In the Blade

Chapter 544 Prison Break

When he caught the first Huode Xingjun, Du Chengfeng was actually a little nervous.

It's not that there will be any difficulties in the arrest process, the main thing is that he has never been too accustomed to this kind of trouble for others, especially after knowing that Lord Huo Dexing is not fooling around, but is very serious about completing himself. While practicing, although Du Chengfeng could say that his arrest was justified, the thought of "causing trouble for others" still lingered in his mind.

However, arresting this kind of thing is a matter of first life and second time familiarity.

The second time he caught the Black Tiger Star Lord, this time Du Chengfeng felt nothing in his heart - although a large part of it was because he was not familiar with the Black Tiger Star Lord, but at least in Du Chengfeng's heart From Chengfeng's own perspective, the feeling of "causing trouble for others" in his heart has disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there was a spontaneous sense of accomplishment.

"That's what you should, that's the only way you can do it!"

Du Chengfeng suddenly realized that he had fallen in love with this feeling.

This is actually a bit abnormal. After all, there is no reason for this feeling. He has never had any hobbies in this area before. His hobbies have always been in life - such as cooking or blacksmithing. These things can be regarded as hobbies. As for arresting people ...He really has no preference in this area.

But right now, the happiness in my heart is not fake.

"Could it be that I'm really possessed by a demon?"

Du Chengfeng tried to understand this abnormal emotion and tried to analyze why he thought so.

But obviously, this kind of analysis will have no results, at least not right now. At the moment, he is still wrapped in this joy, just like a fish wrapped in water—— At this time, the fish must be made to feel what kind of water it is in. This is somewhat too harsh for the fish.

"Anyway, let's get things done first."

With this in mind, Du Chengfeng put the Black Tiger Star Lord in prison first.

Seeing that two Star Lords were already locked up in a cell, the joy in Du Chengfeng's heart became more and more intense. The sense of accomplishment was mixed with some inexplicable emotions, making him want to put more people were arrested.

Or in other words, to capture more powerful people to come in, just arresting people is obviously not enough to satisfy him, it must be powerful.

"So, can any of you tell me how many Star Lords like you are there in this county?"

Looking at the two prisoners in the cell, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but touch his chin.

"I think you all should understand the principle of leniency for confession. If you have made major meritorious services, I may consider reducing your sentence by a few days."

"It doesn't add up to a few days, right?"

Hearing what Du Chengfeng said, Huode Xingjun in the prison immediately blew his beard and glared.

The sentence is indeed not long. After all, the things they committed are not serious. Neither Huode Xingjun nor Black Tiger Star Jun caused any casualties. It was just a fight to fight to death. Du Chengfeng felt that he would be imprisoned for half a month. That's about it - it's only half a month, which is nothing to these powerful people who often live for hundreds or thousands of years.

Of course, it would be better if there were no tortures that made life seem like years, but even if it really felt like years, it would only be fifteen years.

Fifteen years, for these powerful people, is just a blink of an eye.

"Really? I don't believe it."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head.

"Is fifteen years really just a blink of an eye to you? How about I change the sentence to fifteen years?"


Lord Huode Xing and Lord Black Tiger were choked in the cell, unable to speak for a long time.

"You, you, you, how could you do this!"

"Why can't I?"

Du Chengfeng raised his hand and pointed at the pile of torture instruments around him.

"This is a prison cell, I am the head catcher here, this is my territory...wait?"

Du Chengfeng keenly caught this thought in his heart.

Yes, that seems to be it.

It wasn't a high-sounding excuse like "for local security," nor was it a sudden discovery of pleasure in torture. Just now, he had unintentionally expressed his truest thoughts.

This is his territory, nothing more.

This is his territory, his jurisdiction, and within his scope of authority, so naturally he does not allow other powerful people to come and run wild.

In a sense, this can actually be classified as a territorial consciousness.

From this point of view, the feeling of joy in his heart is very clear. It is not the awakening of some weird hobby, it is just the sense of accomplishment after completing the work. As for the reason why this feeling is so strong, it is not clear now. Found it. To put it bluntly, he hasn't worked for too long.

