In the Blade

Chapter 375: Visit

It shouldn't be like this.

Facing the huge giant holding the cane, Huang Tian was a little dazed for a moment.

It shouldn't be like this, everything shouldn't be like this, he clearly still has a chance, he can clearly continue... Just give him a little more time, let him try a few more times, he will definitely be able to, he will definitely be able to...

"Haha, I caught you."

The giant in front of him grinned.

"So your resurrection point is here."


Although Huang Tian didn't understand the strange word "resurrection point", he understood the meaning of this word without any teacher.


Sweat began to flow down Huang Tian's forehead.

His body became stiff, and even his brain's reaction began to become slow. The fear that should have been eliminated once again grabbed him. He didn't know how to defeat the terrifying monster in front of him-perhaps surrender is the best choice, this may be the only way to survive, his reason and instinct judged so.

But, don't want to surrender.

He didn't want to surrender, nor did he want to admit defeat. No matter how unreasonable and irrational this idea was, he didn't want to give up or kneel down.

What's more, he cared more about another thing.

That is, how was he caught?

"Hmm? Do you want this?"

Seeing Huang Tian's eyes glance at the sword in his other hand, Du Chengfeng laughed.

Yes, he should have thought of it earlier. The real use of these swords was never to chop people - just like Huang Tian could use these swords made of Wu Zhao's body to go to where he was, he could naturally use these swords that Huang Tian had used to reversely locate Huang Tian's specific location.

Now that he already knew that Huang Tian could be resurrected infinitely, would he be so stupid as to wait for Huang Tian to test all his skills with one death after another?

Of course not. He is not a boss in a game who can only stand still and take a beating. Since Huang Tian can beat him over and over again, why can't he just beat him over?


It was at this time that Huang Tian realized where his biggest omission was.

He originally thought that his estimate of this monster was enough, but in fact, he was still too optimistic - although he once thought in his heart that this monster was an opponent of the same level as himself, in fact, he still did not treat the other party equally.

The giant in front of him was the best evidence.

He didn't even think that since he could get over, this giant could naturally follow the way he came and kill all the way.

His original plan didn't work at all! He had no way to suppress this monster unilaterally...

"... Wait?"

Thinking of this, Huang Tian suddenly raised his head in astonishment.

He suddenly felt that something was wrong.

If he remembered correctly, the giant should not have made a sound just now... right?

Yes, he didn't say anything, and those words were obviously not meant for him, but more like a simple soliloquy, or a thought in his heart.

But, how did he know this kind of thing?

"What are you waiting for?"

At the same time, the giant in front of him spoke.

"Aren't you going to call me?"


Huang Tian continued to be silent.

He suddenly had a guess, but he still needed to test it.

"What's wrong with you?"

The giant in front of him spoke again.

"If you don't come over, I'm going to call you."

That's it!

Huang Tian almost raised his hand and slapped his forehead.

Yes! That's it! His judgment was indeed correct!

The giant's mental power was so huge that even his inner thoughts were overflowing uncontrollably - just now he thought that the giant was communicating with him in some strange way, or simply reading each other's minds, but now it seems...

This is a one-sided reading.

He could sense the giant's thoughts, only because the opponent's mental strength was too strong. The undisguised strength just stood there, which explained everything - but the giant in front of him could not sense his thoughts, only because he was condensed enough and weak enough at the moment.

It's getting better, everything is getting better. He finally has the chips in his hand to deal with the giant.

However, the problem is here.

Now that he can read thoughts, how can he win?

Direct action is definitely the most unreliable behavior, which means that he has given up his advantage directly. He has no way to fight this monster head-on, even if he is fighting at home now - or, it is precisely because he is fighting at home that he has to be more cautious.

As the saying goes, good steel should be used on the blade. Concentrating the mental strength of admirers to carry out a fatal attack can only be used once when facing an opponent of this level.

So before this opportunity is used up, he must first use his ability to find the weakness of this giant.

If it was a normal battle, he would have almost no chance to find weaknesses. After all, this giant was not stupid, so how could he expose his fatal weakness in the battle?

But now that he could read the giant's thoughts, everything was really uncertain.

Even if what he said was one thing and what he did was another, can a person deceive others with words and actions? Can he deceive his own heart?

Just like "Don't think about the elephant", the more you don't think about it, the more you will think about it!

Wait, why is it the elephant again?

"Don't come with the elephant, don't come with the elephant..."

Huang Tian patted his head and tried to make himself more sober.

He didn't realize that something was wrong just now. As soon as the elephant came out, he realized that he might have been affected by that strange thing again - so while he still had at least the most basic rationality, he had to get rid of the monster in front of him faster.

So, after thinking for a while, Huang Tian spoke.

"You are capable to be here... Tell me, what reward do you want?"


Du Chengfeng scratched his head subconsciously.

And Huang Tian's hand holding the hilt of the sword also tightened secretly.

Yes, that's it, it's getting better, that's what he wants - the question itself is not that important, the key is to use the question to arouse the monster's thoughts. Just like now, he may not give a reward, and the monster may not get the reward. Even if both parties know this, facing such a question, the monster will still subconsciously think about what he wants.

