In the Blade

Chapter 369 Returning to the innate from the acquired

Somewhat, uncomfortable.

Sitting in the air, Huang Tian felt the sights under his feet, those eyes mixed with admiration and fear. Whether it was admiration or fear, these would become his strength - but among these sights, there were only two sights that made him extremely uncomfortable.

Those were eyes without any admiration or awe, they were pure hatred, with deep murderous intent.

Such eyes would not bring him any power, but would constantly sting his perception like the sting of a poisonous insect - he wanted to just take action and crush the two monkeys to death. This was extremely simple for him, just as easy as eating and drinking water.

But considering that the real opponent had not yet appeared, he didn't want to take action so early.

In fact, choosing an enemy is quite particular. Who you choose as your enemy will often reflect your own strength in turn - just like the reflection floating on the water surface, when you choose an enemy, you actually define your own level range.

In simple terms, if he, who already possessed such power, still had to crush the two monkeys to death with his own hands, it would basically be equivalent to admitting that he was still at the same level as the two monkeys.

This was not a good thing, and it would even put him in a passive position when facing the real strong enemy.

"So what's the matter with this group of monkeys!"

Thinking of this, Huang Tian looked at the monkeys on horseback again.

This was also what made him frown the most. The two monkeys on the ground should have been killed by these monkeys on horseback long ago, but even though he had given these monkeys on horseback strength, these rubbish still did not take down the other party, but were made braver by them.

Does he really have to do it himself?


Seeing more and more monkeys on horseback fall to the ground, Huang Tian finally raised his hand.

"It's just a little skill, just in time to enjoy it before dinner."

Such a reason might make him feel a little more comfortable.

But the haze in his heart still lingered.

But it didn't matter anymore. The ancient sword had already fallen. Just like it had always been, this magic sword would be invincible and kill everything without distinction - and the fact was just as he expected. When the magic sword fell, the area was left with only broken limbs and arms.

There were also two monkeys.

One monkey was lying on the back of another monkey, and the other monkey was looking up at him. The two monkeys were covered in blood, but none of them was their own.

This was all the blood of the monkeys on horseback, but there was no wound on the two monkeys.

His sword was blocked.


Huang Tian took a deep breath on the throne hanging in the sky.

No, it felt more and more wrong. This was no longer a question of whether he was willing to admit it, but that these two monkeys were really beginning to gradually step into his level.

A mere monkey, actually dared to...


Huang Tian exhaled a foul breath.

He suddenly understood something.

Obviously, the family had ascended to the outside world, why did his father still value his former hometown so much? He had not thought about this problem before. He just thought it was something like cleaning up ants, and he was going to declare his control over this world. After all, this was their place. Even if they had left, this should still be their place.

But now it seems...

It's not the case at all.

There must be some information hidden in the middle that he didn't know. Huangtian felt this very clearly. Perhaps the danger his father told him was not an exaggeration. He was really touching something that he should never touch. It was just that he didn't know it at the time and thought it was a way to prove himself...

"Don't think so, don't think so."

Huangtian slapped his face vigorously.

He couldn't be captured by fear or anxiety. Otherwise, if he really thought along this line of thought, his vision would be blinded, and all he could see was malice - not to mention that this was just his guess, and guesses were not necessarily the truth.

"What's more, I have found your weakness."

Huangtian raised his head and looked towards the distant imperial city.

As long as he is given another chance to fight, he will definitely win in the end. He has understood everything and he can't lose.


Huang Tian stood up in the air.

Whether it is to solve the fear of being chased more and more closely or to solve the anxiety in his heart, he has to do it himself.

This is the benefit of fighting. At least in killing and taking lives, it can bring him a reassuring sense of control, especially when the sword blade tears the body, the feel is so solid - he is looking for such a certain feeling now, otherwise, with his current state, he may not be able to really fight.

Yes, this time, he has collapsed before he even really fights.

"Think too much, really think too much."

Huang Tian flying in the air slapped his head, he only lamented how he could be so stupid.

Indeed, he did a lot for this new battle, but the grander the scene he arranged and the more perfect the plan he designed, the higher the level of the enemy in his mind became - he shouldn't have gathered so many monkeys from the beginning, which meant that he already felt that these monkeys could become his fighting force, and the throne in the sky was even more of a joke.

Indeed, he did shock these monkeys when he sat in the sky, but on the other hand, he had to rely on flying in the sky to confirm his supreme status.

When he had such an idea, he was not supreme at all, just because the truly unparalleled in the world did not need to prove himself in this way at all.

Sometimes invincible is not an adjective, but a noun. He only needs to stand there normally to be invincible.


The emperor in the air finally realized where the problem was.

He thought of everything, but only forgot himself. When he came to this world, when he tried his best to deal with the monster, his own heart and energy also became the source of power for the monster.

He chose his own enemy, and then he personally created a monster that absolutely could not be defeated.

"How could there be such an unreasonable thing?"

Thinking of this, Huang Tian felt sick. He never thought that he would fall into such a situation - that is, he had always used the unknown power of mind to conquer cities and defeat others. When would it be the turn of these monkey-like things to ride on his head?

"This should be my power, this should be our power, my ancestors discovered the use of mind power, and I am the strongest user..."

While flying towards the direction of the imperial city, Huang Tian began to scratch his head.