Because I haven’t worked for a long time, I will feel a strong sense of accomplishment even if I just complete some of my duties. In addition, the other party is a powerful person who has ascended to the sky with his own strength, but he is currently in prison. Here, the contrast is even more refreshing.

"Co-writing what I want is actually a job?"

Du Chengfeng, who realized the desire in his heart, was stunned for a moment.

There seems to be something wrong. It shouldn't be like this. It's obvious that what he has always longed for is the kind of life where he has some spare money and lives a leisurely life. In order to earn this life and protect it, He even became so strong along the way, but what he really wanted in his heart was that he still wanted to find a class?

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Du Chengfeng shook his head decisively. He was unwilling to admit such a thing anyway.

He must have made a mistake somewhere. Things shouldn't be like this, and his thoughts shouldn't be like this. This is definitely not his intention.

Even if it is, it must not be, how could he think so? Is he really crazy?

"This kid looks really crazy."

While Du Chengfeng was still deep in thought, Black Tiger Star Lord in the prison had already pulled Huode Star Lord to his side.

"Dude, what's going on? Do you know what's going on?"

"What can I know?"

Huode Xingjun was also confused, but he could at least see that the Tin Man had no time to take care of him at the moment.

The Tin Woodman had no time, so Huode Xingjun, who seized the opportunity, immediately closed his eyes and rested his mind. This was a rare opportunity to rest. He had been harassed for several days - but it turned out that it was not easy for him to sleep this time. Not long after he closed his eyes, the Black Tiger Star Lord spoke again.

"It seems that, brother, you were also caught by this kind of dog. This kind of dog..."

Huode Xingjun had no intention of answering, but the Black Tiger Star Lord was quite eloquent. In just a moment, he told Huode all about his previous experience of being ruined in practice twice. Star Lord.

Lord Huodexing, who was so noisy that he couldn't sleep, was furious. If it weren't for the shackles on his body, he would have beaten out the brains of Lord Black Tiger Star.

However, after a moment of silence, Mr. Huodexing still did not choose to have an attack on the spot.

On the one hand, it is naturally because he is already a powerful person and can no longer be manipulated by emotions. On the other hand, it is naturally because the other party is also a powerful person.

Communication between powerful people requires the necessary caution, which is completely different from communication with mortals - after all, no matter how much you talk to mortals, it will be difficult for mortals to do anything to them. But if it were a powerful person...if he didn't say a few words neatly, there was a possibility of his mood being shattered on the spot.

Just like he had tried before, using his will to influence the Tin Woodman, trying to get him to let him go, how could the Black Tiger Star Lord not be trying to influence him by saying so much to him?

"So, we have a common enemy."

As expected, this Black Tiger Star Lord was in trouble.

"We should unite..."

"Ha ha."

A spittle was spat on Black Tiger Star Lord's face, and this was the answer given by Huode Star Lord.

The communication between powerful people is often so simple and unpretentious. There is no need to find any reason for rejection, the action has already given feedback in advance.

But the Black Tiger Star King casually wiped the saliva from his face and didn't take it seriously at all.

"We really want to unite. Do you really want to be locked up here for fifteen years?"

The answer to Lord Black Tiger Star was the second mouthful of phlegm spat out by Lord Fire Dexing.

If the first time was just a test, then this time the problem can really be seen - someone has already spat on his face. If the Black Tiger Star Lord is not angry, then the Fire Dexing Lord will also be angry. It can be confirmed directly that what the other party pictured is indeed a bit too big.

It was even big enough for the Black Tiger Star Lord to suppress the shame in front of him.

But if the goal is huge, is it worth cooperating? Lord Huode Xing doesn’t think so, just because Lord Black Tiger Star is a bit petty at first glance - it’s just that his practice has been damaged. Who has never seen such an unexpected situation? No face left.

So, today, the Black Tiger Star Lord can suppress his anger and come to him for help because of the Tin Man matter. Tomorrow, will the Black Tiger Star Lord find another big man because of the phlegm he spat out just now? Can you come and take care of him?

"And this kid looks new... he must have been promoted in the past few decades, right?"

