In the Blade

Chapter 548 A corner of the world

In the small town far away, Du Chengfeng was still practicing his practice.

Lord Huo Dexing was surprisingly very trustworthy. He flew back to the prison on the day he buried Black Tiger Star Lord, but he was still talking about asking Du Chengfeng to let him out - this Du Chengfeng couldn't understand this strange stubbornness, so he simply kept his promise and locked up Lord Huodexing for half a month.

"Wait a minute, kid, I'll be the one to beat you next time."

When it was finally time to be released after serving his sentence, Mr. Huo Dexing walked out of the prison cursing.

The old man seemed obsessed with the difference between walking out and flying out.

"Maybe this kind of practice is really useful?"

Du Chengfeng captured this unusual place.

Ordinary prisons cannot imprison powerful people at all, even if Du Chengfeng is there. After all, Du Chengfeng cannot squat in the prison all the time. He still has to eat, sleep, and go out to patrol the streets—— In other words, Huode Xingjun actually has a lot of opportunities to escape, as long as the old man is willing to use those extraordinary powers.

But only at this time, Lord Huodexing showed unexpected persistence.

"How about I try too?"

Du Chengfeng, who had no idea about spiritual practice, directly chose to copy homework.

During the day, he would patrol the small town like a normal head catcher. Occasionally when he encountered some conflicts, he would only use fists and kicks to settle the situation. As for after get off work, he would take some time to summarize his day. experience, and then cook two dishes to reward himself - nothing seems to have changed, it seems to be almost the same as when he was in Sanshan Town, but as this dull life continues, Du Chengfeng gradually feels at ease in his heart. .

Du Chengfeng attributed it to work.

Now that he has a post, his work and rest have been corrected, his life has become regular, and even his sleep has become much heavier. In this regular life, he even began to have the leisure to observe the situation in the city. .

Originally, such a small town would have been ignored in his eyes. After all, this small county town was not even as big as Jibei, let alone the later big city Yanzhou. No matter what happened in such a small town, it would not matter to today's For him, it can only be regarded as a small scene, and there is no possibility for him to use his full strength, not even half of his strength.

That is to say, with the identity of this head catcher, he began to understand this corner of the world.

In fact, Du Chengfeng has always been puzzled by one thing, and that is why the most basic order can still be maintained when there are so many evil spirit masters in this world who are so crazy. This kind of thing is actually a bit incredible. Yes, after all, evil spirit masters only need to kill people to become stronger, which means that for those masters, common people are just materials used to increase their strength.

As for other powers, whether they are mental power or incense and wish power, these things may not seem as vicious as evil spirits, but in essence they are still about feeding on people. After all, power is something that can be used to kill people. Killing is indeed the easiest and most convenient way to solve most problems directly.

In the past, Du Chengfeng once thought that the existence of order was due to the restrictions imposed by the Nanchen court. Whether it was the suppression of evil spirits masters or the ban on murder cases, these could effectively suppress the evil spirits masters from the source. Produced - at least judging from his original experience, this argument can still make sense.

But upon closer consideration, there are still some problems with this idea.

The most obvious example is the grassland people in the north. There are no strict laws like those in Nanchen. However, among the grassland people, there are no shocking cases of killing people without blinking an eye. The devils and the masters of evil spirits on the grassland will still unite under the Khan's tent and maintain the most basic order.

In the past, Du Chengfeng was puzzled by these issues.

But now, Du Chengfeng has vaguely understood.

This has never been a problem of this world, it is actually his own problem.

All this time, he had raised his head too high.

Out of the desire to become stronger and the pursuit of power, he has always been looking upward. He only sees those opponents who are stronger than him. As for those who are not strong enough, or lose, What is in his hands can only be regarded as a passing cloud to him, a passerby in life - after all, he has to rush to the next battlefield to meet the next battle. The journey is so hurried, just for Preparing to become stronger had already consumed most of his energy.

But now, when he really lowered his head, he realized that this world seemed to have never been what he understood.

