In the Blade

Chapter 550: The Land of Bliss

As the figure in the shadow stood up, both Xiangtou and the young man could see clearly the police officer's uniform on the other party.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Du Captou."

Seeing this official uniform, Xiangtou and the young man knew the identity of the visitor - although they still didn't quite know how the new arrival in the county, Mr. Du, sneaked in quietly, but as long as It's just a head catcher, which doesn't mean anything to them.

Of course, killing a catcher in broad daylight would be a minor trouble, so after the two of them looked at each other, the Xiangtou stretched out his hand directly to the Du catcher in front of him.

"Since Captain Du is here, why don't you just burn a stick of incense?"

"Burning incense? For you?"

The answer to the fragrant head was a bowl of noodle soup splashed in the face.

The noodle soup that had just come out of the pot was still piping hot. If he was hit like this, his skin and flesh would probably be burned to pieces - but there was no trace of panic on Xiangtou's face. Instead, he simply raised his hand and pointed.

Just by raising his hand and pointing his finger, the spilled soup noodles were directly suspended in the air. The steaming soup seemed to have lost the restraints of common sense and had no intention of falling to the ground.

"It seems that Capt. Du has a bit of a bad temper."

With a casual wave of the incense head, the soup bowl hanging in mid-air fell to the ground aside, leaving only the ball of boiling soup hanging in mid-air, like a swimming dragon.

And there was already a hint of ferocity on Xiangtou's face.

"If you burn this incense today, then you will all be brothers in the sect from now on, so you don't have to worry about this little thing... But if you don't burn this incense today, do you think you can still walk out of this courtyard?"

Dang clang——

Along with the sound of the porcelain bowl smashing to the ground, the people outside who came to burn incense also heard the noise in the house. Unsure of the reason, they instinctively rushed over to see what was going on, but they happened to see the ball of soup hanging in the room. A strange sight in mid-air.

Such a method is simply...

"Immortal magic! This is immortal magic!"

The people who were burning incense were immediately stunned, and many of them even burst into tears on the spot. If it weren't for the crowd of people at the entrance of the back hall, they might have knelt down on the spot.

But immediately, they saw another person in the back hall.

Just looking at the official uniforms, these people burning incense were already frightened. Especially when they saw the official uniforms on such an occasion, they were even more frightened - after all, they themselves knew that kowtow and burning incense was a formality. It's a secret matter, and now being captured alive by people from this yamen... Is that okay?

There is something evil in their hearts, so they naturally become more evil. Although the common people burning incense did not dare to step forward due to the knife on the waist of the catcher, there was already a hint of danger in their eyes. breath.

Just like what their leader, the incense head, said, if the catcher is really willing to burn a stick of incense with them, then today's matter can be over, but if the catcher doesn't do it...

"So, you'd better be obedient, it will be good for you and me."

Na Xiangtou also felt the changes in these people, and looked at the arrester with a bit more contempt.

"Indeed, you are a tiger-fighting hero, but so what? How much salary can the yamen give you a month? With just a few dollars, why are you risking your life?"


Du Chengfeng was stunned by the question for a moment.

He didn't quite understand how Xiangtou had the confidence to speak to him like this. Even though Xiangtou had just shown how to use his mental power, this usage was only superficial and could not even be defeated by an evil spirit master.

Where does this Xiangtou have the confidence to keep him here?

"Don't you know what you're in?"

"Don't you know what situation you are in now?"

The Xiangtou simply asked back, and the soup ball suspended in mid-air showed a faint edge.

"Don't you see how many people are here? Do you think you can get out with your waist knife?"

"No, do you really not know what situation you are in?"

Du Chengfeng scratched his head.

Then, he reached out and pulled out the chopsticks nailed to Na Xiangtou's heart.

The scarlet blood splashed on the piece of soup hanging in the air, and soon dyed the piece of soup a bright red.

It was at this time that Xiangtou and even the people at the door realized what was happening.


Feeling the severe pain in his chest, Xiangtou raised his head in disbelief.


"Is it necessary to draw a sword to kill you?"

Du Chengfeng threw the chopsticks aside casually.

He really didn't know where the confidence in this fragrant head came from. He had clearly been pierced by chopsticks when he caught the soup noodles, but he still shouted to him with a confident look - if it was only to this extent, he really There was no need to draw a knife, he could kill everyone present with just the chopsticks in his hand.

Of course, that is not what happened. After all, there are many people among these people who are attracted by this incense. They just want to burn incense and think about it, but they may not have the same intention as this incense.

He came this time just to find out the cause of death of the noodle stall owner, and then imprison him or behead him when he should.

This couldn't be easier for him, as easy and satisfying as eating a bowl of noodles.

But at this time, Xiangtou, whose chest was bleeding, spoke again.

"You actually, you actually dare..."

Although blood was still gushing out of his chest, the incense head gradually straightened up.

"How dare you do this!"

"...You are so tough?"

Du Chengfeng looked at him in surprise, quite surprised.

He had seen many tough guys, but this was the first time he had seen someone who was already fatally injured but still challenged him - in a sense, this was also a rare tough guy, you know, many enemies he had fought could not be so tough.

But immediately, Du Chengfeng suddenly realized that something was wrong.

This was not toughness at all, this was clearly the effect of mental strength!

Under the blessing of mental strength, the incense head had suppressed his body for a while and refused to die!

"May Maitreya bless you!"

The incense head roared and rushed towards him!

This level of crude attack was not a big problem for Du Chengfeng. He just raised his leg and kicked the incense head, and the body flew backwards. But now it was not just the incense head. The people outside the door had also rushed in.

