In the Blade

Chapter 347 The Power of Will

"...Since you can ask this question, I'm afraid you have realized that a firm will is the foundation of everything."

A voice sounded in Shan Bing's mind.

This made Shan Bing wake up from his sleep on the spot.

A few months have passed since he came back from Dengzhou in the northwest, but the inexplicable teaching in his mind has become increasingly clear - especially when facing an enemy that he cannot defeat in any case, especially here When he was completely desperate, those words of encouragement that were originally boring in his eyes seemed to be more and more useful.

Yes, just stick to it. Although I don’t know what use it will be to stick to it, but at least if you can stick to it, you can survive. Only if you can survive can you have a future.

So, here comes the question.

What did he realize in the first place?

This is also the most confusing point for Shan Bing these days. When he first heard this paragraph, he only regarded it as nutritious nonsense, so he did not notice anything was wrong. However, after several dreams about the original After the scene, he finally realized that the conversation itself was extremely weird.

Originally, in his opinion, the giant was just perfunctory with him, but if the premise of "you have realized something" is added, it would be a completely different matter. Obviously, the giant was aware of some of his special conditions. Only then did he say the following words.

But what did he realize?

Is a firm will the foundation of everything? Judging from the conversation itself, it seems that it should be this sentence, but as far as Shan Bing himself is concerned, he doesn't think this sentence has any meaning at all - if a firm will is the foundation of everything, doesn't it mean that as long as If you have a strong will, you can do anything?

How is this possible?

Could it be said that as long as he has a strong will and believes that he can be the emperor, he can become the emperor?

It's simply impossible. This kind of thing is pure nonsense. A firm will can't change anything at all. The most it can do is make yourself happy - just like when you experience the evil spirit, maintaining a firm will can make you feel better. The evil spirit will not destroy one's own reason. The so-called firmness of will is only of this use.

Nothing else.

Just like the old eunuch, he was indeed absolutely loyal to the royal family, but no matter how pure this loyalty was, what was its use? No matter how loyal the old eunuch is, he still can't win against Huang Tian. Under that terrifying pressure, no one can win against Huang Tian. This is reality, and reality is such a heavy thing. It's not just one or two people saying "I don't want to", Something will change.

"Reality... ha."

After rubbing his still dizzy head, Shan Bing simply turned over and got up.

It's not yet dawn, and it looks like it's about five o'clock in the morning. Shan Bing hasn't had a good rest recently, and he's used to getting up early. The first thing he does when he gets up early is of course morning exercise, although he doesn't know it. What's the point of practicing, but the familiar daily routine can at least make him feel a little bit of the past.

In other words, everything is actually quite familiar. Although the emperor has arrived in Jiankang Imperial City, nothing seems to have changed after a few months.

Except a few more people died.

Those people were all people who wanted to challenge Huang Tian, ​​for one reason or another, or simply because they didn't like this person, and Huang Tian naturally fought with them, killing all the challengers, leaving corpses all over the ground. He also has a reputation that is unparalleled in the world.

And now the number one in the Hundred Weapons Department has been replaced by Huang Tian. No one dares to fight with this terrifying monster anymore. Even if one or two appear occasionally, they will just be crushed to death like ants.

Just like what Shan Bing saw today.

"Who are you! How dare you sit in that position!"

In the huge competition field, there was an old man in a powerful suit staring at Huang Tian who was sitting on the high platform. The long-handled sword in his hand was breathing evil energy, as if he was going to eat people alive in the next moment.

"Huangtian? Just you?"

"What are you capable of?"

Huang Tian, ​​who was sitting on the high platform, just looked down indifferently.

"let me see."

"Then...let me see it!"

With a loud shout, the old man carrying a long-handled sword flew out.

But the old man was not rushing toward Huang Tian on the high platform.

Instead, the auditorium.

The sword was swung, causing a bloody storm, and the civil and military officials who were called to watch the battle also fled in all directions.


Seeing this, Shan Bing sighed.

This is not the first time that something like this has happened, and it can be seen with the naked eye that this happens more and more - at the beginning, those who came to challenge Huang Tian would only target Huang Tian. But as the world goes by, more and more people are beginning to realize that they may be able to accumulate evil spirits before starting a fight.

Although this may not necessarily be of any use, having even a little more chance of winning is a good thing for these challengers.

But the emperor, who is aloof, has never cared about these things.

Maybe it can be ignored, but Huangtian's management method makes it impossible for those viewers to miss it. Before this, a fourth-rank senior official chose to take a leave of absence because he was afraid that he would be hacked to death in the audience. In the past, when the emperor said it was okay, this kind of thing was usually easy to pass. .

But now it is not the emperor who has the word, but Huang Tian.

So the next moment the leave note was handed over, the sword light fell from the sky into the yard of the fourth-rank official, killing his entire family in just one breath, and even the dog at home was cut into pieces.

Since then, no one dared not to watch Huangtian's duel, and Huangtian himself seemed to enjoy the feeling of being the center of attention - of course, strictly speaking, Shan Bing always felt that these people were not regarded as human beings in Huangtian's eyes. He always felt that Huangtian actually looked at these people, even him, with some rather strange eyes.

Shan Bing couldn't describe that kind of eyes.

But it was definitely not the eyes of looking at people.

Just like now, the audience seats were soon filled with blood and corpses, but Huangtian's eyes were still so indifferent. For Huangtian, the death of some people seemed to be no different from the death of a group of ants. The strongest man sitting on the high platform didn't care about the life and death of these ants at all. He just wanted to see what kind of surprise the strongest insect could bring to him.

After killing almost a hundred people, the old man holding the long-handled broadsword seemed to feel a little embarrassed, so he turned around and pointed the sword at Huang Tian on the high platform.

"You little brat! Today I will let you see my dragon-slaying sword technique!"

