In the Blade

Chapter 530 Soul and Spirit

Du Chengfeng once thought that the world was normal.

At least it seemed normal, especially when he first arrived, the simple but wild countryside once made him think that this was some ordinary ancient society. He could just rely on his insights that transcended his time. Push yourself as far as possible.

But after that, he also experienced the abnormal side of this world. Those wars and chaos were okay. Even the evil spirit can be understood as another form of magical internal force, but the evil spirit can turn people into monsters. He really didn't expect it.

But no matter how outrageous it is, at this level, it should be the limit.

However, it is a pity that this is still not the limit, especially when he comes into contact with the abstract power of mind, he simply cannot believe what kind of place this is - a world where as long as he has a firm will, he can do anything. A world where all your wishes come true. God knows how this unstable world is maintained.

After the mental effort, when he gradually came into contact with more outrageous things such as the power of incense and wish, Du Chengfeng was even a little numb. The world was already outrageous to this extent, no matter how outrageous it was, it was probably just like this. , a world of strong idealism, where anything can happen and nothing is impossible. He thought he could adapt to everything and everything was normal.

But now, he found that he seemed to be too naive.

This world has never been normal at all, or in other words, this world has not been normal from the beginning.

In this world, there is not even death.

Death is absent in this world. There has never been real death in this world. Those so-called deaths are just a form of eternal sleep. As long as new power is injected, as long as they are awakened again, these dead He will appear in this world again and live again.


The amount of information behind this inadvertent news was so huge that Du Chengfeng was stunned for a moment.

This doesn't seem to be a good thing. After all, no one can die, which means that his enemies are not actually dead. They can always come back to life and cause him trouble again - but if you think about it, this It seemed to be a good thing, at least it also proved that the old brother Li Carpenter who was resurrected by him was resurrected in the true sense, rather than summoning some strange thing.

Of course, strictly speaking, this resurrection is not complete. After all, the wooden man Carpenter Li actually lost some memories, and another part of Carpenter Li is attached to the long stick.

This stick was originally made to be used as a long pole for a long-handled weapon. Wu Zhao snatched it away and killed Carpenter Li. Now, the stick was given to him by the wooden man Li Carpenter as a souvenir. think.

He could feel the pulse on the pole, as if the old brother was still with him.

"So in this world, something like life can actually be divided into parts?"

With this in mind, Du Chengfeng looked at Coyote.

"Well, I have a question."


Coyote nodded.

"As long as I know, I can answer it."

"It's actually not a complicated matter."

Du Chengfeng worked hard to organize the language.

"It's like I'm killing you now..."

"You have indeed rebelled!"

The coyote was furious.

"I knew it! How could you come back like this..."

"No, just listen to me first."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head in embarrassment.

"What I mean is, for example, if I kill you now, you are dead, and then I resurrect you, but at this time you only have part of your memory..."

"Oh, you said this."

Hearing what Du Chengfeng said, the coyote was startled and lay back down again.

"That's not right. You have already practiced to this point, but you still don't know about souls?"


Du Chengfeng was stunned.

He knows this word. After all, it is not a rare word. Let alone this world, he often used it even a long time ago - but he has always regarded these illusory things as feudalism. Superstitious, after all, in his eyes, people will die if they are killed.

But now he already knows that people will not die even if they are killed. The so-called death is just a long sleep. Since it is a long sleep, there is still the possibility of waking up.

So the term soul...

"The soul is your will. It is what you use to control your body. It also determines the memory you just mentioned."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng still didn't understand, Coyote simply continued to explain.

"Since you didn't know this before, you must remember now that although theoretically you can be resurrected after death, try not to die if you can. A hasty resurrection can only awaken part of your soul, and the rest will still be alive. You need to find it yourself.”

"Look for it yourself?"

Du Chengfeng was a little confused.

"you mean……"

"To find those lost memories."

Coyote is concise and to the point.

After hearing this, Du Chengfeng probably understood the key.

The so-called soul is the carrier of memory. The road traveled and past experiences will determine a person's character and the way a person does things - so only when all the memories come back, will you be complete, otherwise you will lack If a part of the memory is lost, the person's personality is likely to change drastically, and it may even seem like a different person.

"So, I have another question."

Du Chengfeng raised his hand again.

Coyote's face has begun to look a little stiff. He didn't expect that the Tin Woodman actually had so many questions. The questions are one after another, as if they are endless. Doesn't the Tin Woodman actually understand nothing?

But when he saw the Tin Man's expression, Coyote suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

Yes, it’s this expression, just like when he was a monkey when he was trapped in Diaosou’s fish pond. Every time this expression appears, the Tin Man will always...

"Just my last question."

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng spoke.

"If, I mean if, your enemy wants to mess with you, and then resurrects part of you... can the remaining part of you still be resurrected?"

"What is the resurrection part?"

Coyote suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

"What do you mean?"

"I think it's really stupid to wait for the Sangmen Star to call."

Du Chengfeng's words are upright and stern.

"I can't wait any longer. I want to decide the outcome with him now, but I definitely can't beat him in his prime, so let's resurrect part of him first."


The coyote was stunned.

Is this something a human being can say?

But when he thought about it carefully, Coyote was stunned. This method sounded like it was indeed feasible - of course, it was definitely not possible before. After all, the Sangmenxing who specialized in death was still alive, but now, that Sangmenxing was still alive. Men Xing is already dead.

