In the Blade

Chapter 512: Seeing the World to See Oneself

As he wiped the fishing rod, Du Chengfeng gradually felt the past of the fishing rod.

The fishing rod was made by the old man. At that time, the old man was still very young. At the beginning, fishing was just his hobby - of course, if he could really catch some fish to eat, it would be even better. After all, in this year of lack of food and clothing, fish meat is very nourishing.

But the facts prove that hobbies are just hobbies. The old man who just started to learn fishing can only go home empty-handed every day.

However, the old man did not give up. He would still go fishing frequently. Even if he just sat by the water for a while, it was a great joy for him.

That leisure time away from the hustle and bustle of the world, but money can not necessarily buy it.

Of course, just sitting by the river is not interesting, so in his spare time, the old man would often observe the fish in the water - that is, in the process of observing these fish, the old man's understanding of a truth became clearer and clearer.

That is, big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps.

This is the case in rivers, ponds, and everywhere with water.

"That is to say, as long as I use small fish that big fish want to eat as bait, I will definitely be able to..."

With this thought in mind, he swung the rod again.

It was his first time to catch a fish, and the delicious fish soup made his eyes light up.

From zero to one is always the most difficult, but from one to ten is much easier. After he began to apply the truth he had learned, the fishing skills of the fisherman improved by leaps and bounds - soon, fishing changed from his hobby to his main business, and he could make a living just by fishing.

In the process, his understanding of fishing became more and more profound.

Although in simple terms, it can be said that big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps, but when it comes to details, some big fish may not eat small fish. They may prefer to eat shrimps, or even earthworms on the ground. Some small fish may not be eaten. Sometimes these small fish with sharp teeth can even take advantage of the big fish being injured and rush to bite the big fish to death.

Although the river is still the same river and the fishing rod is still the same fishing rod, as the days of fishing get longer and longer, the fisherman's ideas have gradually changed dramatically.

"So this is it, so this is fishing... So this is fishing!"

After understanding all this, the fisherman's fishing skills have become more and more amazing.

At the beginning, he still needed to hang bait on the fishing rod, and even sprinkle a lot of bait to make a nest, so that he could catch fish. This was more like feeding fish than fishing. The fish caught might not be worth the bait he sprinkled. But as he gradually understood fishing, he gradually stopped using bait to make a nest, and even the bait hung on the fish hook became less and less.

Now, not only does he not need to make a nest, he doesn't even hang any bait on the fish hook.

"If you don't even hang bait, how can the fish bite your hook?"

Some villagers asked him doubtfully, after all, this fishing method seems a bit too unreliable.

But he didn't want to explain anything, or maybe everything behind it was too complicated.

After he stopped using the hook, his catch was significantly reduced. Fishing had originally made him wealthy, but now he could only make ends meet. This also made the villagers who had high hopes for him shake their heads. They originally thought that he was a good candidate, but now, the good candidate was ruined.

Facing everyone's opinions, the fisherman did not say anything, but continued to persevere.

He knew what he wanted to do, and this was his first attempt.

Time passed day by day, and the fisherman had been fishing without bait for five consecutive years. In five years, his catch gradually returned to the level when he had baited, and he could carry a basket of fish every time.

The villagers speculated whether he had secretly put the bait on again, but he just smiled and did not say much.

He had done what he wanted to do, and his attempt had been successful.

"The bait itself is just a carrier. What's important is how to make these fish want to come."

Five years have allowed him to fully practice this truth, and in those fishing again and again, his understanding of the river, the pond, the village, and the world has become more and more profound.

It's like this in the river, the pond, the village, the town, and the city. Everything seems different, and everything seems the same.

However, just when the fisherman thought that he would fish by the river for the rest of his life, an accident happened.

It was a conscription team, recruiting young and strong people from the village to fight. As a young and strong man, the fisherman was naturally pulled over - so, after being put on a layer of armor by the soldiers, the fisherman with a spear in his hand was sent to the front line.

That was a battle against the coastal pirates. The fierce pirates were very good at jumping over and slashing. The most troublesome thing was that these pirates were very familiar with spears. They could easily dodge the fatal stab of the spears by changing their body movements.

On one side were the young men who had just been pulled up, and on the other side were the pirates who killed people like crazy. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was no different from committing suicide.

But the fisherman didn't think so.

"Like a fish."

When the fisherman saw the pirates who dodged the spear tip and leaped in, he suddenly thought of himself fishing by the river.

When the big fish eats the small fish, it is so ferocious. It only needs to sway its body to jump far away. Ordinary small fish can't compete with the big fish at all. They can only be eaten - but this does not mean that the big fish has no weaknesses.

The weakness of the big fish is that it wants to eat too much.

The glaring desire is simply obvious.

"The more you want to eat, the easier it is to bite the hook."

Thinking of this, the spear tip in the fisherman's hand has been raised like a fishing rod.

And the pirate general in front of him has been lifted into the air.

This is the first time the fisherman has killed someone. The feeling is very ordinary, as if it is no different from killing a fish.

After all, there seems to be no difference between people and fish.

But the people around him didn't seem to think so. They thought he had done something remarkable. As he caught more and more human-faced fish, other people's praise for him became stronger and stronger. Soon, the hard leather armor on his body was replaced with thick armor, and the broken wooden spear in his hand was replaced with a specially made bamboo iron pole gun.