In the past, he only had eyes for those masters. Because he started too fast and the evil spirits entered his body, he no longer even paid attention to them. Only those with evil spirits outside, that is, the real masters in the eyes of ordinary people, could barely do it. It could be regarded as qualified to enter his sight. At that time, he felt that there were so many evil spirit masters that the world would never get better no matter how he looked at it. Coupled with the struggle between the grasslands in the north and the Chen court in the south, the world was already in danger.

However, after becoming a head catcher and patrolling the streets these days, he suddenly discovered that there did not seem to be as many evil spirit masters as he had previously judged.

Of course, the number of evil spirit masters is indeed not small. Whether it is the evil energy that enters the body or the evil energy that comes and goes, Du Chengfeng even discovered a few users of mental power, obviously some unknown people. The secret sect inheritance - but compared to these so-called masters, the number of ordinary people is much larger.

The common people may not have the tyrannical power of the masters, but they also do not have the bloody life of the masters. They may envy the mighty posture of those masters, but after all, they are just thinking about it. They still have to make money to support their families and maintain their lives. Life, fighting and killing may be very close to them, but they are also far away from them.

"When I was young, I thought about becoming a hero. It wasn't until I saw the hero in the town having his arm cut off that I realized that I couldn't do such a thing. of."

This is what the old tailor in the city's tailor shop said when faced with Du Chengfeng's question.

When the question was asked, it was when Du Chengfeng had just captured Huo Dexingjun. Since the door of the tailor shop was slashed with a knife in the chaos, Du Chengfeng also scraped some of Huo Dexingjun's body. As compensation, he came to offer condolences - but who would have thought that this old tailor would have such a calm look, which was completely different from what Du Chengfeng thought.

You must know that according to Du Chengfeng's expectation, since the old tailor suffered this misfortune for nothing, he would inevitably feel resentful. He might even find some evil weapons and directly transform into an evil master, just to have an old man talk about being a teenager. Very normal thing.

But the only thing he didn't expect was this result. The old tailor had no idea at all.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng vaguely realized what the answer to his previous doubts was.

Although there is indeed a convenient and quick way to use evil spirits in this world, there are still a small number of people who are willing to take this bloody road. Most people are actually similar to him before. They have a living that can make a living and a living that they can survive. days, this is enough to satisfy them.

As for taking more and getting more, although it seems tempting, they can also see the danger in it.

Not everyone is as desperate as he was in Jibei at that time, or in fact, he was not really desperate at that time. He could have chosen to flee south with strength and completely ignore what could be said at the time. He is the incomparable He Xiqing.

However, the result was that he still chose to fight, and he still chose to beat that He Xiqing to death head-on.

From this perspective, he is actually far less kind than he thinks.

Like those evil spirit masters, he also has a side that is keen on fighting.

"But fighting can only solve people, not other problems."

Du Chengfeng, who was eating wonton noodles, thought so.

He had eaten at this noodle stall the last time he captured Black Tiger Star Lord. Because it tasted good, he would come here often. Even with his rather picky taste, the wonton noodles were pretty good— -Of course, what he is thinking about right now is not cooking, he is more concerned about another thing.

That is, wonton noodles cannot grow out of thin air on the table.

To make a bowl of wonton noodles, someone must first grow wheat, and then grind the wheat into flour. After buying the flour, you can only make noodles. To make wontons, you have to collect meat from the butcher, and all the materials are ready. After that, a cook will be needed to cook the ingredients into food, but food alone is not enough. Someone will also need to make bowls and chopsticks, and even a carpenter will need to make the tables, chairs and benches. Now he can sit on the street and eat. This bowl of noodles.

It's just that he actually said that these were missing, and of all the links in this process, not even a single link required the use of evil spirit.

All the power, all the fighting and killing, can only be regarded as an insignificant corner of this world.

"No wonder those people, even if they fly to the sky and become powerful, they must come back to practice again."

