In the Blade

Chapter 315 Bloodbath of the Empire

Until Wu Zhao's soldiers pushed to the gate of the Yellow Sand City, Du Chengfeng didn't even understand why Wu Zhao wanted to fight.

It doesn't make sense, this kind of thing makes no sense at all. They all came out of Wangyou Township together, and they all have the idea of ​​​​leaving here. No matter how you look at it, the two of them should be of the same mind. The two of them need to join forces. To deal with this strange world, they also need to find a way for them to leave together.

Instead of going to war with each other like now.

"The main thing is, can you really beat me?"

Facing the army approaching the city, Du Chengfeng's choice was to fly directly out of the city and come to the Chinese army's tent opposite.

"No, you don't think you can beat me if there are more people, do you? This makes no sense."

This is what Du Chengfeng cannot understand the most. If the force of force has reached their level, if they really want to take action, the scene will have already been out of the scope of normal war. It is just an army composed of ordinary people. No matter how large the number is, it will not be enough for them. There is no point in saying it. Not only are these people unable to hurt them at all, but they will even turn into materials for them to accumulate evil energy.

"Or do you think that if you kill all the people you brought, you can start a war with me?"

Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

Indeed, the number of people brought by Wu Zhao was not small, and together with the civilian men responsible for carrying the baggage, they could be called an army of 100,000 - but Du Chengfeng still felt that this number was a bit small. Even if he watched Wu Zhao kill all these 100,000 people, if he really wanted to take action, Wu Zhao might not be able to beat him.

This is not even about underestimating the enemy, but absolute confidence in one's own strength after measuring each other's combat prowess.

"Not even if the three of you come together."

Du Chengfeng looked at the two men and one dog in front of him.

"You may think that after being divided into three, you will become stronger, but I have not stood still during this period of time."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng's hand touched the handle of the knife on his back.

It just so happened that he also wanted to test the results of his practice during this period.

However, as a pacifist, he was still prepared to give Wu Zhao another chance.

Give Wu Zhao a chance to stop.

"Why stop?"

The two men and the dog shook their heads in unison.

"There is no need to stop, this is how we go back."

"Can I go back like this?"

Du Chengfeng became increasingly puzzled.

He always felt that this Wu Zhao was not so much thinking of something, but rather a scream that made him go crazy.

Can the two of them find a way to go back by taking action?

"Actually, the way to go back has always been right in front of us."

Dalang Wu Zhao on the left spoke.

"Didn't you tell me before? The stories of those barbarians. They were originally slaves, but under the leadership of a saint, they escaped from the cruel king... The saint parted the sea for them, and they also found a way to leave. ”

"So this is your idea? Since you can't find that cruel king, you will do it yourself?"

Du Chengfeng probably understood what Wu Zhao wanted to say.

"Then I am responsible for being the saint and opening the way for them?"

"No, you are overthinking."

Wu Zhao, the swordsman on the right, shook his head.

"This is not enough. There is no way for them to truly imagine a world that does not exist... So in order to do this, you have to die here."

At this point, Wu Zhao, the yellow dog in the middle, also spoke.

"If you die here, they will miss you and remember the world you lived in until it appears."

Then, the three Wu Zhaos looked at Du Chengfeng in unison.

"The only one who can leave is me, but you can't. This is fate and an objective fact... Why did the cane and sling fall into your hands? It's because of this day."

"You are destined to stay here and be canonized."

Du Chengfeng's face was expressionless.

"Is this what you understand?"

With a sigh, Du Chengfeng took out the sling and dove stick.

"That's right. No wonder those barbarians are so persistent in looking for the promised land. According to you, this should be something like ancestral teachings... Maybe it's just like what you said, I really can't help it. Leaving or even dying here for the rest of your life is your destiny and an objective fact..."

Having said this, Du Chengfeng casually threw aside the dove staff and sling.

"But it doesn't matter."

That really doesn't matter. He has never admitted that these things are facts. After using the power of idealism for so long, he has already mastered the true meaning of this power.

That is, as long as he does not admit it, the so-called facts are not facts.

As long as he hasn't admitted it, as long as he doesn't choose to give in, the gravity of reality will not fall on him. As long as he firmly believes in his own ideas and walks firmly on his own path, all so-called destiny will be settled for him. He gave way.

In the final analysis, since you are already idealistic, then not believing in fate is the basic operation.

His destiny can only be written by himself, and no one can interfere with his future.

"I will control my own destiny."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng looked at the two men and one dog in front of him.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

The two humanoid Wu Zhaos both had axes in their hands, and the yellow dog Wu Zhao had already revealed his steel teeth.

As for Du Chengfeng, he had already grasped the handle of the knife on his back.


At this moment, Du Chengfeng suddenly understood something.

Once upon a time, Du Chengfeng did not quite understand why in that idealistic world where people saw ghosts, the most used weapons and evil spirits were actually swords and weapons. Logically speaking, since imagination can become reality, there are simply too many places where it can be applied, and weapons can only be regarded as a small, even tiny part of it.

But why did those people from the Southern Chen not use other parts, but only use the evil spirits?

Once upon a time, he was puzzled by this.

But now, he has understood.

Indeed, only swords and weapons can work.

When all the reasons don't make sense, when the ideas of both sides are completely irreconcilable, when all solutions are ineffective, only swords and weapons can be used, and only by physically destroying the other party can all these problems be fundamentally solved.

Just like now.

When Wu Zhao had decided to use his life to exchange for the opportunity to leave, when he did not want to be controlled by others.

Wu Zhao chose to use the simplest and most direct way.

And he himself had already drawn his knife.

The first update is here, the second update will be around one o'clock, I'm going to spray, everyone go to sleep first.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'm going to squat, good night everyone.

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