Only the old fishing rod was not replaced. It was always with him, never leaving his side, even when he went to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

But soon, he had no chance to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

A decree from the rear directly took off his armor. It turned out that the rear suspected that the pirates could not be defeated for so long because he kept the pirates for his own benefit. Although the reason sounded like that, he found it difficult to understand. Isn't it true that fish can't be caught completely?

Have the adults in the back never fished before? Don't they understand such a simple truth?

But no matter how much he didn't understand, he was eventually driven back to his hometown, so he returned to the riverside with the idea of ​​relaxing.

But this time, he could no longer fish like he did when he was young.

Due to years of drought, the river dried up, and without water, the fish naturally disappeared.

"In other words, the existence of fish is because of water."

At this moment, the things that were originally incomprehensible suddenly became clear.

There can only be fish where there is water. After all, water can raise fish. For fish to survive, they must be inseparable from water - and this means that the adults who denounced him really didn't not understand, but understood too much.

Those pirates were originally fish raised by the big guys behind them. With this living water behind them, how could they catch all the fish?

"Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps."

At this moment, he remembered what he realized when he was young.

"It turns out that I am still a small fish."

Thinking of this, he started fishing again.

This time, he not only did not put out the bait, but also did not put out the hook. He just dropped a piece of fishing line and put it on the dry riverbed. Fishing on the dry riverbed, not even putting out the hook, this time, not only the villagers, but everyone thought that he could not bear the blow and went crazy.

But he did not say anything. He still worked from sunrise to sunset. When he had nothing to do, he would sit by the dry riverbed and fish for a while.

Such days lasted for three years.

In three years, the drought was still not alleviated. Coupled with the struggle for fame and fortune among the bigwigs in the court, the world had begun to be in chaos. It was at this time that someone remembered him, the former general who suppressed the bandits, and hurried to his hometown to ask him to come out.

The rebel army, the bigwigs, and even the royal family all came to him. The rebel army needed him as the leader to overthrow the court. The bigwigs needed him to stand up and say that he was just taking off his armor and returning to the fields, so as to stabilize the current situation. As for the royal family... the royal family needed him to clean up those bigwigs and suppress the chaos of the rebel army.

"It's caught!"

Facing the three parties in front of him, he laughed and raised his hand to pick up the fishing rod in his hand.

The sharp and tough fishing line crossed the necks of these people and easily killed everyone.

Indeed, at this time, he could still stand up and enjoy those mundane fame and fortune, but after three years of fishing by the river, he had long been discouraged by these things - or in other words, compared with the true principles of heaven and earth in front of him, these mundane fame and fortune were nothing.

As long as he wanted, these things were as easy to get as fish in the river, and he had proved this.

And now, he was ready to live for himself.

So, with this idea in mind, the fisherman began his journey around the world. As he went to more and more places, his understanding of everything in the world was gradually deepening - as for those mundane fame and fortune, it was even more meaningless to him. In the past, he might need three years to prove himself, but now he was afraid that he could get it done with just a few words.

As time went by, he had absorbed all the knowledge on earth. Whether it was evil spirit, incense and wish power, or mental strength, the fundamentals of these powers were already at his fingertips. It was at this time that he, who had become somewhat empty, turned his sights to the sky.

Since the earth had been explored almost completely, the next step was naturally to explore the sky.

But he didn't know until he flew to the sky that the stars in the sky were caves opened by those senior masters. It turned out that he was not the first to set foot here - he also wanted to communicate with those senior masters and talk about their understanding and perception of this world, but those senior masters didn't pay attention to him, but stayed in the cave and rarely came out.

Just like the fish in the river.

Although it was a strange environment, the feeling of all this was so familiar.

"Then, let's start fishing."

The old fisherman began his plan.

Communicating with these senior masters may be a very troublesome thing, but when it comes to fishing, he is very proficient - so he spent a long time building his own cave and made up the news that he was about to die.

The most fragrant bait is always desire itself, and the fisherman is very clear about this.

So, the fish really took the bait.

Among the fish caught, there were many unknown powerful beings, some he knew, and some were simply brought to heaven by him - seeing so many powerful beings rushing over for their inheritance, the fisherman felt joy for the first time in a long time.

The fisherman caught fish for food, of course. With so many fish caught in his pond, how long can he eat?

"Come on, come on."

Thinking of this, the fisherman put the fishing rod into the pond in front of him.

"Let me see what you can leave for me in the end, let me see which fish among you is the biggest."

If nothing unexpected happens, according to the original idea of ​​the fisherman, these fish that enter the pond will kill each other, and he will be able to harvest everything from these fish - after all, even the fish pond itself belongs to him, and the dead fish naturally belong to him, and the last catch will become the most nutritious meal, which will extend his life and allow him to live a second life.

Yes, he was not pretending to be dying, but really dying. After all, only the most real bait can hook the most real desire.

But at this time, the fisherman suddenly found that few fish in the pond were dead.

Not only were they not dead, but these fish were still alive and well. No matter how he intervened, these fish were still alive and well, and even became more and more energetic.

This also caused the fisherman himself to be dragged to death by the pond.

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