In the Blade

Chapter 438: Power of Wish

Just two red rabbits, what can they do?

The old man knew about these two red rabbits. After all, he paid for the construction of the Rabbit Buddha Temple, and he was naturally responsible for the worship of these two rabbits. However, he did not take these two rabbits seriously, even though many people said that these two rabbits had protected them.

They were just a group of ordinary people, or even country folk. What could they understand? What knowledge could they have?

Those evil monsters must have been killed by masters, but the country folk had no knowledge and could not understand the masters' methods of attack, so they pushed all the reasons to the two rabbits. As for why it was these two rabbits, it was probably because when the country folk who were hiding came out of their hiding place, they happened to see the two rabbits at the scene, and their bodies were stained with the blood of the monsters. That was probably it.

They are just a bunch of fools. They hold up anything they can worship, thinking that it can save everything and protect them... The old man can understand this idea. After all, when he faced the evil monster, he had similar thoughts in despair. At that time, he had already lost his mind and would hold on to anything that could be a life-saving straw.

But now it seems...

"You still have to rely on yourself!"

As he said this, the old man cut the bodies of the two beauties in front of him into pieces.

Blood mixed with minced meat spread out, with a certain sweet smell, which made the monsters wandering in the evil cloud restless. Under the provocation of the desire to kill, the eyes of these monsters became more and more red, almost dripping blood.

Red eyes are a sign that evil spirits have entered the brain for people.

But what if it is the evil monster that is already crazy?

"Hehehe! I want to eat meat!"

"Hehehe! Drink your blood!"

"Give give give give give give give--"

For a moment, a burst of ghost howling broke out in the evil cloud. These monsters with sharpened claws and fangs finally couldn't hold back. They flew out and pounced!

But to the old man's surprise, the target of these evil monsters was not Sanshan Town in the distance.

But the two red rabbits in front of them.


The old man was stunned. He couldn't understand what happened.

Just two rabbits, how could...

"Could it be that these two rabbits are really protecting the town in the distance?"

The old man couldn't help but think of the legends related to these two rabbits.

The legends about these two rabbits are actually very confusing. Although the people say that they were passed down from the old generation, they all seem to be made up on the spot. For example, these two rabbits will fight those evil monsters for the town, and they can transform into big and strong rabbit spirits. They are eight feet tall and eight feet in waist. They walk like clouds and mist, and can kill a monster with just one punch.

When he first came here, the old man regarded these things as jokes. After all, this saying sounded like something he learned from a storyteller on the street. It must be that the country folks have little culture, so they can only use this way to describe how powerful their gods are.

So, all this should be false, right?

If the sayings of those country folks are all false, then what is appearing in front of him?


The big and strong rabbit roared, and punched a monster through with one punch!

However, the evil monsters were not ordinary beasts. The death of their companions could not bring them any fear. Instead, the blood splashing all over the sky aroused the ferocity of these monsters. However, just as these monsters covered with black smoke twisted their bodies and rushed forward, another pure white auspicious cloud had already reached the heads of these monsters.

The heavy auspicious cloud fell down.


There was only a muffled sound, and at least five evil monsters were crushed on the spot by this fierce kick!

The smelly blood of the monsters, mixed with broken rotten meat, flowed all over the ground in just a moment.

The old man who commanded these monsters was still rubbing his eyes hard.

"Is this old man...dizzy?"

As he said this, the old man slapped his son.

"Look, kid, what's going on..."

"Dad, why are you hitting me!"

The strong man who was slapped came back to his senses.

"Why don't we run! These two rabbits..."

"You, you saw it too?"

The old man's hands began to tremble.

Especially after seeing his son nod, the old man's heart was even colder.

If only one person saw it, it might be an illusion. After all, it was late at night and he was old. It was normal for old people to be confused. But now that two people saw it, it was definitely not an illusion. In other words, everything that happened in front of them was real.

But, how is it possible?

"How is it possible? How is it possible? How is it possible? How is it possible?"

The old man stood there in a daze. For a moment, he was like a parrot repeating a sentence, but he couldn't say anything else.

How is it possible? They were just two rabbits. They were fine when he saw them during the day. He even fed them vegetable leaves with his own hands...

How come these two rabbits have become like this now?

Could it be that there is really some strange saying in Sanshan Town? He is the one who is ignorant? Is it that he knows nothing and has no experience?

He has indeed never seen this thing. You know, he has traveled all over the country and has seen it before. His unique skill of controlling evil spirit monsters has made him make a lot of money everywhere. But even with such experience, he has never heard of such a rabbit.

Even rabbits can easily kill evil spirit monsters, so what is evil spirit? What is a monster? What is his ability?


