

"No one can save you! Only you can save yourself!"

Those once familiar faces now look so strange. The stern look and the angry look make people think of a hard bronze hammer.

"Did you hear me! You must learn to obey!"


The neighbors were stunned, and they didn't react for a moment.

The main reason was that this kind of thing was really unreasonable. Everyone was neighbors, and they were equal when they met. You just went out to practice something these days, and when you came back, you asked everyone to obey you... Who are you to obey you?

"The voice is too soft! I can't hear it!"

The faces that were once familiar but now seemed extremely unfamiliar took a step forward in unison.

"Louder! Let us hear your voices!"


"I can't hear it!"

These former neighbors took a step forward again, and even the footsteps were in unison.

At this moment, the neighbors of the Yellow Sand City all felt something that could be called power.

Perhaps they were weak and powerless as individuals, but if they could move forward together like these former neighbors, perhaps they could really...

"Want to learn?"

Faced with the requests of the people in the Yellow Sand City, these old farmers and guards who had been cruelly treated laughed.

This may be the first time they have smiled in this period of time.

"If you want to learn, you must first learn to obey."

The first update is here, and the second update will be before 12 o'clock.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, please wait.

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