In the Blade

Chapter 339: Sun Penetration

"...Is that really your boss?"

On the ground, Shan Bing, with bloodshot eyes, turned his head and looked at Bai Wujiu with suspicion.

Capturing Bai Wujiu alive was yesterday's matter. At that time, he wanted to hack him to death directly - the reason was simple, this man was fanning himself and looked like a gangster, and he was not a good person at first glance. But he finally held back, just because Jiang Wenyuan needed emergency treatment.

The heavy bleeding on his shoulder, coupled with the crushing of his calf, Jiang Wenyuan was only one breath away from death. At that time, the only person who could mobilize the entire Dengzhou City to treat Jiang Wenyuan's injuries in the first time was this man named Bai Wujiu.

What's more, Bai Wujiu knelt very quickly.

Apart from the battle at the city gate, Shan Bing never encountered any obstruction. In the process of treating Jiang Wenyuan, the man named Bai Wujiu was more like a loyal housekeeper, arranging everything for him properly - this also directly made Shan Bing temporarily extinguish his murderous intention. After all, if he were to do it himself, he might not be able to do it so well.

A submissive, useful, and capable person, and he still needs this person to do things at the moment, Shan Bing couldn't find any reason to kill for a while.

"Why not wait for Lao Jiang to recover first."

Shan Bing thought so.

And he also needs some time to adapt to his new identity.

Not a combat soldier, nor a military commander, but a strong man.

After experiencing Bai Wujiu's meticulous service, Shan Bing finally realized that he was indeed different from before - this was a feeling he had never experienced as a combat soldier. Even after becoming a military commander, he was just someone else's running dog.

But this time, when he saw Bai Wujiu completely submitting to him and not even daring to say a word, he finally felt something different.

He didn't need to care about any rules or follow any orders. He held the power in his hands, which meant he held the power and authority.

The ultimate violence brought the ultimate authority.

Although his mind was still on the seriously injured Jiang Wenyuan, he still tasted the unique status that belonged to the strong.

"But... we had a boss before."

Shan Bing still remembered that Bai Wujiu said this to him.

"We have always listened to him... What? You asked why he is not here? He just didn't come here for the time being, and I am afraid he will be back soon. Please, don't look at me like that. I don't even know how to use my evil spirit. In front of you evil spirit masters, I am as small as an ant or a flea. What can an ordinary person like me do? Isn't it that we just do whatever you masters say?"

Theoretically, it seems to be the case. After all, in Shan Bing's eyes, Bai Wujiu does not look like someone who can make a difference - in the final analysis, after experiencing power and becoming a strong man, his perspective is completely different from that of ordinary people.

For ordinary people, Bai Wujiu may look like someone who holds great power and can kill a lot of people with one order, but in the eyes of Shan Bing, who has become a strong man, or in the eyes of all strong men, the meaning of Bai Wujiu's existence is just that little management ability, and nothing else.

Just because ordinary people like Bai Wujiu can kill a car with just a breath.

So there must be a strong man behind Bai Wujiu, otherwise it doesn't make sense that Bai Wujiu has not been killed until now - now that the culprit of this border chaos is known, it will be easy to deal with. Of course, if it was in the past, Shan Bing might still put the task first, and pay attention to less trouble, but now he has become stronger, very strong.

There is no need for the strong to give way because of such a small matter, just kill the possible opponent.

But before that, Shan Bing has another question.

"I ask again, are you sure that it is your boss?"

Shan Bing looked up and down at Bai Wujiu.

"Why does he seem to not know you?"

"That, this, ah this..."

Bai Wujiu was already sweating a little, and the development of things was completely beyond his expectations.

Originally, in his estimation, in such a small matter, Wangyou Township should only let Mr. Cui come out - and the swordsman surnamed Cui is a man of few words, basically a pure sword maniac, a sword maniac who only knows how to cut people, and Shan Bing, who also has martial arts, will definitely fight as soon as the two meet.

And there will not even be any communication during the whole process. I am afraid that one person will lie on the ground after a meeting, and Bai Wujiu can be sure that Shan Bing must be dead.

After all, Shan Bing relies too much on the big shield. His first reaction when he encounters the sword energy must be to put up the shield, but Bai Wujiu has seen the swordsman Cui kill the horse thieves before, and the sword energy will even turn after it is launched.

So, when Shan Bing puts the big shield on his face, the sword energy bypassing the big shield will instantly cut Shan Bing's throat.

And Bai Wujiu himself only needs a dagger to deal with Jiang Wenyuan, who is still unconscious under the effect of anesthetics.

Perfect plan, everything will return to normal.

But what Bai Wujiu didn't expect was that plans could never keep up with changes.

It was not Mr. Cui who came out, but something more terrifying. And judging from the posture, it was not the calm and relaxed one who dealt with bandits on the road, but a posture of being fully armed and ready to fight on the spot. Bai Wujiu couldn't think of what kind of enemy was worthy of the life of the flying master.

He only knew that if the other party chose to go all out, I'm afraid that the people in the entire Dengzhou City might not be enough for the other party to kill.

After all, they really had no way to deal with the master.

Just like now, he had no way to deal with Shan Bing in front of him.

"That... he is indeed our boss."

Bai Wujiu gritted his teeth and broke the jar.

"You robbed everything from him, and now he is looking for you to duel."


Shan Bing frowned.

Although he could understand that some Jianghu warriors would choose to duel in order to improve their martial arts, he, who was born as a soldier, would not do so himself. For him, fighting is fighting, and there is no limit to it. It is too childish for two people to face each other and duel.

