In the Blade

Chapter 436 Let’s order first

Du Chengfeng is the type who is used to thinking while cooking.

Although multitasking is not a good habit, it is common for Du Chengfeng. After all, it is because of his wanderings, being chased and hacked all the way, dealing with the pressure from the enemy, and focusing on his own growth. Over time, he developed this ability to multitask.

Even after there were no enemies, this habit still existed. He would still think about things while doing the work in his hands.

For example, at the moment, although he was cutting the fresh meat he had just bought, his mind was still running through the feelings he got from the equipment manufacturing in the past two days, those delicate mental fluctuations, and even the original logic of the power operation. Although he did know that a firm will could change everything, and he could use it relatively skillfully, when he really tried to use this power to influence the outside world, he found that he still knew very little about it.

"I still have to learn."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Continuous learning is still beneficial. It is the guarantee of strength and the key to keeping him in the first echelon and not being eliminated by the version. As long as he learns fast enough and digs deep enough, the enemy will always be one step slower than him, and he can do it most of the time without fighting.

Yes, after experiencing many battles, Du Chengfeng has understood the key to victory.

It is not some strange technique, nor is it some amazing perseverance, nor is it some passion, nor is it some countermeasures - there is only one key to victory, that is, accumulated strength.

Continuous learning, continuous development, continuous consolidation, continuous improvement... Although this is certainly not as fast as evil spirit, all of this accumulation will eventually gather sand into a tower, and quantitative change will eventually produce qualitative change.

Just like now, as long as he continues to improve his understanding of power, he will not lose when fighting with others.

But if there are advantages, there must be disadvantages.

Learning has indeed brought him powerful strength, but the fact of multitasking itself is a bit problematic - in fact, most people are actually multitasking in their daily lives, but this multitasking means that while dealing with the affairs at hand, they are also paying attention to the surrounding environment.

But Du Chengfeng's multitasking includes current affairs and exploration of the unknown, but the only thing missing is the most critical observation of the surrounding environment.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't observe at all. If someone comes to chop him, he can still fight back at the first time, but when it comes to those unimportant little things, such as others talking to him, or chatting while he is working, his reaction will inevitably be half a beat slower - but this half a beat slower is only relative to himself, in terms of actual performance, others basically can't see it.

Just like the customer who just came to the post station, he obviously didn't see it.

"Give me a table of food! It must be top-notch!"

The man carrying the Xuanhua axe strode into the post station with a domineering and majestic look on his face.

"If you don't do it well, I'll smash your shop!"

"Order a banquet? At this time?"

Du Chengfeng, who was thinking about how to build the world's first drone, responded instinctively while cutting meat.

"It's not impossible. There is enough time. But what kind of banquet do you want to order? We can choose official cuisine and Huaiyang cuisine here. The banquets are also divided into three levels of large, medium and small. Are there any taboos? For example, onions, ginger, garlic or coriander..."

"Why are you wasting so much time?"

The man carrying the axe was a little impatient.

"Hurry up and do it! If you don't do it, I will chop you to death!"

"I believe it, I believe it."

Du Chengfeng was still cutting meat instinctively, but he was thinking about what effect it would have if he made the world's best electric saw.

This seems to be a new idea. You know, although this evil spirit is useful in combat, it has no effect on people's livelihood. But if he uses the power of this evil spirit to generate electricity...

"So how many people are eating? What are the taste requirements? Do you want to eat in or take away? If you want to take away, we provide food boxes, but they will be sent back later..."

"Are you still excited?"

The man carrying the axe immediately stared.

It doesn't make sense. This cook looks like an ordinary person, but this reaction is a bit weird. After all, he still has some concept of his own prestige. When ordinary people see him carrying an axe, they will be scared to the ground by his fierce momentum, and even shit and urinate.

But why is this ordinary cook not hurt at all?

Not only was there nothing, but there was no intention to even pay attention to him. Although the cook was indeed talking to him, he could see that the cook did not pay attention to him at all, but was distracted the whole time, and did not even look at him.

This was not a forced calm and afraid to look, he could feel it.

This was pure disregard.

In front of him, in front of his axe, the cook actually dared to think about other people's business!

"Okay, you asked for it."

The man carrying the axe took a deep breath and decided to teach the cook a lesson.

"What official cuisine or Huaiyang cuisine are you talking about? I don't understand. Let me have a braised lion's head first... Let's cook, let me make it clear, I don't eat meat, if I eat even a little bit of pork, I'll chop off your head!"

"Okay, okay."

Du Chengfeng still responded instinctively.

"It's okay to try your cooking skills, anyway, there's enough time... Also, what's your surname, sir? Where do you live? If you take out later, I'll know where to get the food box."

"My surname is Miao, and I live in the temple opposite now..."

The man carrying the axe also answered instinctively, but immediately felt something was wrong.

"Why are you wasting so much time? Did I say I wanted to take out? I want to eat here! Hurry up and serve!"

"Okay, here it comes."

As he said this, a bowl of braised lion's head was served on the table.

The man who claimed to be surnamed Miao was dumbfounded. He thought he was still asleep. Although he might be a little too rough, he at least knew that the braised lion's head was a Kung Fu dish. Just look at the name, braised, braised, a dish with the word "stew" in it, it would take at least half an hour to make it.

But now, how long has it been since he ordered the dish?

An incense stick? A cup of tea?

Or a pee?

"You... didn't make it in advance?"

The man vaguely thought of a result.

"Prepared it in advance, and now you take it out to fool people? Are you kidding me?"

