In the Blade

Chapter 405 Blood Vortex

Hu Sanbian's third disciple was the first to rush out of the underground palace.

This is a very capable young man. Perhaps he is not suitable to be a liar, but if he has the opportunity to walk on the right path and practice martial arts normally, his talent is definitely enough to find his own way - this is why Hu Sanbian secretly chose this disciple to take care of him in his old age, just because this young man really has a promising future.

And this young man himself is vaguely aware of this.

The master secretly treats him better, he can feel it, this simple young man has no way to repay, and is also happy to take care of his master in his old age - so he must not die in this betrayal, he must not die here, the master has not been rescued yet, how can he just...

"Master? That old liar is worthy?"

Behind the young man, the devil-like voice of the eldest brother is still shouting.

"What's the old liar's ability? What else can he do besides cheating? That old guy can't even get on the wild list, what skills can he teach us... Oh, by the way, he did teach you all his things. Obviously, I am the eldest brother, and I was here first..."

The steel feather flew out again, pointing directly at the third apprentice's vital points. No matter how fast the third apprentice reacted, he had several deep wounds on his body.

The eldest brother has gone crazy, and the third apprentice has clearly realized this fact, but the problem lies here. He can't beat this madman.

As the eldest brother, the opponent's martial arts is the highest among their group. Now that he has the skeleton sword, he is even stronger!

Even if he still has two magic weapons on him, how can he deal with such a monster?

Yes, that's right, it's a monster. He had seen it when he turned back just now. The hilt of the skeleton sword had stretched out at some point, winding up along his senior brother's arm, and even biting his senior brother's shoulder - and his senior brother's eyes were red, with a look of evil spirit in his head.

For ordinary people, evil spirit in their heads is already a disaster.

For strong people, evil spirit in their heads is like a moving natural disaster!


The third apprentice instinctively chose to flee.

Escaped in the direction of the master.

If he still had some basic rationality now, he should probably understand that his master probably couldn't solve this matter - after all, if his master was really so capable, he wouldn't be forced to grind in the post station.

Perhaps it was because he saw that his master Hu Sanbian was weak that the senior brother had the idea of ​​rebellion?

But these are no longer important.

Facing irresistible death, he had no choice but to flee. In his heart, the place where his master was must be the safest place. His master was so powerful, he could do anything, and he could definitely deal with this traitor...


The sound of a weapon entering flesh sounded behind him.

This made the third apprentice's steps stagnate.

"I haven't even reached the post station yet..."

Feeling the sudden weakening of the momentum behind him, the third apprentice was dumbfounded.

He hadn't even left the town yet, so how could the eldest brother behind him be dealt with? Could it be that his master was really that powerful and could deal with the traitor from such a distance?

"Master, you are so... huh?"

The third apprentice, who was originally going to turn around and say something, was stunned on the spot.

It was because the person who appeared in front of him was not a familiar master.

But eight tattooed men.

Four shirtless, muscular men were holding spears and lifting his senior brother to a high place. His senior brother obviously did not foresee this sudden sneak attack. His chest and abdomen were already stabbed and bleeding. Even the skeleton sword had fallen beside his hand. It seemed that he was already dead.

So, there were eight men in total, and what about the remaining four?


Another sound of sharp weapons piercing the flesh sounded, and the bodies of the three disciples were also pierced by spears.

But the reaction of these three disciples was much faster after all. The sense of crisis between life and death made him instinctively draw out the brass magic sword-so, with just one slash, the four spears had not had time to penetrate deep, and they were all cut off at the waist.

But after swinging this blow, there was no joy on the face of the third disciple.

His back was completely wet with cold sweat.

The feel was wrong, completely wrong, these spears were not evil weapons at all, they were clearly ordinary wooden spears!

These tattooed men don't need to rely on these spears to fight!


The sound of flesh being pierced was heard again.

But this time, it was a solid palm that pierced the flesh.

"Use your body as a soldier..."

The third disciple, who remembered something, was so angry that his eyes were about to burst.

"Songzhou people!"

The four men gave the answer of withdrawing their palms.

The palms were indeed withdrawn, but each palm was holding something. Some people were holding half of the heart, some were holding a piece of lung, some were holding a piece of liver, and some were simply holding a piece of intestines - but the damage caused by this withdrawal was even greater than the stabbing just now. The third disciple lost his eyes and died on the spot.

"That bronze sword must be taken away. This seat saw faith in that sword."

A strong old man wearing a hood stepped out of the shadows.

"As for the other two things... take them away together. They are all sacrifices that can be used to sacrifice to the gods."


The eight big men quickly packed up the loot and then flew away, even cleaning up all traces on the ground.

You have to leave here as soon as possible. After all, strong dragons cannot overwhelm local snakes. Although they may be regarded as the most powerful sect in Songzhou, just as they can take advantage of geographical advantages to attack foreigners, the local powerful will certainly not Let them leave so easily.

It's not that the Raptors can't cross the river. After all, the number of people coming this time is too small, so they still have to hurry up...


The strong old man wearing a hood suddenly raised his hand, signaling the team to stop temporarily.

"Get ready to take action. It seems that these locals don't want us to leave like this."

"Sir, they... hiss!"

Among the eight big men, the leader was about to say something, but suddenly he saw a cold light peeking out of the darkness.

That cold glow quickly amplified and was already close at hand in an instant!



Before the big man at the head had time to pull out the big skeletal sword, his whole body was nailed to the rammed earth wall by the oncoming spear.


The moment he saw the spear, the strong old man's expression also changed.

"Disperse quickly! It's a bed crossbow! How dare they use large ordnance!"

