In the Blade

Chapter 52: Killing the Witch

Under the cover of night, Du Chengfeng continued his hunting.

The Broken Horse Sword was left in the saddle bag. This five-foot-long straight blade sword is more suitable for foot combat. As for the other two weapons... Although the two-handed sword and the old axe do not look like things that are suitable for horse combat, when these two weapons are held in Du Chengfeng's hands, it is a different scene.


Accompanied by Du Chengfeng's angry shout, a blazing flame suddenly burst out from the thick sword. The three-foot-long flaming blade only needs to sweep across, and those grassland cavalrymen who are wearing armor and holding sharp weapons will fall off their horses one after another.

The blazing blade cut into the body, as easy as melting grease, leaving only a disgusting roasted meat smell wherever it passes.

Of course, there are also some agile people among these grassland cavalrymen. Even if the flaming blade has the terrifying power to sweep across a large area, there will still be fish that slip through the net and rush to Du Chengfeng.

There is a saying that an inch shorter, an inch more dangerous. Seeing that these grassland warriors decided to take a risky move and fight to the death with him in just a moment, even Du Chengfeng, who was an enemy, could not help but admire these tough guys who were tempered by the cold wind of Mobei.

However, admiration is admiration.

This behavior is still meaningless.

It's just because they are facing the cold wind from Mobei itself.


Du Chengfeng swung the axe in his left hand.

The old axe slashed on the armor, and the originally hard armor was broken and shattered like fragile ice. After that, the biting cold wind drilled into the wound along with the axe blade, passing through the body all the way, and then brought out large pieces of bright red snowflakes from the back of this flesh and blood body.

It was not blood flowers, but snowflakes.

Because the blood had already condensed in the cold wind before it gushed out.

"So this is the wind of Mobei..."

Du Chengfeng casually killed those grassland soldiers who rushed to him, and looked at the old axe in his hand, stunned.

No wonder this axe killed those grassland people so easily, it turned out that this axe was as cold as the cold wind of Mobei - but before this axe was too hungry, so that it could not even use one percent of its ability.

If the big knife in the right hand needs the wine of friends, then to satisfy this axe, it needs the blood of those grassland people.

After all, the wind of Mobei has always been like this.

If you don't blow dozens of grassland people to death, you still have the nerve to say that you are from Mobei?

"Oh, dozens are too few, right?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he vaguely felt the subtle dissatisfaction on the axe in his hand.

This is indeed a bit embarrassing. It's not that he killed less, but most of the grassland warriors were killed by the broadsword in his right hand. After all, it was a three-meter-long blazing sword light, which is a little more than ten meters. This swept a large area, and the number of kills was indeed high.

On the contrary, the hungry axe in his left hand, even after fighting for most of the night, only received dozens of lives in total.

The not hungry people ate more and more, while the hungry people could not chew a few bites, which made Du Chengfeng seem a little partial.

"Next time, next time for sure."

While saying this, Du Chengfeng put the broadsword and axe back into the saddle bag.

It must be next time, just because he should run away this time.

With the blazing sword light of the thick and heavy sword sweeping across a large area, he successfully took the lives of seventy or eighty grassland warriors this time. This is a suitable number in Du Chengfeng's view, a number that can both maximize the benefits and not hurt the army too much, thus triggering a fierce counterattack.

Although Du Chengfeng was confident that he could charge into the enemy camp and be unrivaled with his current military strength, he still chose to go slowly and bite the slow-moving behemoth in front of him, which was called the "Grassland Army".

After all, safety comes first.

He still remembered that this army was likely to be an ambush left behind by He Xiqing, which meant that there might be means against him in the army - although he himself could not confirm whether this unknown means existed, he would rather believe it when it came to his life.

"So, we'll come back later."

With that, Du Chengfeng turned his horse's head and prepared to continue to pull back to a distance and eat a few dry and hard biscuits to replenish his physical strength.

But at this moment, a desolate horn sounded in his ears.


The melodious horn sounded desolate and simple, like a long roar from ancient times. The dull roar called out the fighting spirit hidden in the heart, and even the blood in the heart boiled along with it.

"Are you still sending out the main force to deal with me?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

What will come? A heavy armored warrior, or a heavy cavalry in iron armor? Or a crazy monster holding a fierce weapon?

Du Chengfeng didn't know, and he couldn't guess.

He only knew that he suddenly didn't want to escape.

There was no need to escape, or why should he escape? He was the strongest and the most ferocious now. Just looking at the entire Jibei at the moment, I'm afraid no one can kill more than him.

And in this world, killing more means being strong.

Killing the most means being extremely strong.

"You are very strong, you are already very strong..."

While saying this, Du Chengfeng took out a heavy sword and axe from the saddle bag.

The blazing blade was in his right hand, while the biting cold wind protected his left hand.