After death, they can be resurrected. They are not proficient in death, so they can only resurrect part of the Sangmen Star. After missing this part, if the Sangmen Star is resurrected by its own method... then the resurrection What will come out?

Coyote's brain fell into chaos. He had always thought about the law of the jungle and the strong, and he had never thought about this issue.

"But, but..."

The brain is rejecting this chaotic thinking, and the coyote is also trying to find reasons not to do such a thing.

"If we want to resurrect the Sangmen Star, we must at least have something close to his body. We need the breath from it to bring back his..."

"Personal items? Yes!"

Hearing what Coyote said, Du Chengfeng simply took out the dagger.

It's a shame to say that he was originally prepared to use this dagger. After all, this sword could easily cut through his body made of steel. It was obvious that the great master who studied death was on this sword. A lot of effort was put into it - of course, now that the sword was his, he had planned to see if he could use the same method to strengthen his own weapon.

But looking at it now...

"Forget it, let's not grind it for now."

Looking at the dagger in his hand, Du Chengfeng thought for a moment and gave up sharpening it.

Although polishing it would allow him to see the memory contained in this dagger and experience the powerful past, but at the moment, on the one hand, it is not easy to do it in front of the coyote, and on the other hand, it is not easy to do it in front of the coyote. Because he was a little lazy, and the other reason was that after resurrecting the powerful person, he directly tortured the powerful person, and the effect was not much different.

Of course, it was mainly because he was lazy. After all, he had experienced too many things like sharpening knives.

He has to go through most of the life of the blade holder every time. He is also tired of this kind of thing, especially such a powerful memory. God knows whether hundreds or thousands of years have passed in it - in the experience After such a long span of time, it only took a while for him to come back to his senses and adapt to the present, which was also an exhausting thing for him.

After all, he had just finished a game and was already very tired. It was understandable that he would occasionally be lazy.

What's more, he couldn't lose the dagger. At worst, he would just have to sharpen it again afterwards.

As for now...

"It's up to you."

Du Chengfeng handed the dagger to Coyote.

"Resurrect as many as he can. I want to see his strength."

"I suddenly regret bringing you up here."

The coyote's expression was rather subtle.

"I always feel that you are more suitable to be a beast than me...forget it, I'll work first."

Saying this, the coyote who took the dagger in his hand tilted his head and nailed the dagger to the mountain of corpses at his feet.

Yes, for them, resurrecting the zombie star is really not complicated. After all, they are all powerful and have experienced resurrection through the power of wishes. Now, although they do not have a corpse, they still have the zombie star. Men Xing's personal weapon - of course, that's not enough. They also need something related to the Ming Men Star, that is, the necessary death will, so that this resurrection can be considered relatively complete.

But it happened to be here. The remains of the corpse soldiers sent by the Sangmen Star were everywhere. These remains had even piled up into a hill. What they lacked most at the moment was the will to die.

"What's more, I also want to know what will happen if we resurrect him."

Thinking like this, the coyote's eyes began to become persistent.

This was a sign that the willpower had begun to work. The coyote took the initiative to stir up the three turbidities on its body. In the process, the coyote also raised its claws and stood up, trying to piece together the broken bones and corpses in front of it into a complete human figure - this was not enough to rely on the wolf's claws alone, so Du Chengfeng also participated in the piecing together.

Du Chengfeng's puzzle skills were pretty good, and soon a skeleton human figure was pieced together under his hands.

Bones alone were definitely not enough, so the coyote went to the side to dig out some tree hearts as muscles and tendons. The fine fibers of the tree looked quite similar to muscles. In addition, the coyote also attracted the mysterious moonlight in the cave. Under the moonlight, these wood fibers soon became the same as ordinary flesh and blood.

And at the end of everything, the coyote put the short sword that was already filled with death into the hands of the corpse as a guide for everything.

"Stay a little further away, be careful that he will come and chop you when he wakes up."

Speaking of this, the coyote cautiously stepped back a few steps.

"In fact, it would be better to put it at the heart. We should have used this dagger to build his body directly... Who told you to take the sword back? Now we can only use some dangerous methods."

"It's okay, everything is easy."

Du Chengfeng was ready. As long as the corpse opened his eyes, he would grab the dagger back as soon as possible.

Although he did say that he wanted to compete with the resurrected death star, it was only to compete with the death star - as for the dagger, this sword was his trophy, it was already his, how could he use it to help the enemy?

"Three, two, one... go!"

Seeing that the resurrected death star opened his eyes, Du Chengfeng took the dagger back from the other party with one hand, and his strength was so great that he almost tore off half of the other party's arm.

But to the surprise of Du Chengfeng and Jiaolang, the resurrected Death Star had no intention of attacking them.

Instead, he looked at them blankly.

"Who... are you?"

The resurrected corpse looked at them in confusion, then looked around.

"Where am I?"

It was at this time that the resurrected corpse noticed the pile of corpses under him.

"Is this... is this hell? I finally got my retribution?"

"Who are you?"

Seeing this situation, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but speak.

"Aren't you the Death Star?"

"I am..."

The resurrected corpse looked confused.

"My name is Zheng Qixing, who are you?"

"Also, why are you holding that dagger? Isn't that what I gave to my concubine?"

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