In the Blade

Chapter 540: Familiar Three Punches and Two Kicks

"This... I'm really sorry."

After a brief exchange, Zheng Qixing apologized to Du Chengfeng.

Zheng Qi Good thing.

The ancestor, who had only a trace of obsession left, helped his descendants and local people punish the king who was unkind and greedy for wealth before he was about to rest. This can even be called a good story.

Even after Du Chengfeng thought about it for a while, he couldn't think of any better way to deal with it. After all, if he punished him himself, it would be faster, but it would still be regarded as directly punishing the whole family of the Wang Yuan. Painful sleep.

In contrast, the corpse soldier made Wang Yuanwai's whole family miserable, which was more in line with the purpose of punishment.

"That's okay."

Du Chengfeng figured it out and turned around to leave. Anyway, this was the place he chose to practice, and it was unnecessary for him to stay here.

But at this time, Zheng Qixing stopped him.

"Brother, don't worry, I know a good place here."

"How to say?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but turn around.

Looking at Zheng Qixing's expression, Du Chengfeng already understood that the two of them wanted to go together. In fact, when he chose to leave just now, he felt a little unsure. After all, his so-called mortal experience had already been exhausted. He has bumped into two powerful men one after another. If he goes to look for it on his own and bumps into a few familiar powerful men, will he still be able to practice cultivation?

But now just looking at Zheng Qixing's face, Du Chengfeng had already realized that the other party obviously knew something about it, and there was no other place where powerful people could go to practice.

"Go south out of the city, pass Caowozi and then east. There is a Black Tiger Temple. There is a nest of bandits entrenched there."

Seeing Du Chengfeng turn around, Zheng Qixing raised his hand and pointed the way.

"This group of bandits has been harassing passers-by all year round, causing the local people misery. If you want to find something to do, you might as well go over and deal with them..."

"Suppress bandits."

Du Chengfeng lost interest as soon as he heard this.

The bandits must be suppressed, but the matter itself is of little significance - just because of this kind of thing, even when he was a master of evil spirits, he had already experienced too many. They were just a bunch of ordinary bandits. In the past, he only needed to kill them with a single knife. This kind of thing is not even worth mentioning in isolation.

"You can try it without using any force, which is a little more challenging."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng was not interested, Zheng Qixing smiled helplessly.

"Furthermore, the matter of suppressing bandits is not really that plain. There are many joints in it... On the one hand, these bandits, why are they bandits? How do they feel? Brother, do you think they all should Killing, or are these people also suffering? What’s more, after doing this, it will attract praise from the people. At this time, brother, do you feel happy, or do you think it doesn’t matter? "


Hearing what Zheng Qixing said, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think about it.

It seems that there is indeed something to say.

When he heard the coyote talk about going down to earth for experience before, he could only get a rough idea of ​​it. However, when he bumped into Lord Huo Dexing and drank and chatted with the old man, he had some vague idea about the experience of going down to earth. concept.

For example, Huo Dexingjun's approach is to find opponents and use the enthusiasm of those challengers to ignite his own blood. This is much more detailed than Coyote's statement of "turn into a wild wolf and feel the wildness".

But now, following Zheng Qixing's narration, he heard a more specific plan.

In fact, the point has never been about the matter itself. For powerful people like them, as long as they are willing to take action and use those otherworldly powers, solving these mortal matters can basically be said to be within easy reach - but this is not true. The key point, the real key point, still comes from your own feelings about this matter.

If I had to put it in a more vivid way, it would actually be a bit like looking in the mirror.

People’s so-called self-knowledge of themselves actually comes from their mental judgment most of the time. In other words, what they say on their lips and what they think in their hearts may not really be what they really want - and At this time, the role of things is also highlighted. Through experiencing things and colliding with other people, you can in turn feel your true thoughts and truly understand your true heart.

As an old saying goes, use copper as a mirror to correct your clothes; use history as a mirror to know the rise and fall; use people as a mirror to know the gains and losses.

But now, according to what Zheng Qixing said, it is necessary to use the past as a mirror to see oneself.

This does sound like a good idea.

"Of course, there is another most important reason."

Zheng Qixing gave his final reason.

"Just like you, brother, looked down on this little thing just now, other great powers naturally also look down on this little thing. This means that no other great powers will be involved."

"That...makes sense."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but nodded repeatedly, this is the most important thing.

He had been unlucky twice in a row, and he didn't want to be unlucky a third time.

"Then I'll thank you this time. I'll have a drink with you later when I have time."

After bidding farewell to Zheng Qixing, Du Chengfeng left the city all the way.

The location of the Black Tiger Temple is not difficult to find. After all, even if it is a dilapidated temple, it used to be a place where people enjoyed incense. Naturally, it is impossible to build it too secretively. The bandits mentioned by Zheng Qixing are all in this dilapidated temple, gathered around the fire, and the pot is cooking grain porridge.

"The craftsmanship is a bit poor, and the materials are also ordinary."

Just by smelling the smell of food coming from the pot, Du Chengfeng has already judged that the food is very ordinary.

From this point of view, this group of bandits is not living a good life. There is no meat in the pot of food. They don't look like those robbers who kill and rob, but like hungry people who are desperate.

"If they are given some work to do and have a livelihood, will they stop robbing?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help thinking so.

Then, he keenly noticed the thought that arose in his heart.

At this moment, he had a deeper understanding of what Zheng Qixing said before.

"Indeed, that kid is talking about this matter."

Du Chengfeng nodded repeatedly when he thought of this.

When something happens, thoughts will arise in the mind, and through these thoughts, one can also see his own thoughts - obviously, from the thought just now, he can at least be regarded as a kind person, after all, he even wanted to make these robbers turn over a new leaf.

