In the Blade

Chapter 526: Expression of Death

In the cave of the Greedy Wolf Star Lord, the coyote was completely wrapped in the boundless death intention.

He had already noticed that there was something wrong with his cave when he just came back. The big city in his memory was not something in his cave at all, and the boundless death intention was obviously not a force that his former friend could control - so for safety reasons, he still sent Du Chengfeng away and asked him to go to the other side to prepare.

This was not for Du Chengfeng's safety, but mainly for his own safety. After all, it was so difficult for Du Chengfeng to defeat the Emperor Dajing.

And this former friend of his seemed to be just a vanguard in the whole battle.

It was so difficult to just defeat a vanguard, so he couldn't participate in the rest of the battle. After all, the enemy was too insidious, and the iron man could be affected at any time - if they really turned against him on the spot and were hit hard from behind, they would both die.


Looking at the army of corpses pouring out of the big city in the distance, the coyote's face darkened.

He had obtained intelligence from the clone constructed by the iron spear before. He thought that these corpses were the masterpieces of his friend. After all, these were the soldiers of Dajing. On the surface, they would indeed obey the emperor of Dajing. But now it seems that this is not the case at all. His friend does not have such a level of means.

Although these corpse soldiers were once soldiers of Dajing, they have long lost their former identities, status, and even everything.

Whoever makes them alive, they will listen to him.

"Is this your method?"

The coyote's sight passed over the city and looked in a farther direction.

"Just rely on these things? Just rely on them to kill me?"

As far as the sight reaches, the coyote did not get any response.

Only the tide of death composed of the corpse soldiers was advancing firmly.

This action is also a response, a response that is clearer than words.

"...Then you look down on me too much."

Take a deep breath and the coyote raised his head.

The sky, which had been overcast due to the spread of death, had completely darkened at some point - but under this dark night, the bright moonlight tore through the clouds.

And when the moonlight sprinkled on the earth, the whole jungle seemed to come alive at this moment.

The green light of stars lit up in the forest.

Those were pairs of hungry eyes.

"Let's go."

The coyote lowered his head and began his charge.

Under the moonlight, the wolf's body, which was originally ordinary, had grown several times larger at some point, and the mane fluttering in the wind around its neck made it look like a real king - and behind this king, countless wolves rushed out, and those wolves outlined by the moonlight had the same hunger, the same ferocity, and even the same coldness.

The cold wind blew over, which further boosted the power of the wolves. In this cold wind, they were the death gods who harvested lives!


The wave of death formed by the corpse soldiers and the wolf pack outlined by the cold wind and moonlight collided fiercely.

The entire cave seemed to be trembling because of this collision, and then countless people and horses were thrown to the ground - the skeleton soldiers were torn to pieces by countless bloody mouths, and the wolves were killed by sharp blades and spears. It was not so much a head-on battle as it was that both sides were rushing to death.

But they would not die. The skeleton soldiers would not die. No matter how many times they were torn to pieces, they would still piece together their bodies and stand up again. The wolves would not die either. They were originally made of moonlight and cold wind. No matter how they were chopped, as long as the cold wind continued to blow and the moonlight continued to sprinkle on them, they could still condense into their own bodies again.

Death and life, at this moment, seemed to have lost their boundaries.

This battle seemed to never end, and they seemed to fight until the end of this world.

"So, is this what you are capable of?"

After smashing dozens of corpse generals with one claw, the coyote looked into the distance again.

Indeed, the tide-like attacks of these corpse generals were indeed fierce, and even he had to use some means when facing this endless offensive - but if it was just this kind of attack, it would be impossible to take him down after all. It would be too much to look down on him to rely on these weak corpse soldiers like ants to pile him to death.

You know, before he flew into the sky, he already had the ability to fight against an army alone, and he alone was enough to kill an entire army. Now, even if the number of enemies in front of him has increased by many times, he himself has also become stronger.

Just relying on this kind of thing to take him down is simply...

Are his enemies really so stupid?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. The other party is not an ordinary person. This is a real powerful person. Even his cheap mentor, the powerful fisherman, was suspected to have died in his cave because of this powerful person's black hand. If he already has such a means, why would he use such a clumsy way to attack him?

There must be something wrong here, there must be something he hasn't noticed yet.

There must be something...


The coyote suddenly remembered something and looked up at the sky.

As the coyote moved, the bright moonlight once again entered the clouds.

And the wolves outlined by the moonlight disappeared as the moonlight faded.

The endless killing suddenly stopped.

"That was close!"

Looking at the skeleton fragments all over the ground, the coyote's face was quite ugly.

Indeed, he could have continued to fight just now, he could even break the skeleton army like waves, and even kill them all - but this would have no meaning for the skeleton army that was already dead, but he himself would get deeper and deeper in this killing.

You know, just now, he even felt that he and the wolves were like the death god who harvested lives.

What a joke, they are obviously wolves, a wolf pack that preys on the weak, how can they become the death god!


Raising his head again, the coyote has completely understood what the enemy wants to do.

From the beginning, their enemies never thought of killing them.

