In the Blade

Chapter 393 Folk Tales of Sanshan Town

"Then what?"

At the inn in the middle of the night, the old man and the young man asked the little giant who came back drunk.

Even though they had already prepared in their hearts, the speed of the little giant's return was still too fast. Not only was it too fast, there were not even any officials following the little giant. It didn't look like he was running to report to the official. , it’s more like taking the corpse and the weapon directly and replacing them with wine and meat.

But this little giant who called himself Du Chengfeng firmly refused to admit this, and repeatedly stated that he went to eliminate harm for the people. He even described in detail how he went to the county government and how he was arrested by Zhang. Repeated compliments.

However, when it came to the most important thing, how to eliminate the harm, the little giant suddenly became silent.

Then he got drunk and lay down directly on the ground.


The old man and the young man looked at me and I looked at you, but for a moment no one dared to go up and wake up the little giant.

It can be considered a good thing, after all, they both heard it just now. There is obviously something wrong with the little giant Zhang who worked so hard to encourage the little giant to fight with others - and now, this little giant At least he came back intact and didn't see any injuries on his body. This is undoubtedly the best thing.

So the old man and the young man didn't think too much, and simply returned to the backyard. The old man slept in the house, and the young man slept in the stable, and fell asleep like this.

When the rooster starts to crow, the old man wakes up early. On the one hand, he sleeps less as he gets older, and on the other hand, he has to prepare the ingredients for the next day - although in today's hellish world, there is not much on the road. Businessmen coming and going would come to the inn to rest, but there were many more people with swords in their hands, so the inn still made a living.

The second person to wake up was the young man in the stable. After getting up and looking for cold water to wipe his face, the young man took the initiative to help the old man with the odd jobs. It was obvious that this young man was smart and knew that he could not Living here for nothing, I have to do some work to make myself useful.

As for the drunken wasn't until three o'clock in the morning and guests arrived at the inn that he got up from the ground scratching his head.

"What time will I be back?"

The giant man who called himself Du Chengfeng raised his head and saw that the kitchen was already busy. He quickly jumped over to the backyard and started working with the old man.

It's just that the sound of landing was so terrifying that it made the visitor at the door tremble, and the horse almost frightened.

" going on?"

The martial arts swordsmen were so dumbfounded that they didn't even dare to enter the shop for a while.

Seeing that today's first guest was about to run away, the old man could only greet him personally.

"Nothing's wrong. He's a good man. He's just a little bit bigger, but he's actually easy to talk to... Sir, what do you want to eat?"

"I...anything is fine. I'm not picky about food."

Originally, the swordsman wanted to shout twice to show that he was brave enough, but when he saw the little giant working in the kitchen, especially after seeing the kitchen knife in his hand, he still shrank his neck. , subconsciously chose to speak normally.

It's just a kitchen knife, not a vicious weapon. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have any fear. His sword is much stronger than this kitchen knife.

"Maybe I don't want to cause any trouble to this store?"

The swordsman used this method to find reasons for himself.

The swordsman's real surname is Wang, and his name is Wang Tonggong. He is good at wielding a generous iron sword. He is praised by friends in the world and is nicknamed "Mountain Destroying Sword". He is ranked 91st in the Hundred Weapons Book - of course, like most people who are ranked 89th Like the ten people, Wang Tonggong himself did not recognize this ranking. He felt that he could prove himself through martial arts, at least the ranking would be higher.

So after asking around, he went all the way to this Sanshan town.

This town seems to have a low reputation, no highlights, and a dilapidated appearance, as if there is nothing worth noting. But Wang Tonggong knows that it is not the case at all - the most obvious point is that the grassland people from the north have just moved south. However, although after a great battle, Da Chen managed to hold on to everything, the military disasters all over the place had already devastated the entire Jiangbei.

However, under such an environment, Sanshan Town was still able to live well. It was not robbed by the prairie soldiers, nor was it attacked by the defeated troops after the war... Did they not want to?

"Probably not."

Thinking of the news he had heard, Wang Tonggong fell into deep thought.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. After there are more warrior masters like them who are in charge of evil weapons, the warrior masters naturally have their own rivers and lakes - but for them, the evil masters, money is something they don't have. , anyway, if you have power, you have everything, and ordinary money can be made at any time.

This directly results in that they are completely different from the older generation of Jianghu people. For the older generation of Jianghu people, they fight and kill just for gold and silver. Or they may live a rich life, and gold and silver are to them is the equivalent, but for the new generation of evil spirit masters...

Their equivalent is human life.

Human life, the ferocious weapons contaminated with human life, and even everything that can make them stronger. Since strength is everything, it means that only things that make people stronger are valuable.

For masters of evil spirits like them, Sanshan Town is a place where people can become stronger. It provides a very special service, which is to find suitable opponents for Jianghu people.

If it is just a simple murderous battle, there is no need to find any specific place for this kind of thing. You only need to find where the masters who are better than yourself are, and then attack them directly - but as we all know, this kind of battle is usually very easy. Dangerous, after all, if the opponent is strong enough, he will be the one who dies.

Therefore, what Sanshan Town provides is a suitable opponent.

What is a suitable opponent? That means that he is quite strong, but weaker than himself. This means that he can carry out a somewhat intense battle, but he will not die inexplicably in the battle - indeed, this cannot be regarded as a normal fight, but it is It is a stable way to become stronger.

Stability is more important than anything else.

The method of becoming stronger in the fight can indeed make people improve quickly, but rounding it off is actually gambling with your life. High returns are accompanied by high risks. You only need to lose once and you will lose everything. This kind of stability Although the method is slow, as long as you kill it step by step, after accumulating time and time again, you can always accumulate something that can be called power.

