In the Blade

Chapter 385 The Final Duel

Huang Tian raised his head with difficulty.

His consciousness was still a little hazy, and even his thoughts were a little confused. That was the sequelae of the body being hit hard, and it was also the chaos after the originally stable state was hit by the mental force again.

He probably lost again.

Other memories were still chaotic, but only the experience of failure was so clear. He originally thought that he had been fighting for so long and he had caught up with the monster, but who could have thought, who could have thought...

Originally, he could still fight for two moves? Why was he defeated this time...


Gritting his teeth, Huang Tian climbed up again.

"Come on! Keep fighting!"

He stared at the tiny figure, which was so huge at the moment. It was obviously less than two feet tall, and it was like a mouse compared to his current body... But the huge body had already completely filled his vision, filled his mind, and even filled everything about him!

That monster, is it so big?

"What did you just say?"

Du Chengfeng, who was collecting the spoils, rubbed his ears when he heard the roar in the air.

The sound was really too loud and unclear. He couldn't really hear what it was saying.

But the moment he raised his head, he understood.

Just because he had seen the burning fighting spirit in the eyes of the huge Huang Tian.

No need to express it in words, just look at the eyes, you can understand the meaning.

When the eyes meet, you have to fight!


Huang Tian raised the sword in his hand again.

The blade had been broken long ago, but even if it was broken, it could still kill people. As long as he could still wield the weapon, as long as he could still move his hands and feet, he would not stop, he would continue...


Huang Tian's movements froze.

Just because the tiny and huge giant waved his hand at him.

What does this mean? What is this for? He was asked not to do it first? Is this a coward?

"What do you mean!"

Huang Tian roared angrily.

"It has come to this point, it has become like this, you don't want to fight? You..."

"I don't mean that."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head awkwardly.

"I mean, there is no need to fight anymore."


Huangtian became more and more angry.

What do you mean there is no need to fight anymore? Is this a contempt for him? Is it a contempt for his fighting ability?

"I mean,...hi."

Du Chengfeng thought about it and simply picked up the two bodies on the ground.

"Look, all your family members are dead!"


Huangtian, who was holding up the broken sword, was stunned and didn't understand what this meant for a while.

And Du Chengfeng was obviously aware of the inappropriateness of his expression.

"I mean, just, after beating the young, the old one comes. Do you understand what I mean? Now the old ones have been beaten to death, there is no need to beat the young ones anymore, do you understand?"


Huangtian fell silent.

I probably understood. Although it was a roundabout way, the essence of this behavior was still to despise his fighting ability.

This was because they thought he was not as good as his father and grandfather, and that he was the weakest one, so there was no need to fight him... But was it really like that? Was he really the weakest one?

"You seem to have made some wrong judgments."

Huangtian's face darkened.

"I am the strongest one."

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Du Chengfeng also nodded repeatedly.

"So do you have anything else to say? If nothing else, I will go back first. When you practice again, we will..."

"I said, I am the strongest one."

Huangtian became more and more angry. He could hear the perfunctory words. It was a denial of his strength and a contempt for his fighting ability... He was already so strong, he wanted to prove himself, why, why...

Why did he have to prove himself?


Like a flash of lightning piercing his mind, Huangtian suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his current state.

Whether he is strong or not is his business, why must he get the recognition of this monster? Even if this monster recognizes it like just now, what can it do? Is this what he wants?

What he wants is never this.

He wants to kill this monster head-on, he wants to defeat the powerful enemy in front of him with his own strength, he does want to prove, but not to this monster, but to himself, to prove that he is the strongest one!

Yes, it doesn’t matter where he is, and it doesn’t matter who he is. As long as he is the strongest, as long as he has the strongest power, this huge power that can change everything, this is the only eternal and unchanging one!

Just like the sword in his hand.

"Come on, let’s fight one last time as the end of the journey."

With this, the broken sword was placed in front of Huang Tian.


"... That’s fine."

Du Chengfeng, who met Huang Tian’s eyes again, finally put down the two corpses in his hands.

Although just now, he didn't think there was any need to fight, but now, he could already feel that some inexplicable changes had occurred in Huang Tian before him.

Now Huang Tian seems to be really worth it, he took action once.

"Then, get ready."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng pulled out his knife.

The thick sword that had been with him for an unknown length of time was once again ignited with blazing flames. Through the flames, Du Chengfeng looked into Huang Tian's eyes.

"My name is Du Chengfeng, what's your name?"

"...I don't have a name."

After a moment of silence, Huang Tian finally shook his head.

"A name is just a code name. The same name can be me, or someone else... I don't have a name, and I don't need a name. What you need to remember is not this kind of thing."

All you need to remember is that I am strong.

No words are needed, Jianfeng itself is the best answer.

The blade of the broken sword was chopped down, and the blade alone was already more than ten feet long. This was not a weapon that humans could use, or even a weapon that humans could make - obviously, after inheriting the huge evil energy After fighting with his will, Huang Tian himself has gradually moved closer to those evil monsters, but at this moment he still retains some of his own sanity and can even think normally.

But what is normal to him is another kind of madness to others?

"If it were before, I probably wouldn't be able to win against you, because I never really understood you, never really understood you."

