In the Blade

Chapter 528: Walking in someone else's footsteps

Every great power has its own path to follow.

This is also the difference between the powerful and the ordinary, or in other words, the difference between heaven and earth - when the ordinary masters on earth are still cultivating the power of the three turbidities and are in a dead end without knowing it, the masters in heaven are Dagong has already noticed the hidden dangers of these powers and has taken the initiative to deal with these problems.

That is, from the turbidity, the purity is born.

If the power of the three turbidities is regarded as a rhizome buried deep in the ground, then the power of purity is the towering tree born from this rhizome.

Just like the old saying goes, there are no two identical leaves in the world, so naturally there are no two identical trees in the world, although just like all trees are called trees, these giants Any method of controlling turbid power can be called "pure", but each powerful person has his own way of achieving this pure power.

Just like a fisherman observing the principles of heaven and earth through fishing in a fish pond, or the coyote understanding through his own experience that everything in this world is just the law of the jungle... These are their own paths, their own. Observation and understanding of the world are their means of controlling power, and it is also the way they view everything in the world.

And now, right in front of Du Chengfeng, the rotten-faced living corpse was looking towards death.

The observation and understanding of death is the way he views everything in the world, the means by which he controls his power, and the basis of his strength. But now, someone dares to shout in front of him. His understanding is still too shallow. Already?

How dare you say that you know death better than him?

"...That's fine."

After a moment of silence, the living corpse-like figure started to laugh.

"Then I will let you experience what real death is!"

"Do you have any other tricks you can use?"

Among the pile of steel debris, Du Chengfeng's voice was still shouting.

"Hurry up, I will come if you don't come...huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Du Chengfeng suddenly felt a deep tiredness.

It was the fatigue that penetrated deeply into the limbs and bones. The whole body became exhausted at this moment. The seemingly insignificant soreness and numbness that originally permeated the body suddenly turned into extreme fatigue at this moment, and even the consciousness He also became drowsy, as if he might as well just fall asleep.

Once you fall asleep, it may be difficult to wake up again.

If just now, Du Chengfeng was still laughing at the enemy's understanding of death, then now, he had to say that this living corpse seemed to have done some research on death - just looking at the feeling now, it was obvious that It was exactly the same as Emperor Dajing's experience when he died. The erosion of this will to die really simulated the state of running out of gas and oil.

However, it is just a simulation.

"I'm going to say it again."

Du Chengfeng's voice sounded again.

"Your understanding of death is still too shallow."

As he said this, the metal debris on the ground was like a storm, sucking the living corpse into it.

The first thing to be sealed was the most commonly used vision. The living corpse's eyes were directly sealed by the molten metal, followed closely by the hearing. Tiny metal debris had filled the living corpse's ear canals, and then came the As for the sense of smell, the nasal cavity of the living corpse was also sealed completely in the same way.

"Is this your understanding of death?"

Facing the oncoming metal storm, the living corpse was already waving its sleeves hard, and the short sword in its sleeves was fanned continuously, and the already fine metal scraps were directly crushed into powder!

But these fans still rushed towards him firmly.

"If you think you can kill me like this..."

Du Chengfeng didn't answer, and those tiny metal scraps responded on his behalf.

Metal shards filled the living corpse's mouth, sealing off his sense of taste.

Immediately afterwards, the countless metal fragments all gathered together and were locked on the living corpse. This was also the last step of the entire process. The living corpse's sense of touch was also completely sealed.

Can't see, hear, smell, taste, touch.

At this moment, the living corpse is completely unable to establish any contact with the outside world.

In the darkness, all that remains is silence itself.

"This is my understanding of death."

This was the last voice Du Chengfeng left to the living corpse.

"Feel it well."

And after that, there was no more sound.

Can't see, hear, smell, taste, let alone touch. The living corpse at this moment is completely unable to do anything. Only its consciousness is awake, but this awakening is meaningless - in In the darkness where all five senses had failed, he couldn't even tell the time.

Maybe a long time has passed, or maybe it's just a moment. I don't know where I am now, and I don't know where I am. I can't do anything, and I can't do anything. Only the boundless silence is the only thing in this world. of truth.

"But this is not death."

The living corpse thought so.

"You are just simulating death. By closing my five senses, you are simulating death itself... Is this your understanding of death?"

Thinking of this, the living corpse already had some understanding in his heart.

"I have to say that the simulation is very accurate. You should have witnessed real death with your own eyes. But there is still something missing in your understanding of death. At least my consciousness has not dissipated."

Even if the five senses are cut off, as long as the consciousness itself has not dissipated, he is still not dead.

This is not even a bad thing for him.

This dead silence that lasts for years is a torture for anyone, but for him who has studied death, it is as warm and comfortable as returning home - to others, it may be a very terrifying thing to live for years, but in his opinion, it is a great time.

When a day can be used as a year, what kind of accumulation will this long time bring him?

"As long as I can still think and summarize, even death will bring gains."

Thinking of this, the zombie simply calmed down and began to meditate.

It was not an ordinary meditation in the ordinary sense of mortals, but a fantasy after escaping into the netherworld. In this dead silence, he had plenty of time to summarize and summarize himself, and even innovate and come up with something new.