However, childishness is childishness.

It does not mean that he does not want to fight.

Of course, it is not this so-called duel, but a real life-and-death fight. You must know that he has just experienced the taste of a strong man and has just possessed something that can be called power-so after having this power, how can he not use it?

But this is not a mood of wanting to show off. Shan Bing knows very well that he is not fighting to show off his strength, or even for any mission. Although theoretically, as the commander of the army of Dachen, he should produce this traitor, but he has an inexplicable understanding in his heart. At least at this moment, he is not fighting for these reasons.

Or, does fighting really need so many reasons?

In the past, Shan Bing thought it was still necessary. After all, why fight if there is no reason? It is better to go home and sleep. But this time, even if there is no reason, he still wants to fight.

"It's like a beauty in front of him."

Unconsciously, Shan Bing's mouth even drooled.

Who can resist a beauty in front of him?


In just a moment, Shan Bing's whole body jumped out like a siege hammer.

And Bai Wujiu also turned around and ran away on the spot.

"Hurry up! Call as many people as you can! You don't need to bring anything! Being alive is better than anything else!"

The men who were originally standing behind Bai Wujiu also hurriedly packed up the things at hand. Obviously, they also realized the seriousness of the matter.

When a lion and a tiger fight, who will die first?

The answer is not the lion, nor the tiger, but the audience.

Standing by and watching a battle of this level is tantamount to seeking death. Any aftershocks would be enough to kill them. This is not something they deserve to watch.

"Mr. Bai, what should we do with this man?"

One of the subordinates pointed at Jiang Wenyuan on the bed beside him, and had already taken out a knife, obviously preparing to kill this eunuch subordinate with one knife while the anesthetic was still effective.

But this fatal knife was stopped by Bai Wujiu in the first place.

"Are you stupid? Making trouble at this time?"

Grabbing the short knife, Bai Wujiu threw it far away.

"Shan Bing may not be able to beat that master, but he can definitely kill us! You killed his brother now, are you going to let him turn around and kill us all?"

"This... I don't mean that."

Knowing that he had done something wrong, the subordinate shrank his neck and quickly joined the fleeing team.

However, because of this incident, Bai Wujiu, who was supposed to run first, was left behind for a while - obviously, this was an extremely dangerous position. Just like the joke people often tell about being chased by a wild beast, the person being chased doesn't have to run faster than the wild beast, they just need to run faster than their companions.

And now, Bai Wujiu himself has become the slowest runner.

The wide sleeves of his usual romantic robes have become a fatal obstacle at this moment. He must roll up his sleeves and lift his clothes to ensure that he can run normally - at this moment, Bai Wujiu even thought about taking off his clothes and running naked, but his remaining self-esteem still made him suppress this idea.

Blame these so-called masters, blame these evil lunatics, why are there such things in the world? How great would it be if there was a world without evil spirits?


Just when Bai Wujiu was about to enter the fantasy time, the loud noise in front of him pulled him back to reality.

That was Shan Bing hiding in the watchtower. Although this experienced soldier wanted to fight, he was not stupid enough to just walk up to the opponent. As a soldier, Shan Bing found the most suitable ambush location almost entirely by instinct.

Indeed, the expert flying in the sky looked invincible, but that didn't mean that his vision was perfect.

Just like now, in a place where the enemy couldn't see, using the most deadly method...

"Take my Sun-piercing Hit!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, the watchtower was completely blown to pieces.

The shock was so violent that even Bai Wujiu, who was not far away, fell to the ground. In Bai Wujiu's sight, there was a sun emitting dazzling light - the red sun was so hot that Bai Wujiu even felt that his hair was about to burn. He could never have imagined that such a terrifying thing would appear in front of him.

This kind of attack... can this really be used by humans?

Such a terrifying technique, can it really be used by humans?

Bai Wujiu didn't know that his brain had already stopped working. Everything that appeared in front of him was beyond his cognition. This was completely different from the master duel in his impression - even those murderers with murderous auras could never do such a thing, leading the sun to the ground... Is this real? Or an illusion?

"Shan Bing may win."

At this moment, Bai Wujiu suddenly realized something.

Yes, this time, Shan Bing may really win. Although in his impression, the master who could fly and hide in the ground was omnipotent, but such a terrifying move... can that master do it?

It seems that it is impossible to do it, and it should be impossible to do it. At least he has never seen any master use a similar fighting style.

One can do it, and the other can't. This has already determined the difference.

"Perhaps... Shan Bing is the real master."

Thinking of this, Bai Wujiu's face was a little pale.

In a trance, he suddenly felt like he had witnessed the changes of the times - although he had similar feelings all along, this time it was obviously clearer.

After all, no matter how powerful the master who could fly into the sky and escape into the ground was, he still used those things that released the evil spirit. Perhaps that master could be regarded as the ultimate release of evil spirit, but it was still the release of evil spirit after all, which was understandable.

And now, the "Sun-piercing Strike" used by Shan Bing was completely different.

"This is something new... It will bring a new era."

Bai Wujiu's mind was blank.

There was no room for thinking. After all, that move had continued. Something sharper penetrated the sun and pierced straight into the sky.

This is the real Sun-piercing attack, an attack that can even penetrate the sun.

Who can resist such an attack...


The fatal piercing attack was grabbed.

"What did you just say?"

A voice sounded in the air.

"Take your piercing attack?"

The red sun and the unrivaled attack were crushed in one hand.


The update is here. I'll take a little health care today.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'm going to rest early, good night everyone.

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