Just like what he just experienced, "Don't think of the elephant", when the problem arises, there will naturally be an impression from the heart...

"Don't think of the elephant, at least not now."

Realizing that the elephant actually began to appear in his mind again, Huang Tian immediately suppressed this strange thought.

Fortunately, his attempt was effective. In a flash, he actually felt the overflow of the heart - that was what the giant wanted, and it was also the embodiment of the giant's desire. As long as there is something to ask for, there must be a weakness. Just follow this idea, how can this monster...

"Do I need your reward?"

The giant in front of him frowned slightly.

"If I kill you, won't all your things be mine?"

It doesn't matter, it's just normal to say one thing and mean another.

The words spoken are just words, and anyone can say such ordinary cruel words. Huangtian doesn't care about these things at all. He is using the fastest speed to feel, to feel the real thoughts represented by the overflowing heart and energy.

The words spoken are just words, and what is hidden in the heart is the matter.

He wants to see what this monster is thinking in his heart...

"I want to learn how to make Qiankun roast goose, and then simplify the version. Who can teach me this kind of thing? Don't I have to do it myself?"


As if a red-hot fire stick was poked into his head, Huangtian was stunned for a while and couldn't speak for a long time.

Theoretically, his mind reading should have been completed, but in fact...he didn't know what he read out. Obviously, he understood every word and every phrase, and even the whole sentence, but in this situation, when they were about to fight, he couldn't understand this sentence at all.

What does this mean? What happened? What on earth did he see?

Why did he start roasting goose? What was that?


Resisting the urge to ask, Huang Tian spoke again.

"You actually said you were going to kill me, such a big talk... Aren't you afraid of dying here? Don't you care about anyone in this world?"

Perhaps because there was still some chaos in his brain that was stabbed into it by the fire stick, his words at this moment became confused, and even a little incoherent, not like what a human could say - but at this time he no longer cared about any logic, as long as the goal could be achieved.

Yes, since it is impossible to start from desire, then just start from human feelings. As long as this monster still cares about someone, it means there is a weakness, and it can even be said that the biggest weakness has been exposed.

At the same time, the monster also spoke.

"What you said is meaningless. I hate others threatening me in this way the most."

It was still a cruel word on the tip of his tongue, and anyone could say such words.

Concentrating all his energy, Huangtian used the fastest speed to capture the extremely obvious overflow of his heart.

Yes, that's it. Even if the monster didn't say it, the elephant hidden in his heart appeared again!

"It's you!"

After sensing the heart, Huangtian quickly interpreted it.

"Anyway, if I eat enough, my whole family won't be hungry. At worst, I'll just fight him... huh?"

Huangtian raised his head in astonishment again.

This is completely different from what he imagined.

Just, people have weaknesses and emotions, just like himself, although he is used to fighting alone, he also has a very deep affection for his family - no one is really ruthless and ungrateful. After all, no matter what, there will always be relatives, friends, interpersonal ties, and the most basic emotions.

But the monster in front of him...

Why would he think so? Doesn't he even have parents?

"What's the matter? Are you going to fight or not?"

The giant in front of him frowned more and more.

"I gave you the chance to strike first, why don't you strike back? If you really don't want to strike back, I will strike first..."


Huang Tian shouted quickly.

He suddenly felt that he should have caught the key to something.

Yes, he should have noticed this from just now. If the giant just wanted to kill him, he could have chopped him down with a knife just now. Why did he talk to him for so long and didn't do anything for a long time?

He should have noticed this earlier. The giant was not so keen on his life, or in other words, his life or death was not so important to the giant.

So, what was really important to the giant?

Is it the Qiankun roast goose just mentioned? Or is it going to explode with him? Or is it the fight itself?

"Today is not suitable for fighting."

Thinking of this, Huang Tian suddenly spoke subconsciously.

"I am still very weak now, and it is not suitable for fighting today. If you must fight, come next time."

"... Hmm?"

The giant in front of him paused.

Then, he looked up and down at Huang Tian's figure.

"It seems, indeed weak... But why do you have a sword in your hand?"

"... Take a look."

Huang Tian tried to maintain his composure.

"I just took it out to take a look and maintain it."

"Is that so."

The huge giant nodded slightly.

"Good things do need more maintenance. You should pay more attention to them in your daily life. In addition, it is best to apply more oil to bone products, otherwise they will crack easily."

As he said this, the giant waved his cane and cut the air in front of him.

"Three days is enough for you to rest, right? I'll come next time."


Seeing that the huge giant actually walked away, Huang Tian was speechless for a long time.

Actually... can it really work?

That arrogant giant, the giant that he could never defeat, actually went back just because of a few words?

What a joke! This kind of bullshit can actually work?

Then what are all his efforts just now?

"... Forget it."

Facing the mess on the ground trampled by the giant, Huang Tian sighed.

Anyway, he finally survived this fatal disaster, and the giant did leave. Then, he just needed to rest for a while, and then...

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing."

Just when Huang Tian was about to relax, the air in front of him was cut open again.

And the giant's big face also poked out from it.

"Three days later, will it be noon or afternoon?"


Huang Tian was so shocked that he almost fell to the ground.

He suddenly realized that this didn't seem to be the end of something.

It was the beginning of another nightmare.

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