"It doesn't make sense, this kind of thing doesn't make sense at all... Wait?"

The scratching action froze.

This is not an action that fits his identity and style. He has always been either calm or arrogant. Although these two styles are not close to each other, they are completely unrelated to the scratching action.

And this tone of speech, and this strange way of punctuation, there is no grace at all, more like those ordinary people chatting... Is this really him? How could this be him?

"When did it become like this?"

Huang Tian in mid-air began to sweat.

It was at this time that he realized that he had been affected so deeply without knowing it.

No wonder he kept making stupid moves, and even evolved to the point where he almost collapsed on the spot before the opponent made a move. It turned out that he had been affected to this extent without knowing it... That monster affected his movements, his habits, his words, and even began to affect his intelligence!

"But, there is still a chance."

Huang Tian held the hilt of the sword in his hand.

There is still a chance, he still has a chance, just as he has always thought, just as he has always done-he only needs to kill the monster himself, and he can take back his heart and energy that was sucked away. Not only that, he can even eat the monster's heart and energy in turn, and use this powerful enemy as a stepping stone to stand higher and become stronger!


Thinking of this, Huang Tian landed directly in the deep palace.

The killing of those ordinary monkeys was no longer that important. After realizing everything, Huang Tian had lost interest in these processes and steps. In this situation, the more he did, the shadow of the monster in his heart would become bigger and bigger, which would make him feel that the monster was stronger.

"He is not that strong, not that strong..."

Huang Tian muttered in his heart.

The lost confidence gradually grew, and Huang Tian felt that his condition was gradually getting better. Yes, it was at this time that he realized that he had been taking a detour. The strength of his heart and the strength of his strength did not need the recognition of others. He did not need the blessing of others' heart and strength.

As long as he believed, he was absolutely strong.

As long as he was willing to admit it, no one could defeat him.

As long as his will was as strong as steel, the so-called monster was nothing but a piece of trash that would break at a touch!


Feeling the breath under his feet, Huang Tian flew to the place where the monster was at the first time.

That is, above the imperial kitchen.

"Come out! Fight again!"

At this moment, Huang Tian felt extremely comfortable.

The haze in his heart disappeared, and the heavy burden also disappeared. At this moment, all that was left for him was a smooth mind and a thorough understanding of his thoughts.

Yes, that's it. Why arrange so many useless steps? This is a duel between masters, a battle between strong ones. Only the weak need to gather in groups, which is the same behavior as cattle and sheep. The real strong ones are like tigers and leopards. They can defeat everything by themselves!

"Come on! Come out and fight!"

Huang Tian in the air shouted again.

And there was still no movement in the imperial kitchen under his feet.

"Why don't you come out! Come out!"

After three consecutive provocations, the other party did not give any response, which greatly increased Huang Tian's confidence, and even swept away a lot of the shadows in his heart.

Yes, it should have been like this a long time ago. If he keeps putting off doing this and doing that, not fighting this monster, and only relying on his own judgment to estimate, then this monster will become extremely huge in his heart, even surpassing this monster. Itself - but now, he already knows that this monster is not that strong at all.

I didn't even dare to come out and fight him.

"It's just this kind of thing. What was I afraid of before?"

Huang Tian slapped his head. At this moment, he felt more and more that he was too stupid before.

But there is no need to blame himself for this kind of thing. After all, he was still affected by this monster before. At that time, his intelligence was obviously not enough, and he was still obsessed with winning, so he would naturally make mistakes - but now he has realized At this point, the intelligence will no longer be reduced. Just like now, smart IQ begins to occupy the high ground in the mind.

"Since he won't come over, then I will come over!"

Thinking like this, Huangtian fell directly to the ground.

Yes, that's how it should be. He doesn't need to do anything fancy. He is already strong. He just needs to hit it with overwhelming force - especially now, the other party has not responded to his provocation three times in a row. This is already Let him be at the peak of his momentum, so does he need to do anything extra?

No, no need at all.

Enter the house, swing your sword, behead him, and leave.

True strength does not require any fancy methods. Killing itself is the truest expression.

"I see, this is the real way to use your mental power."

At this moment, Huang Tian felt that he really understood everything.

The more he thinks about using this power, the more counterproductive it will be. It is precisely because of this that his previous understanding of mental power has become an obstacle to him obtaining power - if he really uses this power , what is needed is not to think about it, not to think too much.

"Just like a child, nature will return to nature."

Thinking like this, Huang Tian's steps suddenly stopped.

Just because, in front of him, at the door of the imperial kitchen, there was actually a child standing.

The standing position may not be correct. It was more like a half-squatting posture, with the knees slightly bent and the arms flat. This directly led to the fact that although the child was small, he used this strange posture to block the entrance to the imperial kitchen. live.

"Get out of the way."

Huang Tian was too lazy to create extraneous problems.

But the child in front of him remained motionless.

"I, I also want to get out of the way..."

The child in front of him tried his best to force out a wry smile.

"But I can't move."


Huang Tian frowned slightly and pushed the child casually.

Just a child...


The hand pushing out froze.

He didn't push either.

Updates have been sent, and everyone should go to bed early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to La Kua Zhi Fist for the reward, it’s really a waste of money.

Also, after seeing this, I remembered, when was the last time Du Ting Cup was updated?

I'm going to rest first, good night everyone.

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