In the Blade

Chapter 490 Helping you become stronger

A meteor falling to the ground is very conspicuous, but a mouse is different.

When it was still in the air, the gray-haired mouse had already spread its claws, and the way the fascia was stretched out made it look like a bat - then the bat drew an arc in the air and fell outside Liuhua Mountain.

It was outside Liuhua Mountain, not inside Liuhua Mountain. It had not thought about facing the terrifying iron man directly.

After all, the iron man was stronger than it.

Although the strong man said that the iron man was currently entangled in the three turbidities and was at his weakest, even at this weakest time, the gray-haired mouse could not beat him - he said that he had already understood the concept of "clearness", but whether this concept could be transformed into power and how much power it could be transformed into was still a question.

"So now we have to lie dormant and observe first, and wait for a good opportunity to make a move..."

Thinking of this, the gray-haired mouse that fell to the ground quickly hid in the grass on the side of the road.

The expression of observing the outside world was exactly the same as that of the coyote above the clouds.

This is the preparatory posture before hunting, and it is also an imitation of a stronger person.

"It can only be done this way... No, it should be done this way!"

At this moment, the gray-haired mouse actually had a sense of enlightenment.

Yes, it should be like this. It was abnormal when it and the white-haired hedgehog worked together before. At that time, they were blinded by hatred, or blinded by power, and thought that they could get rid of the tin man with their power-but they obviously didn't know the tin man at all, so where did this confidence come from?

"At least you have to see clearly what the enemy is... or in the words of those mortals, know yourself and know the enemy."

Thinking like this, the gray-haired mouse actually found a familiar feeling.

It's like it hasn't opened its intelligence yet.

Normal hunting should be like this, see the posture of the prey clearly, carefully choose the time to attack, and once the opportunity arises, it must be fatal. This is the way to play with the highest success rate.

Comparing it with the previous way of playing with the white-haired hedgehog, this is simply...


All memories eventually turned into a long sigh.

The gray-haired mouse, which had regained its sanity, also began to hide cautiously.

"There are only two ways to defeat the enemy."

Looking at the pedestrians coming and going, the gray-haired mouse hiding on the roadside thought silently.

There are two ways to defeat the enemy, one is to make oneself stronger than the opponent, and the other is to make the opponent weaker than oneself. These two ways can cover all battles, and the specific ideas of these two ways are really different - one is to strengthen oneself and then crush the opponent with an absolutely strong attitude, and the other is to weaken the opponent until the opponent is weaker than oneself, and then defeat it.

The former is not very realistic for the gray-haired mouse, at least it has not figured out how to use this "clear" power to strengthen itself.

So it chose another way.

That is, weaken the opponent.

Although it and the white-haired hedgehog have tried a similar method once, it still didn't know its enemy well enough at that time - but now, it has known the most critical information.

That is, its enemy has been entangled by the three turbidities.

"Don't you want to become stronger?"

The gray-haired mouse bared its teeth.

"Then I'll make you stronger."

With that, the gray-haired mouse disappeared on the side of the road.

As for Du Chengfeng, his peaceful life continued. He polished the mountains during the day and went back to sleep at night. Occasionally, he would make a good meal when he was hungry. His life was very fulfilling. And the separation of incense and vows was also developing in a good direction. At least no one in Jishui Town and Liuhua Mountain would mention Taibai Star and Liuhua Mountain Lord. Only some people who wanted to kill people would occasionally shout.

"Sure enough, time can heal everything."

Du Chengfeng felt that he had found a way to solve the problem. As long as he didn't go out and do something to make a name for himself, the incense and vows would not stick to him. As time went by, there would always be new things to attract the attention of those people.

As one thing went up, the other went down, and the negative effects of the incense and vows were far away from him.

As for the amplitude effect of the evil spirit, he had overcome it long ago, or most of the evil spirit masters had actually experienced such a hurdle. After all, the offensiveness brought by the evil spirit was more intuitive, so the negative effects were more obvious.

If you can handle it, you are a master of evil spirits. If you can't handle it, you are an evil spirit monster. This is evil spirit.

As for the negative effects brought by mental power...

Du Chengfeng couldn't think of how to deal with it.

Pure mental power brings pure power, but pure mental power will also make his thinking simple - if this simplicity has a limit, then it is not a bad thing. At most, it is just to keep a young mentality forever, but it is obvious that this simplicity is not necessarily limited.

This is also the most annoying thing for Du Chengfeng. He doesn't want to degenerate into a baby one day, or even degenerate into a big monkey in human form.

However, it is extremely difficult to control this evolution. After all, the growth of wisdom comes from the handling of events. The more events you handle, the more difficulties you experience, and the more complicated and meticulous your thinking will be - but mental power provides another way to solve the problem, which is to use pure mind in exchange for pure power.

In simple terms, if it is just a monkey without wisdom, it is normal to say that this thing is stupid.

But what if this stupid monkey could face the guns and even break a warship with one punch?

At this time, no one can say that this monkey is stupid. Many people even have to reflect on what they have done to cause such an outrageous thing.

Pure thinking brings pure power. Pure power can make people solve almost all problems with great force. When almost everything can be solved with fists alone, the so-called wisdom becomes a pure decoration.

"If a knife is not used for a long time, it will rust. The same is true for wisdom."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng began to have a toothache.

He did find a way to reduce the negative impact of mental strength, but because he was too strong, he could not use this idea.

"You can't make yourself weak, right? What is this? A private visit?"

Thinking of his previous experience in Sanshan Town, Du Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly.