As he said this, the old man rolled back and dragged out the long sword, and the momentum was as powerful as a dragon swinging its tail!

"The dragon shows its claws to kill the demons!"


Huang Tian on the high platform still had that cold expression, and there was even a little more impatience in his eyes when he looked at the green dragon.

"Divine sword, Fallen Sun."

The ancient long sword fell from the sky, and the mighty long dragon was cut into pieces by the sword.

However, the old man did not fall down.

"If you have the ability... I really can't kill you with the green dragon alone."

The old man holding the broadsword spit out a mouthful of blood.

"But, have you ever thought about why this set of swordsmanship is called the Dragon Slaying Swordsmanship?"

As he said this, the old man holding the big sword suddenly took off his pants in full view of everyone.

Then, he swung the big sword.

"This is the real dragon slaying!"

As something bloody and blurred fell to the ground, the old man's already shaky momentum suddenly rose infinitely. The extreme pain, the extreme hatred, and the most extreme evil spirit mixed together. The shadow of the green dragon behind the old man was dyed as black as ink in an instant!

Such a fierce and fierce power made Shan Bing on the side tremble with fear. Although the process was a little difficult to describe, the old man without pants at the moment was definitely the strongest challenger he had ever seen.

Use extreme pain and extreme humiliation to stimulate the most extreme hatred, and then use this endless hatred as the source of endless power.

This... works?

This kind of bullshit method can actually work?

Shan Bing's brain was a little bit stuck. He had never seen such an outrageous fighting style - but no matter how much he didn't want to admit it, the reality was finally in front of him.

This is a very distorted reality, and it is even impossible to describe it. A crazy old man relied on his crazy will to break away from the gravity of reality and gained unspeakable power... After realizing this, Shan Bing was even a little dazed. He couldn't tell what was reality and what was fantasy.

It wasn't until his eyes turned to Huang Tian on the high platform that he calmed down a little.

Huang Tian on the high platform still had no change in his expression.

It was as if everything in the arena was just an illusory bubble.

"Just, this extent?"

Facing the fiercely rushing huge black dragon, Huang Tian on the high platform just shook his head slightly.

"Excalibur, Fallen Sun."

With one sword, the winner was decided.

The arrogant huge black dragon was torn into pieces, and together with the huge blood dragon born from the old man, the whole arena was filled with the smell of blood and the stench of internal organs.

"Clean it up."

Shaking his head, Huang Tian, ​​who was on the high platform, stood up and flew back to the palace.

Only Shan Bing, Jiang Wenyuan, and some military commanders were left.

They were deliberately left behind by Huang Tian. Huang Tian not only did not harm their lives, but made it difficult for them to die. And Huang Tian did this for only one purpose, just because the dirty arena needed someone to clean up.

Besides that, Huang Tian did not interfere with anything they did, just like people were too lazy to care about ants crawling on the ground.

"Another one died."

The military commander with a face towel on his face washed the ground with a wooden face.

"How many this month?"

"It should be said that another batch died."

Shan Bing sighed, and he, who was also wearing a face towel, also had a wooden face.

"If we count the spectators, should there be 3,000 deaths this month? Or 5,000? I can't remember clearly, it's impossible to calculate this kind of thing clearly."

Or, no one wants to calculate such a number. After all, it's hard enough for everyone to just live, and no one wants to recall these bloody memories. It is precisely because of this that the sales of strong liquor in Jiankang City have been getting better recently.

Although drinking some wine can't solve the problem, it can at least numb oneself and stop thinking about some overly painful memories for the time being.

And the smell of wine can also slightly cover up the bloody smell on the body.

After cleaning up the corpses on the ground, Shan Bing returned to his own life. He was still patrolling like a zombie, and he still went back from get off work early. A few side dishes and a bottle of strong wine could relax his tense mood. The body can also relax the tense spirit a little.


After two glasses of wine, Shan Bing thought about this issue again.

He didn't want to think about this, but it was difficult to control himself not to think about it, especially after seeing the duel during the day, some thoughts that he had never thought of before began to grow crazily in his mind.

Although he had always regarded the conversation between the giant and him as words of encouragement, but what if, or what if, what the giant said was right?

Regardless of the reality, if what the giant said is really right and a firm will can really change everything...

Everything seems to be explained suddenly?

At least the behavior of Emperor Tian was suddenly explained. Why he had to repeat the names of his moves over and over again, and why he had to defeat masters one after another in a brutal manner in public...

Shan Bing once thought that this was just Huang Tian's personal preference as a master, and they did not need to understand it, nor were they qualified to understand it.

But now, at this moment, Shan Bing suddenly understood.

"Strong will."

Shan Bing felt that he had caught the truth.

"He is strengthening his will!"

No, it’s not even Huang Tian’s own will. If it’s just Huang Tian’s own will, then Huang Tian only needs to hypnotize himself and doesn’t need to come out to fight at all - but now, Huang Tian has set up a competition arena and created a huge auditorium. , and even the civil and military officials must sit up and watch it.

"He needs an audience, he needs fame... No, not fame!"

Thinking of this, Shan Bing vaguely touched something deeper.

"He needs...others to believe?"

Shan Bing's heart suddenly felt cold.

The good news is that he may have finally discovered the weakness of Emperor Tian. As for the bad news... naturally, this weakness has no effect.

Now that the competition has lasted for several months, after Huang Tian has killed so many masters, and when countless people firmly believe that Huang Tian is an invincible monster, the aloof Huang Tian really Became an invincible monster.

Can anyone really defeat this monster? Really?

First of all, I blame myself for one thing. I didn’t update it yesterday. But I slept enough today. I slept for twelve hours before I got up. I should have the energy to write more.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Of course everyone should go to bed early, good night everyone.

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