At this moment, the competition between him and the tin man was no longer a competition of strength.

What they competed for was their understanding of death, and who would have the last laugh.

The zombie felt that he would definitely be the one who would have the last laugh, after all, he really understood death itself, he had even died once, and had personally experienced the feeling of death - so he would definitely be the one who would have the last laugh, after all, no one could compare to him who had really died once in death.

"When did this happen?"

Thinking of this, the zombie began to recall the past.

He was not the zombie he is now. At that time, he was still an ordinary master of evil spirits in the world, but unlike other masters of evil spirits, he had this power, but he also saw the hidden dangers of this power - so although he did kill people everywhere, he only killed those who were extremely evil, and besides killing people, he was also kind and generous, and was happy to use his property to help the people.

Of course, it was mainly because he was not short of money.

As a master, he naturally had a lot of wealth. Moreover, killing people was a business without capital. If he kept killing people, the spoils alone would be enough to make him rich. So he was happy to give away the money, which he thought was a way to eliminate evil spirits.

However, this kind of money-gathering behavior could easily attract the covetousness of bad guys.

However, because he had strong military power, he never cared much about it. Anyway, at most he would just pick up the sword and kill them, which was just right for cultivating evil spirits.

While attracting enemies' covetousness by giving away money, he killed these enemies to cultivate evil spirits and replenished his family wealth. In a sense, he actually achieved a stable positive cycle.

However, the good times did not last long.

Facts have proved that he was still a little inconsiderate. Perhaps he could be called invincible in the world when he took up the sword, but when he put down the sword and returned to the bedroom, his flesh and blood body was still ordinary - especially when he took off his inner armor and slept soundly on the bed, his skills became even more useless.

Of course, as a master, he was still prepared. If an external enemy broke in, he would definitely get up and draw his sword at the first time.

But the one who attacked him that time was not an external enemy.

That was a concubine he married, and the only woman he married into the house. Because he went out to kill people all year round and his whereabouts were erratic, he did not marry a wife. Only this concubine was his pillow, and he was also the person he trusted the most - after all, this concubine was rescued by him from a brothel where a good woman was forced into prostitution. The relationship between the two sides was as strong as gold, so how could he not trust each other?

But on the night of that day, when he was sleeping soundly, a dagger pierced his heart.

The dagger cut open his heart, and then destroyed his lungs. He didn't even have time to fight back before his whole body was completely disabled.

He was dead, deader than death.

What does death feel like? It's the loss of all five senses, the dissipation of consciousness, everything, all returning to death - only the deepest hatred was still burning in his chest with the pain.

He couldn't believe that the person he trusted so much would attack him?

But even if he didn't believe it, it was meaningless, he died after all.

But he came back to life.

Perhaps he had done so many good deeds that the people he had helped didn't want to believe that he was dead. In order to thank him for his help, the people even built a shrine for him - and in the constant prayers of these people day and night, he actually came back to life from death.

The first thing he did after surviving was, of course, revenge. He had not forgotten the hatred. It was at this time that he realized that when he went out to hunt those criminals and did not go home for years, the concubine he trusted very much had already had an affair with a scholar because of loneliness.

At that time, he was killed to seize his property. Now this pair of adulterers was spending his wealth while holding a funeral for him, and they were living happily.

So he went straight to kill the pair of adulterers, which was not a difficult task for him.

But what happened after killing them?

After the great revenge was taken, what was left for him was endless emptiness. He had already died once, and all that was left was confusion.

Continue to cultivate evil spirit? It seems meaningless. No matter how many people I kill, it seems that's all.

Continue to accumulate wealth? It seems meaningless. No matter how much money I make, it seems that's all.

As for continuing to live... what's the purpose of living?

"People live just to... die?"

Recalling his experience of dying once, something in his heart was touched.

So, taking advantage of this experience of death, he simply spent all his wealth and no longer showed his former identity. Instead, he began to travel around and look for things related to death. This experience of surviving from death made him realize that death was not as simple as he imagined.

"Then... it's now."

After recalling the past, he came back to his senses.

Yes, whether it is strength or wealth, they are just external things. What is really worth his life is the mystery of this world itself. Perhaps it is because of his death once that he has developed a strong interest in death. It is this exploration of death itself that has supported him to this day.

"So no one understands death better than me."

He thought so.

"After all, I am the one who knows death best. I am immortal... huh?"

At this moment, his chest suddenly felt a sharp pain.

Not only in the chest, but even all over the body, as if his whole body had been cut into pieces, even ground to pieces!

"You, you actually..."

This was his last consciousness.

"You actually want to..."

"No one understands death better than me."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng's voice sounded again.

"People will die when they are killed. This is normal, right? What does your expression mean? Do you think I will only seal your five senses?"

The blood-stained metal debris once again gathered into shape, and then under the calcination of the blazing flames, it was recast into Du Chengfeng's original shape.

And in front of him, the zombie just now had turned into a pile of bloody and fleshy fragments.

"And the equipment exploded."

Kicking the fragments in front of him, Du Chengfeng picked up a short sword from a piece of bloody flesh.

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