"Cook it now, definitely cook it now."

Du Chengfeng shook his head subconsciously.

If it were someone else, it might take at least an hour to stew it, but for him now, it is no longer necessary to be so troublesome. The Emperor's cervical sword makes a cut, and the thick knife provides fire in the cut. Coupled with his exquisite temperature control skills, the ingredients will be cooked in just a moment.

To put it bluntly, even if a living person stood in front of him, he would be cooked with one cut, not to mention this little ingredient?

However, this skill is better used for cooking. After all, he is a pacifist. Besides, this skill is more suitable for cooking. Of course, it is not impossible to use it for thermal power generation...

"Anyway, this is a unique skill. Just eat it. Try the taste and you will know it after you try it."

"You said it."

Putting the axe next to him, the man picked up the bowl.

He was ready. If the taste of the thing in the bowl was a little wrong, he would skin the cook with an axe.

So, is it possible that the taste of this bowl of braised lion's head is wrong?

Yes, and it will definitely be wrong.

The real lion's head is made of pork meatballs. Sometimes, in order to increase the crispy and tender taste, small diced water chestnuts, that is, water chestnuts, are added to the meatballs-but no matter what, this lion's head is definitely made of meat.

But he had just said in advance that he didn't eat meat.

This was obviously a deliberate act of making things difficult, to put it bluntly, it was deliberately looking for trouble. Although when he came, he just wanted to try whether the identity of the Rabbit Buddha Temple priest was so useful and whether everyone had to listen to him, but now that he was angry at the cook's disregard, he just wanted to peel the cook's skin and chop this devilish cook to death with an axe.

Not cooking the dish well was obviously a good reason. He had said that he didn't eat meat, but the cook still put meat in it. Isn't this playing tricks on him?


After taking a bite of the lion's head, the man was stunned.

"What is this...?"

The taste in the mouth is indeed the taste of braised lion's head, and even the taste is very close to that soft, tender and smooth taste - but after a careful taste, the thing in the bowl is completely different.

This is not meat at all, at least he has never eaten such meat.

"You...what did you use? What is this dish made of?"

"Why do you look like that? I didn't add anything weird."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng casually raised the ingredients in his hand.

"It's tofu. I added tofu."

The ingredients are tofu, but the taste is not tofu at all. Of course, just like the skill of stewing the lion's head in a moment, this method of processing ingredients is something that others can't learn at all - you have to use the fastest speed to completely chop the tofu into pieces, or even beat it into an extremely fine mud, add water in the middle to remove the bean smell, and then use the top perception technique to perfectly knead the tofu mud into the appearance of meat filling, and even replicate the texture of the minced meat.

In Du Chengfeng's memory, this should be a technique called molecular cuisine. Of course, he himself has never eaten this, but this does not prevent him from trying to replicate it with his existing skills.

As for the level of reproduction... Indeed, even if a living person is placed here, he can't cut the opponent to the molecular level, but he can still beat the person into a bloody mist and shatter him into a pool.

The so-called molecular cuisine is probably a similar method, right?

At least Du Chengfeng himself understands it this way.

"In short, according to your request, I didn't add pork. Considering that you may not like any meat, I simply used tofu balls without fishy smell in the chicken soup... Of course, the taste will not change, it is still the taste of braised lion head, you should feel it?"


The man was stunned, and his face became visibly darker.

It's not because there's something wrong with the dish, but because the dish is perfectly cooked, and he couldn't find any fault with it.

How could he kill me?

"Then make another braised lion's head dish, and don't see any tofu this time, I don't like tofu either."

"Well... it's not impossible."

Du Chengfeng nodded, and then continued his homework.

If you don't use tofu, don't use tofu, and it doesn't matter if you don't use meat, some people may be allergic to fish and shrimp, but this doesn't mean he has no way out - after all, no one stipulates that braised lion's head can't be made with vegetables, anyway, after vegetables are mashed, it may be better to make the tendons in meat...

"You, you can really do it?"

The man was stunned again, he didn't expect this result at all - seeing the chef in front of him wielding the knife so fast, he actually looked confident, this dish ordered to make things difficult for people, I'm afraid it will really be made.

If this braised lion's head dish is also made, then what reason can he find to kill this chef?

You can't say that the chef doesn't wear a hat, right?

"You kid!"

Thinking like this, the man swung the Xuanhua axe.

"How can you cook without a hat? Your hair falls into my pot..."

"You're right, I'll put it on right away."

Before the axe fell, a hat appeared on Du Chengfeng's head.

In fact, he had wanted to do this a long time ago, and the hat had been bought a long time ago, but he didn't pay attention to it during this period, so he forgot it-the diner's reminder was right, and serious chefs all wear hats, which can effectively prevent hair from falling into the pot, and also make themselves look very professional.

"So, guests, do you have any other requirements..."

"How can you wear a hat?"

The man swung the axe again.

"If you wear a hat, won't you be taller than me? I hate those who are taller than me the most..."

Before he finished speaking, the man suddenly found that the chef in front of him seemed to be a few centimeters shorter in an instant.

This time, even with a hat, the chef was not as tall as him.


The axe in the man's hand froze in the air for a long time, and finally fell to the empty space beside him.

How is it possible? Why didn't he give him a reason?

"How did you do it? How did you do it? Is there anything you can't do?"

"There are still many things I can't do, such as...wait."

Before he finished speaking, Du Chengfeng suddenly froze.

Then he turned his head.

"Were you going to chop me just now?"

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