In the Blade

Chapter 333 Human life is like grass

Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan both have strong execution ability.

After realizing the solution to the problem, they decided to give it a try. Of course, the success rate is not guaranteed, but to be honest, accidents are always possible. There is no such thing that is sure to succeed in the world - so as long as you think it is feasible, you can always give it a try. If it doesn't work, you can just try another way.

So, with the mentality of trying three times, the two left the remaining refugees and spent a few days looking for another refugee team.

The reason for changing the team was, of course, because many people died in the original team, which directly led to the possibility that the number of people in that team might not be enough - not to mention that the monsters nearby had just attacked this team, and they should not be unlucky enough to suffer another round.

But Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan needed this bad luck. Only when the people around them were unlucky enough, they would have the opportunity to see the real master.

As long as he can see the real master and persuade him to help, then the Chen family can continue to live, and the world will get better after all.

"Will the world really get better?"

In another group of refugees who don't know where to go, a dishevelled refugee muttered beside Jiang Wenyuan.

"Can we really go back to the past?"


Jiang Wenyuan nodded, and as a former head of the police, he almost instinctively perfunctorily said.

"It will definitely be."

"It will definitely be."

Shan Bing, who was disguised as a refugee, also nodded repeatedly.

"Although it may be a little difficult now, as long as you are still alive, life will always get better."

"As long as you are still alive, will life get better?"

The dishevelled refugee stopped.

"Can it really get better?"

"Of course it is true..."

Puff --

Before Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing finished speaking, the refugee's head had been pierced by an arrow that flew from nowhere.

There were more than one arrow flying, at least 40 or 50 arrows flying from afar, hitting the refugees' heads. How could the thin clothes block the sharp arrows? The whole refugee team was wailing all over the place.

There were more than 40 casualties in just one encounter, and the refugee team, which was already extremely nervous, was immediately in chaos.

Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan were also fleeing in a panic, but compared to the refugees around them who were running around like headless flies, the two of them were consciously collecting information around them - after all, if those monsters really came, they should at least see what those monsters looked like, what moves they would probably use, and how they should hide.

It doesn't matter if they don't look, but this look made the two of them furious.

Just because the one who attacked this refugee team was not a monster.

The refugee team used as bait failed to catch enough monsters, but instead caught a prairie cavalry team. After firing a wave of arrow rain to test, the prairie riders rushed over with their scimitars and bone flowers at ease. Just looking at their bloody red eyes, you can tell that they are all filled with evil spirits. The armored generals at the head even have obvious signs of evil spirits.

Obviously, not only the monsters, but even in the eyes of these evil warriors, the lives of these refugees can be regarded as a piece of fat meat.

"... Lao Jiang, I know you may have something to say, but don't persuade me today."

Taking a deep breath, Shan Bing stood up.

"I have been very depressed during this period. I need a chance to vent."

"If you think so, then our ideas should be similar."

Jiang Wenyuan's face was also quite ugly.

"I've been chased by lunatics and monsters. Now that I finally see the end, I'm being ridden on by these dogs... If I can endure it today, then my life will be in vain."

As they said this, Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing drew their weapons.

Disguise or not, it's not too important. They've been chased all the way and now just want to vent their anger - just like the grassland people will treat these refugees as soft persimmons to squeeze, it's normal for them to vent their anger on these grassland people now?

They're just a group of grassland people. Even if you count the few armored people with murderous aura, it's nothing. Just such a team is a piece of cake for two strong men on the list of 100 weapons.

At least in theory.

But in the actual operation, the two of them still encountered some twists and turns, just because there were also masters on the other side of the Hundred Weapons List - the one who led the team to rob was Tuoba Jie, the second in command of the Mobei Bronze Bull Tribe, known as the "Iron Bull Horn".

"Iron Bull Horn" Tuoba Jie is good at using two exaggerated war knives shaped like bull horns, and ranks 36th in the Hundred Weapons List.

Facts have proved that the masters who can be on the front row of the Hundred Weapons List are all quite valuable, at least Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing have now experienced it firsthand.

The two of them were actually beaten by one person.

The war knife hit the big shield, and it was a heavy force that almost smashed the big shield. Shan Bing once thought that he was not facing two big knives, but two heavy hammers, or even two mountains - but such extremely heavy weapons, in Tuoba Jie's hands, were as light as two straws, and the two big knives were danced so hard that water could not get in. You know, Jiang Wenyuan is famous for his dexterity, but facing those two exaggerated big knives, he couldn't even find a chance to attack.

"I was wondering why you southerners would let those ordinary southerners run around everywhere. It turns out that these are traps and baits!"

After fighting with Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing for a few times, Tuoba Jie, who started the fight first, got angry first.

"It doesn't matter! I'll kill you all!"

"Be careful! He's going crazy!"

Seeing that the murderous aura around Tuoba Jie was getting more and more violent, Jiang Wenyuan shouted loudly.

"Don't resist!"

"I know!"

Although Shan Bing on the other side shouted this, he still raised the big shield in his hand.

There was no way. This kind of thing was not something he could avoid if he wanted to. The moment Tuoba Jie raised his double knives, he had been locked by Tuoba Jie. Now he couldn't even move his feet, so how could he dodge?

Perhaps this is the ability of Tuoba Jie's two swords, just like the big shield in his hand can accumulate the force to bear, and then let the short sword release it all. Now he can't move his feet, obviously it's the two swords that are doing the trick.

"I'm going to fight to the death..."

Shan Bing suddenly felt a little dazed.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what the old eunuch said to him before. At that time, he sincerely asked the old eunuch for advice, and the old eunuch also pointed out his current shortcomings-indeed, as long as the enemy can't break his shield, he can be called invincible, but this also means that he relies too much on the big shield in his hand.