After all, for a master who studies death, killing the opponent is the most meaningless thing. You know, even Coyote himself actually has dozens of ways to revive himself after death-of course, his enemies may crack these methods one by one, so that he really dies, but this time-consuming and laborious thing is obviously not rewarding.

So, what is rewarding?

The answer is simple.

Directly recruiting them is the most rewarding thing.

There is no need to kill them, just recruit them, you can get their ideas, their knowledge, and even everything about them-as for the way of recruiting, this is completely different from the mortal world, which can be clearly seen from the way the other party took action.

You can't keep the strong just by relying on high positions and generous salaries, and there is no way to make the powerful really agree with it. After all, the powerful have their own ideas and the path they want to take.

Therefore, if you want other powerful people to submit to you, the simplest way is also clear.

Destroy his state of mind, destroy his path, tear apart everything he has, and knock him down from the clouds to the ground.

Then reach out a hand and tell him what is truly right.

"So... is this what you want to tell me?"

The coyote looked at the skeleton army in front of him.

Or rather, he was staring at the strong sense of death on these skeleton soldiers.

"The living are only a moment, and death is eternal? Is this what you want to tell me? Is this what you want to show me?"

The coyote did not get any response, and the skeleton soldiers in front of him did not give him any response. They just pressed over silently, pressing in the direction where the coyote was.

The heavy footsteps made the coyote sweat profusely.

At the moment, he seemed to be trapped in an unsolvable dead end. No matter what he did, nothing would change. He could continue to kill these damned skeletons, but that would make him understand death more and more, and get closer to the identity of the "God of Death" that the other party had defined for him. But if he just stopped here and did nothing, and waited for the tide of death to come all the way, even if these skeleton soldiers looked like ants to him, they would still be bitten by ants.

Once he died because of these skeleton soldiers, he would probably still fall into the hands of the enemy.

Of course, there was a third option, which was to simply run away, as far as he could, but if he really chose this path, it would mean that he took the initiative to break the path he chose. You know, he has always believed in the law of the jungle. Now that he ran away, it means that he must admit that he is the weak one.

He is not the Greedy Wolf Star Lord who eats others, but the weak one who is eaten by others. After he admits this, it is probably difficult for him to maintain his current stable state of mind.

The enemy was more experienced than he expected. With just one move, he had already forced him into a dead end!

"I won't fall here... How could I fall here!"

Gritting his teeth, the coyote looked up.

The bright moonlight broke through the clouds again, but this time, the moonlight did not outline any other wild wolves, but all shone on the coyote.

Obviously, the coyote was ready to fight desperately at this moment. Under the moonlight, the coyote was ready to go all out!

But at this moment, he found that his enemy also gave a new response.

It was a response to his desperate behavior, a blow to his survival instinct, and the last straw that pressed on him.

There was a familiar old man holding a fishing rod, sitting on the clouds, with a dead face and a calm face.

There was no hook on the hanging fishing line, but just looking at the old man's posture, it seemed that he was fishing for something more elusive.


The moment he saw the old man, the coyote, who was about to fight to the death, was struck by lightning.

This was his cheap mentor, and the guide who brought him to heaven. This was a much stronger person than him - the most important thing was that the appearance of this dead body had completely confirmed his guess!

The enemy was too strong.

There was no possibility of victory if he relied on himself alone.

But driven by the instinct of survival, the coyote still flew up, and its agile figure stepped on the clouds, like a mighty beast in ancient legends - but this was meaningless to the dead face of the old man fishing, who didn't even want to move.

Just a flick of the fishing line, the coyote in the air was tied up tightly.

The familiar failure awakened the long-lost sense of frustration in the coyote's heart. It was still the same move, and he still couldn't break it - perhaps from the moment the old man's body appeared, he had already lost. His law of the jungle, even if it could swallow the sky and the earth, could not solve anything.

Only death is eternal, only death is the truth of this world...


Just when the coyote was about to be fished all the way to the clouds, another fishing rod pierced the back of the old man's body.

"What's going on? Isn't this old thing dead?"

In the air, the tin man holding the fishing rod looked puzzled.

"I remember watching you eat this thing in one gulp. How come you spit it out again?"

"Don't do it!"

Seeing that the supportive coyote had no joy on his face, he was horrified.

"Don't do it! Don't kill..."


With the swing of the fishing rod, the old man's body was immediately cut into pieces all over the ground.

"What did you say just now? What do you mean don't do it?"

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng came back to his senses and looked at the coyote in the air.

"Why can't you do it? I saw you fighting with him..."

"You can't kill! You can't kill this!"

Recalling his experience just now, the coyote hurriedly explained to Du Chengfeng.

"If we kill them, and kill these corpses, we will also be stained with the meaning of death, and we will gradually begin to understand death. At that time, we are afraid that time will..."

"When will it be? What will happen?"

Du Chengfeng still looked puzzled.

"What's wrong with killing them? What's the problem? Or, even if they are all killed, what's the problem? As for what you said about understanding death... Is there anything wrong with this? I don't think there is anything wrong with this."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng patted his chest.

"I tell you, when it comes to understanding death, I am the best. I am the first."

"No one can understand death itself better than me."

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