In the Blade

Chapter 402 Du Chengfeng just wants a peaceful life

Du Chengfeng just wants a peaceful life.

And he really did it.

This is not an easy thing, nor can it be achieved by just saying "I want this". It requires getting stronger again and again, and working hard again and again, in order to obtain this huge power and obtain this The weight is huge enough to protect one's own life.

If you want to get this power, you need to fight against many things, such as one strong enemy after another, and one enemy after another. Even after there are no more strong enemies and enemies, you must not relax. After all, God knows where they will appear. What new opponents, new enemies.

Fortunately, it is not a bad thing to have enemies and opponents. In the process of fighting these powerful enemies, he will continue to become stronger - although the consequences of not being able to hold on will be very direct, such as canceling his account on the spot, he will still be there after all. He fought all the way, defeated many powerful enemies along the way, became stronger again and again, and finally had the power he has now.

But that's where the problem lies.

There are no more powerful enemies.

In the past, he had worried about whether any new opponents would emerge. Although he already had enough power to defend himself, he did not dare to underestimate the world just because he had some power. Hero - even after he was close to being truly unparalleled in the world, he did not dare to slack off too much. After all, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

There is a sky outside the sky, which means that the opponents are almost endless. Even if he becomes unparalleled in the world, what will happen?

There will always be new powerful enemies that will come out to kill him, there will always be new opponents that will beat him black and blue... Of course, this is still not a bad thing. There are opponents and strong enemies, which means that he can still make progress. He can continue to make progress, at least in terms of becoming stronger, the road is still endless.

However, not long ago, he received desperate news.

There is no sky outside the sky.

The so-called heavens beyond the sky are all false, and they are all false environments based on the material world. Perhaps Wu Zhao, who decided to conquer many worlds, saw this and did not want to live anyway - after gathering together After acquiring the set of Wu Zhao bone swords, Du Chengfeng also thought about resurrecting Wu Zhao, but after each resurrection, Wu Zhao resolutely chose to commit suicide again.

For a person who calls himself a warrior, losing his opponent is equivalent to losing the ladder to continue progress.

This is undoubtedly the scariest and most despairing thing.

But...that's where the problem lies.

How does Du Chengfeng himself, who is also a soldier, feel about this matter?

"Great! This is what I want!"

Du Chengfeng has never been so happy.

In the conscience of heaven and earth, his luck has finally improved for once. There are no enemies anymore, which means that he no longer needs to fight desperately. Although he does not object to fighting desperately, what he wants has never been fighting. The powerful power is just to use A weapon to protect his life. Being able to live a good life is what he really wants.

And now, he finally has no enemies anymore.

There is no sky outside, and there won't be any enemies from the sky that suddenly appear. Even if there are, he has already killed them. His strength is really enough to protect his life.

There is no need to fight anymore.

Du Chengfeng originally thought that when he learned about this, he would laugh or cry. But when he really realized this, when he really realized that he no longer had to fight, he I just sat in my small courtyard for a long time until the warm sunset shone on me.

"It's all over."

At that time, he said to himself.

It's all over, but his light words carry the weight of his countless desperate fights.

After twists and turns all the way, before I knew it, it all finally passed.

He can finally live the life he wants, just like he said before, go to bed early and get up early, exercise, learn to cook, or go fishing, go wherever you want, and do whatever you want. Just do whatever he wants - he no longer needs to pursue seclusion, he can go wherever he wants. There is no one in the world who can be called an opponent. He only needs to stand there and represent himself. With absolute safety.

The missing piece of security in my heart was finally replenished.

It's all over.

It was finally over.

But is everything really over?

As the saying goes, the tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop. There are some things that he cannot get over if he wants to. After all, this so-called invincibility is actually just his subjective judgment. What if there is really a stronger one in this world? ? Is there really anyone stronger than him? If he just slacks off like this, will he be killed on the spot when he encounters the enemy again?

But this kind of fact is really hard to say, and it is also a bit too unfounded.

Therefore, Du Chengfeng did not continue to think about it, but put the idea aside for the time being.

Since he has already gone wherever he wants, he naturally has to go out for a walk, which is a pity. It has been a while since he came to this world, but during this time he was either fighting or retreating, or... Living in seclusion, although this indeed made his life a lot more fulfilling, he didn't have much time to appreciate the great places and mountains of this world.

The world is a big place and he wants to see it.

Anyway, he no longer had to worry about Wangyou Township, so it didn't matter if he came out to take a look. So after following the usual practice of taking Huangtian's ashes back to the fertile field, Du Chengfeng ran out on his own, eating and walking. It did allow him to enjoy the long-lost happiness.

This trip is not as rushed as before. It is relatively casual and has no purpose. Just like now, if you think whose food is delicious, you will learn their craftsmanship. When you are in the mood to hit the road, then Keep going - he had been pursuing whatever he wanted before, but now, he finally realized that he had been pursuing something for an unknown amount of time and enjoyed the happiness in it.

Even if some people occasionally make trouble, it is still happy for him. Putting a halter on those troublemakers and letting them grind them is a kind of labor reform, but it is also Du Chengfeng's own bad taste. Anyway, these people can't be beaten. For him, this happiness will continue until he has learned everything and is ready to go to the next destination.

So, this kind of happiness will last forever, right?

This kind of happiness will last forever, right?

"How could something happen like this?"