"What does it mean to dare to use it? This is called training loss."

In the shadows, there was a young man from an aristocratic family dressed in black, waving to his subordinates who were also dressed in black.

"Keep shooting and beat them to death. How old are they? They still dare to go out shirtless on the street."

Following the noble master's order, two more crossbows were fired, and two more tattooed men were pinned directly to the wall.

However, it was obvious that two of his own people were dead, but the strong old man's face showed a bit of joy.

"They only have two bed crossbows! Don't be afraid! Take cover! Then kill them!"


The remaining five big men roared crazily. The death of their companions not only did not make them timid, but made their eyes red and became more and more fierce.

Especially after the venerable gave the instructions, they completely put aside their last worries. It was just two bed crossbows. They could kill the other side with their lives!

"These crazy people!"

Even though the young master from that aristocratic family had already been prepared, he couldn't help but feel frightened by the madness of these Songzhou people, charging towards the crossbow...are these people really still human?

If he were a human, he could still kill him with weapons, but if he wasn't a human...

Then we have to leave it to some experts to clean up. They are the best at cleaning up these non-human things.

"Master, it's up to you."

Saying this, the young master of the aristocratic family bowed to the shadow and handed over his hand.

"We must stop them."

"Let's talk about it first. This is the last thing the old monk will do for your Wang family."

From the shadows, a tall and old figure walked out. Looking at the clothes, he turned out to be an old monk who had been tonsured.

It's just that the cassock on this old monk is not the usual bright color. Instead, it is as black as the night walkers around him. Under the reflection of the moonlight, the dark cassock exudes a fierce majesty.

After standing up, facing the Songzhou people rushing towards him, the old monk just counted the beads in his hand.



The five people from Songzhou who flew towards them froze in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, two more crossbow shots passed by, taking away the lives of two Songzhou people.

"Well done... Master! And more!"

The young master from the aristocratic family was just about to celebrate, but he found that the old man who was called the Venerable by the people of Songzhou was still rushing towards him.

"One less! Master! One less!"

"That's their venerable person, he's not easy to deal with... coax!"

Having said this, the old monk put more force in his hands and crushed a rosary bead into powder!

And the venerable person among Songzhou people has also been nailed in the air.

There is nothing to say about what happens next. The master himself does not kill, but that does not mean that the bed crossbow does not kill. Anyway, everyone is nailed in the air. As long as the bed crossbow shoots over one by one, they will all be dead. .

"The tiger-headed monk of Jingshui dare you attack us!"

The old venerable man who was nailed in mid-air cursed loudly.

"You actually helped these thieves harm us! Do you know what the consequences will be if you do this! Do you know who you are offending? God will not let you go! The Bull-Headed King will definitely kill you..."

"Sorry, the old monk believes in Buddhism."

The old monk was still counting the beads, even though one bead was missing.

"Okay, you can do the next thing. The old monk has completed the agreement, who should go back...!"

The old monk shouted loudly and immediately raised the rosary beads in his hand.

But this powerful rosary was shattered one after another at this moment!

Its rhythm is just like the sound of horse hooves coming from not far away.

The sound of the horse's hooves was very soft, and it could be heard that the horse's hooves should be covered with soft leather, but this method was obviously not something ordinary people could think of.

This is clearly a method used by the military!

"That's our thing, it belongs to Changshengtian."

As the sound of horse hooves continued, two red lights lit up in the darkness in the distance.

"Hand over your swords, and I'll leave you with your whole body."

"What a boast!"

It was just two red lights, but the old monk seemed to be facing great pressure. Just looking at his hair and beard, he was already at full fire!

"Who are you! How dare you speak so arrogantly!"

"Yes, who am I?"

The black figure riding a horse gradually walked out of the darkness, and the terrifying and ferocious figure became clearer and clearer.

"Yes, who am I? I should be a citizen of Changshengtian, an eagle under the command of the Khan... But now the Khan is gone, and Changshengtian is gone..."

"I am a cavalry general of the grassland..."

The rest of the people present were already covered in cold sweat.

Most of them had heard of the cavalry generals of the grassland. These cavalry generals who deliberately let the evil spirit infuse their bodies to embrace power were no longer considered human beings - but losing their reason brought them another benefit, that is, the terrifying power that was enough to destroy everything.

The most terrifying thing is that the prairie cavalry general who appeared in front of them obviously still retained some rationality.

This means that the opponent has both the wisdom of fighting and the power of a monster.

How was this monster attracted here? Haven't the prairie people been beaten back?

Could it be because of the sword...

"Give me the sword!"

Just when everyone was stunned, the prairie cavalry general suddenly let out a sharp howl, and the short warhorse under his crotch, which was completely incompatible with his huge body, rushed over violently, with a sound like thunder!

It was at this time that everyone realized that it was not that the horse was too small.

It was that the man was too big.

The prairie cavalry general was really too strong and huge. The way he waved his weapon was like a dark cloud covering the sky. This was no longer a human appearance. What appeared in front of them was simply a legendary giant!

"Just like the giant at the post station outside the town?"

Looking at the huge shadow, everyone suddenly remembered the appearance of another giant.

But reality did not allow them to think too much.

The sword with the biting cold wind slashed down, and with just one strike, the old monk called the Tiger-headed Monk was split in half. After the sword swept across, even the venerable from Songzhou was cut in half.

As for the others, they couldn't even withstand the aftermath, and the biting cold wind had already killed them all.

"The sword is mine..."

Stepping on the corpses on the ground, the grassland cavalry general walked towards the skeleton sword.

"This sword is mine..."


A flying sharp blade directly nailed the grassland cavalry general's hand to the ground.

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