In the Blade

Chapter 413 Spiral

Regarding the understanding of power, Du Chengfeng had never thought about this problem.

After all, the reason why he originally pursued power was very simple, just to avoid being beaten to death. Under this premise, as long as it could make him stronger, he would dare to use it - this kind of pragmatic thinking is indeed Let him get to where he is today step by step, but if he is asked to express his understanding of power...

What is that?

Power is power, and it is something used to hit people. He will delve into the source of power, ponder the essence of power, and also think about how to become stronger and how to control more power - but what is power? What it is, how to describe this thing, he has never thought about it.

"But... isn't this weird?"

After listening to Du Chengfeng's thoughts, the unknown boy finally calmed down.

"How can you become stronger if you don't understand power? You don't even know which direction to train in and what to refer to to become stronger. This kind of thing..."

"Why don't you know?"

Du Chengfeng shook his head decisively.

"Of course I have to train in the direction of beating the enemy to death. The reference point is naturally the opponent. As long as it makes him uncomfortable, then I have done something right. As long as I beat him to death, then of course I have become stronger."


The boy was speechless for a long time.

He never thought that this seemingly benign and harmless giant would actually say such violent words.

Without considering the power itself at all, all the training is just to kill people. To be able to draw such an outrageous conclusion... What did this giant do before?

The most outrageous thing is that what this giant said sounds very reasonable.

"Otherwise? If you don't start from the perspective of actual combat, then why are you becoming stronger?"

Du Chengfeng continued, his words full of doubts.

"You can't say that your so-called strength is not for fighting, but for standing there and showing others, right? Is there something wrong with your strength? Just standing there, can you..."

Halfway through his words, Du Chengfeng choked on the spot.


Indeed it can.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this young man's thinking. Things like strength are sometimes used for viewing - the most obvious example is himself. As his body becomes bigger and bigger, more and more people dare to attack him. The less he does, most people will instinctively become friendly as soon as they see his huge fist.

"It turns out I also..."

Du Chengfeng slapped his head.

At this moment, he thought of another thing.

His huge body would often bring him a lot of trouble, so he had thought about how to solve it - in fact, the solution was always there. After all, he had encountered a similar patient, the founding ancestor of Nanchen. , that unknown giant also encountered the same trouble.

So in order to solve this problem, the giant developed a way to make his body smaller.

But this method was completely inapplicable to Du Chengfeng. He had tried it before, but he always couldn't understand it.

It was as if he and Nanchen Taizu were obviously the same patient, but their symptoms were different. The methods that could cure the other party could not cure him.

Du Chengfeng also once wondered whether there was something wrong with the method itself. This thing was only developed by Nanchen Taizu for himself, and he did not think about its universality at all.

But now...

One day in this ordinary life, he suddenly understood the key.

"It turns out that the problem actually lies with me!"

At this moment, Du Chengfeng finally realized the problem.

His need for fighting is because fighting can make him stronger, but he actually doesn't want to fight. If he can avoid fighting, he would prefer to live his life quietly - so, under the guidance of this line of thinking Next, under his subconscious judgment, he unknowingly became what he is now.

That's right, just look at his strong body that is now two stories tall. Who would be willing to fight with him except the kind of martial arts madman who has the evil spirit in his head and kills anyone he sees?

Most of the time, people treat him kindly, talk to him kindly, and are willing to try to understand his thinking.

It’s not that people’s moral character and quality suddenly became higher.

It's because his fist is so big.


After realizing this, Du Chengfeng suddenly felt a little sad.

And now, he finally understood that he was not completely ignorant of things like power.

Although at a psychological level, he had never thought about this question, his body and his subconscious had already answered it for him.

"My understanding of power..."

After realizing all this, Du Chengfeng finally gave his answer.

“Big is good, that’s my understanding of power.”


Hearing this answer, the young man couldn't help but look up and down at the little giant in front of him.

This... sounds like it is indeed the case. At least this little giant is actually practicing this - just look at the huge body that is two stories high and the legs as solid as pillars. The arms that are thicker than an adult's body, and the two fists that are several times larger than a human head, you can feel that big is indeed strong.

"They say strong, powerful, so what is strong? Strong means big!"

The more he talked, the deeper Du Chengfeng understood himself. He had never thought that he had such an idea.

"Big is good! More is beautiful! As long as your power is strong enough! What you say is the truth!"


The young man was dumbfounded. He never thought that power could be understood in this way.

But this answer made his blood boil.

What star power, what water power, these are too difficult to understand, they sound too obscure, and they are not related to power at all - he can even foresee that if he tries to use these two methods to become stronger, he will either become a nerd who watches the stars and reads books all day, or fall into the water and drown like the Jingtao Sword King.

Of course, Jingtao Sword King himself is actually quite tough, but didn't he still get beaten away despite his toughness?

The loser's path, no matter how strong it is said, but if you think about it carefully, it always makes people feel that something is wrong.

In addition, there are indeed other ways, such as finding some gods to worship like those Songzhou people - at least according to those Songzhou people, this can really make you stronger. But considering the degree of the devil of those Songzhou people, this kind of thing is still a bit too unreliable after all, and it doesn't seem like a proper way at all.