Even though Du Chengfeng still had a sword on his waist, there was no fear on the faces of these people. Their eyes had completely lost their fear of officials and weapons, and instead, there was a lingering madness!

"May Maitreya bless you!"

In just a moment, these people swarmed in, and the more than ten arms closest to them had already grabbed Du Chengfeng from all directions!

Even though the sword on Du Chengfeng's waist had been unsheathed for three inches, they had no intention of stopping.


Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng still pressed the blade back into the sheath.

On the one hand, it was because the waist knife was just ordinary iron, and it was useless to pull it out. On the other hand, it was because he didn't need to draw the knife at all - no matter how many people were in front of him, they were just a group of ordinary people. At this level, he didn't even need to move his hands.

"Back off!"

Du Chengfeng's eyes widened with anger as he shouted.

The invisible power suddenly burst out, which was a more violent mental power than the incense head. If the mental power skills displayed by the incense head could cut off a small tree, then what Du Chengfeng was using was a raging storm that could uproot an entire forest.

Under the effect of this huge force, all the people who flew over to burn incense were nailed in the air, and their outstretched arms were directly frozen in place, unable to move forward.

But Du Chengfeng's face sank.

It shouldn't be like this.

Everything shouldn't be like this.

Originally, in his estimation, these people who were burning incense should have been blown away by this mental power, which would have stabilized the current chaos and would not have hurt the lives of these people. But now, the expected scene did not appear. None of these people who were burning incense were blown away.

Du Chengfeng could feel that there was some kind of force that was just fighting against him.

The smell of that power was very familiar.

Weak, but quite firm.

This is the smell of mental power!

The people who were burning incense here were all using mental power!

"Do you think you can do anything with that little bit of martial arts?"

At this time, the incense head covered in blood stood up again.

"Do you think you can kill me with this little bit of skill?"

As he said this, the incense head actually took out a handful of incense sticks and then lit the incense sticks directly with the candlelight beside him.

In just a moment, the smell of incense became strong.

After smelling the scent of the incense stick, the expressions of the people became more and more crazy.

Similarly, the mental strength entangled with them became more and more vigorous.

"This smell..."

Du Chengfeng just smelled it and frowned.

"You actually mixed Wushisan into the incense stick!"

"Wushisan? This is not that kind of rubbish."

The incense head sneered.

"This is the blessing of Maitreya, a weapon to kill a warrior like you! Maitreya bless you!"

With a loud shout, the incense head actually stabbed a handful of incense sticks in his hand into his chest!

Then, the incense head's expression began to become crazy.

"Maitreya is coming! The real land of bliss!"

"Maitreya is coming! The real land of bliss!"

"Maitreya is coming! The real land of bliss!"

The people who were burning incense also shouted, and the originally noisy shouts gradually became uniform. Along with the shouts, the originally ethereal incense smoke had become thicker without anyone noticing, and even the entire back hall became pitch dark!

As far as the eye could see, there was only a gray haze, even Du Chengfeng could not see the surrounding environment clearly.

This was even more wrong.

You should know that although Du Chengfeng looked the same as an ordinary person at the moment, he was actually still using that steel body. In other words, compared to the vision brought by his eyes, he actually relied more on his own perception to control the surrounding environment - but now, with the spread of this incense smoke, his perception had even been confused, as if the surroundings were no longer the hall just now, but a large empty space.

"There is actually such a method..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Originally, he thought that the incense master was just exaggerating out of ignorance when he said he wanted to keep him. But now it seems that the incense master is not completely without support when he dares to make such a boast - at least with this one move, if it were an ordinary master of evil spirits, he would have been dead without a burial place.

But if it were him, it would be another matter.

A sharp blade came out from the smoke and stuck in the blind spot of his sight. The sharp blade was silent and directly nailed to Du Chengfeng's waist - but this fatal blow was meaningless, just because the knife stabbed over and made a sound of metal clashing.

Even if he stood here and let him poke, it would be impossible to be poked through the defense. This is the confidence of Du Chengfeng to stand carelessly in the fog.

"But... how to get out?"

Looking at the gray fog in front of him, Du Chengfeng frowned slightly.

He tried to walk in the direction of the door frame in his memory, but he couldn't touch anything. It was as if the hall just now had completely disappeared, replaced by a gray and empty space. There was nothing in this gray fog, nothing existed. If there must be something, it was probably only the blades that were chasing and stabbing him.

The blades stabbed into his body and made a clanging sound. The noisy sound also made Du Chengfeng more and more irritated.

"No, this gray fog is affecting my mentality!"

Du Chengfeng keenly noticed the changes in his state of mind, and his eyes looking at this gray fog became more cautious.

Obviously, this method is far more troublesome than he expected.

Even his state of mind will be affected... This gray fog is not something that a group of ordinary people can master!

And the Maitreya, a name that has never been heard of...

What is the origin of this strange sect?

"But do you think you can trap me with this kind of thing?"

Du Chengfeng took a deep breath and clasped his hands together.

Indeed, this gray fog itself is extremely dangerous.

But unfortunately, the one who is controlling this gray fog is not a battle-hardened warrior.

No matter how dangerous the power is, it has to be shared by everyone.

Just like Du Chengfeng, even if he does not use any power, he can break everything in front of him with pure mental power.


Du Chengfeng clapped his hands, and the heavy mental power exploded like a raging wave.

And the lingering gray fog also disappeared in an instant.

"You are interesting."

Seeing that everything in his sight had returned to normal, Du Chengfeng picked up the incense head.

But what he picked up was just a corpse.

The incense head had been dead at some point.

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