In the Blade

Chapter 378: Fair Fight

Huangtian woke up again.

As long as there are still people who worship him, as long as there are still people who don't want him to die, as long as there are still people who remember everything about him, he will always be able to come back to life again - of course, it is a bit hard to say whether this "forever" can still be considered forever now, but at least so far, this process has not had any problems.

"But this method is not completely safe. If that monster kills all these people... In short, this method is not so omnipotent."

Huangtian, who regained consciousness, looked at the followers under his feet and sweated in his heart.

Perhaps because the opponent was strong enough, he actually had some new understanding of mental power. Just like now, the battle between two mental power users can be regarded as a battle between the two of them, but it cannot be completely regarded as a battle between the two of them... So he was more curious about one thing.

He could think of it, and the monster naturally thought of it, but the monster still watched him come back to life again, without any intention of intervening.

"I am looked down upon..."

Huangtian began to rub his head.

He did not retrieve the memory before his death. His intuition told him that it might not be a good thing to retrieve it. It would be better to just pretend that he did not have that memory, that he had never experienced that, and that he was a brand new self.

A self full of fighting spirit and high spirits.

"I will definitely win in the end!"

Huang Tian said to himself.

However, it would be useless to just say that. He still had to come up with something that could win the game. At least from the current situation, it would be difficult for him to defeat the monster if he took the initiative. The city called Jiankang was the monster's home ground. With the huge mental strength, the monster would become extremely powerful.

He once tried to clean up the monster's home ground. Just as he had thought before, the monster could kill his admirers to prevent him from resurrecting. Naturally, he could also kill all the people in the city to weaken the monster's mental strength. But this method failed after all. The monster did not leave the imperial city after all, and even if he went there and risked his life, he could not do anything to the monster.

"It's like rushing directly to the center of the vortex. It's a good thing that he was not strangled."

Recalling his previous unsystematic fighting style, Huang Tian broke out in a sweat. At that time, he was like crazy and didn't care about his brain.

But this is actually inevitable, just like a person who falls into a vortex. No matter how hard he struggles, he will eventually be sucked into the vortex and rotate with the huge torque until he falls into the abyss and is completely annihilated.

"... No wonder I suddenly didn't want to get my memory back just now."

Huang Tian suddenly understood something vaguely.

Memories often have to be retrieved. After all, they often contain the most important information, especially the way one died, which is undoubtedly the most important thing. But he just resisted this, which is almost impossible.

Unless the harm of that memory to him has outweighed the benefits, understanding that memory will not only not allow him to draw any lessons, but will instead make him fall into another abyss.

Fortunately, he will forget those things after resurrection.

Originally, he thought that this way of retrieving memories after death was a bit too troublesome, but now it seems that this troublesome step has protected him at a critical moment. Perhaps he had been drawn into the depths of the vortex and even lost himself for a time, but now he has no negative effects.

And this means that he still has the strength to fight.

He can still fight and continue.

"But this time, we must not go to that monster's home court."

After thinking for a moment, Huang Tian made a new plan for his own fighting style.

If he went to the monster's home ground again, he might be drawn into the opponent's vortex again, and from the results, he might have misjudged the monster. The monster's home ground might not only be a city, but also the ancient empire. There were too many people who believed in the monster's strength, so that the monster actually became the strongest.

So, if he wanted to defeat the monster, he had to find another way.

Since it was difficult to defeat the monster in its home ground, it was better to change his mind.

For example, let the monster come to his side.

Yes, this would be a good way. As long as the monster was separated from the blessing of the heart, it would be greatly weakened and beaten back to its original form. On the contrary, he had enough heart blessing in his home ground, and everyone believed in his strength.

The heart of belief is the most powerful magic. As long as those admirers believed in his strength, he was really strong.

Then he could easily kill the monster in any way.

Just like he executed the so-called Yin people Wu Zhao.

"Why didn't I think of this before? If I had done this earlier, wouldn't I have to die so many times?"

Huang Tianxia subconsciously wanted to scratch his head, but he held back.

Okay, the answer to the question was found.

But it's okay, although he was fooled to the point of wanting to fight a strong man who he couldn't beat in an away game, but on the other hand, although he suffered this loss, he also felt the danger of the monster.

"That monster cannot be dealt with by conventional means, and must be treated with the most serious attitude."

This time, Huang Tian really took it seriously.

But he always felt like he had forgotten something.

It shouldn't be something particularly important, otherwise he would want to know it immediately, but judging from the current situation, it would be better for him to prepare for the battle first-so he dismissed some of his worshippers, letting them return to their own world, go to places they thought were safe, and pass on this worship of him.

"Although it may slow down the efficiency of resurrection, at least it avoids the possibility of being wiped out."

Before the war, Huang Tian had already made himself invincible. These departing worshippers would be his most secret shield, and they could ensure that he would not die.

Of course, he only dismissed some of the worshippers, and the other part stayed to provide him with mental strength and become part of his combat power-this was not a good job, the monster would definitely kill them, but these worshippers were no different from monkeys to him, and it was no big deal if they died.

These people will become his weapons, his sharpest spears, and he will use this power properly to nail the monster here.

But just having a shield and a spear is not enough.

He also needs bait.