Compared with these ways to become stronger, the little giant's statement is so simple and direct.

Big is good, more is beautiful, this statement is so right in his mind. At his young age, he just wants to become an adult. After all, adults are strong and can do anything - so big is definitely good, this is a very intuitive and the most primitive understanding.

As for more is beautiful, he has nothing at the moment, so naturally he wants everything. If he can gain a lot, isn't it a good thing?

Big is good! More is beautiful!

That's how it should be understood... No! It can only be understood this way!

"So that's it... I have completely understood it!"

The boy clenched the heavy iron whip, as if holding his own future.

When the young man raised his head again, his eyes were filled with gratitude. Now that he had come into contact with many people in the martial arts world, he naturally understood that this kind of advice was not something he would just give to others. Moreover, this little giant had saved his life before, and had been training him recently, even providing him with good food. He simply...

had no way to repay him.

He originally wanted to be tougher and learn from those martial artists to say that he would definitely be rewarded in the future. But before he could even say this idea, he choked.

Repay, what could he repay with? This little giant didn't seem to need his repayment at all. This little giant was much stronger than him. Even if he could become stronger in the future, he might not be able to surpass the other party's current situation. As for repaying with money and property, it was even more impossible. Although he hadn't seen when this little giant had made money, the other party didn't look like he was short of money at all.

In fact, the most ideal thing is to exchange knowledge. Since the other party has given him some tips, he'd better also give him a unique secret book, just like the Jingtao Sword King did before. Everyone can exchange with each other and no one will suffer.

But even in the area of ​​knowledge... it seems impossible for him to find anything to show off.

After all, this little giant seems to know everything.

Yes, he had this feeling before. This is not even the kind of crushing of adults over teenagers in knowledge and experience, but the other party really has a considerable understanding of all aspects - this can actually be seen from the fact that the little giant is willing to stay as an apprentice. Even if it's just cooking, the other party must fully understand and master it all.

This tireless learning, this thirst for knowledge, and looking at him who looked forward to the holidays when he went to school, he might never catch up in his life.

"So... is there nothing you don't understand?"

Thinking of this, the boy couldn't help but ask.

"How do you know so much and know everything?"

"This... just learn more."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head. It was the first time he heard someone praise him in this aspect.

"But I don't know everything... For example, there was something recently that I didn't know."

"Is there anything you don't know?"

The young man was shocked.

"What is that?"

"This... it's hard to tell you."

Du Chengfeng frowned slightly.

It's really hard to tell this kid. After all, this thing looks so dangerous. In fact, if it weren't for the incident yesterday, he might not be able to confirm the existence of this thing.

That is, there are actually other masters hidden in Sanshan Town.

The small river that suddenly appeared at the door may be a river diversion in the eyes of others, but with Du Chengfeng's eyesight, how can he not see the key point - this looks like the traces left by masters fighting. Although he doesn't know who the master is, the remaining sword intent is indeed the master's attack.

And from the direction, the direction of the attack is even this old post station.

Du Chengfeng could even imagine the scene: under the cover of night, a battle took place outside the post station. The enemy prepared a massive attack just to completely submerge the post station - but the attack ultimately failed. The post station itself was intact, but the invading enemy was beaten and fled.

The chat with this young man today actually proved this point. He was a swordsman who fought with the "flowing sword technique" and was even called the "King of the Shocking Sword". This was basically in line with his judgment.

So, the problem was here.

That night, such a big thing happened outside. With his current skills, he actually didn't know it at all?


Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng took a breath.

At such a close distance, he didn't know it at all... Since the person hiding in the dark could silently dissolve the attack, he could also take his head off without knowing it!

"So... who is it?"

Du Chengfeng subconsciously looked at the young man in front of him.

However, the thin arms and legs of this young man looked a little bit different. Although the body shape is no longer an obstacle after the strong reaches a certain level, these thin arms and legs are still a little too weak - not to mention that after this period of time, he also has a little concept of this young man. This is just an ordinary young man, there is no other way to say it.

"If it's not him, could it be..."

Du Chengfeng subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of the master bedroom.

As the owner of the post station and the only manager of this old post station, the old man would naturally have his own residence in the post station - but if there is anything wrong with this old Deng, it's not the case. Just like this young man, he has been learning cooking with this old... master for a while. If there is really something wrong with the other party, he would not be completely indifferent.

"So, who did it?"

Du Chengfeng rarely fell into deep thought.

First of all, he can confirm that it was not him who did it. He got up once that night, yawned, and then went back to sleep - but apart from him, he really couldn't find out who could do such a thing. Whether it is these two ordinary people or the labor reform in the backyard, they don't seem to be people who can do such a thing.


Looking at the millstone in the backyard, the feeling in Du Chengfeng's heart became more and more obvious.

Originally, he thought that he was just passing by here, just saw good craftsmanship, just wanted to learn something new, and just stayed here for two days - but now, he suddenly felt that he was like being rolled up on a constantly rotating millstone, and the rotating millstone was rolling him in one circle, one circle, and one circle after another.

Strong people will attract each other for various reasons.

His arrival was definitely not accidental.

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