After a bowl of noodles, Du Chengfeng, who was full and full, let out a long sigh.

"The me before was still too shallow."

After finishing the soup, Du Chengfeng once again admitted that he was indeed too shallow in the past - he thought that the cooking techniques he had mastered were sophisticated enough, and he might not be able to succeed even if he was employed as a royal chef in the palace. , but looking at it now.

But now, no matter how exquisite these dishes are, they can only be regarded as castles in the air, far less than the variety of food in this bowl of wonton noodles.

Of course, it could also be because he had just finished patrolling the streets and was indeed a little hungry.

Keep the change, please.

Although he didn't know what he had realized, Du Chengfeng, who was in a good mood, took out a bunch of copper coins and handed them to the stall owner.

It's just a bowl of wonton noodles, which definitely doesn't cost so much. However, Du Chengfeng felt that it was worth the money, so he treated the rest as a reward. Such a generous act naturally made the people appreciate it. He became more and more fond of him. After all, the previous head catcher didn't even give him any money for meals, let alone rewards.

In comparison, Du Chengfeng, who is willing to pay, can even be regarded as high-spirited and honest.

"What should be done is what should be done."

Facing the stall owner's earnest gaze, Du Chengfeng felt a little embarrassed.

So he simply reached out and grabbed Huode Xingjun who happened to be passing by.

"There's still something to do in the yamen, so I'll go back first."

"Wait a minute! I haven't committed any crime! What do you mean! Did I provoke you?"

The Fire Star Lord was dumbfounded when his collar was suddenly grabbed. He never thought that he would be arrested even though he hadn't committed any crime.

But unfortunately, Du Chengfeng didn't give him any chance to defend himself. Instead, he dragged the old man all the way to the prison.

Only the noodle stall owner was left holding the string of copper coins, so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Perhaps in Du Chengfeng's view, a string of copper coins is nothing, and even in the view of most evil spirit masters, a string of copper coins is not worth much - after all, they have power, which means they can do some business without capital at any time. Just finding a few opponents to chop is enough for them to buy things without looking at the price.

But for the noodle stall owner who runs a small business, this string of copper coins is enough to offset his business for several days.

Of course, the reward was only one aspect. On the other hand, it was because the new head of the police was easy to talk to. He had been eating for several days but had no intention of asking for benefits from him. This also saved him a lot of money. This was undoubtedly a double blessing. He could obviously earn a lot more.

"Could it be that God opened his eyes? The gods showed up?"

Thinking of this, the noodle stall owner simply prepared to go back to work and go to the temple to fulfill his wish.

It was called going to the temple, but this temple was not a formal temple. After all, the incense money in a formal temple was too expensive, and it would not accept low-status vendors like him. Fortunately, these vendors did not really have no place to burn incense. They had their own places to go.

The incense was even more prosperous than that of a formal temple.

"May Maitreya bless you in the afterlife, may Maitreya bless you in the afterlife..."

In a secluded house, the noodle stall owner muttered this while splitting the coin in half and putting it in the merit box.

The noodle stall owner actually didn't know who this deceased Maitreya was. He only knew that this immortal from outside was said to be very effective - and the facts also proved that this immortal was indeed effective. He just came here to burn incense a few times, and his life began to get better.

And his pious expression was also seen by the people inside.

"This man is good, let him stay."

With such a sentence, the gate of the house slammed shut.

In the next few days, Du Chengfeng went to the noodle stall several times, but he never ate that bowl of wonton noodles again, just because the noodle stall owner was said to be out.

"Maybe there is something wrong."

Du Chengfeng thought so. After all, this kind of thing is also normal. Everyone has a headache or fever, and family matters will also delay time. It is normal that the noodle stall owner has not been out for a few days.

But what Du Chengfeng didn't expect was that when he saw the noodle stall owner again, he would be at the crime scene.

Someone found a mutilated body by the river outside the town. According to identification by neighbors, the body was that of the missing noodle stall owner.

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