In the Blade

Chapter 367 Reconstruction

There is no possibility of losing.

On the throne hanging in the sky, Huang Tian was looking at the battle situation under his feet.

It was called a battle situation, but in his eyes it was just a joke. It was just that this level of battle was not much different from fighting with ants for him - but this kind of battle was meaningful after all, for example, those ants belonging to the opposite side had gradually moved in the direction he wanted.

In despair again and again, they gradually lost their admiration for the monster.

And this is what Huang Tian wanted to do, as long as these monkeys could no longer become the power of the monster. As for how many horse monkeys died in the process, it didn't matter to him - they were just monkeys anyway, like ants, and they would die if they died, which just gave him some peace.

"So, this time, will you come out?"

Thinking like this, Huang Tian waved his hand at the horse monkeys under his feet again.

Another group of grassland soldiers rushed forward. They had killed so many people along the way that they were almost on the verge of collapse. Of course, if they could hold on for a while longer, perhaps their firm will could really tame the huge evil spirit. However, it was obvious that the high and mighty Emperor behind them did not intend to let them hold on for a while longer.

So, with this wave of his hand, the restraints on them were untied.

The remaining rationality was broken, and the chaotic killing intent took over the body. The originally restrained evil spirit finally flowed out. Those fierce things, like breath, followed the consciousness itself, invaded their limbs and bones, entangled with their flesh and blood, and made the already strong flesh and blood swell more and more, and even twisted and twisted.

So, the monster was born.

Crazy monsters were born. They wielded weapons, limbs, claws and teeth, and even everything that could be used to kill. They were fearless, or in other words, part of them had already died. The evil spirits born from the dead carried endless resentment. They hated everything in this world. They just wanted to kill all the living people in front of them and drag them into the same situation as them.

How could the soldiers of Nan Chen fight against such things?

They were still human beings. They would still be afraid. Facing a huge monster that was as high as several of them stacked together, they would also be afraid of death. They had thought about resisting, but was their resistance really useful? The swords and spears in their hands were as ridiculous as toothpicks in front of these huge monsters. Could they really deal with these monsters?

"Surround them! Hold them back!"

I don't know who shouted like this, the voice was brave and firm.

This must be a very optimistic person. Most of the soldiers who heard this voice thought so.

However, this optimism was meaningless at this time. Although that sentence sounded reasonable, the question was, could they really surround these monsters?

If they were in the city, they might be able to do it. After all, although those monsters would occasionally wreak havoc on the streets, and everyone was also helpless against them, the soldiers had the advantage of being numerous. They could indeed block the monsters' path by cutting and surrounding them.

But the question was, were they really the ones with the most people this time?

"So many..."

Some soldiers sighed as they looked at the scene in front of them.

There were too many, too many. The vanguard troops that had just been thrown in by the grassland people had all turned into monsters.

Compared to the Chen people who had just experienced the charge of a hundred cavalrymen, the grassland monsters had a greater advantage in numbers.

The enemy was much stronger than them individually, and there were many more of them. Rather than a war, it was more of a one-sided massacre.

It was impossible to win by relying on themselves alone.

They had already understood this fact.

So in extreme despair, they could only entrust everything they had to fantasy.

"Will anyone come to save us?"

Anyone is fine, no matter who it is, reinforcements or monsters, no matter who it is, as long as they can save their lives at this time - but they themselves actually know that this is impossible, after all, when those grassland cavalry generals were wreaking havoc just now, they had prayed like this.

But, then what?

There is no savior, and there is no such thing as heaven-sent reinforcements - indeed, at the very end, a very powerful commander came to support, it should be called Jiang Wenyuan, that commander killed many grassland cavalry generals and bought them some time...

So, then what?

The battle situation still did not change, they still could not beat those monsters, God knows what kind of magic these grassland people used, the current battlefield has long become a real hell, the ground is full of broken limbs, and even the river surface has been dyed red with blood, but even if it is like this, they still can't see any hope of victory.

"So, why hasn't anyone come to rescue us yet?"

Faced with the monsters' overwhelming attack, the remaining soldiers became increasingly confused.

They may all know what they are expecting in their hearts. After all, they have more or less heard about it, or seen it with their own eyes, that figure that is much taller and more majestic than ordinary people, and that powerful strength that can rival the gods. It is said that the Grand Tutor Du has finally started to teach the emperor. This is a good thing in the eyes of everyone. With the help of such a strong man, Da Chen will definitely get better.

But... where are the people?

Where are their strong men? Where is the giant who can turn the tide? Why has the giant still not appeared after they have fought to the death?

Isn't he the Grand Tutor? Isn't he a Chen person? Isn't he on their side?

Doesn't he have any compassion at all?

"Why, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

They thought so, they struggled and cried, but the reality gave them only despair, no reinforcements, no savior, only endless monsters, and only comrades who were torn to pieces one after another.


Thousands of words finally converged into a big question.


"Why? Of course, it's because he's a coward."

Feeling the surging doubts and resentments under his feet, Huang Tian in the air sighed.

Yes, that's what he wanted. More and more people began to abandon the monster and began to question the monster's strength... In theory, he did achieve part of his goal, but in fact, this record was far from what he wanted.

"So why didn't this coward come out?"

Sitting in the air, Huang Tian looked at the huge imperial city in the distance, frowning.