Two huge rabbits, eight feet tall and eight feet in waist, fought back and forth. Their muscular forearms were as strong as heavy hammers. Even the sharp claws of the evil monsters could not tear through the thin layer of fur. The huge strange power that could easily tear the human body in the past was now limited to scratching marks on the two rabbits. Even when the evil monsters pulled out the bloody blades stuck in their bodies, they could not do anything to the two rabbits.

"Can't even use weapons?"

The old man was already dizzy.

The weapons on the evil monsters were the source of their power and also their most powerful means of attack. When they pulled out those weapons, it meant that they were ready to fight to the death and tear apart the enemies in front of them with the most brutal violence - but now it was the evil monsters that were torn apart.

The sharp blades that were invincible could not do anything to the two rabbits. Instead, the huge weapons made the killing of the two rabbits more efficient. This was the first time the old man knew that rabbits could actually make fists. The pair of front paws did not even have thumbs, but they tightly grasped the weapons snatched from the evil monsters, causing bloody storms.

In less than a pee, the evil cloud had been completely dispersed.

Only the broken corpses were left on the ground, and the white clouds had not yet dissipated.

"How could it be..."

The old man who watched all this was dumbfounded.

It shouldn't be like this. Obviously, the evil monsters are so powerful. Indeed, these monsters may not be able to beat the top masters, but even if they are top masters, what can they do? Don't they have a time when the evil spirit enters their brains? Don't they have a time when they become monsters?

This world is a huge and crazy monster, everyone is a monster, and the more powerful people are, the closer they are to monsters.

So he simply gave up his evil spirit, because he knew very well that even if he could become a monster, he would only become a small monster at best - instead of foolishly fighting with those stronger monsters, he might as well learn more about how to get along with monsters.

Just like a tamer can tame those beasts, he must also know how to control those monsters. After persistent research, he really studied that set of methods. Those monsters really listened to his command, gathered together, and under his guidance, they would cause trouble in the countryside and even attack cities and territories - he had already accomplished such a great feat, who in this world could stop him?

So, how is it possible?

Obviously everything he has just begun, obviously his grand plan has just started, obviously he has spent so many years to complete all this, and obviously he is about to get everything.

How can there still be such a monster? How can there be two such things?

Then what is his hard work all the time? What is his research that has risked his life all the time?

"Dad, why don't we go?"

Just as the old man was clenching his fists, his son, the strong man without the Xuanhua axe, spoke up.

"We still have some money left. I'll go and buy another weapon. Then I'll find a rich man to wash it and make some money. We can still live. We don't have no chance..."

"Yes, we don't have no chance."

Faced with his son's advice, the old man just muttered to himself.

"It's not that there is no chance. Everything is not over yet. Everything is not over yet..."

While saying this, the old man's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, it's not over yet. It's not over yet. He still has a chance. He still has room to play with his skills. Indeed, the evil monsters are dead, and his skills in communicating with monsters have become worthless waste, but so what? So what?

The evil monsters are indeed not as fierce as he imagined, but right now, right in front of him, aren't there two more fierce monsters?

As long as the two rabbits can be tamed, everything will be back!

"Go! Find some grass!"

Thinking of this, the old man simply kicked his son.

The strong man who was kicked in vain didn't know what to say, so he could only find some green grass that had not been stained with blood from the ground nearby. After taking the green grass, the old man trembled and handed it to the two rabbits. The old man who often dealt with monsters knew very well that whether it was communicating with wild beasts or communicating with monsters that had lost their minds, there was actually a most basic way.

That is, feeding.

By sharing food, the message of "no hostility" was conveyed, which was the most primitive and basic communication.

However, what embarrassed the old man was that in the face of the fresh green grass, the two rabbits didn't even look at it.

"No, people are stupid."

After looking at the grass in his hand and then at the two rabbits in front of him, the old man thought of something and patted his head.

He still remembered that among the people of Sanshan Town, these two rabbits did not eat grass, they only ate the hearts of evil spirit monsters.

"Go and cut out the hearts of those monsters!"

The old man kicked his son again.

The strong man who had been kicked twice in vain had nothing to say. He could only break off the claw tip of an evil spirit monster, and then dig out the heart from the chest of those evil spirit monsters - considering that the two rabbits might want to change their taste, this The strong man simply cut out the hearts of the two beautiful corpses. A pile of hearts was piled in front of the two rabbits, like a hill.

This time, the two rabbits began to gnaw, holding the hearts of the monsters as if they were gnawing on radishes. After a while, they ate up all the hearts.

Only the hearts dug out of the corpses of the two beauties were left, which was obviously not to their liking.

"Then don't eat, then don't eat."

The old man quickly swept the two hearts aside with his feet, and then approached them with a smile on his face.

