In the Blade

Chapter 433 Generous Du Chengfeng

The catcher seemed very satisfied with this stick.

Nowadays, what the police usually use is an iron ruler, which is an iron rod. Sometimes a hand guard is added to make the iron ruler look like a short fork - this has also led to many government officials preferring to use water and fire sticks to go out on the street. , and I am not willing to bring this thing. After all, the iron ruler usually does not have a sheath. The half iron ruler is stuck in the waist. It is uncomfortable to walk, sit or lie down. It is also somewhat unpleasant to look at. It is far inferior to those who carry swords and swords. The knights are free and easy.

As for why the government officials don't carry swords... of course it's because they don't have much use for them. Most of the time they mainly arrest people, not kill people, so naturally they can't carry anything with a blade.

The sword cannot be used, and the water and fire stick is a long weapon. When there is space to swing the long weapon, it is naturally majestic and quite ferocious, but if it is used to catch thieves and take stolen goods, break down doors and arrest people, this thing is somewhat uncomfortable. Fighting in a small space - this is why iron rulers are distributed to the agents. After all, we can't let people go empty-handed, right?

"But this thing is better than an iron ruler!"

At the door of the blacksmith shop, the catcher took his stick back and then threw it away again, with a strange look on his face.

Compared with the water and fire stick, the iron ruler is already much more portable, but the swing stick is much more flexible than the iron ruler - it only has a seven-inch handle when stored. It was small enough to fit into your arms, but after you shook it off, you found an iron rod nearly two feet long, which was no different from the size of a normal iron ruler.

And the most important thing is that unlike the iron ruler that was slowly pulled out from the waistband, when the iron rod was thrown away, there was a crisp metal collision sound, and the momentum was like a sword being unsheathed.

This is of great use to the government officials.

When you pull out the iron ruler from your belt, the opponent may not notice anything, but when the iron rod is opened with a clang, the opponent is startled at least - to catch a thief, what you need most of the time is this kind of momentum, after all. Those who can be dealt with by them will not be some criminal thieves. Those ordinary thieves will be scared to the point where their legs weaken when they see this scene.

"Why don't you sell me a copy!"

The policeman thought for a moment, then took out the money and wanted to buy it on the spot.

But Du Chengfeng rejected the deal.

As the world's number one slinger, of course he had to keep this prototype in his own hands - but he didn't refute the catcher's reputation too much. Instead, he made a second machine on the spot, and even Even the crafting fee was not confiscated, and the agent was only charged some money for materials.

"Okay, I'm a good friend. I won't take your things for free. I'll tell the staff later. Everyone will definitely be interested in this... Don't worry, I will definitely quote a higher price so that you can make money."

After making such a promise, the agent who accepted the stick happily left with the stick. It was obvious that the agent was very satisfied with the new guy.

Du Chengfeng was also very satisfied with this transaction.

He is not short of this income. In fact, he can even give it away for free, but things given away for free will always appear to be worthless, so he takes some symbolic money - collecting money is actually secondary, the key thing is We need to spread this thing so that more people can use it.

After all, the swing stick thing itself is not particularly new. It is a three-section iron pipe that is connected together. This thing is actually easy to think of. For example, the telescopic spear he captured before is a more sophisticated weapon than the swing stick. , but compared to his swing stick, the telescopic spear has a fatal flaw.

That is too refined and cannot be promoted on a large scale.

If a weapon can only be used by one person, then it is just a rather strange weapon. It may be able to use a unique move when hitting people, but in the end it will still remain at the level of a weapon - and Du What Chengfeng wanted was not this kind of ordinary iron. What he wanted was a weapon similar to the first Judge's Pen, a weapon that truly possessed the willpower of the masses.

And now, after his third attempt, Du Chengfeng has become more and more aware of the secret.

"If you want to be accepted by the public, this weapon must be convenient enough for everyone to use, but not too complicated, and the cost must be controlled, at least it must be affordable for everyone..."

Du Chengfeng, who was sitting in the blacksmith shop, was touching his chin and thinking. He felt as if he had entered an extraordinary field.

"So what will happen if I want to make the world's first musket?"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng shook his head.

He has shot firearms before, and they are serious pistols that are more advanced than muskets. They are a relic left by Huang Tian's father, and they can be regarded as quite commemorative trophies - but they can only be used as souvenirs, after all. The pistol has no bullets, and if he is forced to rub the bullets by himself, it will be a bit too much of a test on his hands-on ability.

What's more, are firearms really powerful?

If everyone's weapons are of the iron level, then the muskets can really do a lot, but once the evil spirit is released, the muskets are a bit too much.

Every strong person with evil energy can be regarded as a moving fort. The power of those swords and swords is much more powerful than bullets.

Even if the evil spirit enters the body, he may be able to dodge bullets with his agility.

Of course, they may not necessarily be faster than bullets, but they must be faster than human hands. If the arm is cut off before pulling the trigger, the musket will not be able to exert its power no matter how powerful it is.

"This means that guns are destined to not be popular in this day and age."

Du Chengfeng felt a little pain when he thought of this.

If it cannot be popularized, there is no way for the prototype to carry the will of the public and the fantasy of all living beings, and the musket will only be ordinary iron.

But ordinary iron muskets may not even be comparable to batons.


Du Chengfeng suddenly realized that his previous experience did not seem to work at this time.