While looking up and down at Black Tiger Star Lord, Fire Dexing Lord thought.

"Looking at the way this person behaves, he doesn't look like the kind of veteran powerful man who has been severely beaten... Anyway, you are seeking death on your own. I really can't blame me."

Thinking of this, Lord Huodexing raised his chin and pointed at the shackles on his body.

"Help me untie the chain first. If you can untie it, I will help you."


Black Tiger Star Lord was a little surprised, obviously he didn't expect Huode Star Lord to suddenly agree.

However, now that there is a basis for cooperation, the Black Tiger Star Lord also begins to try to release his cheap ally.

It is naturally impossible to open the shackles. After all, the metal used to make the shackles was taken from Du Chengfeng's body. Strictly speaking, it is a part of his body, and it can even be said to be a part that is still alive. The shackles are currently locked. It's not much different from stretching out a hand to hold it - it's already reached this point. Naturally, there is no keyhole on the shackles. If you want to pry open the shackles with ordinary techniques, it is absolutely impossible. Something that cannot be done.

But the technology used by Black Tiger Star Lord is not an ordinary technology.

"Please lean over here and look at the light of the candle... Okay."

After pulling the locked hands and feet of Lord Huodexing under the light of the candle, Lord Black Tiger Star turned his head to look at the shadow on the wall - and then, Lord Black Tiger Star's own hands were also reflected in the candlelight. The shadows of the hands came out, and the shadows of the hands were also close to the shadows of the shackles.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow palms on the wall took off the shackles.

And the shackles on Lord Huode Xing also fell to the ground.

"Is it...the power of shadow?"

This time it was Huode Xingjun's turn to be surprised. He did not expect that the powerful person who was newly imprisoned and called Black Tiger Star Lord would have the ability to turn into a black tiger that he had not expected.

The Black Tiger Star Lord's ability is to manipulate shadows and affect reality itself by interfering with shadows.

"It's interesting."

Huode Xingjun's pupils shrank, and he even became interested in this power for a while.

This power of shadow can supplement the path of flames he practices in many places.

But what really concerns Mr. Huo Dexing right now is not this.

"This power is no longer an ordinary thing, right?"

Lord Huodexing frowned slightly.

"How can you use powers other than this mortal world? Do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know!"

Lord Black Tiger Star looked indifferent.

"But power is power, so what's the point? If you have power, you have to use it, otherwise it's just a decoration? So what's the point of having power?"

Having said this, Black Tiger Star Lord looked at Huode Star Lord in confusion.

"Besides, didn't I tell you just now? When I was at the Black Tiger Temple, I had already demonstrated my abilities. Otherwise, how could those mortals..."

"Ah, when you said this, I remembered it."

Lord Huo Dexing nodded solemnly.

Then he shouted loudly.

"Wake up! Someone has escaped from prison!"


Du Chengfeng, whose train of thought was interrupted, immediately came to his senses and turned around to look around.

"Who wants to escape from prison! Which one!"

Just by glancing around, Du Chengfeng could already see the chains on the ground and Lord Huode Xing who had already stood up.

"You kid..."

"It's none of my business."

Lord Huode Xing spread his hands, and then pointed at Lord Black Tiger Star beside him.

"He untied it for me."


Facing the backstab from his ally, Black Tiger Star Lord was stunned for a moment.

"You, you, how could you..."

"Why not?"

Before Lord Black Tiger Star could make any move, Lord Huode Star's palm had already penetrated into Lord Black Tiger Star's chest.

Immediately afterwards, in front of Du Chengfeng, the Black Tiger Star Lord was cut into pieces.

"Don't just watch, come and help."

Lord Huodexing greeted Du Chengfeng.

Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded by this scene.

For a moment, he couldn't understand what was happening. Why did one of the two prisoners suddenly die? What happened to this Black Tiger Star Lord? What is this Mr. Huodexing going crazy about?

"It's not that he's crazy, it's just that this kid did something he shouldn't have done."

Mr. Huo Dexing’s words are concise and concise.

"This kid did something he absolutely shouldn't have done. He shouldn't have let those mortals see those extraordinary powers."

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