In the Blade

Chapter 47 Why Live, Why Kill

Riding on horses, Du Chengfeng and He Xiqing looked at each other from a distance.

This was the first time he had truly seen this life-and-death enemy.

Although Du Chengfeng had seen He Xiqing countless times while polishing the weapons of the barbarians in the grasslands, it was not until this meeting in person that he realized that He Xiqing in those memories was just for this person. A man's one-sided observation.

Only like now, only when the two sides met their eyes, did he truly realize this power.

"It's so strong..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

So when he saw He Xiqing chasing after him again, Du Chengfeng turned the horse's head without hesitation, patted the horse and ran away.

Although it would be more courageous to go up to fight directly, he would only fight an invincible enemy when he was full and strong. Swinging a knife against a strong enemy is indeed a sign of courage, but if you still swing a knife when you know you can't beat him, it can only mean that there is something wrong with your head.

So He Xiqing chased him, but Du Chengfeng ran away.

He Xiqing stopped chasing, so Du Chengfeng turned his horse around and went back.

He must go back, after all, he can't let go of He Xiqing.

Of course, he would definitely not be able to defeat He Xiqing himself now. But except for He Xiqing, wouldn't he be able to kill those ordinary grassland warriors, even those with evil spirits in their bodies?

Facts have proved that it can still be killed.

Moreover, it has become easier and easier to kill.

Can kill more.

He can still kill more.

"More, more, more..."

Du Chengfeng on horseback murmured to himself, his eyes gradually turning blood red.

Fortunately, Du Chengfeng could no longer hold back and was about to urge his horse forward, but He Xiqing in the distance had already withdrawn to Ji Town with his men.

Du Chengfeng could even vaguely see He Xiqing's ferocious gaze suppressing hatred in the distance.

This also made Du Chengfeng breathe a sigh of relief.

If you like to stare, then just stare, as long as people can't get through - in fact, he also wants to thank He Xiqing for gathering those grassland soldiers into the city.

After all, this directly made his increasingly piercing murderous intention lose its target.


Holding the reins tightly in his hands, Du Chengfeng let out a long breath.

He was almost, just a little bit close, before he could no longer suppress his desire to kill and galloped out.

After killing those prairie warriors, he and the weapons in his hands did become stronger, but after those prairie warriors with evil spirits entering their bodies were killed, the evil energy fed back was far greater than ordinary killings. More pure - even if Du Chengfeng has been able to do it long ago and not be affected by the evil spirits at all when sharpening the knife, but now when facing those more pure evil spirits, he can only barely maintain the most basic reason. , to prevent yourself from suddenly going crazy and going up to die.

That was indeed a death sentence. Although he had indeed become stronger now, it was impossible for him to defeat that monster-like He Xiqing with such irrational strength.

The noisy sounds echoed in Du Chengfeng's mind, almost driving him crazy for a time.

"Kill him! Kill him! You are already strong, aren't you? Why don't you kill him!"

The voice in his head was urging him, and even Du Chengfeng himself began to feel that killing directly was the most heroic act.

"Why don't you kill them? Why don't you kill them? Is it because of your indecision? Or are you the kind of Virgin White Lotus who won't kill anyone she sees?"

No, that's not the case.

Du Chengfeng on horseback clutched his head tightly, trying hard to resist the influence of the voices in his mind - but this action was in vain, because the voices came from the bottom of his heart.

"The Yang family wanted to kill you, but you didn't kill them, didn't you? Yang Sanlang wanted to assassinate you, but you didn't kill him either, right? There was also the sword seller who deceived you in the market, and the swordsman who sneaked up on you after sharpening his sword. Cui haven't killed anyone, and you don't even want to get blood. Is it because of your cowardice? Is it because of your weakness?"


Du Chengfeng, who had a splitting headache, had already rolled off his horse, and the pile of weapons in his saddlebags were scattered on the ground.

He must kill, he must kill, he must prove himself, he must prove that he is neither weak nor cowardly, only blood can wash away shame, and only killing can forge an iron will. Only kill, kill everyone, kill everything in front of you, kill everything that is still alive, and tear everything into pieces wherever you go!

"Kill kill kill kill kill kill..."

While making some kind of vague sound that even he himself couldn't hear clearly, Du Chengfeng, whose eyes were as red as two dots of will-o'-the-wisps, touched the weapons that could kill people.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng grasped the handle of a familiar knife.

It's that heavy broadsword.

Rubbing the familiar feeling in his palm, Du Chengfeng, whose eyes were scarlet, was suddenly startled.

"What am I...doing?"

Du Chengfeng lowered his head and looked at the thick sword in his hand.

"Do you want to say something to me?"

There was only a clanging sound, and the heavy sword hit his feet.

The heavy iron block hit Du Chengfeng's foot, almost cracking Du Chengfeng's bones.

But it was this biting pain that made the noisy voices in Du Chengfeng's heart freeze for an instant.

Although it was only a moment of peace, Du Chengfeng still regained some consciousness at this moment.

"It's evil spirit entering the body! Extremely serious evil spirit entering the body!"

In just a blink of an eye, Du Chengfeng had already made a judgment on his current situation.

But what Du Chengfeng got was just a moment of respite. The moment he made this judgment, those noisy voices came up again, and they tried their best to humiliate him. Urging him to kill quickly, it seemed that only blood and death were everything in this world.