"Hey, who came up with this thing?"

The more he thought about this, the more curious Wang Tonggong became. Anyone who could come up with such a sustainable way to become stronger would definitely not be an ordinary person.

"Looking back, I must pay him a visit if I have the chance."

With this thought in mind, Wang Tonggong took the food and wine handed over by the old man and began to eat.

After three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes, the first guest was sent away. Seeing that no other guests had come yet, the old man also took a moment to encourage the little giant.

Even the old man himself only regarded the idea of ​​accepting this little giant as his apprentice as a joke. After all, when the other party first came over, he looked like a Jianghu person, and those people might even attack people with knives. Okay, if you really want to cook, how can you do it well?

But this little giant did really well.

Not only did he do it well, but he even did it quickly. Perhaps because of his huge size, the little giant seemed to have endless strength. The kitchen knife in his left hand flew up and down, and the spoon in his right hand kept shaking the pot. Eating faster than three people can do this is simply not possible.

But judging from the other party's huge seems that he really can't be considered a human?

"Master, what's your look like? I can't be considered a human being?"

The little giant who put down the frying spoon immediately turned his head.

"I'm just a human being! Can't you see?"


The old man was speechless for a long time.

You can tell by looking at it, but he didn't say anything just now. How did the little giant know what he was thinking?

"It can't be that I'm an old fool and just say whatever I think?"

The old man muttered and scratched his head. He really couldn't figure out what was going on.

However, just when the entire inn was resting, the swordsman Wang Tonggong who had just left on horseback rushed back all the way.

"Old man! Let me ask you something!"

Wang Tonggong immediately turned over and dismounted.

"Old man, do you know about a character named Tiger Lord in this town?"

"Master Hu? Isn't it just on the edge of the town?"

The old man raised his head in confusion. He felt that this kind of question should not be asked to him.

Master Hu's real name is He Jianhu, and he is also a well-known figure in Sanshan Town. He lives in Zhuangzi outside the town on weekdays, and raises dozens of young and strong servants. Whether he bullies the market or bullies men and women, those who can Master Hu has basically done all the evil deeds he can name.

However, this is where the outrageousness of this world comes. As the saying goes, there are no corpses in building bridges and paving roads, and there are gold belts in killing people and setting fires. This Mr. Tiger has done so many evil things, but not only has he not suffered any retribution, his family business has only grown bigger and bigger. , seems to have the tendency to dominate the entire Sanshan Town.

"Dad, what I say may not sound good to you, but Mr. Hu's method can indeed make the family business prosper... How long does it take to earn money normally? If you want to make quick money, don't you have to steal it?"

The old man still remembered that his son once said this to him when he was still alive, but he became even more angry after hearing this statement and even beat his son away.

But looking at the past few years...

His son might be right.

The tiger master still hasn't suffered any retribution, and the number of servants in his hands has expanded from dozens to hundreds. I heard that he also spent money to receive some natal magic weapons, which are the evil weapons that people in the world talk about. ——God knows when this world became like this. In the past, everyone used to avoid this kind of evil weapon and had to wait for the people from the court to come and deal with it. But now... there is no one from the court to take care of it. ?

No one in the court cares about this anymore, and those powerful people simply picked up these weapons, and matched the fierce soldiers with the fierce people. This is simply...

"So why are you still here?"

Seeing that the Jianghu man in front of him hadn't moved yet, the old man frowned slightly.

"Didn't I tell you everything? Master Hu is just outside the town. Such a big village..."

"That's what I want to say."

The young swordsman named Wang Tonggong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"I didn't see anything."

"...Wait a minute?"

The old man didn't understand what this was saying for a moment.

"You didn't see it, why are you looking for me? Look for it yourself..."

"I looked for it, I know where it is...but I really didn't see anything."

Recalling the scene he just faced, Wang Tonggong still has lingering fears.

He dared to come to Sanshan Town with a weapon, how could he not do his homework? He naturally knew where Master Hu in Sanshan Town was - after all, there were rumors outside that he could see Master Hu's village as soon as he entered Sanshan Town. That huge building could almost be regarded as Sanshan Town. It’s the town’s landmark, so how could anyone not know where it is?

But just now, after he rode his horse and ran all the way, he saw nothing.

Where there should have been a Zhuangzi, there is nothing now, only the bare land is exposed there, and the entire Zhuangzi has disappeared - this can no longer even be described as moving, you know, even if it is moving, It's impossible to remove the whole courtyard wall, but now...

There was nothing on that land.


After carefully observing the ground, Wang Tonggong began to sweat.

If an ordinary person were to come here, he might just be frightened by this scene, but after all, he is a famous evil spirit master on the list, so he can naturally see that this is definitely a powerful master who used his moves here.

With just one move, this huge Zhuangzi was leveled to the ground in a physical sense.

No matter how you look at it, this is a bit too exaggerated. After all, this razing to the ground is different from other razings - those bandits and bandits will always talk about whose house they want to raze to the ground, but that's not the case. It just demolished the other party's house into rubble, but in this physical sense it was leveled to the ground...

Is this really something a human can do?

It didn't look like it could be done by humans, so Wang Tonggong rushed back immediately. Although he didn't know why he didn't just go and ask the police officer nearby, but instead ran back and asked the old man who opened the inn. , but he always felt that this was the most correct line of inquiry.

Especially, after he saw the little giant again.

Although he didn't have any evidence in his heart, he already had some vague ideas after seeing the little giant again.

"Did you do it?"

"What did I do? Don't talk nonsense. You must speak responsibly."

The little giant also raised his head and looked into Wang Tonggong's eyes.

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