If someone can use tyrannical violence to directly destroy his shield, what should he do?

Shan Bing once imagined what he should do if the shield was destroyed, and what he could do to deal with it.

But he never thought that all this would come so quickly.

The two heavy swords finally fell.

"Am I going to die?"

This was Shan Bing's first reaction. He had never felt that time was so slow. At this moment, he could even see the patterns engraved on the two ox-horn scimitars, and even the tiny gaps between the blades - this must be a pair of swords that have been through many battles. He was sure of it, because when he was still a soldier, most of the weapons his comrades received were also like this, full of traces of use.

It's a pity that all his comrades died.

And he is going to die too.

He has already started to reminisce about the past, which means he is really not far from death. Shan Bing even heard his own heartbeat. He had never felt that death was so close to him.

"But I won't die."

Thinking of this, Shan Bing took the initiative to meet him.

"At least, I won't die here."


The two swords hit the big shield, and the huge shield was directly smashed dozens of feet away!


"The general is mighty!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Seeing such a horrifying scene, all the grassland cavalrymen cheered for their boss - but only their boss Tuoba Jie had an extremely ugly face.

The reason was simple, the feeling was wrong.

These two knives should have smashed the shield, how could it just be chopped away?

Is there no one behind the big shield?

"There is really no one!"

Seeing the big shield flying in the distance and turning several circles in the air, Tuoba Jie, who had excellent eyesight, clearly saw that there was no shadow behind the big shield!

Where is the person holding the shield? Where did the person holding the shield go?


A grassland cavalryman raised his hand tremblingly.

"You, you, you, back, back, back..."


Tuoba Jie was speechless for a moment.

In fact, even without his men reminding him, he had already noticed that the figure holding the shield just now was behind him.

It was because the dagger in the opponent's hand was slowly being pulled out from his waist.

Blood flowed out from the wound on his waist, along with Tuoba Jie's brute force.

"Since the shield may be broken, then don't use the shield."

Pulling out the dagger that was stabbed at Tuoba Jie's waist, Shan Bing raised the sword and slashed Tuoba Jie's throat from behind.

Yes, this is what he thought of to deal with the broken shield.

The advice of the world's number one is really effective.


Jiang Wenyuan on the other side was dumbfounded. You know, he originally planned to help, but who would have thought that Tuoba Jie, who could suppress the two of them alone, was killed by Shan Bing with a new trick he had never seen before.

At this moment, Jiang Wenyuan suddenly understood why the old eunuch sent Shan Bing to partner with him.

Just looking at this force, it's simply...

"If you kill him, you will be the new 36th!"

Although Jiang Wenyuan didn't care much about the ranking, he still looked at Shan Bing with a little envy at this moment.

Changing the ranking of the Hundred Weapons List is difficult and simple. As long as you kill someone who ranks higher than you, you can occupy the opponent's ranking. The only difficulty is how to defeat a master who is obviously much stronger than you. Obviously, Shan Bing did it. As the 84th in the Hundred Weapons List, he successfully killed the 36th in the Hundred Weapons List.

Such combat power, such talent, this is simply...


Jiang Wenyuan, who was about to fight Shan Bing, suddenly saw that something seemed to be wrong.

It was indeed wrong, because Tuoba Jie, who was cut in the throat by Shan Bing, actually stood up with his last breath, and then inserted a pair of scimitars into his throat.

Jiang Wenyuan didn't react for a moment, what was he doing.

If he was dying, he should have stabbed Shan Bing with his life. If he just wanted to die quickly, he wouldn't have stabbed himself twice, after all, the injury Shan Bing caused was already fatal.

What was he doing by stabbing himself with a knife?

Was he trying to preserve his dignity in this way?



Just when Jiang Wenyuan was distracted for a moment, a huge spider with a bull's head rose from the ground.

The huge spider had claws like a human face, and each claw was engraved with wailing. The expressionless and ferocious bull head was even more terrifying. The expression alone was enough to stop a child from crying. The huge spider body was even bigger than ten carriages put together. Obviously, this was the evil monster he saw most often.

And there was more than one evil monster.

Seeing their leader suddenly die, the other grassland riders realized that there was no hope of escape, and chose to commit suicide on the spot - but this suicide was not an ordinary suicide. After they stabbed those swords full of evil spirits into their bodies, the hatred that had nowhere to vent finally broke out in their bodies.

For a while, hundreds of monsters appeared from the refugee camp, and the horror scene was even worse than the last time they were attacked by monsters.

"Damn it... Have they mastered the method of turning into monsters?"

Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan, who noticed all this, felt as disgusted as if they had eaten a fly.

Monsters are transformed from people, and Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan both knew this, but so many grassland people committed suicide in front of them and turned into monsters, which means that the grassland people must have mastered some method of mass production of monsters - it is even possible that the monsters in Jiankang City were all set up by grassland spies.

When they thought about the fact that they had to work overtime every day because the grassland people were stirring up trouble behind their backs, Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan were convinced that they would definitely teach these spies a lesson.

And now...

"Live! Live no matter what!"

At this moment, Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing cheered for each other.

"Don't die!"

Jiang Wenyuan added.

"There are enough of them! I just saw something flying in the sky! As long as the masters arrive, everything will be fine!"

"I saw it too."

Shan Bing, who was flying to pick up the shield, turned back halfway and raised his hand to point to the sky.

And at the position of Shan Bing's finger, there was a small black dot, getting closer and closer.

Update sent, I always feel sleepy in winter, I will try to overcome it.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will also go to bed early, good night everyone.

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