At midnight, Du Chengfeng, who couldn't sleep, got up and started scratching his head.

It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense, he just came to this remote place because he was too lazy to get involved in any disputes. There are no masters here and there is no fight to fight, but there is an old man who is very good at cooking. He is undoubtedly the best. A good temporary place to stay - but how many days has he only stayed? How many days have you been studying? Why do so many Jianghu people come here?

And that treasure, it's really a ghost. He just wanted to learn how to make mushroom soup, how could he stumble into this kind of thing again?

"So... why not just run away?"

This was Du Chengfeng's immediate reaction.

There is no way, everyone is afraid of trouble, especially after thinking of the phrase "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop", it is difficult for him not to think of the "story of the big tree" before.

But immediately, he slapped himself on the head.

No need, no need at all. If he wants to run away because of such a trivial matter and develops the habit of timidity, then he will be really useless - mentality adjustment is still very detailed. Many times, being vigorous and diligent is the same as being timid. The difference between cowardice and cowardice may be a subtle thought. He has fought all the way to this situation, so it is naturally impossible for him to run away because of such a trivial matter.

But, is this really a trivial matter?

It's not that big. At least it's incomparable to alien enemies. But to say it's small... this thing is a little annoying. After all, everyone knows there is a treasure here. , people will definitely come, and when there are too many people in the world, there will inevitably be some fights.

If a fight breaks out, this place will be in chaos. Experts from outside will continue to pour in, and the battle will continue until the treasure being fought for is moved to another place, or these charlatans It will only end when everyone dies.

However, will all these Jianghu people really die?

"There will always be new people coming out..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng looked in the direction of the stable outside the door.

In the stable, the boy, who was getting stronger and stronger, was sleeping soundly.

This child should also step into the Jianghu in the future. He could see that although this child had a miserable life experience and his parents were killed by Jianghu people, it was precisely because he had seen such force that there was a high probability that this child would also embark on this journey. This child needs force to make up for the lack of sense of security, which means that this young man will definitely embark on the path of a gangster.

There will always be new people coming out of the arena, and this happens all the time.

So there is only one other way.

"As long as I find the treasure first and then throw it away, no one will bother me!"

Du Chengfeng feels that this idea is feasible.

He has no need for treasures. After all, he has been fighting on his own all the way up to now. If he really wants to do something, he can do it by himself. There is no need to pursue any treasures or the like - but those worlds People's eyes were focused on the treasure. Although they didn't know what the treasure was yet, they obviously needed it very much.

Throwing something that is of no use to you from your resting place and letting these annoying charlatans go away can indeed solve the problem fundamentally.


With this in mind, Du Chengfeng secretly picked up the shovel while everyone was sleeping in the middle of the night.

The reason why he uses pinching is mainly because this shovel is a bit too small for him now, but this is not a bad thing. At least if he uses it, this lightweight shovel will basically not make any noise-if it is necessary If there is any problem, it is that although Sanshan Town is not big, if you really want to dig it up, it is not too small.

At least Du Chengfeng doesn't know exactly where to dig now.

"How about...dig them all?"

Du Chengfeng thought so.

This is a stupid method, but it is a good one. Although blanket screening is a waste of manpower and time, it can ensure that nothing will slip through the net. As for the manpower issue, for today's Du Chengfeng That's not a problem at all.

"Come on, it's up to you."

After patting the first shovel, hundreds of shovels lined up and flew out from behind him.

These are the shovels used by the neighbors in the town to dig for treasures, but now Du Chengfeng has stolen them all - of course, this cannot be considered stealing, he just borrowed them, and when everyone wakes up at dawn, these shovels will return to their original places, and no one will notice the problem.

However, Du Chengfeng himself encountered a problem.

"It doesn't make sense..."

After two rounds of screening, Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head again.

This is really a headache, just because he has already screened twice, but still hasn't found the so-called treasure - let alone the treasure, he didn't even find any clues.

This kind of thing really doesn't make sense. After all, if the treasure is really in the town, a carpet-style screening like his archaeological team would at least dig out some clues even if the so-called treasure is hidden deeply - but now, let alone clues, he didn't even dig up a bit of different soil. There is nothing in Sanshan Town, and the claim about the treasure is false at all.

"But, is it true?"

Du Chengfeng hesitated.

"If this news is really unreliable, why would so many people come here to look for treasure? Could this lie fool all of them? That shouldn't be the case, right?"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng frowned.

So many people say that there are treasures in Sanshan Town, so there must be treasures. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense that so many people would come all the way here just because of a piece of nonsense - there must be some folk legend or a little story that he doesn't know yet.

But it's late at night, even if he wants to find someone to ask, it's a bit late, not to mention that there are more than a hundred shovels following him. How can people see this thing? What if someone says he stole something, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

"I'm too autistic and can't keep up with the current trend."

Du Chengfeng covered his face and sighed. It seems that living in seclusion is not necessarily a good thing. At least now, he has suffered from lack of information.

If the treasure cannot be found, it means the plan has failed, which makes him a little bit annoyed. It is not his style to do things halfway. He must do this thing thoroughly before he can sleep well.

"If there is no treasure, what can be thrown out... Hey wait?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly slapped his head.

Yes, if there is no treasure, can't he just make some treasure himself?

Anyway, he has a lot of garbage that he doesn't need now, so he can just use it to make up for it.

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