Under the echo of those voices over and over again, Du Chengfeng's consciousness was already shaky.

But the second severe pain came from his feet.

It was a raging flame that ignited on the blade. The blazing flame carried a strong aroma of wine. Under the scorching flame, Du Chengfeng's already injured foot was in severe pain.

This made Du Chengfeng subconsciously pick up the sword.

Holding the heavy sword in his hand, Du Chengfeng inexplicably remembered that chaotic night. He was the same at that time. The bloody and sinister atmosphere filled his mind, and he almost wanted to kill everything in front of him.

But he didn't do it.

Du Chengfeng wanted to say that it was because that was not what he wanted. What he wanted was to live and work in peace and contentment, and what he wanted was a peaceful life. But even without those noisy voices reminding him, he already knew that this reason was not based on anything. Can't stand still.

If he just wants a quiet life and lives and works in peace and contentment, then he can just run away. Escape to the south, to the hinterland of Dachen, away from the war on the border, so that he can truly live a quiet life.

But now, his choice is to stay and fight with those grassland soldiers.

"You enjoy it, don't you?"

The voice in my heart sounded again.

"Then why don't you prove yourself? Why don't you use blood to wash away your shame! Why don't you kill all the Yang family! Why don't you kill all the Yang family forts! Why don't you kill everything you see!"

"Because, because..."

Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng lowered his head and looked at the big knife in his hand.

The dancing fire on the broadsword seemed to be responding to him.

"They don't have the right to let us use the sword."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng seemed to feel what this sword wanted to express.

There is no need to argue or deny. Whether it is disdain or arrogance, this is what they have done and it is part of who they are.

Just like the last holder of this sword, Fatty Yang, whose nickname was Tiger Chi.

How could a tiger walking in the mountains care about a few mosquitoes?

"So that's what you thought..."

Du Chengfeng gently touched the sword in his hand.

Running his fingertips through the firelight was like stroking some kind of lazy big cat.

The sword that had tasted blood in Fatty Yang's hands and was so keen on killing, why would this bloodthirsty thing like a tiger be willing to be enshrined in a small ancestral hall in a border village?

"Because all we want in the end is just to mess it up."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng felt connected with the sword in his hand.

What they want is really not complicated. A small yard of their own, where they can plant jujube trees or pomegranate trees. During the day, they can read under the shade of the trees, or do some favorite work at night. If so, you can use the moonlight to polish the blade, or do two sets of punches before going to bed. Maybe two cats, and a dog, and if there was such a place, they might be able to live in it for the rest of their lives.

"So, so say..."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng waved his blade.

"Those who can't hinder us, those who can't hurt us, let them die."

On the thick blade, blazing fire suddenly erupted.

"But those who stand in our way must die!"


As the blade swung, the blazing fire burned everything within three feet.

That is the evil power of swords and weapons.

Likewise, it is also his strength.

"My saddle bag!"

Du Chengfeng, who came back to his senses, roared and quickly started to put out the fire.

Fortunately, the angle of the swing he just made was relatively high. Fortunately, his saddle bag that fell on the ground was only caught by the fire. Of course, the luckiest thing was the war horse, which managed to avoid the blade and was not hit by the foot. Many long blazing blades cut off the head.

"So what am I...huh?"

After hanging the saddle bag back on the horse, Du Chengfeng realized that the noise that had just urged him to kill people had disappeared.

Even his eyes, which had turned red due to the evil spirit entering his body, had regained their clarity.

"I am..."

Looking down at the big knife in his hand, Du Chengfeng suddenly realized something.

"So this is the way to control the evil spirit..."

Holding the blade tightly, Du Chengfeng looked at the blazing blade in front of him.

If you know why you live, no matter how hard your will is, it can only temporarily keep you clear and unaffected by evil spirits.

But if you want to truly control the evil spirit, curb those thoughts of killing, and use this huge evil force for your own use, you must have another, more important, determination.

That is, what to kill for.

"We have completely understood it."

Getting on his horse, Du Chengfeng put the sword on his shoulder and looked at Ji Zhen City in the distance.

"What about you? Why did you kill?"

I am going to have dinner with my friends tonight, so the update time of the second chapter may be after 12 o'clock. I am really sorry.

Then, thank you all for your recommendation votes. I can't write 500 words here, so I would like to say thank you to everyone.

In addition: I am grateful to Haishan Book Friend Jun, King of Vajisia, Book Friend 20190525201542603, and Shiyang Fentian for their rewards. I am humbled and flattered.

Thanks to Feng Xiaohan, book friend 20200313133602438, the moon is full and the flowers are gone, the flying worm, 20180709210052500, Jiajiaya, book friend 20210217145240686, book friend 20220523093858958, book friend 20180418090 519258, book friend 20191222191500565, Nakte Xiaohuangben, Fantasy World Yunqi, book friend 20230118135952260, long night is safe, book friend 20190530000410957, book friend 20200628185846311, Hanying Wuen, Jiran Rongwei, Shumi, neurotic potato, book friend 20210613152854068, there is meat and there is output, wilderness 4q251 880624, eat my blue silver entanglement, 丨Unfixed丨, passerby dragon suit armor, conscientious little cabbage, book friend 20180501175102270, book friend 20180103154658785, WOJIUSHIWO, but step by step monthly ticket.

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