At that time, he did not actively use his power. In fact, except for the last fight against the Three Mountain God, he did not encounter an opponent who could really make him exert his full strength. From this perspective, perhaps he should find some enemies who can make him fire at full power, so that he can be considered to have a brief recovery.

"So... huh?"

Du Chengfeng, who was thinking, suddenly turned his head and looked at the hillside not far away.

On the hillside, a man with a sword was walking towards him.


Looking at his current steel-casting posture, and then looking at the man with a firm gaze, Du Chengfeng felt that something was wrong.

He had already seen his appearance, but he still dared to come over. Wasn't he coming for him?

Facts proved that his judgment was not wrong.

It was just because the man drew his sword at him.

"So you are the Taibai Star...give me your life!"

"Oh, no, I, this."

Du Chengfeng didn't understand what was going on at all. After all, this was too much of an unexpected disaster. You know, he didn't go anywhere else during this period of time. He just ate and slept and walked in the mountains. How come a swordsman suddenly came to ask for his life?

What was going on? Is this swordsman mentally ill?

"So can you explain the matter clearly? What happened to me?"


The swordsman's answer was an increasingly fierce sword move.

The swordsman looked quite capable with his sword moves. However, no matter whether it was the flying swordsman or the flying evil spirit, none of them could touch Du Chengfeng. This kind of attack was too immature for him. He didn't even need to move much to avoid it.

But Du Chengfeng couldn't stand this kind of passive beating after all.

He also had a temper, especially when the swordsman threatened.

"Okay, Liuhua Mountain is your territory. After I kill you, I will kill all the people down there!"

When the swordsman said this, Du Chengfeng couldn't stand it.

What do you mean by killing them all? Does this swordsman really think he is so great?

"I warn you, you'd better calm down."

Du Chengfeng stood up with a frown.

"If you don't calm down, I will fight back."


The swordsman's answer was a stabbing long sword.

The long sword stabbed Du Chengfeng's fingertips and broke into three sections on the spot, and the swordsman was hit in the face.

It was just a light punch, not even a heavy punch. Du Chengfeng carefully controlled his strength. He wanted to find the swordsman to find out what was going on.

But who would have thought that the swordsman couldn't hold on even with just a light punch.

With a bang, the swordsman's brain burst immediately, and he was deader than dead.

"Hey, you..."

Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

When he saw the swordsman wielding a sword just now, he thought he was a master, but now it seems... such a noob is actually trying to kill him?

"Are you crazy?"

Feeling the vague evil spirit floating on his body, Du Chengfeng shook his head.

Then he picked up the swordsman's long sword.

Fortunately, although the swordsman is dead, with this long sword, he can at least understand what happened.

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng simply started to polish the long sword.

The memory attached to the long sword is nothing to say, just the ordinary life of an ordinary swordsman, buy a good sword, practice martial arts diligently, main job is bodyguard, side job is bone setting and massage - this is also a common way for many people without a foothold to make money, either sell their martial arts, or rely on their understanding of the human body to play a half doctor.

At least after seeing this, Du Chengfeng still couldn't see how he could make an enemy of this swordsman. After all, they were all just ordinary people, and they didn't interfere with each other.

However, he and this swordsman were ordinary people, which didn't mean that all the people in the martial arts world were.

On this day, this swordsman went out as a bodyguard and offended bandits. Although most of the bandits had connections with the escort agency, they would just say a few words and pay a toll, but this group of shoulder-neck bandits happened to be from other places, so they planned to make a big profit by shedding blood - so the swordsman showed his ability. He killed half of the people on the opposite side with his sword, and the remaining bandits fled in panic.

With such efforts, the swordsman was naturally appreciated by his employer. After the escort mission, he was even given some extra money to reward his bravery.

And the swordsman was naturally happy, or at least happy at this time.

With the money in his pocket, the swordsman went home, thinking that he had some savings, and maybe he could use it to honor his mother at home, or maybe he could use this money to build a house, marry a wife and have children, and pass down the family line - from this perspective, this swordsman was even more humane than Du Chengfeng, after all, Du Chengfeng at least didn't think about marrying a wife and having children.

But when the swordsman returned home, something big happened.

The remaining bandits actually rushed into the swordsman's home and hacked the swordsman's family to death. Although the swordsman also raised his sword and fought bravely, these former defeated generals suddenly became extremely fierce. They waved their weapons like gods, and soon hacked the swordsman all over.

But they did not hack the swordsman to death, just because they wanted to torture him.

"This is the power that Taibaixing gave us! Aren't you strong? Come on! Keep standing up!"

The leading bandit grinned and cut wounds on the swordsman.

"Aren't you good at fighting? Keep fighting!"

The swordsman, who was covered with wounds, could not stand up again. He could only watch the gang of thugs walk away.

The fire of hatred burned in the swordsman's eyes, and he remembered the name Taibaixing.

"Hey! No! What does it have to do with me!"

Du Chengfeng was stunned. He didn't remember knowing any bandits, let alone giving power to anyone. If he had to teach them something, he did teach them some radio gymnastics for physical exercise, but how could he use that thing to hit people?

Who is doing things under his name? Who is ruining his reputation?

"Wait! Reputation!"

Du Chengfeng, thinking of this, quickly put down the cheap sword in his hand and began to feel the incense and vows wrapped around his body.

It was at this time that he realized that the incense and vows that had been gradually fading had become stronger again without him noticing!

And this trend of strengthening... is even stronger than the incense and vows of Jishui Town! Even if Sanshan Town is added, it is the same!

"What's going on?"

Du Chengfeng frowned when he noticed something was wrong.

Who is doing things under his name? Who is helping him become stronger?

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