Things shouldn't be like this. This situation seems to be a little different from what he expected-originally in his judgment, those monkeys in the south would organize a defense line by the river due to inertia of thinking, and the war would definitely happen at this location. After realizing that the front line could not win, the monster would definitely come out to support.

Then he could rely on his mobility to rush directly into the imperial city to harvest, directly destroy the monster's base, and thus physically destroy the monster's source of power.

But now, the problem is stuck here.

He did destroy the monster's source of mental strength, which was the soldiers in front of him, but it was only these soldiers. He didn't even touch the distant Jiankang Imperial City.

Well, although theoretically, he could just fly over and start a battle, but this would put him in a situation where the enemy was in the dark and he was in the light. Facing an opponent who was stronger than him and even had mental strength, running to the opponent's home court to fight was no different from giving it away for free - but if he didn't fly over, why didn't the monster come out?

"Doesn't he have any humanity? He just watched these monkeys being killed by me?"

The more he thought about it, the more Huang Tian frowned. He always felt that he seemed to have thought something wrong.

But now that the battle has come to this, there is no retreat on his side. Since the monster refused to come out, he could only fight all the way - anyway, this is also a way. Continuous victories will destroy the enemy's confidence, and the impact of a series of defeats will also weaken the monster's mental strength.

Just like now, as the monkeys in the south were defeated, he could clearly feel that the power of the monster was getting weaker and weaker.

"When the team arrives at Jiankang City, the monster's strength should be weakened to only half of mine."

Huangtian calculated for a moment and made a judgment on the strength comparison between the two sides.

One side is fighting with all its strength, while the other side is only half of his, so who will win and who will lose, is there any need to ask?

"I will wash away my stain, and I will win again!"

Thinking of this, Huangtian waved his hand again.

And the monsters under his feet roared more and more.

Nothing can stop them, they will kill everything in front of them.

"Including those traitors."

Saying this, Huangtian's sight locked on the figures under his feet.

Two young monkeys and one old monkey, these monkeys used to serve him. He even promised them immortality in exchange for their dedication... But it is obvious that these monkeys have failed his expectations, they betrayed him, and now they are even starting to oppose him.

"Kill them first."

With such an order, a group of monsters began to rush towards the three people.

The old eunuch on the river can still hold on. Relying on the surrounding water, he can still withstand the siege of these monsters, but Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing on the shore are not so lucky - those monsters surrounded them at the first time and began to attack them by all means.

Such a sudden attack directly caught Jiang Wenyuan off guard.

"You keep deconstructing! Keep deconstructing!"

On Jiang Wenyuan's back, Shan Bing was still shouting.

"If we don't deconstruct, we will all die!"

"Don't rush! Don't rush!"

Jiang Wenyuan was sweating profusely. He had tried his best to find the flaws of the monsters. However, under the interweaving of evil spirit and flesh and blood, he could not find even the slightest flaw. There were thread ends on the ball of thread in front of him, but the problem was that there were too many thread ends. He had no way to find the key to deconstruct the ball of thread from these chaotic thread ends.

In the end, he had only learned half of the rope.

"I... can't do it anymore."

After being smashed away by the broken sword in the monster's hand again, Jiang Wenyuan finally began to spit blood.

"I can't do it anymore. I have only learned half of the secret of the rope. I haven't learned the other half of the reconstruction. I can't..."

"Then learn it now!"

On Jiang Wenyuan's back, the seriously injured Shan Bing gritted his teeth.

"Anyway, if you can't learn it, we'll all die here, so what's the point of learning or not? The difficulty doesn't matter anymore. Let's try again. At least we're not dead yet. We can try again..."

"Don't rush me! I'm already trying!"

Jiang Wenyuan yelled.

He's been trying desperately, but he still has no idea about this matter. His talent is only in deconstruction, and he's only good at disassembly. As for reconstruction... is it to come up with new tricks?

This is a dead end, how can it be turned around?

"Reconstruction, reconstruction, what exactly is reconstruction? How to reconstruct?"

"Will this kind of thing get stuck?"

Shan Bing, who was already seriously injured on Jiang Wenyuan's back, immediately got angry.

"Reconstruction, reconstruction, to put it bluntly, is to do it again! Have you never cooked before or what? When you cook, don't you... huh?"

At this point, Shan Bing was suddenly startled.

And Jiang Wenyuan subconsciously turned his head.

The four eyes met.

At this moment, they seemed to understand something.

"I'm responsible for moving!"

Jiang Wenyuan immediately pulled out the rope from his waist and tied Shan Bing firmly to his back.

"You are responsible for the action!"

"What do you mean I'm responsible for the action! How do I know how to do it!"

Although he said this, Shan Bing still drew out his short sword immediately.

It was impossible to use a large shield in this posture. On the one hand, he couldn't hold it steadily, and on the other hand, the weight would slow down Jiang Wenyuan's movement speed-in a sense, this is actually a kind of reconstruction. After losing the shield, he began to use a fighting style that he was not familiar with.

It's like putting less salt or soy sauce when cooking. The dish made in this way will definitely not taste good.

So, in the absence of the same taste, how can this dish become edible?


Shan Bing suddenly felt a little dazed.

He seemed to suddenly understand something.

"So this is reconstruction, so this is it... So what I have been learning is actually this kind of thing."

Said this, Shan Bing swung his sword at the monster that had already pounced in front of him.

Update sent, everyone should rest early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

It’s really exciting to keep healthy, good night everyone.

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