In this idealistic world, everything is completely different. If he still holds the idea that the musket can definitely beat the baton, then he will probably not be able to make anything serious - of course, strictly speaking, he has made one now, and if this thing can be popularized in the future, the first baton in his hand may also have many incredible powers like the judge's pen.

And it is not difficult for him to popularize this thing. After all, he remembered that Jiang Wenyuan, who was far away in the Imperial City of Jiankang, was still working on the criminal justice field. As long as he asked him to help promote it, everything would be fine.

If there is any disadvantage, it is that the baton is not very friendly to him. This thing is just a toy in his hand, and it is not very convenient to use as a serious weapon.

"Hey, wait, am I going to make something for others?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly slapped his head when he thought of this.

He was so excited about making things just now that he forgot his original purpose.

Looking at the baton in his hand, Du Chengfeng still put it away. Although he couldn't use it, this prototype was the first promising work, which was very memorable for him-it was at this time that he thought that perhaps other people in the world also had such an idea, so the original prototype of the weapon became so special in their eyes.

After all, whether it is the first or the first time, it is always impressive to take the lead.

"So what should I do..."

Du Chengfeng continued to think.

This time, he did not think with the inherent thinking, but tried to understand this assignment from an idealistic perspective - first of all, he did not want to make any existing weapons, such as making swords, he certainly could not make the first one. After eliminating some wrong answers, the remaining answers were also very interesting.

For example, if the baton in his hand was really promoted to all the constables, then this baton as a prototype would definitely have some special abilities related to arrest, and considering the huge number of these constables, the willpower attached to this prototype would definitely not be less.

In other words, his baton has great potential in the future, and if he gives it away, even he will feel pain.

"In other words, give me something with less potential."

Du Chengfeng gradually sorted out his thoughts.

The potential is not so great, or the number of people using it is not so large. As long as the number of people using it is small, the willpower attached to the prototype can be limited to a relatively limited degree - this means that even if this thing is given out as a reward, he will not feel too bad. Anyway, this thing has limited potential and it doesn't matter to him.

Then the question is, what kind of weapon will be used by a certain number of people, but not too many people will use it?

"Got it!"

Du Chengfeng vaguely thought of an answer.

This time, the sledgehammer will not be used for shaping. It is more about relying on exquisite flame control to process the steel. After a while of busy work, Du Chengfeng finally made his new weapon.

It is a roll of thin steel wire.

"The killers should like this very much. After all, this thing can strangle people's necks, and it is very portable. And with the current technology, it is difficult for anyone to make it... But isn't this too little?"

Just a roll of steel wire as a prize is a bit too perfunctory no matter how you look at it. It's better to add a few more to balance it out.

So Du Chengfeng started thinking again.

There are only two types of weapons that will be accepted by everyone. One is portable, which means it is easy to carry. It does not affect your movement when you put it on your body. It is best if others can't see it, so that it is convenient to carry. As for the other type, of course, it is powerful enough. After all, weapons are used to kill people. No matter how hidden they are, they must at least be able to harm the human body.

"This should be okay, right?"

This time, Du Chengfeng made a steel flute. This thing is strong and durable. It can be used as an iron rod to hit people's heads. The most important thing is that this thing can still be played normally. As long as you don't use it, no one can see that there is something wrong with it.

"No, I still feel that something is missing."

After the new works came out, Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head again. Although these works are theoretically acceptable, he always felt that they were still a little lacking.

He is indeed an entry-level person now, but he always feels that there is something more critical that he has not touched yet.

With this in mind, he simply made a few more weapons, such as a whisk with iron spikes, a long staff with a gun tip hidden inside, a pipe made of pure metal, or an iron walnut that could be used to hit people or to play with in the hand... Although there was nothing wrong with these weapons in theory, Du Chengfeng always felt that something was still missing.

In fact, compared with that baton, the ones he made later were completely different.

Of course, these were originally meant to be given as prizes, and this level was almost enough, but Du Chengfeng was already a little too eager to make a better weapon than that baton.

"There must be something I haven't touched..."

Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng started his creation again.

But this time, he didn't rush to swing the hammer.

Instead, he sat in front of the forge and thought about it.

If you want your work to be attached to people's willpower, you have to make this work recognized by everyone, which means that what he makes must just meet people's needs, and no one has done this before - that is, from nothing to something, or even from zero to one.

"So, what are people's current needs?"

Du Chengfeng thought along this line of thought.

People's needs are actually quite chaotic. After all, most people don't think about this very often. As for life, people's needs are diverse. Ten thousand people can even put forward twenty thousand different needs. What he has to do now is to find some commonality in this chaos, a commonality that has not yet been discovered, but everyone needs.

What everyone needs...


Du Chengfeng suddenly found that he seemed to have walked into a blind spot in thinking.

Does everything everyone needs have to be a weapon?

Can't everything everyone needs be a useful tool? You know, this judge's pen was originally made as a useful tool, and later evolved into a weapon - or, does it have to be a weapon? Isn't armor okay? Isn't clothing okay?

"Yes! That's it!"

Du Chengfeng caught the flash of inspiration in his mind.

Then, he started to get busy.

With previous experience, he finished his work in a short while.

And in front of him, a silver-shining coat was born.

He didn't know if there was one before.

But this was undoubtedly the first stab-proof suit in the world.

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