The moment the sword blade was swung down, Huang Tian was suddenly in a trance.

"But now, you may not be able to win me, just because it is impossible for you to understand my chaos, and it is impossible for you to feel my confusion."

who I am? Where am I? How am I going to survive? How do I become stronger?

He once fell into these confusions.

And now, he finally understands.

This confusion can also become his strength.

Indeed, this is contrary to common sense and completely different from the usual understanding of power, but so what?

This is his unique power.

It’s the hardships he has endured, the sins he has endured, the knives he has endured, the lives he has lost, the people he has killed, and the roads he has walked.

Everything flows through his body, turns into his power, and flows into the sword he swings.

Can you bear this sword?

"Excalibur, Fallen Sun!"

The sword swept across.

He had never swung a sword so freely.

It was as if everything about him was being released, as if everything about him was being vented, everything was being swung out with the blade. At this moment, he was as relaxed as he had ever been.

But the problem is, it's too easy.

This sword swing was so easy that he didn't even feel any resistance.

Did he really hit something?

Or should I say...

"What are you doing?"

The blazing fire suddenly filled Huang Tian's vision.


Huangtian opened his mouth.

Suddenly, he understood.

That doesn't seem to be power.

Indeed, he had placed everything on that sword. No one could withstand this fatal sword, no one could withstand this fatal sweep - but no matter how sharp or vicious this sword was, , so what?

The other party never thought about taking this sword.

The hardships he has endured, the crimes he has suffered, the knives he has suffered, the lives he has lost... these things are as heavy as mountains in his eyes, and they are indeed things that can crush people to death - but his opponent, the monster, does not There is no thought of enduring these, and there is no need to endure them.

As a result, his powerful and heavy blow was easily dodged.

So, everything ends here.

"So...have you never cared about me?"

When the blazing fire blade struck his head, Huang Tian could already feel the coldness from the flames.

Coldness, or indifference, killing and killing is as simple as eating and drinking - this is not a battle that risks everything, it is just a mechanical job, like the knife on the guillotine, as long as it is cut off The rope and the knife will fall down naturally.

It wasn't that he wasn't taken seriously, but that he had never been in the other person's sight. At this moment, Huang Tian clearly realized how this monster viewed him.

As it was now, killing him was not because he was worth fighting, but simply because his head needed to be chopped off.


Huang Tian fell to the ground with half of his body split open, his eyes still full of unwillingness.

"Why do you do this? Why on earth are you..."

"Didn't I fight you? Why are you still... Hi?"

Du Chengfeng, who fell back to the ground, saw Huang Tian's eyes and realized that he was not doing things neatly enough.

"It's my problem."

Du Chengfeng sincerely apologized.

He originally thought that as long as he accepted the challenge, he would be able to satisfy Huang Tian's last wish, but who would have thought that the other party's level had already advanced to a relatively acceptable level, and his perfunctory behavior was eventually noticed by the other party.

"But I didn't mean to be perfunctory. This kind of fighting is really of no use to me."

With a sigh, Du Chengfeng chose to tell the truth.

"You've seen it, fighting like this really can't make me stronger... You didn't even predict my trajectory, your fighting style is too crazy. So this is really..."

"Then why did you fight me?"

Huangtian's eyes were still full of unwillingness.

He didn't understand, he didn't understand, since he had already denied his fighting ability, why should he continue to fight with him?

Is this humiliating him? Is it humiliating his strength? In this way, in this absolutely crushing way...

"I don't mean that."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head awkwardly.

"The main thing is... Hey, didn't you just say it? This is the end of your journey. Although I don't know what you've been through, in general, since you asked for it, I have to give you a good ending, right?"


Huangtian's eyes froze.

He thought of thousands of results and various ways of answering, but he never thought that he would get this kind of answer.

The reason why his opponent fought him was not to despise him.

But to pity him.

This was not a cold execution, but a gentle battle, just like the flame burning on the blade, just to give him a heartwarming ending.


Huang Tian stared at the opponent in front of him in a daze.

His thoughts became confused. It was the first time he encountered such a battle.

It was also the first time he encountered such an opponent.

Huang Tian didn't know how to describe such a battle and such an opponent. His current state, the energy and physical strength that had passed away with his life, did not allow him to continue thinking about any complicated descriptions.

He only knew that this feeling was not too bad.

Or maybe this was the best opponent he had chosen for himself.

"It's also... a good thing."

Thinking of this, Huang Tian slowly closed his eyes.

It might be a good thing to meet such an opponent at the end of the journey.

At least now, he can finally rest in peace.

"The end of the journey..."

Watching Huang Tian slowly close his eyes, Du Chengfeng sighed.

This might be the end of Huangtian, although Huangtian himself might not want to admit this name, but how can we say this kind of thing... this is not his end anyway.

"So, goodbye."

Du Chengfeng stepped forward and helped Huangtian close his last eyelids.

This was the last thing he could do for this opponent.

"Then what's next..."

Seeing that there were too many large and small bags of spoils at hand, Du Chengfeng simply tore off the eyelids of the huge corpse at hand.

Anyway, there was no use for Huangtian, so he just used it as a baggage.


After packing all the spoils, Du Chengfeng stood up.

"It's time to go home."

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