He was already so strong, why didn't he kill everything in front of him?

At this time, in addition to the desolate horn, the sound of war drums rang out again.

"Boom boom boom! Boom boom!"

The heavy sound of the war drums was dull and powerful, and every beat of the drums seemed to hammer Du Chengfeng's heart.

This made his blood surge.

Yes, this is it, this is what he wanted.

The blood is burning, and the whole world will burn with it.

The blood is flowing, and all the living things in front of him will be killed!

"... Wait?"

Du Chengfeng, who was about to ride out, was suddenly stunned.

Blood is flowing?

Raising his hand to wipe the wetness on his face, Du Chengfeng realized at this time that the gushing nosebleed had covered half of his face without knowing when.


Du Chengfeng subconsciously raised his head and looked in the direction where the drum sound came from.

Over there, there was a bonfire that shot up into the sky, lighting up the night sky.

Twelve old men were dancing around the bonfire. The clothes they wore were more like strips of cloth piled together than clothes. However, these dirty and crazy people danced with a solemn and sacred feeling. Although their hands and feet were skinny, their movements were vigorous and powerful, as if they were ancient warriors walking out of an ancient scroll.

There were drums and horns in the hands of these people. They used these old instruments. The desolate horn sound was intertwined with the heavy drum beats, mixed with complicated and lengthy curses, making this bloody killing field solemn for a while.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Along with the sound of the horn and the drum beats, the curses seemed to drill into Du Chengfeng's brain.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The evil spirits of the swords and soldiers that Du Chengfeng had originally thought to have been tamed rose again.

This made his eyes even more bloody.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The murmurs in his mouth gradually began to match the curse, and Du Chengfeng almost rode out.

But the warhorse he rode did not move at all.

Not only the warhorse, but even Du Chengfeng himself did not move at all.

Unable to move, completely unable to move, at this moment his body was completely controlled by the heavy drum beats. And in the rapid drum beats, he couldn't even help but turn over and get off the horse.

"Can't get off the horse! Absolutely can't get off the horse!"

Du Chengfeng gritted his teeth.

No matter what, he couldn't get off the horse. He had to leave quickly. After all, no matter how slow he was, he couldn't fail to realize that it was the dancing men by the campfire in the distance that caused all these changes.

This unknown secret method was so terrifying that he didn't even realize what was happening, and his whole body had already fallen into the control of the other party.

Not even his body.

Even his consciousness was already shaky.

The sword and soldier's evil spirit surged up again, and he heard noisy words again, mixed with the curse from afar, urging him to rush forward to kill the enemy - if it was just like this, he might be able to resist a little, but the most important thing is that the murderous intention brought by these sword and soldier's evil spirit at this moment is the most correct choice.

Yes, just kill the twelve dancing men in the distance.

Just chop off their heads and everything will be solved. This is simply the right decision.

Just walk over, just grab their throats...

"No! No!"

Even though his reason has already recognized the sword and soldier's evil spirit, Du Chengfeng's remaining consciousness is still frantically alarming.

Even he, whose whole brain is in chaos, can think of things, can't those grassland dancers who control him think of it?

"This is a trap! It's a trap! If you get off your horse and go forward, you will definitely die!"

At this moment, Du Chengfeng desperately controlled his body.

But this resistance is meaningless.

As the drum beats became more and more rapid, his body finally followed the rhythm of the drum beats and made movements.

No matter how hard Du Chengfeng resisted, he still began to turn over and dismount uncontrollably.

"No... No! Quick! Do something!"

Using up his last bit of strength, Du Chengfeng, who was about to turn over and dismount, knocked over the saddle bag on the horse's back.

Just like the knife in his hand believed in him.

He also completely believed in these weapons.


The weapons fell to the ground, bringing a sound of metal and iron.

And Du Chengfeng's body, which was about to fall to the ground, also fell directly to the ground with this violent movement.

While his body was in pain, Du Chengfeng regained some consciousness.

This made him instinctively grab the scattered weapons around him.

Whether it was an old axe or a heavy sword, any more weapons in his hand at this moment could provide an extra layer of protection for his life.

But when Du Chengfeng grabbed the weapon closest to him, he was stunned.

It was not the old axe from the cold wind of Mobei, nor was it the heavy sword he was most used to.

It was something longer.

It was a five-foot-long, horse-breaking long sword.

“This is the worst draw…”

Du Chengfeng’s heart could not help but feel cold.

The heavy sword was his usual weapon, and the old axe had already fed him a lot, but since he got this horse-breaking long sword, although he had sharpened it, he had never really taken it out to use it.

In other words, he and this knife are not very familiar with each other.

"Can I really trust you?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but feel doubtful.

But immediately, he put this doubt behind him.

Since the choice has been made, there is no need to regret it.

"My life is in your hands."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng tightened the handle of the knife.