Smiling all over the face, this smile is also very particular. In the understanding of most animals, smiling, the behavior of showing teeth, is an aggressive and provocative action - so if you want to express friendliness, you must do it. Smile without showing your teeth, squint your eyes, and never stare through the cracks in your eyes.

Staring with squinted eyes is also an aggressive behavior. The focused gaze is like a wild animal locking its target, which can be mistaken for provocation.

Facing two rabbits that can easily kill hundreds of evil monsters, there can be no room for error.

Fortunately, the two rabbits seemed to feel the old man's kindness, but they didn't do anything like they killed those evil monsters just now. Or perhaps because they were full of food and drink, the two rabbits simply lay down on the ground - just look at this. The two rabbits lying on the ground look exactly like ordinary rabbits, but their size is really too big compared to ordinary rabbits.

"Okay! There's a way to do this!"

Seeing that the two rabbits started to rest, the old man's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Yes, that's it. Whether they are beasts or monsters, they will reduce part of their aggressiveness after eating - ultimately, it is because the purpose of their attacks is just to eat, regardless of the hunger and thirst of their stomachs or the hunger for killing. , it is precisely because of this hunger that they become aggressive.

And after they are full, they will become peaceful like they are now.

Of course, at this time, you can't move casually.

Pulling his son to the two rabbit statues, the old man pressed his son's head, and the two bowed to the two rabbit statues.

Kneeling is a human etiquette. Beasts and monsters don't understand this. However, the neck is the weak point of the human body, and exposing the fatal point is a primitive and universal behavior.

The fatal nape of the neck was exposed, which meant that the two of them were completely non-aggressive. The old man felt that the two rabbits in front of him could understand this.

And the two rabbits lived up to his expectations and even nodded to him.

"They...they actually have intelligence!"

The old man became more and more excited.

Yes, this is also the biggest difference between monsters and beasts - although those evil monsters have lost their minds, their predecessors were humans who used evil weapons, so they have always had intelligence similar to humans, and even... They remember how to speak human language, but their minds are filled with evil spirits, so they only know how to kill, but this does not mean that they are completely unable to communicate.

But the old man was a little panicked about the two rabbits. He didn't know whether the two rabbits should be regarded as rational monsters or irrational beasts. If it were a beast, things would be a little more troublesome. After all, beasts have many straight-forward ideas and it is completely impossible to understand human thoughts.

But now it seems... that he actually has intelligence, that's great.

Being intelligent means being able to understand complex instructions, and being able to understand complex instructions means being able to do more things. If such two powerful rabbits can also perform some complex operations, it will be simply...

"That's great! It can be like this!"

The old man had never been so excited before. He was so excited that he was so excited!

You must know that at his age, he usually drinks wine with some beauties and talks about naughty things, but if he wants to think about more, he is already unable to do anything - but this time, only this time, But he suddenly felt that I was going crazy as a teenager!

No, it’s not just that I’m crazy about being a teenager, he even wants to...

"Wait? What happened to me?"

The old man suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

Indeed, it is indeed a good thing that at this age he can experience the feeling of being unparalleled with guns and sticks, but is he a little too excited at the moment? At his age, how could he still be as impatient as a young man, and even want to take off his clothes on the spot and start charging?

"Ah this..."

The old man raised his head subconsciously.

The old man met the eyes of the two rabbits for the first time.

The sight was so chaotic that it could even be called dull, but in such dull sight, there was a hint of something that could be turned into desire.

That is the most primitive desire of all life.

That is, the desire to reproduce.


The old man was stunned when he saw the two rabbits suddenly become smaller and even overlapped.

He suddenly remembered another rumor about the two rabbits.

As long as you worship the two rabbits, you can increase your endurance and become more durable.

He used to laugh at this. After all, it was the wishful thinking of the country folk. Those ignorant people always think that eating something or worshipping something can make them show their prowess at night - this statement is naturally unreliable, and no one will take it seriously.

But now it seems...

"No! I have to hold back!"

The old man gritted his teeth. He didn't want to mess around in the wilderness.

But he did hold back, but the strong man beside him who lost the Xuanhua axe had bloodshot eyes.

"Don't! I'm your father!"

The old man was still struggling to shout something, but the sturdy man with bloodshot eyes had already ignored it. He raised his fist and knocked the old man over, and then he pounced on him, just like the two red-eyed rabbits next to him.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng, who came from the post station, flew down from mid-air.

"I said these two rabbits are mine!"

Looking at the two rabbits that were mating and the corpses all over the ground, Du Chengfeng slapped his head.

Then he picked up the two rabbits.

"Let's just take them back and stew them... Why are they two males?"

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