In the Blade

Chapter 397 Version Update

Ordinary strong men earn gold and silver, while capable strong men seek opportunities.

Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian think they are capable strong men, so they will take the initiative to pursue some opportunities to become stronger, such as magic weapons, skills, or the possibility of fighting with others, or treasures buried somewhere... This is why Wang Tonggong would first think of spreading some news related to treasures, just because this thing is what he also wants.

As for those evil masters mentioned by Hu Sanbian...

They want antiques.

Antiques, the older the better. God knows why these things that were originally only worth a little money suddenly became more valuable than human lives, but in Hu Sanbian's mouth, these masters from Songzhou even did brutal acts of directly cleaning a dock for one or two antiques.

"So it's Songzhou."

Wang Tonggong understood immediately.

Songzhou is a place with outstanding people and beautiful scenery. Of course, this is not a good evaluation. In fact, it is an adjective - "outstanding people" means that there are many strong people in the local area, and the leaders are everywhere. People often pick up knives to fight each other, which leads to many heroes who kill many people in that area. As for "beautiful land", it is also a way of description.

The people in that area are keen on worshipping various gods.

The gods worshipped by the people of Songzhou are not the popular gods outside. The gods and Buddhas worshipped in the temples and Taoist temples outside are not common in Songzhou. On the contrary, those strange gods that few people know are everywhere in Songzhou - these gods are small, but their appeal is not weak at all. In order to protect the gods they worship, even the most ordinary people in Songzhou dare to pick up knives to chop people.

Because there are too many people who pick up knives to chop each other on weekdays, this place has also produced many masters. Although this place is also considered to be full of disasters, there are always new masters who can emerge again.

And compared to outsiders like them, Songzhou people do have a more evil side.

Some Songzhou people, even without using evil weapons, can fight with them, the main soldiers, and sometimes even suppress them.

No one knows how these Songzhou people do it, they only know that these Songzhou people are very strong, very strong.

"Just like that monster."

Wang Tonggong subconsciously looked at the kitchen of the post station.

Yes, he should have thought of it earlier. He was probably stupid after pulling the mill for a few days. He should have remembered the weirdness of this little giant earlier.

This little giant never took out any weapons from beginning to end.

There were two battles, one against him and one against Hu Sanbian. Because everything happened too fast and the gap between them was too big, it was almost like an adult beating a child. He almost forgot the most important detail - you know, for these military masters, no matter how powerful their martial arts are, they still need a fierce weapon with evil spirit as the real source of power.

But the little giant didn't even carry half a weapon.

It seemed that he was not the same as these military masters.

Now after Hu Sanbian said it, he remembered that this fighting method was very similar to those Songzhou people. Although those Songzhou people with exaggerated tattoos on their bodies looked unarmed, they could use their bodies to fight against the sharp blades of evil spirits.

This fighting method was very similar to that of the little giant. The two were exactly the same!

"Maybe this monster ran out of Songzhou!"

As his thoughts continued to extend, Wang Tonggong even felt that he had found the answer!

This might really be a monster that ran out of Songzhou!

And if you think about it this way, there is a high possibility that there are some treasures buried in Sanshan Town, such as some things related to the ancestors of the people of Songzhou, or the gods they worshipped... That's why this little giant came here and hid in Sanshan Town!


Wang Tonggong felt that he had found the nemesis of this little giant.

But immediately, he turned his head and looked at Hu Sanbian.

"My friend knows so much, I wonder what he did before?"

"I used to be a con man, responsible for helping people sell stolen goods."

Hu Sanbian, who was wearing a bridle, was not very good at bowing, so he nodded to Wang Tonggong in response.

"It should be difficult for you to do it here. I will find an opportunity to send the news out in two days. It just so happens that a few of my friends have been led to Sanshan Town by your rumor. Just let them pass the message... Ouch!"

Before he finished speaking, two bricks flew over and hit Hu Sanbian and Wang Tonggong.

This forced them to stop whispering and continue to pull the mill.

But even if they were pulling the mill, Hu Sanbian had some ways to deal with it. It was obvious that Hu Sanbian had been pulling the mill and had not gone anywhere, but three days later, the false news they made up was spread out - and seven days later, those tattooed and ferocious Songzhou people also broke into Sanshan Town and began to search everywhere.

Such a search would naturally not have any effect, so they blocked the door of the dilapidated post station according to the source of the news.

So, five more Songzhou people were tied up next to the two millstones in the backyard.

"Didn't you say that these Songzhou people were masters?"

Wang Tonggong immediately became anxious, and his eyes looking at Hu Sanbian became more and more unfriendly.

"That's it? That's it? I at least swung a sword, what about them? What did they do?"

"Who am I asking you to ask me?"

Hu Sanbian was already paralyzed. He originally heard that these Songzhou people were frighteningly strong, so he came up with this idea, but who would have thought that these Songzhou people were even more useless than him, and they were tied into a ball without even being beaten. .

It doesn't make sense. Aren't these Songzhou people quite ferocious? Why all of a sudden...

"How dare you go against him?"

Those people from Songzhou who were tied with ropes also looked puzzled.

"Haven't you heard of his reputation?"


Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanhuan were stunned.

You must know that they are all wealthy people traveling in the world, and they are all well-connected. If the monster really has a could they not know?

"He once fought with our ancestral spirits."

Speaking of the little giant who was cooking mushroom soup in the kitchen, the faces of these Songzhou people were full of awe and admiration.

"At that time, the ancestral spirit returned to its homeland and passed down its faith and strength. However, the powerful evil demon still pursued it, and the ancestral spirit was also killed by this monster... How dare you attack him? He is incredibly strong!"


Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian choked.

They had also thought about how the little giant would be described, but they did not expect that it would be described in such a way as to be like a myth or legend - some ancestral spirit or some evil demon. Are these Songzhou people crazy?

"Then why are you still fighting him? Don't you think he is ridiculously strong?"

"He is the enemy of the ancestral spirit. Of course we have to fight him... What? Will he die? This kind of thing doesn't matter. Fighting against a strong enemy is also an honor in itself."

Several tattooed Songzhou people said this, with piety written all over their faces.

Speaking of which, they couldn't continue talking for the whole day. Obviously, they couldn't get any effective information from these Songzhou people.

But in addition to effective information, they got much more.

It was two days after these Songzhou people were captured. Since there were too many large human-shaped animals, the post station decided after a meeting that the seven captives who were captured alive would be tortured in turn - since it involves taking turns, it must be There was a question of how much work they had to do. Two Jianghu people faced off against five people from Songzhou who were clinging to each other. Both sides almost lost their brains.

However, fighting is not allowed in the backyard of the inn. Only two people can use violence here, one is the little giant, and the other is the nameless boy who holds a small whip and acts as a supervisor.

So what was supposed to be a fight quickly turned into a scolding war.

For things like swearing, you must choose some insults that the other party can understand, but it is just repeating the other person's family and relatives. This kind of attack will become less painful after a long time, so after scolding all morning, this The shouting match quickly turned to a discussion about who was worse.

Men definitely cannot say that they are incompetent, which is undoubtedly the biggest insult to strong men like them.

So they work hard to prove themselves through words.

"Then what? So what if you can resist the evil spirit? Are you still a bunch of useless people without your weapons?"

People in Songzhou were clamoring like this.

"I can defeat you with my bare hands without using a weapon. Don't you believe me?"


Wang Tonggong sneered.

"With bare hands, where did your strength come from? It wasn't the urine of your gods that gave it to you, right?"


A relatively calm-looking Songzhou native couldn't stand it anymore.

"These people don't understand. They have no pious heart at all. Their will is as fragile as grass. We don't need to look at them at all."


Hu Sanbian scolded him back without showing any signs of weakness.

However, despite the verbal abuse, Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian felt some inexplicable fluctuations in their hearts - in fact, with their current strength, they have also discovered some of their own limitations. For example, traditional martial arts training is too difficult. Slow, but if you want to kill people, you need to resist the huge evil energy backlash. Their pursuit of strength seems to have reached a dead end. No matter how they continue to move forward, the upper limit seems to have been locked.

But in recent days, when they were yelling at these Songzhou people, they suddenly felt something new.

As the saying goes, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Perhaps the methods of these Songzhou people can allow them to go one step further.

" you really want to believe in those evil things?"

At midnight, Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian lay awake.

Wang Tonggong couldn't hold back his face. He couldn't bear the thought of a chivalrous man from a rich family worshiping some local god. As for Hu Sanbian, he was indeed a con man who could pretend to be anything. There is nothing wrong with being a believer, but pretending to believe is not true belief after all.

"So...actually we should refine their ideas."

Hu Sanbian, who couldn't sleep, turned over and sat up and started rubbing his head.

"Do we not need to believe in any gods, but the state when we worship gods? Think about it, when you are in a daze, are you acting vigorously and resolutely, invincible, and even evil spirits may not be able to interfere? Come to you, after all, you are more evil than those evil spirits..."

"That seems to be the case!"

Wang Tonggong also sat up.

He had never had such an experience, but he had seen others go crazy - for example, the Songzhou people who had previously threatened to kill them, that crazy look was actually no different from the evil spirit in their brains.

No, maybe it was a little more serious than the evil spirit in their brains. After all, although many evil spirits in their brains were keen on killing people, they at least retained something that could be called rational.

But those Songzhou people...

It's really hard to say.

"If you don't go crazy, you can't live... Although I forgot where this sentence came from, someone did say something similar."

Hu Sanbian continued to summarize.

"In fact, we are now on this path. We are using our will to control the evil spirit. However, if we want to go further, we must make our will stronger, so that we can control the evil spirit more deeply... No, we don't even need evil spirit. Will itself can become power, just like those Songzhou people!"

"Yes! That's right!"

Wang Tonggong nodded repeatedly.

"Looking at it this way, is the evil spirit equivalent to the power of an individual? It's just that the power of these dead is too weak, and the living need to gather them together... In other words, will is the power itself!"

Speaking of this, Wang Tonggong slapped his head.

At this moment, his mind was clearer than ever before.

The places that he couldn't understand before finally became clear now, and the way forward that he couldn't find before now also appeared in front of him-a prisoner actually gave him such an encounter. Is this the luck of heaven or the gift of gods?

Wang Tonggong didn't know, and at this moment he was no longer in the mood to think about these things.

He only knew that neither he nor Hu Sanbian fell asleep that night.

Neither of them was a mediocre hand. One night was enough for them to deduce a rough outline of this set of things. The more they deduced, the more excited they were, just because in addition to the slow-moving martial arts and the obvious evil spirit on the ceiling, they finally found another way to make themselves stronger.

"This is a secret between us, and no one of us should tell it."

When they looked at each other again, Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian held each other's hands.

"Only we know."

"Okay, only we know."

Five other hands also covered the two clasped hands. They were five Songzhou people who had been awakened long ago.

"I won't tell anyone."

Another slightly smaller hand covered them. It was the nameless boy who was also awakened.

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