He has to find a way to lure the monster over so that he can perform well. After all, not everyone is like Wu Zhao, the Yin man, who will take the initiative to crash into his territory - he must think of a way to make the monster take the initiative to come to his territory, but the problem is here.

What can he think of?

Coercion? Obviously unreliable, he can't beat the monster, how can there be any coercion, as for inducement... does he have anything that can seduce the monster?

"In fact, I should look through the memory before my last death, maybe there will be an answer."

Huang Tian once wanted to unseal the memory, but a sudden premonition made him hold back from this behavior.

He couldn't do this, it would probably cause more trouble. His intuition was frantically warning him that it was not something he could look at.

"Could it be that... I died miserably?"

Huang Tian became more and more curious, but he still suppressed this curiosity that shouldn't exist.

There are some things that shouldn't be curious about, he believes in his intuition.

What's more, even if he doesn't look at that memory, he should be able to find some other ways.

And this search took two days.

While ensuring his own safety, he can also lure the monster into the trap. This method is too difficult to find. This situation is similar to ensuring that he does not take action, but still let the opponent take the initiative to attack - theoretically, provocation can be done, but the problem is that if he wants to provoke, he has to go to the monster's home field.

The residual influence from before is still reflected on him, and he still has the urge to scratch his head. If he rushes into that chaotic vortex again, he dare not imagine what he will become.

"Think of a way, think of a way..."

Huang Tian rubbed his head, he tried hard to think of a way to solve the problem.

Maybe he could send an admirer over? This sounds like a solution, but considering the efficiency of these monkeys, he gave up the decision. If he sent a few admirers to provoke, it was hard to say whether it would work, but his admirers would definitely be sucked into the vortex of the monster's mental power.

Even he couldn't withstand this assimilation, let alone the monkeys. By then, the provocation might not be completed, and the monster would have more mental power.

"So why not think about the fighting method first."

Huang Tian, ​​who couldn't find an idea for a long time, simply put this problem aside for the time being and prepared to think about other things first.

Yes, it's not enough to have only a shield, a spear and bait.

He also needs to have the skills to kill the monster.

With his strength, he might not be able to fight the monster even if he has the advantage of home court. At least, it would be difficult for him to win in a head-on confrontation. This can be seen from the size of the monster. The huge body is definitely suitable for head-on confrontation. He doesn't have to go head-on with the opponent's strengths.

So, is there anything that is his strength and the monster's weakness?

"Maybe, there is."

Huang Tian immediately thought of the obvious difference.

That is, the difference in size between the two sides.

Although the huge body gave the monster a strong frontal combat power, the giant-like tall body exposed more areas that could be hit. On the contrary, his body, although relatively tall among ordinary people, was still extremely flexible compared to the giant. He could fully play his advantage in this aspect and use his agile fighting style to attack the giant in every possible way.

Of course, if it was bare-handed, it would indeed be stronger the bigger, but they were not fighting bare-handed after all.

The existence of weapons leveled the gap between them.

"As long as there is a sword, I can bleed the monster."

Thinking of this, Huang Tian came to the armory.

Theoretically, he could have chosen some long-range weapons, but he still chose the sword because it was the weapon he was most familiar with and the weapon he placed the most trust in. For someone as strong as him, it didn't really matter what weapon he used. The key was whether he could use it easily.

If he used an unsuitable weapon, he could only exert 20% to 30% of his ability, but if he used a suitable weapon, he could exert 120% to 30% of his ability, or even 10 times or even 100 times.

"This sword will definitely... huh?"

Just when Huang Tian had just picked up the sword, the air beside him cracked again.

"Again? What's going on again?"

It should have been a familiar feeling, but Huang Tian felt a chill for no reason.

It was as if this scene was so terrifying.

"What's going on? This... wait?"

In Huang Tian's sight, a tall giant stepped out of the hole.

Yes, before he could throw out any bait, the giant, the monster, came to the door on his own.

"You... that's good, I don't have to go and kill you."

With a sneer, Huang Tian drew his sword.

"Come on! Let me see what you can do!"

"You're energetic again? That's great!"

In front of Huang Tian, ​​the giant's face was also full of fighting spirit.

"Since you've rested, then... No, wait a moment, this kind of fight is not fair."

"No, this is fair."

Feeling the gradual increase in mental strength and his own growing strength, Huang Tian smiled.

"This is a fair fight..."

"No, this is not fair."

The huge giant shook his head.

"At least for you, it's too unfair... After all, I'm too big and you're too small."

"... Are you talking about this?"

Huang Tian was directly amused.

This monster actually...really regarded the difference in size as a difference in strength? Indeed, if it were a normal situation, this might really be a huge gap, but now he has the strength to bless him, but this monster has been beaten back to its original form. Who is the weaker one?

"What are you laughing at? This kind of thing... well, it might be really funny."

The tall giant sighed.

"I tried it before, using a method used by a friend, which would make me smaller and fairer to you... but unfortunately, his method is too difficult, I didn't understand it, so I could only use some self-developed methods."

As he said this, Huang Tian saw the giant raised his hand and pointed at him.

Then, Huang Tian felt his body suddenly expand uncontrollably.

His body became bigger and bigger, until it was level with the giant in front of him.

"Now it's fair."

The tall giant nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he raised his hand and punched Huang Tian in the head.

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