However, at this time, the robbers had already picked up their weapons and walked towards him.

After all, Du Chengfeng was busy thinking about things and didn't think about hiding any traces. Besides, he was here to suppress bandits, so he didn't need to worry about hiding his whereabouts - but it was obvious that the robbers in the ruined temple had not realized what they encountered. They just thought they met a passerby with a stronger physique.

Although Du Chengfeng was already in a relatively weak fighting posture, his strong body with a faint copper light still looked quite deterrent, and with the bulging muscles, he looked very capable at first glance.

It was obvious that he was here to suppress bandits, and the robbers made a judgment at a glance.

But the robbers had no intention of running away, but surrounded Du Chengfeng instead.

"Just now I said that the porridge was too bland, and now there's fresh meat!"

The robbers' eyes were not only not afraid, but also looked quite excited.

"This kid is unarmed, without even a weapon! Brothers, let's stew him!"

"Ah, this."

The sympathy that Du Chengfeng had just felt disappeared immediately.

Being a bandit might be said to be forced by life, but it was wrong for these robbers to treat him as a dish - and judging from the skilled cooperation of these robbers, this kind of thing has probably been done several times.

Even those seemingly crude iron knives and sharpened wooden spears have been stained with a strong evil spirit.

These bandits who look like hungry people can be regarded as having evil spirits in their bodies!

But, it was only evil spirits in their bodies.

The long spears and blades stabbed Du Chengfeng's body with great force, but they didn't even pierce his skin. The only effect of these attacks was to destroy the cheap coat he wore outside.

Du Chengfeng didn't even need to dodge this kind of attack.

After all, the gap between the two sides was too big.

"Oh, yes, it's better to make it a little challenging."

Remembering Zheng Qixing's previous instructions, Du Chengfeng gave up the idea of ​​using extraordinary power.

Or, it was just a few petty thieves, not worth his fuss.

With an elbow, the chest of the robber closest to him collapsed. Just looking at the way he was flying backwards and bleeding, it seemed that he was going to die.

At this moment, the other robbers had also discovered that something was wrong. The weapons in their hands that were invincible did not even scratch the oily skin of this big man. Just this point alone was enough to tell the difference. They couldn't even scratch the opponent's skin, so how could they fight?


The robbers turned around and ran. They looked pale and thin, but they ran as fast as the wind.

But Du Chengfeng had no intention of letting them go.

Du Chengfeng raised his leg and shot a powerful blow, the murderous blade stained with evil spirit flew over and nailed a robber to death on the spot - then, the weapon in the robber's hand fell into Du Chengfeng's hand, which was a wooden spear.

This time, the flying wooden spear nailed two robbers to the ground. Just looking at the neat posture, it was enough to see the exquisite spear throwing skills of Du Chengfeng.

There were still three robbers left, but these three robbers didn't even dare to run - there was no point in escaping, and all they could do was kowtow and beg for mercy.

"Never dare again! We never dare again!"

The three robbers kowtowed repeatedly, hoping that Du Chengfeng would be merciful.

Du Chengfeng's answer was the two rusty kitchen knives he threw out.

"Now you think you don't dare? I saw that you were quite brave just now, didn't you?"

Two kitchen knives flew out, but three heads fell on the ground.

Just as Du Chengfeng himself said before, it was just suppressing a few bandits, which was really not something worth mentioning.

The bandits were eliminated, but the matter was not over yet. Du Chengfeng picked up a broken knife and began to cut off their heads. This was not because of cruelty, but because there was a bounty on the heads of these bandits at the city gate. After he eliminated the bandits, he naturally had to take the heads back to report and take the bounty money.

"From this point of view, I am actually a little selfish."

Du Chengfeng felt the thought that just emerged in his mind.

The reason why he was angry with these bandits was because of their bad behavior, or because they were targeting him? And the current act of taking the heads back, was it to let the local people know that the bandit problem had been eliminated, or was it just for the bounty money?

Du Chengfeng wanted to say it was because of the former. After all, whether it was punishing evil or benefiting the people, it always sounded more noble, but after feeling that thought, he actually understood in his heart that if the bandits had not offended him, he might not have been so decisive in killing.

After all, there are so many bandits in the world. After killing one batch, another batch will appear. How can he kill them all?

"But if I see one, I must kill him."

Feeling the subtle fluctuations in his heart, Du Chengfeng gradually understood what this refining heart meant.

When faced with a choice, what kind of action will you take? What direction will you choose? What kind of thoughts are in your mind when doing this thing? Is this thought really tenable? Is it really as indestructible as you imagine?

The imagined indestructibility is just empty talk no matter how much you say. Only the firmness that has been verified is truly as solid as a rock.

"So that's what it means... I understand! I have completely understood it!"

At this moment, Du Chengfeng felt a sense of sudden enlightenment, and even felt that his previous experiences were just a waste of time.

But at this moment, the black tiger statue enshrined in the ruined temple also spoke.

"What do you understand? What do you mean?"

The black tiger statue jumped off the altar and glared at Du Chengfeng.

"I finally found a few good seedlings and prepared to use them to cultivate some evil spirits, but you killed them just like that... You want to leave after ruining my practice? Where do you want to go?"

"I'm not going anywhere."

Seeing that the originally broken black tiger statue turned into a living black tiger blocking him, Du Chengfeng's face turned black.

"So it was you who did it, that's fine, I'll beat you to death here today, just in case you don't have to settle the score there."

"You ignorant child dare to speak so arrogantly, then let you see what I, the Black Tiger Star Lord, am like... Puff!"

The huge black tiger was about to pounce, but Du Chengfeng's fist had already hit the tiger's head hard.

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