The long knife was unsheathed.


It was obviously just the sound of the blade rubbing against the mouth of the sheath, but it seemed particularly harsh at this moment.

The short sound of the clang overwhelmed the horn, the drum beats, the curse, and even everything in Du Chengfeng's ears!

All that remained in Du Chengfeng's ears was the ethereal and clear sound of reading.


At the moment when the sound of reading overwhelmed the drum beats, Du Chengfeng instantly regained control of his body, and not only his body, but even his consciousness, once again regained clarity when the ethereal sound of reading sounded!


Du Chengfeng couldn't help but look down at the broken horse long sword in his hand.

The sharp blade hummed in his palm, as if the lingering sound just now had not faded.

It seemed that it was conveying something.

"Haven't you memorized the rest?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but be speechless.

"It's useless for you to ask me this, I haven't read the books here either."

Although he said this, Du Chengfeng's left hand had already taken out a short dagger from his bosom.

The rough handle tied with coarse cloth could only prevent the blade from cutting the hand. This was clearly the broken sword tip left by the swordsman Cui Yuan before.

"Although I haven't read the books here, I can recite something else for you."

As he spoke, Du Chengfeng knocked the blade of the long sword with the broken sword tip.

"Zhao Ke Man Hu Ying! Wu Gou Frost and Snow Ming!"

Accompanied by the sound of metal clashing, Du Chengfeng chanted loudly, chanting this poem that he could still recite.

The twelve men dancing around the fire in the distance seemed to have discovered that Du Chengfeng had escaped their control. The sound of the horns and drums became more and more dull, and even the sound of the curse that went straight into people's hearts became more and more melodious.

But this time, Du Chengfeng struck the long sword in his hand again.

"Silver saddle shines on white horses! It's like a meteor!"

Rather than chanting, it's better to say it's a simple shout. Du Chengfeng, who has never learned any music, has no rhythm when singing poems.

However, even in this noise-polluting chant, Du Chengfeng tapped the ground with his toes, and the whole person flew out like a meteor that cut through the sky.

The twelve dancing men in the distance finally realized that something was wrong, but they had no intention of escaping. These old men cut their arms and sprinkled their blood on the drums and horns in their hands.

The blood-stained drums and horns became more and more weird. Du Chengfeng's consciousness, which was brought back to clarity by Lang Lang's reading, sank again under the drums and horns, and was about to fall into madness.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng struck the long sword in his hand again.

Jibei has been a place where many generous and tragic people have been singing since ancient times.

No beautiful rhythm, no beautiful tune, and even no musical instruments are needed.

The ancient heroes, stretching their chests, just need to fencing and singing.

And now, Du Chengfeng is only three feet away from the twelve grassland dancers.

"Kill one person every ten steps! No trace in a thousand miles!"

With just two tiger leaps, Du Chengfeng's figure has fallen into the middle of the twelve grassland dancers.

As his figure rotated, the five-foot-long sword brought a complete arc under the moon.

Dragon and tiger two postures, flying dragon sword variation, full moon.

Some of the grassland dancers had already escaped from the range of the five-foot-long sword, but the light of the sword still passed over their necks.

"When the work is done, brush off the clothes and leave, and hide your body and name."

With the sound of Du Chengfeng putting the sword back into the sheath, twelve big heads rolled to the ground.

It was said that he should hide his merits and fame, so Du Chengfeng would not be stupid enough to stay here. After killing twelve people with one sword, Du Chengfeng hastily picked up something from the ground as a trophy, and immediately turned around and ran away with the five-foot-long sword.

"What? Do you want to hear the rest?"

Du Chengfeng, who had climbed onto the horse, was about to put all the weapons back into the saddle bag, but suddenly felt a slight tremor in the broken horse sword in his hand.

"This... don't ask, I'll tell you when I have time."

With that, Du Chengfeng stuffed the broken horse sword back into the saddle bag.

It's not that he deliberately kept it a secret.

The main thing is that he himself hadn't memorized the whole poem.

I stayed up all night without realizing it and wrote 4,500 words. I was thinking about whether to cut it into two chapters, but then I thought it might affect the reading experience, so I just posted it in one chapter.

Then, thank you all for your recommendation votes, thank you all for your encouragement and support.

In addition: Thank you for the reward from the glimmer of dawn and book friend 20220707215747929. I am flattered and I spent money.

Thank you for the unpromising robot, book friend 20170206125010212, Qingshan Gong, Lu Zezi, book friend 150715231131790, Hero Saitama, book friend 20190326234753432, Riding a fish without seeing the clouds, Paper cutting the stone, and book friend 20180928113617991 for their monthly tickets.

Your support is my motivation to move forward. Thank you all for your encouragement and support. I'm going to go get a sledgehammer and take a nap, and then continue writing when I wake up.

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