In the Blade

Chapter 317 Beheading

The Wu Zhaos didn't do anything else.

Dog tooth bullets, halberds, air slashes, axes... Although the Wu Zhaos used a lot of moves, they were still the same old tricks, either long-range projection or close combat, but Du Chengfeng had already tasted these two too many times.

"If it's just like this... you're done."

Du Chengfeng, who was holding two big knives, sighed and even turned the gray-black fire knife back on his back.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you this time. I've said it many times that I'm a pacifist... In addition, I don't think not killing you would be disrespectful. Instead, it means that I believe in you and believe that you will find a way to defeat me one day."

"You might as well kill us."

The three Wu Zhaos laughed bitterly at the same time.

"That at least means that we are a bit of a threat to you, and we are opponents worthy of respect...instead of letting us go like a dog like before."

"In other words, you admit it?"

Du Chengfeng rubbed his head.

"We are trapped here, is it really not a mistake?"

" is."

The three Wu Zhaos looked a little ugly.

"I was planning to take you back to Yindi and deal with you properly, but who would have thought that you would end up in such a ghost place...But it's okay, at least if I hadn't come here, I wouldn't have thought of those new things."

Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head. He didn't see what the new things in Wu Zhao's mouth were. It was still the same old tricks. Couldn't he come up with some new tricks?

Maybe there are new tricks.

Just because the two human-shaped Wu Zhaos have started killing people.

It turns out that the Wu Zhaos are not as reserved as they seem. After realizing that they can't win by themselves, they finally started to use the army of more than 100,000 people they brought with them - or the evil spirit reserve food.

As a pacifist and a kind person, Du Chengfeng couldn't stand this. He would not sit back and watch Wu Zhao accumulate evil spirits by killing people. After all, this was a real battle.

If the enemy wants to do something, he must not be allowed to do it. This is the most basic principle.

"You can't kill any of you."

Du Chengfeng swung out the fire blade and easily blocked the air slash from Wu Zhao.

"If you want to fight, come at me."

"Has anyone ever told you that your fighting style is really disgusting?"

The two humanoid Wu Zhaos continued to charge hard without even turning their heads.

"Don't you want to see my trump card? Then can't you wait for me to kill more?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Wait for you to kill more... huh?"

Another knife blocked Wu Zhao's axe blade, and Du Chengfeng, who was almost laughing, suddenly froze.


"What's wrong with me?"

The two Wu Zhaos didn't stop, and the four axe blades set off a bloody storm.

"Do I have any questions?"

"Has no one told you that your fighting style is also disgusting?"

Looking at the two Wu Zhaos in front of him, Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded for a moment.

The reason is simple.

It's because the two Wu Zhaos have his face on their heads!

Even the yellow dog Wu Zhao has his face on his head. That is, during the time when he ignored the yellow dog Wu Zhao, the yellow dog stood up again and restored its human appearance-although the dog's head still did not fade, but after Du Chengfeng's face appeared on the dog's head, it actually added a bit of human dignity.

"Is this your fighting style?"

Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded.

"Is this the so-called new thing you have realized?"

"There are newer ones!"

The three Wu Zhaos laughed loudly, and the six halberds pointed directly at Du Chengfeng.

"Come! Try this!"

It was the same slash as the one on the dove staff, a will that could separate all things, the most essential split, far better than any sword, spear, or halberd.

And there were six such slashes at this moment.


Du Chengfeng swung the big knife in his hand.

The blazing fire blade hit the slash, and the scorching flames even burned the power of the slash at this moment. At this moment, what was burned was no longer the material itself, but the will attached to the attack, the surging evil spirit.

With the evil spirit as fuel, the surging flames became more and more vigorous.

Then, the fire blade swept across.

The three Wu Zhaos were already cut into six pieces.


Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

He originally thought that these Wu Zhaos would have some more advanced techniques and some more special powers. They must have prepared everything before coming to fight him. But now, judging from the results, these Wu Zhaos have only done this?

"If it's just like this, why do you want to fight me?"

At this moment, Du Chengfeng felt a heartache he had never felt before.

It was not because these Wu Zhaos were his friends. In fact, there was no friendship between them.

However, he lost his best opponent.

Not only a physical loss, but another kind of loss. These Wu Zhaos proved with their actions that they really couldn't beat him.

Whether in terms of strength, thinking, or even prediction of the enemy, the moment he lost the fight, he could no longer regard these three Wu Zhao as his opponents.

"Can't you become stronger? Can't you calculate more accurately? With just such strength, why do you come to fight me?"

Looking at the six Wu Zhao on the ground, Du Chengfeng covered his forehead in pain.

What kind of behavior is this? Is it arrogance? Do you think he is weak? Or does it mean that you know you can't beat him, but you choose to rush up and kill yourself?

"Why do you do this?"

"We do this for our own reasons."

Obviously, under the burning of the blazing flames, the three Wu Zhaos are on the verge of death, but at this moment they all show a strange smile.

"Don't be so sad, our death is not meaningless... Touch your own face."

"I... um?"

Du Chengfeng subconsciously touched his cheek, he didn't know what to touch.

But immediately, the touch made him vaguely feel that something was wrong.

This strange touch, this is not his face at all.


Du Chengfeng quickly pulled out his big knife and used it as a mirror.

What appeared on the blade was indeed not his face.

That was clearly Wu Zhao's face!


Du Chengfeng was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

When did this start?

The second update is here, I will continue to spray and then make up for yesterday's.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'm going to squat, good night everyone.

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